29,303 research outputs found

    Structure of the Partition Function and Transfer Matrices for the Potts Model in a Magnetic Field on Lattice Strips

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    We determine the general structure of the partition function of the qq-state Potts model in an external magnetic field, Z(G,q,v,w)Z(G,q,v,w) for arbitrary qq, temperature variable vv, and magnetic field variable ww, on cyclic, M\"obius, and free strip graphs GG of the square (sq), triangular (tri), and honeycomb (hc) lattices with width LyL_y and arbitrarily great length LxL_x. For the cyclic case we prove that the partition function has the form Z(Ī›,LyƗLx,q,v,w)=āˆ‘d=0Lyc~(d)Tr[(TZ,Ī›,Ly,d)m]Z(\Lambda,L_y \times L_x,q,v,w)=\sum_{d=0}^{L_y} \tilde c^{(d)} Tr[(T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d})^m], where Ī›\Lambda denotes the lattice type, c~(d)\tilde c^{(d)} are specified polynomials of degree dd in qq, TZ,Ī›,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} is the corresponding transfer matrix, and m=Lxm=L_x (Lx/2L_x/2) for Ī›=sq,tri(hc)\Lambda=sq, tri (hc), respectively. An analogous formula is given for M\"obius strips, while only TZ,Ī›,Ly,d=0T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d=0} appears for free strips. We exhibit a method for calculating TZ,Ī›,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} for arbitrary LyL_y and give illustrative examples. Explicit results for arbitrary LyL_y are presented for TZ,Ī›,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} with d=Lyd=L_y and d=Lyāˆ’1d=L_y-1. We find very simple formulas for the determinant det(TZ,Ī›,Ly,d)det(T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d}). We also give results for self-dual cyclic strips of the square lattice.Comment: Reference added to a relevant paper by F. Y. W

    Computational predictive methods for fracture and fatigue

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    The damage-tolerant design philosophy as used by aircraft industries enables aircraft components and aircraft structures to operate safely with minor damage, small cracks, and flaws. Maintenance and inspection procedures insure that damages developed during service remain below design values. When damage is found, repairs or design modifications are implemented and flight is resumed. Design and redesign guidelines, such as military specifications MIL-A-83444, have successfully reduced the incidence of damage and cracks. However, fatigue cracks continue to appear in aircraft well before the design life has expired. The F16 airplane, for instance, developed small cracks in the engine mount, wing support, bulk heads, the fuselage upper skin, the fuel shelf joints, and along the upper wings. Some cracks were found after 600 hours of the 8000 hour design service life and design modifications were required. Tests on the F16 plane showed that the design loading conditions were close to the predicted loading conditions. Improvements to analytic methods for predicting fatigue crack growth adjacent to holes, when multiple damage sites are present, and in corrosive environments would result in more cost-effective designs, fewer repairs, and fewer redesigns. The overall objective of the research described in this paper is to develop, verify, and extend the computational efficiency of analysis procedures necessary for damage tolerant design. This paper describes an elastic/plastic fracture method and an associated fatigue analysis method for damage tolerant design. Both methods are unique in that material parameters such as fracture toughness, R-curve data, and fatigue constants are not required. The methods are implemented with a general-purpose finite element package. Several proof-of-concept examples are given. With further development, the methods could be extended for analysis of multi-site damage, creep-fatigue, and corrosion fatigue problems

    Biochemical characterization of the initial steps of the Kennedy pathway in Trypanosoma brucei:the ethanolamine and choline kinases

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    Note related output below contains correction of this paper.Ethanolamine and choline are major components of the trypanosome membrane phospholipids, in the form of GPEtn (glycero-phosphoethanolamine) and GPCho (glycerophosphocholine). Ethanolamine is also found as an integral component of the GPI (glycosylpliosphatidylinositol) anchor that is required for membrane attachment of cell-surface proteins, most notably the variant-surface glycoproteins. The de novo synthesis of GPEtn and GPCho starts with the generation of phosphoethanolamine and phosphocholine by ethanolamine and choline kinases via the Kennedy pathway. Database mining revealed two putative C/EKs (choline/ethanolamine kinases) in the Trypanosoma brucei genome, which were cloned, overexpressed, purified and characterized. TbEK 1 (T brucei ethanolamine kinase 1) was shown to be catalytically active as an ethanolamine-specific kinase, i.e. it had no choline kinase activity. The K values for ethanolamine and ATP were found to be 18.4 +/- 0.9 and 219 29 mu M respectively. TbC/EK2 (T brucei choline/ethanolamine kinase 2), on the other hand, was found to be able to phosphorylate both ethanolamine and choline, even though choline was the preferred substrate, with a K-m 80 times lower than that of ethanolamine. The K. values for choline, ethanolamine and ATP were 31.4 +/- 2.6 mu M, 2.56 +/- 0.31 mu M and 20.6 +/- 1.96 mu M respectively. Further substrate specificity analysis revealed that both TbEK1 and TbC/EK2 were able to tolerate various modifications at the amino group, with the exception of a quaternary amine for TbEK1 (choline) and a primary amine for TbC/EK2 (ethanolamine). Both enzymes recognized analogues with substituents oil C-2, but substitutions oil C-1 and elongations of the carbon chain were not well tolerated.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Exact Results on Potts Model Partition Functions in a Generalized External Field and Weighted-Set Graph Colorings

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    We present exact results on the partition function of the qq-state Potts model on various families of graphs GG in a generalized external magnetic field that favors or disfavors spin values in a subset Is={1,...,s}I_s = \{1,...,s\} of the total set of possible spin values, Z(G,q,s,v,w)Z(G,q,s,v,w), where vv and ww are temperature- and field-dependent Boltzmann variables. We remark on differences in thermodynamic behavior between our model with a generalized external magnetic field and the Potts model with a conventional magnetic field that favors or disfavors a single spin value. Exact results are also given for the interesting special case of the zero-temperature Potts antiferromagnet, corresponding to a set-weighted chromatic polynomial Ph(G,q,s,w)Ph(G,q,s,w) that counts the number of colorings of the vertices of GG subject to the condition that colors of adjacent vertices are different, with a weighting ww that favors or disfavors colors in the interval IsI_s. We derive powerful new upper and lower bounds on Z(G,q,s,v,w)Z(G,q,s,v,w) for the ferromagnetic case in terms of zero-field Potts partition functions with certain transformed arguments. We also prove general inequalities for Z(G,q,s,v,w)Z(G,q,s,v,w) on different families of tree graphs. As part of our analysis, we elucidate how the field-dependent Potts partition function and weighted-set chromatic polynomial distinguish, respectively, between Tutte-equivalent and chromatically equivalent pairs of graphs.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    Probing AdS4/CFT3 proposals beyond chiral rings

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    We calculate the superconformal Witten index for the Chern-Simons-matter theory which was proposed to describe multiple M2-branes on C2XC2/ZkC^2 X C^2/Z_k. We consider a variant of this model, which exhibits explicit N=3 supersymmetry and has the advantage of not having an exotic branch of the moduli space. At k=1k=1, we compare the index with that from the proposed gravity dual and find a disagreement.Comment: references added; introduction modifie

    Surface electronic structure of a topological Kondo insulator candidate SmB6: insights from high-resolution ARPES

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    The Kondo insulator SmB6 has long been known to exhibit low temperature (T < 10K) transport anomaly and has recently attracted attention as a new topological insulator candidate. By combining low-temperature and high energy-momentum resolution of the laser-based ARPES technique, for the first time, we probe the surface electronic structure of the anomalous conductivity regime. We observe that the bulk bands exhibit a Kondo gap of 14 meV and identify in-gap low-lying states within a 4 meV window of the Fermi level on the (001)-surface of this material. The low-lying states are found to form electron-like Fermi surface pockets that enclose the X and the Gamma points of the surface Brillouin zone. These states disappear as temperature is raised above 15K in correspondence with the complete disappearance of the 2D conductivity channels in SmB6. While the topological nature of the in-gap metallic states cannot be ascertained without spin (spin-texture) measurements our bulk and surface measurements carried out in the transport-anomaly-temperature regime (T < 10K) are consistent with the first-principle predicted Fermi surface behavior of a topological Kondo insulator phase in this material.Comment: 4 Figures, 6 Page

    Bayesian Model Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis for Oscillating Biological Experiments

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    Understanding the oscillating behaviors that govern organisms' internal biological processes requires interdisciplinary efforts combining both biological and computer experiments, as the latter can complement the former by simulating perturbed conditions with higher resolution. Harmonizing the two types of experiment, however, poses significant statistical challenges due to identifiability issues, numerical instability, and ill behavior in high dimension. This article devises a new Bayesian calibration framework for oscillating biochemical models. The proposed Bayesian model is estimated relying on an advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique which can efficiently infer the parameter values that match the simulated and observed oscillatory processes. Also proposed is an approach to sensitivity analysis based on the intervention posterior. This approach measures the influence of individual parameters on the target process by using the obtained MCMC samples as a computational tool. The proposed framework is illustrated with circadian oscillations observed in a filamentous fungus, Neurospora crassa.Comment: manuscript 33 pages, appendix 6 page

    Spectrum for Heavy Quankonia and Mixture of the Relevant Wave Functions within the Framework of Bethe-Salpeter Equation

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    Considering the fact that some excited states of the heavy quarkonia (charmonium and bottomonium) still missing in experimental observations and potential applications of the relevant wave functions of the bound states, we re-analyze the spectrum and the relevant wave functions of the heavy quarkonia within the framework of Bethe-Salpeter (B.S.) equation with a proper QCD-inspired kernel. Such a kernel for the heavy quarkonia, relating to potential of non-relativistic quark model, is instantaneous, so we call the corresponding B.S. equation as BS-In equation throughout the paper. Particularly, a new way to solve the B.S. equation, which is different from the traditional ones, is proposed here, and with it not only the known spectrum for the heavy quarkonia is re-generated, but also an important issue is brought in, i.e., the obtained solutions of the equation `automatically' include the 'fine', 'hyperfine' splittings and the wave function mixture, such as Sāˆ’DS-D wave mixing in JPC=1āˆ’āˆ’J^{PC}=1^{--} states, Pāˆ’FP-F wave mixing in JPC=2++J^{PC}=2^{++} states for charmonium and bottomonium etc. It is pointed out that the best place to test the wave mixture probably is at ZZ-factory (e+eāˆ’e^+e^- collider running at ZZ-boson pole with extremely high luminosity).Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure
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