211 research outputs found

    Physics of Earth’s Radiation Belts

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    This open access book serves as textbook on the physics of the radiation belts surrounding the Earth. Discovered in 1958 the famous Van Allen Radiation belts were among the first scientific discoveries of the Space Age. Throughout the following decades the belts have been under intensive investigation motivated by the risks of radiation hazards they expose to electronics and humans on spacecraft in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere. This textbook teaches the field from basic theory of particles and plasmas to observations which culminated in the highly successful Van Allen Probes Mission of NASA in 2012-2019. Using numerous data examples the authors explain the relevant concepts and theoretical background of the extremely complex radiation belt region, with the emphasis on giving a comprehensive and coherent understanding of physical processes affecting the dynamics of the belts. The target audience are doctoral students and young researchers who wish to learn about the physical processes underlying the acceleration, transport and loss of the radiation belt particles in the perspective of the state-of-the-art observations

    Extended radio emission associated with a breakout eruption from the back side of the Sun

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    Context. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) on the Sun are the largest explosions in the Solar System that can drive powerful plasma shocks. The eruptions, shocks, and other processes associated to CMEs are efficient particle accelerators and the accelerated electrons in particular can produce radio bursts through the plasma emission mechanism. Aims. Coronal mass ejections and associated radio bursts have been well studied in cases where the CME originates close to the solar limb or within the frontside disc. Here, we study the radio emission associated with a CME eruption on the back side of the Sun on 22 July 2012. Methods. Using radio imaging from the Nancay Radioheliograph, spectroscopic data from the Nancay Decametric Array, and extreme-ultraviolet observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory spacecraft, we determine the nature of the observed radio emission as well as the location and propagation of the CME. Results. We show that the observed low-intensity radio emission corresponds to a type II radio burst or a short-duration type IV radio burst associated with a CME eruption due to breakout reconnection on the back side of the Sun, as suggested by the pre-eruptive magnetic field configuration. The radio emission consists of a large, extended structure, initially located ahead of the CME, that corresponds to various electron acceleration locations. Conclusions. The observations presented here are consistent with the breakout model of CME eruptions. The extended radio emission coincides with the location of the current sheet and quasi-separatrix boundary of the CME flux and the overlying helmet streamer and also with that of a large shock expected to form ahead of the CME in this configuration.Peer reviewe

    Coronal mass ejections and their sheath regions in interplanetary space

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    Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are large-scale heliospheric transients that originate from the Sun. When an ICME is sufficiently faster than the preceding solar wind, a shock wave develops ahead of the ICME. The turbulent region between the shock and the ICME is called the sheath region. ICMEs and their sheaths and shocks are all interesting structures from the fundamental plasma physics viewpoint. They are also key drivers of space weather disturbances in the heliosphere and planetary environments. ICME-driven shock waves can accelerate charged particles to high energies. Sheaths and ICMEs drive practically all intense geospace storms at the Earth, and they can also affect dramatically the planetary radiation environments and atmospheres. This review focuses on the current understanding of observational signatures and properties of ICMEs and the associated sheath regions based on five decades of studies. In addition, we discuss modelling of ICMEs and many fundamental outstanding questions on their origin, evolution and effects, largely due to the limitations of single spacecraft observations of these macro-scale structures. We also present current understanding of space weather consequences of these large-scale solar wind structures, including effects at the other Solar System planets and exoplanets. We specially emphasize the different origin, properties and consequences of the sheaths and ICMEs.Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are large-scale heliospheric transients that originate from the Sun. When an ICME is sufficiently faster than the preceding solar wind, a shock wave develops ahead of the ICME. The turbulent region between the shock and the ICME is called the sheath region. ICMEs and their sheaths and shocks are all interesting structures from the fundamental plasma physics viewpoint. They are also key drivers of space weather disturbances in the heliosphere and planetary environments. ICME-driven shock waves can accelerate charged particles to high energies. Sheaths and ICMEs drive practically all intense geospace storms at the Earth, and they can also affect dramatically the planetary radiation environments and atmospheres. This review focuses on the current understanding of observational signatures and properties of ICMEs and the associated sheath regions based on five decades of studies. In addition, we discuss modelling of ICMEs and many fundamental outstanding questions on their origin, evolution and effects, largely due to the limitations of single spacecraft observations of these macro-scale structures. We also present current understanding of space weather consequences of these large-scale solar wind structures, including effects at the other Solar System planets and exoplanets. We specially emphasize the different origin, properties and consequences of the sheaths and ICMEs.Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are large-scale heliospheric transients that originate from the Sun. When an ICME is sufficiently faster than the preceding solar wind, a shock wave develops ahead of the ICME. The turbulent region between the shock and the ICME is called the sheath region. ICMEs and their sheaths and shocks are all interesting structures from the fundamental plasma physics viewpoint. They are also key drivers of space weather disturbances in the heliosphere and planetary environments. ICME-driven shock waves can accelerate charged particles to high energies. Sheaths and ICMEs drive practically all intense geospace storms at the Earth, and they can also affect dramatically the planetary radiation environments and atmospheres. This review focuses on the current understanding of observational signatures and properties of ICMEs and the associated sheath regions based on five decades of studies. In addition, we discuss modelling of ICMEs and many fundamental outstanding questions on their origin, evolution and effects, largely due to the limitations of single spacecraft observations of these macro-scale structures. We also present current understanding of space weather consequences of these large-scale solar wind structures, including effects at the other Solar System planets and exoplanets. We specially emphasize the different origin, properties and consequences of the sheaths and ICMEs.Peer reviewe

    Type II radio bursts and their association with coronal mass ejections in solar cycles 23 and 24

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    Metre wavelength type II solar radio bursts are believed to be the signatures of shock-accelerated electrons in the corona. Studying these bursts can give information about the initial kinematics, dynamics and energetics of CMEs in the absence of white-light observations. In this study, we investigate the occurrence of type II bursts in solar cycles 23 and 24 and their association with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We also explore the possibility of occurrence of type II bursts in the absence of a CME. We performed statistical analysis of type II bursts that occurred between 200 - 25 MHz in solar cycle 23 and 24 and found the temporal association of these radio bursts with CMEs. We categorised the CMEs based on their linear speed and angular width, and studied the distribution of type II bursts with `fast' (speed 500km/sspeed ~\geq 500 km/s), `slow' (speed <500km/sspeed ~< 500 km/s), `wide' (width 60owidth ~\geq 60^o) and `narrow' (width <60owidth ~< 60^o) CMEs. We explored the type II bursts occurrence dependency with solar cycle phases. Our results suggest that type II bursts dominate at heights 1.72.3±0.3 R\approx 1.7 - 2.3 \pm 0.3 ~R_{\odot} with a clear majority having an onset height around 1.7 ±0.3 R\pm 0.3~R_{\odot} assuming the four-fold Newkirk model. The results indicate that most of the type II bursts had a white-light CME counterpart, however there were a few type II which did not have a clear CME association. There were more CMEs in cycle 24 than cycle 24. However, the number of type II radio bursts were less in cycle 24 compared to cycle 23. The onset heights of type IIs and their association with wide CMEs reported in this study indicate that the early CME lateral expansion may play a key role in the generation of these radio bursts.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A type II solar radio burst without a coronal mass ejection

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    The Sun produces the most powerful explosions in the solar system, solar flares, that can also be accompanied by large eruptions of magnetised plasma, coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These processes can accelerate electron beams up to relativistic energies through magnetic reconnection processes during solar flares and CME-driven shocks. Energetic electron beams can in turn generate radio bursts through the plasma emission mechanism. CME shocks, in particular, are usually associated with type II solar radio bursts. However, on a few occasions, type II bursts have been reported to occur either in the absence of CMEs or shown to be more likely related with the flaring process. It is currently an open question how a shock generating type II bursts forms without the occurrence of a CME eruption. Here, we aim to determine the physical mechanism responsible for a type II burst which occurs in the absence a CME. By using radio imaging from the Nan{\c c}ay Radioheliograph, combined with observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory spacecraft, we investigate the origin of a type II radio burst that appears to have no temporal association with a white-light CME. We identify a typical type II radio burst with band-split structure that is associated with a C-class solar flare. The type II burst source is located above the flaring active region and ahead of disturbed coronal loops observed in extreme ultraviolet images. The type II is also preceded by type III radio bursts, some of which are in fact J-bursts indicating that accelerated electron beams do not all escape along open field lines. The type II sources show single-frequency movement towards the flaring active region. The type II is located ahead of a faint extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) front propagating through the corona.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Small-scale flux ropes in ICME sheaths

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    Sheath regions of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are formed when the upstream solar wind is deflected and compressed due to the propagation and expansion of the ICME. Small-scale flux ropes found in the solar wind can thus be swept into ICME-driven sheath regions. They may also be generated locally within the sheaths through a range of processes. This work applies wavelet analysis to obtain the normalized reduced magnetic helicity, normalized cross helicity, and normalized residual energy, and uses them to identify small-scale flux ropes and Alfven waves in 55 ICME-driven sheath regions observed by the Wind spacecraft in the near-Earth solar wind. Their occurrence is investigated separately for three different frequency ranges between 10(-2) - 10(-4) Hz. We find that small scale flux ropes are more common in ICME sheaths than in the upstream wind, implying that they are at least to some extent actively generated in the sheath and not just compressed from the upstream wind. Alfven waves occur more evenly in the upstream wind and in the sheath. This study also reveals that while the highest frequency (smallest scale) flux ropes occur relatively evenly across the sheath, the lower frequency (largest scale) flux ropes peak near the ICME leading edge. This suggests that they could have different physical origins, and that processes near the ICME leading edge are important for generating the larger scale population.Peer reviewe

    Three-dimensional reconstruction of multiple particle acceleration regions during a coronal mass ejection

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    Context. Some of the most prominent sources for particle acceleration in our Solar System are large eruptions of magnetised plasma from the Sun called coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These accelerated particles can generate radio emission through various mechanisms. Aims. CMEs are often accompanied by a variety of solar radio bursts with different shapes and characteristics in dynamic spectra. Radio bursts directly associated with CMEs often show movement in the direction of CME expansion. Here, we aim to determine the emission mechanism of multiple moving radio bursts that accompanied a flare and CME that took place on 14 June 2012. Methods. We used radio imaging from the Nancay Radioheliograph, combined with observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory spacecraft, to analyse these moving radio bursts in order to determine their emission mechanism and three-dimensional (3D) location with respect to the expanding CME. Results. In using a 3D representation of the particle acceleration locations in relation to the overlying coronal magnetic field and the CME propagation, for the first time, we provide evidence that these moving radio bursts originate near the CME flanks and that some are possible signatures of shock-accelerated electrons following the fast CME expansion in the low corona. Conclusions. The moving radio bursts, as well as other stationary bursts observed during the eruption, occur simultaneously with a type IV continuum in dynamic spectra, which is not usually associated with emission at the CME flanks. Our results show that moving radio bursts that could traditionally be classified as moving type IVs can represent shock signatures associated with CME flanks or plasma emission inside the CME behind its flanks, which are closely related to the lateral expansion of the CME in the low corona. In addition, the acceleration of electrons generating this radio emission appears to be favoured at the CME flanks, where the CME encounters coronal streamers and open field regions.Peer reviewe

    Shock-accelerated electrons during the fast expansion of a coronal mass ejection

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    Publisher Copyright: © D. E. Morosan et al. 2022.Context. Some of of the most prominent sources for energetic particles in our Solar System are huge eruptions of magnetised plasma from the Sun called coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which usually drive shocks that accelerate charged particles up to relativistic energies. In particular, energetic electron beams can generate radio bursts through the plasma emission mechanism. The main types of bursts associated with CME shocks are type II and herringbone bursts. However, it is currently unknown where early accelerated electrons that produce metric type II bursts and herringbones propagate and when they escape the solar atmosphere. Aims. Here, we investigate the acceleration location, escape, and propagation directions of electron beams during the early evolution of a strongly expanding CME-driven shock wave associated with herrinbgone bursts. Methods. We used ground-based radio observations from the Nançay Radioheliograph combined with space-based extreme-ultraviolet and white-light observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory. We produced a three-dimensional (3D) representation of the electron acceleration locations which, combined with results from magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) models of the solar corona, was used to investigate the origin of the herringbone bursts observed. Results. Multiple herringbone bursts are found close to the CME flank in plane-of-sky images. Some of these herringbone bursts have unusual inverted J shapes and opposite drifting herringbones also show opposite senses of circular polarisation. By using a 3D approach combined with the radio properties of the observed bursts, we find evidence that the first radio emission in the CME eruption most likely originates from electrons that initially propagate in regions of low Alfvén speeds and along closed magnetic field lines forming a coronal streamer. The radio emission appears to propagate in the same direction as a coronal wave in three dimensions. Conclusions. The CME appears to inevitably expand into a coronal streamer where it meets ideal conditions to generate a fast shock which, in turn, can accelerate electrons. However, at low coronal heights, the streamer consists of exclusively closed field lines indicating that the early accelerated electron beams do not escape. This is in contrast with electrons which, in later stages, escape the corona so that they are detected by spacecraft.Peer reviewe