143 research outputs found

    The right-hemisphere and valence hypotheses: could they both be right (and sometimes left)?

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    The two halves of the brain are believed to play different roles in emotional processing, but the specific contribution of each hemisphere continues to be debated. The right-hemisphere hypothesis suggests that the right cerebrum is dominant for processing all emotions regardless of affective valence, whereas the valence specific hypothesis posits that the left hemisphere is specialized for processing positive affect while the right hemisphere is specialized for negative affect. Here, healthy participants viewed two split visual-field facial affect perception tasks during functional magnetic resonance imaging, one presenting chimeric happy faces (i.e. half happy/half neutral) and the other presenting identical sad chimera (i.e. half sad/half neutral), each masked immediately by a neutral face. Results suggest that the posterior right hemisphere is generically activated during non-conscious emotional face perception regardless of affective valence, although greater activation is produced by negative facial cues. The posterior left hemisphere was generally less activated by emotional faces, but also appeared to recruit bilateral anterior brain regions in a valence-specific manner. Findings suggest simultaneous operation of aspects of both hypotheses, suggesting that these two rival theories may not actually be in opposition, but may instead reflect different facets of a complex distributed emotion processing system

    Functional MRI and the Wada test provide complementary information for predicting post-operative seizure control

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    AbstractPrediction of post-surgical seizure relief and potential cognitive deficits secondary to anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) are important to pre-surgical planning. Although the intracarotid amobarbital test (IAT) is predictive of post-ATL seizure outcome, development of non-invasive and more precise means for determining post-ATL seizure relief are needed. We previously reported on a technique utilizing functional MRI (fMRI) to evaluate the relative functional adequacy of mesial temporal lobe structures in preparation for ATL . In the present study, we report follow-up outcome data on eight temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients 1-year post-ATL who were evaluated pre-surgically using IAT and fMRI. Functional memory lateralization using fMRI predicted post-ATL seizure outcome as effectively as the IAT. In general, asymmetry of functional mTL activation favouring the non-epileptic hemisphere was associated with seizure-free status at 1-year follow-up. Moreover, when combined, fMRI and IAT provided complementary data that resulted in improved prediction of post-operative seizure control compared with either procedure alone

    Parameters as Trait Indicators: Exploring a Complementary Neurocomputational Approach to Conceptualizing and Measuring Trait Differences in Emotional Intelligence

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    Current assessments of trait emotional intelligence (EI) rely on self-report inventories. While this approach has seen considerable success, a complementary approach allowing objective assessment of EI-relevant traits would provide some potential advantages. Among others, one potential advantage is that it would aid in emerging efforts to assess the brain basis of trait EI, where self-reported competency levels do not always match real-world behavior. In this paper, we review recent experimental paradigms in computational cognitive neuroscience (CCN), which allow behavioral estimates of individual differences in range of parameter values within computational models of neurocognitive processes. Based on this review, we illustrate how several of these parameters appear to correspond well to EI-relevant traits (i.e., differences in mood stability, stress vulnerability, self-control, and flexibility, among others). In contrast, although estimated objectively, these parameters do not correspond well to the optimal performance abilities assessed within competing “ability models” of EI. We suggest that adapting this approach from CCN—by treating parameter value estimates as objective trait EI measures—could (1) provide novel research directions, (2) aid in characterizing the neural basis of trait EI, and (3) offer a promising complementary assessment method