2,567 research outputs found

    QCD NLO with Powheg matching and top threshold matching in WHIZARD

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    We present the status of the automation of NLO processes within the event generator WHIZARD. The program provides an automated FKS subtraction and phase space integration over the FKS regions, while the (QCD) NLO matrix element is accessed via the Binoth Les Houches Interface from an externally linked one-loop program. Massless and massive test cases and validation are shown for several e+e- processes. Furthermore, we discuss work in progress and future plans. The second part covers the matching of the NRQCD prediction with NLL threshold resummation to the NLO continuum top pair production at lepton colliders. Both the S-wave and P-wave production of the top pair are taken into account in the resummation. The inclusion in WHIZARD allows to study more exclusive observables than just the total cross section and automatically accounts for important electroweak and relativistic corrections in the threshold region.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Talk given at 12th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Radcor 2015) and LoopFest XIV (Radiative Corrections for the LHC and Future Colliders); v2: reference adde

    C II abundances in early-type stars: solution to a notorious non-LTE problem

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    We address a long-standing discrepancy between non-LTE analyses of the prominent C II 4267 and 6578/82 A multiplets in early-type stars. A comprehensive non-LTE model atom of C II is constructed based on critically selected atomic data. This model atom is used for an abundance study of six apparently slow-rotating main-sequence and giant early B-type stars. High-resolution and high-S/N spectra allow us to derive highly consistent abundances not only from the classical features but also from up to 18 further C II lines in the visual - including two so far unreported emission features equally well reproduced in non-LTE. These results require the stellar atmospheric parameters to be determined with care. A homogeneous (slightly) sub-solar present-day carbon abundance from young stars in the solar vicinity (in associations and in the field) of log C/H +12= 8.29+/-0.03 is indicated.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    The Abundance of Interstellar Nitrogen

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    Using the HST Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS), we have obtained high S/N echelle observations of the weak interstellar N I 1160, 1161 A absorption doublet toward the stars Gamma Cas, Lambda Ori, Iota Ori, Kappa Ori, Delta Sco, and Kappa Sco. In combination with a previous GHRS measurement of N I toward Zeta Oph, these new observations yield a mean interstellar gas phase nitrogen abundance (per 106^6 H atoms) of 106^6 N/H = 75 +/- 4. There are no statistically significant variations in the measured N abundances from sightline to sightline and no evidence of density-dependent depletion from the gas-phase. Since N is not expected to be depleted much into dust grains in these diffuse sightlines, its gas-phase abundance should reflect the total interstellar abundance. Consequently, the GHRS observations imply that the abundance of interstellar nitrogen (gas plus grains) in the local Milky Way is about 80% of the solar system value of 106^6 N/H = 93 +/- 16. Although this interstellar abundance deficit is somewhat less than that recently found for oxygen and krypton with GHRS, the solar N abundance and the N I oscillator strengths are too uncertain to definitively rule out either a solar ISM N abundance or a 2/3 solar ISM N abundance similar to that of O and Kr.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 2 Postscript figures; ApJ Letters, in pres

    Modern Particle Physics Event Generation with WHIZARD

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    We describe the multi-purpose Monte-Carlo event generator WHIZARD for the simulation of high-energy particle physics experiments. Besides the presentation of the general features of the program like SM physics, BSM physics, and QCD effects, special emphasis will be given to the support of the most accurate simulation of the collider environments at hadron colliders and especially at future linear lepton colliders. On the more technical side, the very recent code refactoring towards a completely object-oriented software package to improve maintainability, flexibility and code development will be discussed. Finally, we present ongoing work and future plans regarding higher-order corrections, more general model support including the setup to search for new physics in vector boson scattering at the LHC, as well as several lines of performance improvements.Comment: 7 pages; contribution to the proceedings of the conference "ACAT 2014 (Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in physics)", Prague, Czech Republic, September 201

    Top Physics in WHIZARD

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    In this talk we summarize the top physics setup in the event generator WHIZARD with a main focus on lepton colliders. This includes full six-, eight- and ten-fermion processes, factorized processes and spin correlations. For lepton colliders, QCD NLO processes for top quark physics are available and will be discussed. A special focus is on the top-quark pair threshold, where a special implementation combines a non-relativistic effective field theory calculation augmented by a next-to-leading threshold logarithm resummation with a continuum relativistic fixed-order QCD NLO simulation.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS15), Whistler, Canada, 2-6 November 201

    Non-perturbative effects in semi-leptonic B_c decays

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    We discuss the impact of the soft degrees of freedom inside the B_c meson on its rate in the semi-leptonic decay B_c -> X l nu_l where X denotes light hadrons below the D^0 threshold. In particular we identify contributions involving soft hadrons which are non-vanishing in the limit of massless leptons. These contributions become relevant for a measurement of the purely leptonic B_c decay rate, which due to helicity suppression involves a factor m_l^2 and thus is much smaller than the contributions involving soft hadrons.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages, 1 figur

    Focusing a deterministic single-ion beam

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    We focus down an ion beam consisting of single 40Ca+ ions to a spot size of a few mum using an einzel-lens. Starting from a segmented linear Paul trap, we have implemented a procedure which allows us to deterministically load a predetermined number of ions by using the potential shaping capabilities of our segmented ion trap. For single-ion loading, an efficiency of 96.7(7)% has been achieved. These ions are then deterministically extracted out of the trap and focused down to a 1sigma-spot radius of (4.6 \pm 1.3)mum at a distance of 257mm from the trap center. Compared to former measurements without ion optics, the einzel-lens is focusing down the single-ion beam by a factor of 12. Due to the small beam divergence and narrow velocity distribution of our ion source, chromatic and spherical aberration at the einzel-lens is vastly reduced, presenting a promising starting point for focusing single ions on their way to a substrate.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure
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