38 research outputs found
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Caracterización selvícola de los hayedos cantábricos: influencia de las condiciones de estación y los usos antrópicos
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la descripción de las diferentes estructuras forestales que se presentan actualmente en los hayedos cantábricos y su relación con las estaciones forestales y el uso humano influenciado por estás últimas. Se realizó inicialmente una tipología de masas de haya para posteriormente analizar su relación con diferentes clasificaciones ecológicas elaboradas de manera previa: regiones de procedencia, clases territoriales y áreas potenciales. La base de partida para la caracterización de los hayedos ha sido la información dasométrica del Tercer Inventario Forestal Nacional del que se escogieron aquellas parcelas de la Cordillera Cantábrica en las que el haya fuera especie dominante. Los datos de estas parcelas seleccionadas fueron sometidos a un análisis estadístico multivariante permitiendo definir siete grupos estructurales. La diferencia entre estos grupos reside principalmente en la densidad, la distribución diamétrica y la diversidad específica de la masa. Por último se compararon los tipos de masas obtenidos con las distintas clasificaciones ecológicas y administrativas disponibles encontrándose una mayor representación de latizales puros en la vertiente sur de la Cordillera Cantábrica frente a una mayor presencia de fustales puros y mixtos en la vertiente norte. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que la heterogeneidad estructural de los hayedos estudiados está determinada por la unión de factores ecológicos y humanos
Residuen in honing bij continu gebruik van THYMOL als varroabestrijdingsmiddel
Het Zwitserse bijeninstituut Liebefelde doet onderzoek naar de thymolresiduen in honing van volken die meerdere jaren achter elkaar een continubehandeling hebben ondergaan met thymol, volgens de Frakno-thymolmethode (genoemd naar de ontwerper Franz Knobelspies). Uit de eerste resultaten blijkt dat de gemeten thymolconcentraties in de buurt liggen van de in Zwitserland geldende maximumwaarde (0,8 mg thymol per kg honing) en dat de continubehandeling met thymol nog niet kan worden aanbevolen i.v.m. twijfels over de honingkwaliteit. Het verwijderen van de thymol gedurende de dracht kan het residu in de honing verminderen, maar dan kan de varroamijtbestrijding (Varroa destructor) onvoldoende zijn. Het systeem mag overigens in Nederland niet worden toegepast. Artikel vertaald uit Das Bienenmütterchen 55(7/8):147-148(2003) en 55(9):166-167(2003
Many Questions Remain Unanswered About the Role of Microbial Transmission in Epizootic Shell Disease in American Lobsters (Homarus americanus), a perspective article
Despite decades of research on lobster species’ biology, ecology, and microbiology, there are still unresolved questions about the microbial communities which associate in or on lobsters under healthy or diseased states, microbial acquisition, as well as microbial transmission between lobsters and between lobsters and their environment. There is an untapped opportunity for metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metabolomics to be added to the existing wealth of knowledge to more precisely track disease transmission, etiology, and host-microbe dynamics. Moreover, we need to gain this knowledge of wild lobster microbiomes before climate change alters environmental and host-microbial communities more than it likely already has, throwing a socioeconomically critical industry into disarray. As with so many animal species, the effects of climate change often manifest as changes in movement, and in this perspective piece, we consider the movement of the American lobster (Homarus americanus), Atlantic Ocean currents, and the microorganisms associated with either
Kulturgeographischer Strukturwandel auf der Lenzerheide : <i>Gemeinde Vaz/Obervaz im Kanton Graubünden</i>
No abstract available
Neuere Anwendungsbeispiele von quantitiven Methoden, Computer und Plotter in der Geographie und Kartographie
No abstract available
Varroa-Bekämpfung mit Komponenten von ätherischen Ölen
Essential oils have been reported to have some effects on the behavior of Varroa jacobsoni: attracting, repelling or intoxicating the mites. Only few compounds are considered to have an efficiency high enough to be used in bee hives against varroatosis. Our communication reports on the efficiency of a product consisting of thymol (74.1 %, w/w), eucalyptol (16.0%), menthol (3.7%), camphor (3.7%) and vermiculit (2.5%, carrier substance). We established by means of GC/MS, GC-NPD and GC-ECD-analysis, that no other acaricides were present. The pellets, obtained on the market under the name "Apilife/VAR"+) were placed above the brood on the combs in Swiss hives (side-opening). They were exchanged for new pellets after two weeks. The second set of pellets was left in 20 bee colonies for 24 days, in 20 colonies of a second apiary for 65 days. In the first case the treatment ended at the 21 st of September, in the second case at the 21 st of October 1990. The mites on the hive floor were counted once or twice a week. In December/ January all colonies had 2 control-treatments using Perizin to measure the remaining population of Varroa jacobsoni. Figure 1 shows the respective numbers of mites per day and colony on the hive floor before, during and after the two treatments. Table I is a summary of the total amount of mites during the treatments with "ApilifeNAR" as well during the two control treatments with Perizin. The tests showed a mean efficiency of the oils of 96.4% for the shorter treatment and 99.0% for the longer duration. Efficiencies like the above found are comparable to those found in treatments using synthetic pyrethroids (Koeniger and Fuchs, 1988). The following questions remain to be solved, before we recommend "Apilife/Var" for general use in varroatosis control: 1. Is the efficiency consistent? Repetitions of the tests in 1991 will show it. 2. What about residues? 3. What mode of action - repellent or toxic - is involved
Entwicklung von Siedlungssystemen Ein Vorlesungsleitfaden
TIB: RN 4768 (80) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
Statistisch-mathematische Verfahren in der Geographie Ein Vorlesungsleitfaden
Copy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman