29 research outputs found

    Generalization of the ABC theorem on locally nilpotent derivations

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    We obtain a generalization of the ABC Theorem on locally nilpotent derivations to the case of the polynomials with m monomials such that each variable is included just in one monomial. As applications of this result we provide some construction of rigid and semi-rigid algebras and describe the Makar-Limanov invariant of algebras of a special form

    Selection Model for Optimization of the Gene Bank of Cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) and plum (Prunus domestica L.) in the Low Volga Region

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    The researchers of the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the Low Volga region – the branch of FSC of agroecology of RAS – have developed the regulations for the selection model of optimization of genetic pool and created a number of varieties of cherry and plum by hybridization of local and southern varieties and by use of hybrids of free pollination. The optimization of gene bank of cherry and plum on the basis of the study of genetic biodiversity and regulations for the selection model and programs provides the adaptation of the newly developed varieties for the creation of industrial crops in agrosystems of the Low Volga and other regions of Russia. The catalog of assortment has been developed and the six varieties of garden plum (Prunus domestica L.) regionalized, including Volgogradskaya, Bogatyrskaya, and Vengerka korneyevskaya varieties, as well as a number of other ones that have been created during hybridization of the local varieties of the Volga region, such as, Volzhskaya sinyaya, Ternosliv letniy, Ternosliv osenniy with the most adaptive introduced varieties. The new varieties and elites (best specimens) of sour cherry (Prunu scerasus L.): Loznovskaya, Dubovskaya krupnoplodnaya, Melodiya, Lyubimitsa, Peskovatskaya, Dubovochka, Temnookrashennaya, Sharada, Pamyat‘ Zhukovoy – have been selected by intervarietal hybridization and by sowing of seeds collected during free pollination of the following varieties: Zhukovskaya, Lyubskaya, Krasa Severa, Shirpotreb chernaya, Ujfeherto furtos. The above-mentioned forms contributed to a richer assortment of garden plum and sour cherry in the Low Volga region, meaning adaptive, high-yielding, high-quality varieties of universal use. There is a good reason to use the above-mentioned assortment as the integrated donors during the development of selection programs aimed at continued improvement of varieties of stone fruit crops

    Osobennosti sekretsii insulina i dinamika antropometricheskikh pokazateley pri razlichnykh tipakh ozhireniya

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    Цель. Изучить особенности секреции инсулина и динамики антропометрических показателей при различных типах ожирения. Материалы и методы. В основу настоящей работы положен анализ данных комплексног о обследования 86 девочек в возрасте от 9 до 16 лет (средний возраст 12.87?0.19 лет), страдающих ожирением, проживающих в Москве и Московской области. Наблюдение за пациентками проводилос ь в течение 15 лет. Через 13 лет повторно обследованы 60 человек в возрасте от 21 года до 27 лет. Наличие ожирения оценивалось на основании ИМТ. С целью изучения особенностей течения пубертатного периода девочек, страдающих ожирением и имеющих различный тип распределения подкожного жирового слоя, пациентки были разделены на 2 группы: с андроидным характером распределения подкожного жирового слоя (гр. А) - эту группу составили пациентки с преимущественным отложением жира в верхней части туловища (абдоминальный, висцеральный, центральный, верхний тип ожирения), и гиноидным (гр. Г) - с преимущественным отложением жира в нижней части туловища (глютеофеморальный, ягодично-бедренный, нижний тип ожирения). Результаты. Выявлена высокая частота отягощенной наследственности по ожирению (94%; 92%) и сахарному диабету (СД) (33 и 21 % соответственно) среди родственников 1-й и 2-й степени родства у пациенто к с андроидным и гиноидным типами ожирения. Выяснилась существенная разница в определении родителями возраста начала заболевания. У 82% девочек гр. А началом заболевания родители считают возраст до 5 лет, в то время как в гр. Г этот возраст назывался только в 18%. К возрасту позднего пубертата (в 3-й возрастной подгруппе) у девочек с андроидным типом ожирения среднее значение уровней С-пептида (206,25+43,89 пмоль/л) было ниже , а среднее значение уровней инсулина (285,21+40,73 пмоль/л) выше предлагаемых нормативов, тогда как средние значения уровней С-пептида (330+165 пмоль/л ) и инсулина (175,79+46,64 пмоль/л) у девочек с гиноидным типом ожирени я в 3-й возрастной подгруппе были в пределах нормы. Выводы. У родственников 1-й и 2-й степени родства пациенток с андроидным типом ожирения сахарный диабет достоверно чаше протекал с потребностью в экзогенном инсулине. Андроидный тип ожирения у девочек характеризуется ранним (у 82% ? до 5 летнего возраста) началом ожирения. Морфотипы пациенто к с андроидным и гиноидным типами ожирени я характеризуютс я достоверно различными величинами антропометрических индексо в во всех возрастных подгруппах; ИМТ и антропометрические параметры, характеризующие андроидный тип ожирения , увеличиваясь с возрастом, становятся достоверно большими в подгруппе взрослые? у пациенто к с андроидным типом ожирения. В позднем пубертатном периоде у девочек с андроидным типом ожирения величина индекса С-пептид/инсулин достоверно меньше по сравнению с девочками с гиноидным типом ожирения. При повторном УЗИ через 10-13 лет (гр. взрослые?) у 53% пациенто к с андроидным типом ожирения были выявлены проявления выраженной жировой инфильтрации печени

    Education in the library: luxury or a citizen’s guaranteed quality of life

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    The article studies the role of city libraries in school education based on expert interviews carried out with Moscow teachers, librarians, teenagers, and their parents. The study is relevant due to the importance of city libraries in the educational process and their insufficient use in practice. This is the first comprehensive study of standardized interaction between schools and city libraries. The research has demonstrated that ties between these institutions and the process of their interaction have a personal and informal nature. Today, public libraries are information and education resources for school only to a small extent. Most teachers do not see any point in collaborating with libraries since their communication with librarians is not properly regulated. As a rule, successful examples of such interaction are not associated with established rules but rather with a personal interest conditioned by subjective, often random reasons. An essential characteristic of this communication is event-based learning, the use of verbal practices and educational games, as well as a stable educational orientation. Children as participants in the educational process have minimum engagement in this field. It is a rare case that libraries are regarded as a place for independent learning where students work with the necessary sources to conduct scientific research and engage in project activity. In most cases, city libraries attract teachers with their student-oriented events or activities. At the same time, libraries are rarely used in the educational process. Their role does not always involve working with collections or developing children’s need for independent reading. The latter can be satisfied by visiting a local library and addressing reading lists

    Increasing the output of grape seedlings using biostimulants of natural origin

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    In recent years, the viticulture industry, and the problems of producers of grape products have attracted more attention from the state and the public in terms of its contribution to GDP growth. Productivity and longevity of grape plantations directly depend on the quality of the planting material. Therefore, the relevance of research to obtain the highest yield of standard seedlings of valuable table grapes (Yubilei of Novocherkassk, Dubovsky pink, Bogatyanovsky, Vera) is undeniable. Two variants of biostimulators of growth have been studied: amino peptide agrochemical and a complex mean of chitosan and succinic acid in comparison with background fertigation. The highest yield of seedlings of the first grade level 71-76 % of the open ground nursery on light chestnut soils obtained by its cultivation with a three-time application of foliar fertilizing of amino peptide mean of biological origin Isabion at a dose of 2 l/ha with the addition seedlings output relative to the control 10-13% and the level of production profitability from 135 to 151 %

    A large-scale comparison of human-written versus ChatGPT-generated essays

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    Abstract ChatGPT and similar generative AI models have attracted hundreds of millions of users and have become part of the public discourse. Many believe that such models will disrupt society and lead to significant changes in the education system and information generation. So far, this belief is based on either colloquial evidence or benchmarks from the owners of the models—both lack scientific rigor. We systematically assess the quality of AI-generated content through a large-scale study comparing human-written versus ChatGPT-generated argumentative student essays. We use essays that were rated by a large number of human experts (teachers). We augment the analysis by considering a set of linguistic characteristics of the generated essays. Our results demonstrate that ChatGPT generates essays that are rated higher regarding quality than human-written essays. The writing style of the AI models exhibits linguistic characteristics that are different from those of the human-written essays. Since the technology is readily available, we believe that educators must act immediately. We must re-invent homework and develop teaching concepts that utilize these AI models in the same way as math utilizes the calculator: teach the general concepts first and then use AI tools to free up time for other learning objectives

    Automation of process of constructing of stockings wares of handwork

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    Описана разработка системы, которая полностью автоматизирует процесс конструирования выкройки вязаного изделия. Рассмотрено возможность пользователя системы создавать свои собственные модели разных фасонов.Описана розробка системи, яка повністю автоматизує процес конструювання викрійки в'язаного виробу. Розглянуто можливість користувача системи створювати свої власні моделі різних фасонів.Development of the system which automatizes the process of constructing of pattern of stocking good fully is described. Possibility of user of the system to create the own models of different fashions is considered

    Photoinduced Charge-Transfer Reaction between Pyrene and N

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