1,482 research outputs found

    Chirality Dependence of the KK-Momentum Dark Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes

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    Using a collection of twelve semiconducting carbon nanotube samples, each highly enriched in a single chirality, we study the chirality dependence of the KK-momentum dark singlet exciton using phonon sideband optical spectroscopy. Measurements of bright absorptive and emissive sidebands of this finite momentum exciton identify its energy as 20 - 38 meV above the bright singlet exciton, a separation that exhibits systematic dependencies on tube diameter, 2n+m2n+m family, and semiconducting type. We present calculations that explain how chiral angle dependence in this energy separation relates to the Coulomb exchange interaction, and elaborate the dominance of the KA1K_{A_1'} phonon sidebands over the zone-center phonon sidebands over a wide range of chiralities. The Kataura plot arising from these data is qualitatively well described by theory, but the energy separation between the sidebands shows a larger chiral dependence than predicted. This latter observation may indicate a larger dispersion for the associated phonon near the KK point than expected from finite distance force modeling.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, 1 table; slight title change, Figures 1 and 11 added, reference added, presentation improved throughout documen

    Faraday-rotation fluctuation spectroscopy with static and oscillating magnetic fields

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    By Faraday-rotation fluctuation spectroscopy one measures the spin noise via Faraday-induced fluctuations of the polarization plane of a laser transmitting the sample. In the fist part of this paper, we present a theoretical model of recent experiments on alkali gas vapors and semiconductors, done in the presence of a {\em static} magnetic field. In a static field, the spin noise shows a resonance line, revealing the Larmor frequency and the spin coherence time T2T_2 of the electrons. Second, we discuss the possibility to use an {\em oscillating} magnetic field in the Faraday setup. With an oscillating field applied, one can observe multi-photon absorption processes in the spin noise. Furthermore an oscillating field could also help to avoid line broadening due to structural or chemical inhomogeneities in the sample, and thereby increase the precision of the spin-coherence time measurement.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Coulomb interaction effects in spin-polarized transport

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    We study the effect of the electron-electron interaction on the transport of spin polarized currents in metals and doped semiconductors in the diffusive regime. In addition to well-known screening effects, we identify two additional effects, which depend on many-body correlations and exchange and reduce the spin diffusion constant. The first is the "spin Coulomb drag" - an intrinsic friction mechanism which operates whenever the average velocities of up-spin and down-spin electrons differ. The second arises from the decrease in the longitudinal spin stiffness of an interacting electron gas relative to a noninteracting one. Both effects are studied in detail for both degenerate and non-degenerate carriers in metals and semiconductors, and various limiting cases are worked out analytically. The behavior of the spin diffusion constant at and below a ferromagnetic transition temperature is also discussed.Comment: 9 figure

    Spin diffusion in doped semiconductors

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    The behavior of spin diffusion in doped semiconductors is shown to be qualitatively different than in undoped (intrinsic) ones. Whereas a spin packet in an intrinsic semiconductor must be a multiple-band disturbance, involving inhomogeneous distributions of both electrons and holes, in a doped semiconductor a single-band disturbance is possible. For n-doped nonmagnetic semiconductors the enhancement of diffusion due to a degenerate electron sea in the conduction band is much larger for these single-band spin packets than for charge packets, and can exceed an order of magnitude at low temperatures even for equilibrium dopings as small as 10^16 cm^-3. In n-doped ferromagnetic and semimagnetic semiconductors the motion of spin packets polarized antiparallel to the equilibrium carrier spin polarization is predicted to be an order of magnitude faster than for parallel polarized spin packets. These results are reversed for p-doped semiconductors.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Ultrafast spin dynamics and critical behavior in half-metallic ferromagnet : Sr_2FeMoO_6

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    Ultrafast spin dynamics in ferromagnetic half-metallic compound Sr_2FeMoO_6 is investigated by pump-probe measurements of magneto-optical Kerr effect. Half-metallic nature of this material gives rise to anomalous thermal insulation between spins and electrons, and allows us to pursue the spin dynamics from a few to several hundred picoseconds after the optical excitation. The optically detected magnetization dynamics clearly shows the crossover from microscopic photoinduced demagnetization to macroscopic critical behavior with universal power law divergence of relaxation time for wide dynamical critical region.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Abstract and Figures 1 & 3 are correcte

    Double-Occupancy Errors, Adiabaticity, and Entanglement of Spin-Qubits in Quantum Dots

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    Quantum gates that temporarily increase singlet-triplet splitting in order to swap electronic spins in coupled quantum dots, lead inevitably to a finite double-occupancy probability for both dots. By solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation for a coupled dot model, we demonstrate that this does not necessarily lead to quantum computation errors. Instead, the coupled dot ground state evolves quasi-adiabatically for typical system parameters so that the double-occupancy probability at the completion of swapping is negligibly small. We introduce a measure of entanglement which explicitly takes into account the possibilty of double occupancies and provides a necessary and sufficient criterion for entangled states.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures include

    Metal-Insulator Transition in Doped Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    We find strong evidence for a metal-insulator (MI) transition in macroscopic single wall carbon nanotube conductors. This is revealed by systematic measurements of resistivity and transverse magnetoresistance (MR) in the ranges 1.9-300 K and 0-9 Tesla, as a function of p-type redox doping. Strongly H2SO4-doped samples exhibit small negative MR, and the resistivity is low and only weakly temperature dependent. Stepwise de-doping by annealing in vacuum induces a MI transition. Critical behavior is observed near the transition, with ρ(T) obeying power-law temperature dependence, ρ(T) ∝ T -β. In the insulating regime (high annealing temperatures) the ρ(T) behavior ranges from Mott-like 3-dimensional (3D) variable-range hopping (VRH), ρ(T) ∝ exp[(-T0/T)-1/4], to Coulomb-gap (CGVRH) behavior, ρ(T) ∝ exp[(-T0/T)-1/2]. Concurrently, MR(B) becomes positive for large B, exhibiting a minimum at magnetic field Bmin. The temperature dependence of Bmin can be characterized by Bmin(T) = Bc(1 - T/Tc) for a large number of samples prepared by different methods. Below a sample-dependent crossover temperature Tc, MR(B) is positive for all B. The observed changes in transport properties are explained by the effect of doping on semiconducting SWNTs and tube-tube coupling

    Fabrication and Characterization of Modulation-Doped ZnSe/(Zn,Cd)Se (110) Quantum Wells: A New System for Spin Coherence Studies

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    We describe the growth of modulation-doped ZnSe/(Zn,Cd)Se quantum wells on (110) GaAs substrates. Unlike the well-known protocol for the epitaxy of ZnSe-based quantum structures on (001) GaAs, we find that the fabrication of quantum well structures on (110) GaAs requires significantly different growth conditions and sample architecture. We use magnetotransport measurements to confirm the formation of a two-dimensional electron gas in these samples, and then measure transverse electron spin relaxation times using time-resolved Faraday rotation. In contrast to expectations based upon known spin relaxation mechanisms, we find surprisingly little difference between the spin lifetimes in these (110)-oriented samples in comparison with (100)-oriented control samples.Comment: To appear in Journal of Superconductivity (Proceedings of 3rd Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin-dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors

    Oscillating magnetoresistance in diluted magnetic semiconductor barrier structures

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    Ballistic spin polarized transport through diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) single and double barrier structures is investigated theoretically using a two-component model. The tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) of the system exhibits oscillating behavior when the magnetic field are varied. An interesting beat pattern in the TMR and spin polarization is found for different NMS/DMS double barrier structures which arises from an interplay between the spin-up and spin-down electron channels which are splitted by the s-d exchange interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.