55 research outputs found

    PROFILING ATRIBUT JAMU KUNYIT ASAM DAN JAMU SINOM DENGAN METODE RATA (Rate-All-that-Apply) PADA BEBERAPA KOTA di JAWA TIMUR (Profiling Attribute Of Jamu Kunyit Asam And Sinom By Rata (Rate-All-That-Apply) At Several Cities In East Java)

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    ABSTRAKJamu merupakan salah satu obat tradisional di Indonesia yang diolah dengan cara pengolahan sederhana berdasarkan pengalaman turun-temurun. Profiling produk jamu merupakan salah satu pendekatan sensori yang dapat menjadi suatu upaya dalam perbaikan daya terima konsumen terhadap produk. Metode yang digunakan merupakan pendekatan sensori terbaru, yaitu metode RATA (Rate-All-that-Apply) yang bersifat objektif kuantitatif. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 13 atribut sensoris yang memiliki intensitas berbeda antara jamu kunyit asam dan sinom.Kata kunci : Jamu, Profiling, RATAABSTRACTJamu is known as a typical Indonesian traditional medicine which is produced by simple processing based on experience over generations. Product profiling to jamu is one of sensory approach that can improve consumer acceptance to product. Sensory evaluation is related to sensory perception. Sensory perception can be influenced by demography factor. Method of this research is the latest knowledge approach. RATA (Rate-All-that-Apply)method is a quantitative methods are objective. The aim of this review is to know the distinguishing attributes of jamu and the influence of demography factors of human in product profiling. This current study suggest that there are 13 perceived sensory attributes with different intensities for distinguishing kunyit asam and sinom.Keywords : Jamu, Profiling, RAT


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    Kombucha is a plant-based fermented beverage that contains probiotic bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB). This research was conducted to prove the potential of probiotics in LAB isolates of kombucha tea leaves and robusta coffee leaves with various concentrations. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD). The variables tested were the measurement of total lactic acid bacteria, total acid, and probiotic characterization of LAB isolates (LAB resistance to low pH and bile salts, and antibacterial activity test). The results were analyzed and discussed using ANOVA with a significance level of P < 0.05 only for total acid and descriptive analysis on microbiological response. The best probiotic potency was selected using the multiple attribute method. The results showed that LAB isolates from kombucha tea leaves and robusta coffee leaves with various concentrations had resistance to pH 2 and pH 3, resistance to bile salts 3%, and antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria. The LAB isolate of kombucha robusta coffee leaves at a concentration of 0.6% has the best probiotic potential. Kombucha merupakan minuman fermentasi berbasis tanaman yang mengandung bakteri probiotik seperti bakteri asam laktat (BAL). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan potensi probiotik pada isolat BAL kombucha daun teh dan daun kopi robusta dengan berbagai konsentrasi. Penelitian laboratorium menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Variabel yang diuji adalah pengukuran total bakteri asam laktat, total asam, ketahanan BAL terhadap pH rendah dan garam empedu, serta uji aktivitas antibakteri. Hasil penelitian dianalisa dan dibahas menggunakan ANOVA dengan signifikansi P < 0.05 hanya untuk total asam dan analisa deskriptif pada respons mikrobiologis. Potensi probiotik terbaik dipilih menggunakan metode multiple attribute. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isolat BAL dari kombucha daun teh dan daun kopi robusta dengan berbagai konsentrasi memiliki ketahanan terhadap pH 2 dan pH 3, ketahanan terhadap garam empedu 3%, serta aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli. Isolat BAL kombucha daun kopi robusta pada konsentrasi 0,6% mempunyai potensi probiotik terbaik

    Edamame caspian sea soygurt as plant-based yogurt alternatives

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    Caspian sea soygurt is made by fermenting edamame milk with Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris and Acetobacter orientalis as microbial cultures. To produce good soygurt, edamame milk fermentation requires ideal conditions, such as an optimum carbon source and starter concentration. This study aimed to determine the effect of the proportion of sucrose:skim and concentration of starter on the physical, chemical, microbiological, and sensory characteristics of Caspian sea soygurt. This study used a randomized block design with 2 factors: sucrose:skim proportion (2.5:7.5, 5:5 7.5:2.5) and starter concentration (8, 10, 12% of pasteurized edamame milk) repeated three times. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and continued with the Tukey test. These results was used to select the best treatment using the Zeleny Multiple Attribute Method. The best Caspian soygurt treatment was found in the proportion of sucrose:skim 5:5 (% w/v of pasteurized edamame milk) and starter concentration 12 (% v/v of pasteurized edamame milk), which produced a color (L*) 78.98, (a*) -2.86 ( b*) 23.79, viscosity 516.67 cP, protein 3.38%, antioxidant activity 43.12%, pH 4.35, total lactic acid bacteria 9.85 log CFU/mL with a preference level of 3.45 and an acceptance level of 3.55 for the greenness, a preference level of 3.79 and an acceptance level of 3.80 for the brightness, a preference level of 3.15 and an acceptance level 3.21 on the sour aroma, preference level of 3.04 and acceptance level of 3.11for the beany aroma, preference level of 3.04 and acceptance level of 3.18 for the beany flavor, preference level of 3.02 and acceptance level of 3.19 for the sour taste, preference level of 2.98 and acceptance level of 3.09 for sweet taste, preference level of 3.49 and acceptance level of 3.60 for the viscosity

    Response surface methodology in the optimization of walur (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius var. Sylvestris) starch pregelatinization process

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of temperature and time of the pregelatinization process on the physical and functional properties of pregelatinized and native walur starch using the central composite design method of response surface methodology (CCD-RSM). Several analyses, including rapid visco analyzer (RVA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD), were used to characterize an optimum pregelatinized walur starch (PWS). The optimum conditions for producing PWS were at 87.51oC and 9.71 minutes. The experimental verification data, repeated three times, were not significantly different (P>0.05) from the prediction optimization data generated by the Design Expert Software 7.1.5 Trial Version, which produces PWS with 19.56 ± 0.68 % swelling, 9.87 ± 0.18 % solubility and 835.62 ± 0.84 % water holding capacity (WHC). The result from RVA analysis showed that the pregelatinization process of walur starch increases the peak, final and setback viscosity, peak time, and pasting temperatures but decreases breakdown viscosity. Native walur starch (NWS) had a more crystalline form than PWS on XRD analysis. The SEM analysis revealed that NWS had smooth surface granules compared to PWS granules

    The Influence of Leaf Age, Oxidizing Pre-Treatment and Serving Temperature on Sensory Characteristics of Ampelgading Robusta Coffee Leaves Tea

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    The cultivation of coffee plants produces leaf-waste which is only currently used for feed and fertilizer. Traditionally coffee leaves tea could be processed as “kopi kawa”, a popular tea-like beverage in West Sumatera, Indonesia. This research was aimed at characterizing the sensory profile of beverage made from Ampelgading Robusta coffee leaves by considering different leaves age, processing method, and serving temperature applying the Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) method involving 111 consumer respondents. It was observed that the coffee leaves tea were sensorially dominated by green aroma and flavor, bitter taste, and astringent mouth-feel. The leaves age significantly affected 6 sensory attributes, i.e. sweet taste, sour taste, bitter taste, sweet flavor, earthy flavor, and woody flavor. Meanwhile the processing method (oxidized and non-oxidized pre-treatment) as well as serving temperature had no significant effect on the sensory perception of consumer although significant influences were recorded on the changing of total phenolic content, caffeine content, pH, and color parameters. As conclusion, sensory characteristic of Ampelgading robusta coffee leave tea was strongly affected by the age of leaf, regardless the pre-treatment process and serving temperature

    Diversifikasi Pengembangan Produk Berbasis Tanaman Kopi (Coffea sp)

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    Kopi merupakan komoditas tanaman tropis yang memiliki potensi tinggi dalam pemanfaatannya. Produksi kopi meningkat rata – rata 2,25% per tahun, diikuti dengan peningkatan kedai kopi di Indonesia yang meningkat sekitar 10 – 15% pada tahun 2020. Secara umum perkebunan tanaman kopi, hanya memanfaatkan biji kopi secara komersial. Selama proses pengolahan biji kopi mulai dari proses panen hingga sampai ke tangan konsumen akan menghasilkan limbah seperti daun, bunga, daging buah, kulit ari, dan ampas kopi yang memiliki kandungan senyawa didalamnya yang belum dimanfaatkan secara luas, sehingga perlu pemanfaatan lebih lanjut untuk menghasilkan produk inovasi baru. Tujuan penelitian untuk mencari potensi inovasi produk dari turunan tanaman kopi yang bersumber dari beberapa limbah proses panen dan pengolahan biji kopi. Metode penelitain dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder berupa jurnal, buku, situs web, skripsi terdahulu yang terkait kemudian dianalisis kesesuaian isi untuk dikelompokan sesuai topik yang telah dipilih berdasarkan pohon industri. Data dikelompokan berdasarkan reputasi publikasi untuk membuat word cloud yang digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pembahasani produk inovasi tanaman kopi.Produk inovasi baru yang kemungkinan dapat dilakukan ialah pengolahan Kopi Kahwa atau teh daun kopi dengan penambahan bagian limbah daging buah dan bunga kopi. Limbah daging buah bersumber dari dua metode pengolahan buah kopi yang berbeda. Limbah penglahan metode basah meghasilkan limbah pulp dan limbah pengolahan metode kering menghasilkan limbah husk. Selain itu, pemanfaatan limbah kulit ari atau silverskin dan ampas kopi menjadi tepung untuk pengolahan roti dengan metode substitusi. Produk inovasi baru diharapkan dapat memberikan varian baru serta memberikan pilihan dalam pemanfaatan limbah perkebunan tanaman kopi

    Influence of water hardness on functional and sensory quality of cold infused robusta coffee leaf tea

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    Cold infused technique is one of the brewing methods that potentially able to preserve coffee leaf tea functional properties. It is mainly attributed to the absence of heat treatment during its processes. However, without involving heat, the sensory quality of cold brewing tea is generally weak. To overcome this issue, it was hypothesized that water quality used for the brewing is important to govern optimum functional properties of Robusta coffee leaf tea and at the same time to maintain its sensory quality. In this current study, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was applied by implementing Box-Behnken Design (BBD) to optimize both total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity by modifying length and temperature of cold brewing as well as its water and coffee leaf powder ratio. There were 3 different commercial drinking water used for brewing to represent 3 different hardness level of water. All optimum brewed coffee leaf tea was then sensorially evaluated by Rate All That Apply (RATA) method. It was found that level of water hardness is positively correlated to TPC but negatively correlated to brewing temperature as well as water and coffee leaf powder ratio. It was also found that the higher level of water hardness, both fruity and marine aroma tended to be more intense (p-value<0.05). Meanwhile the lower level of water hardness tended to enhance sweet aroma and astringent mouth-feel (p-value<0.05) of cold infused coffee leaf tea

    Studi Pengaruh Pengolahan Primer Kopi Dan Tingkat Penyangraian Terhadap Karakter Fisik, Kimia, Dan Sensoris Seduhan French Press Kopi Arabika Ijen

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    Kopi merupakan komoditas unggulan dalam sektor perkebunan Indonesia. Pengolahan pasca panen mempengaruhi citarasa yang dihasilkan. Produk kopi lokal yang telah merambah pasar internasional yaitu kopi arabika Ijen Banyuwangi. Melihat potensi tersebut, penelitian mengenai karakteristik fisik, kima, dan sensoris seduhan akibat pengolahan pasca panen dan tingkat roasting perlu dilakukan. Bahan yang digunakan berupa green bean arabika ijen dengan pasca panen natural, honey dan fullwash, selanjutnya disangrai dengan tingkat roasting yang berbeda. Perbedaa pengolahan pasca panen biji kopi arabika Ijen tidak memberikan perbedaan fisik, sedangkan tingkat roasting memberikan pengaruh nyata. Terdapat perbedaan (α=0,05) akibat interaksi kedua faktor terhadap parameter kimia. Pengolahan pasca panen mempengaruhi beberapa atribut aroma, mouthfeel dan rasa. Semakin tinggi tingkat roasting, terdapat beberapa karakter sensoris lain yang muncul, seperti aroma kacang, aroma gosong, aroma coklat, dan aftertaste pahit


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    Kakao merupakan salah satu komoditas andalan di Indonesia. Pengolahan kakao menjadi cokelat merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah kakao. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh asal biji kakao dan lama conching terhadap karakteristik sensori cokelat hitam. Cokelat dibuat dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan dua faktor yaitu asal biji kakao (100% biji kakao fermentasi Jember, 100% biji kakao fermentasi Sulawesi Tenggara, 50% biji kakao fermentasi Jember + 50% biji kakao nonfermentasi Sulawesi Tenggara, dan 50% biji kakao fermentasi Sulawesi Tenggara + 50% biji kakao nonfermentasi Sulawesi Tenggara) dan lama conching (4, 6, dan 8 jam). Analisa sensori dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan panelis terlatih dengan menggunakan metode discrete time intensity. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa kekerasan dan kekenyalan tertinggi yaitu pada perlakuan 100% biji kakao fermentasi Jember dengan lama conching 8 jam yaitu 12.6 dan 11.9 pada detik ke-30, kekompakan tertinggi yaitu pada perlakuan 50% biji kakao fermentasi Sulawesi Tenggara + 50% biji kakao nonfermentasi Sulawesi Tenggara dengan lama conching 8 jam yaitu 12.4 pada detik ke-30 dan kelengketan yang tertinggi yaitu pada perlakuan 100% biji kakao fermentasi Jember dengan lama conching 4 jam yaitu 5.9 pada detik ke 12

    Optimasi Karakteristik Sensori Teh Daun Kopi Robusta Dan Liberika Dampit Terhadap Suhu Penyeduhan

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    Penggunaan tanaman kopi hanya berfokus pada pengolahan biji kopi sebagai minuman, tetapi daun kopi tidak dikonsumsi dan digunakan sebagai pakan ternak,yaitu pada kambing. Penelitian tentang profil sensori masih diperlukan untuk pengembangan sensori teh daun kopi dan untuk mengetahui preferensi konsumen terhadap teh daun kopi Robusta dan Liberika. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) untuk menentukan atribut dari setiap sampel lalu dilanjutkan dengan metode Just-About-Right (JAR) untuk menentukan hasil sensori optimal. Metode pengujian sensori menggunakan 110 panelis tidak terlatih. Metode penyeduhan dilakukan perebusan daun kopi dengan suhu 85 oC, 90 oC, 95 oC, 100 oC. Hasil penelitian pada JAR menunjukkan bahwa teh daun kopi robusta yang diseduh pada suhu 100 oC menghasilkan atribut sensori yang optimal untuk sweet flavor, burn flavor, earth flavor, wood flavor, sweet taste, dan astringent. Pada teh daun kopi liberika suhu penyeduhan 85 oC menghasilkan atribut sensoris optimal untuk sweet flavor, burn flavor, wood flavor, dan astringent