59 research outputs found
Perubahan nilai-nilai tenun lurik di kecamatan Cawas, kabupaten Klaten (Studi kasus di desa Tlingsing dan desa Mlese). Tesis Program Studi Kajian Budaya Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Pembimbing 1 Prof. Dr Bani Sudardi, M.Hum, dan Pembimbing 2 Prof. Dr. Warto, M.Hum. Tenun lurik adalah kain tradisional Jawa yang sarat akan nilai-nilai budaya. Secara Etimologis, kata “lurik” berasal dari bahasa Jawa, yaitu lorek, yang berarti garis-garis. Jadi kata “lurik” merujuk pada nama sejenis kain tradisional yang memiliki sejarah panjang. Kain lurik memiliki motif yang sangat sederhana, yaitu hanya berupa garis-garis dan kotak-kotak yang bertumpang-tindih. Sebagai kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, kain lurik mempunyai fungsi sangat penting. Selain sebagai pakaian, kain lurik juga digunakan dalam upacara-upacara ritual dan keagamaan. Tenun lurik di Desa Tlingsing dan Desa Mlese, Kecamatan Cawa, Kabupaten Klaten adalah kain tradisional Jawa yang sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu dan masih diproduksi sampai sekarang. Sejalan dengan berkembangnya zaman, teknologi, dan sumber daya manusia, maka tenun lurik di Desa Tlingsing dan Desa Mlese juga mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan. Secara umum perubahan yang terjadi yaitu perubahan dalam hal visual, nilai estetika, dan perubahan nilai fungsional. Perubahan visual yang nampak dalam kain tenun lurik, yaitu penggunaan pewarna sintetis sehingga lurik yang dihasilkan lebih bervariasi. Dalam nilai estetika, tenun lurik juga sudah mengalami perkambangan, yang semula hanya digunakan sebagai pakaian dan kelengkapan tradisi, saat ini sudah masuk dalam ranah kebutuhan rumah tangga sampai kenutuhan mode atau fashion. Perubahan fungsional pragmatis nampak dalam pemakaian tenun lurik sebagai busana dalam berbagai kesempatan dan kondisi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan, antara lain adalah faktor perubahan pola pikir cara pandang, dari masyarakat tradisional menuju masyarakat modern; faktor ekonomi guna peningkatan pendapatan para perajin tenun; dan faktor fungsional pragmatis yaitu perkambangan lurik sebagai busana, kelengkapan perabot rumah tangga, sampai pada kebutuhan mode atau fashion yang didukung oleh modernisasi dan globalisasi. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa pergeseran nilai-nilai pada tenun lurik di Kecamatan Cawas Klaten terjadi karena perubahan sikap dan pola pikir masyarakat, dari tradisional menuju ke masyarakat modern dan majemuk. Perubahan sikap dan pola pikir tersebut lalu membentuk sistem kebudayaan baru yang menganggap tenun lurik tidak lagi menjadi simbol eksistensi kebudayaan tradisional yang sempit dan akhirnya lurik dapat diterima oleh masyarakat modern dalam skala global. Kata Kunci: Tenun, Lurik, Klate
Applying Conflict Management Styles to Resolve Task Conflict and Enhance Team Innovation
Task conflicts among group members have a significant impact on team creativity, so it is critical to identify which conflict resolution styles should be used. This paper aims to examine how various conflict management styles influence team creativity via task conflict. The empirical research was conducted using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) for a sample of 257 employees working for Vietnamese organizations. The results show that dominating style increases task conflict while combining and obliging styles reduce it. To take advantage of the creativity-related benefits associated with task conflict, team leaders should develop an open atmosphere that encourages participants' integrating styles, rather than dominating styles. The negative influence of obliging style reflects Vietnamese culture's high collectivism. The study provides various approaches for task conflict management and also highlights the role of controlling task conflicts in enhancing team innovation. It implies that employees will be able to work better as a team in practice if conflict management strategies are used in a flexible manner. It helps them to build a good connection and successfully implement new ideas. Further research should extend the conclusion of this analysis in various contexts to generalize the findings. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01303 Full Text: PD
The impact of foreign direct investment on income inequality in developing countries: The Bayesian approach
Inequality in general and income inequality in particular have existed for a long time and tend to increase daily. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is expected to be an important factor contributing to mitigating that situation. However, the results of previous empirical studies on the impact of FDI on income inequality have not reached a consistent conclusion. Therefore, this study evaluated the impact of foreign direct investment on income inequality in developing economies. The study has provided evidence that the relationship is nonlinear through data from a sample of 36 developing countries between 2008 and 2020 and the Monte-Carlo algorithm according to the Bayesian approach. We document a U-shaped effect of FDI on income inequality. Besides, other factors, including trade openness and migration, obviously impact income inequality. Different results were found when FDI interacted with trade or migration, representing important channels through which inequality is affected. With these results, we suggest that policymakers in developing countries should develop appropriate policies on FDI attraction encourage trade openness and migration to reduce income inequality
The impacts of lead recycling activities to human health and environment in Dong Mai craft village, Hung Yen, Vietnam
Lead (Pb) recycling activities in Dong Mai village, Chi Dao commune, Van Lam district, Hung Yen province have been taking place for more than 30 years. The development of recycling activities contributed to the improvement of the local economics. However, along with economic development, Dong Mai craft village is facing to serious pollution. Soil, air and water polluted by lead (Pb) caused food containing Pb at higher levels than allowed limit from 20 to 40 times. The pollution had the bad effect on human health in this village. The investigation results showed that 100 % of employee who participated on melting lead and 63.5 % of local children were poisoned by Pb. Besides, the local people got diseases relating to skin, eyes, etc. This situation requires the provincial authorities to find immediate solutions to reduce the impacts of Pb recycling activities to environment and human.Hoạt động tái chế chì của thôn Đông Mai, xã Chỉ Đạo, huyện Văn Lâm, tỉnh Hưng Yên đã diễn ra hơn 30 năm nay. Sự phát triển của nghề tái chế đã làm góp phần cải thiện kinh tế của địa phương. Tuy nhiên, cùng với sự phát triển kinh tế, làng nghề Đông Mai đã và đang đối mặt với ô nhiễm môi trường nghiêm trọng. Môi trường đất, nước không khí bị ô nhiễm bởi chì (Pb) dẫn đến thực phẩm
nhiễm chì ở hàm lượng cao hơn mức cho phép từ 20- 40 lần. Sự ô nhiễm gây ra những ảnh hưởng xấu tới sức khỏe của người dân làng nghề. Kết quả điều tra cho thấy 100% công nhân tham gia nấu chì và 63.5% trẻ em địa phương bị nhiễm độc chì. Bên cạnh đó, người dân địa phương còn bị mắc của các loại bệnh ngoài da, bệnh về mắt, …. Tình trạng này đòi hỏi chính quyền địa phương phải tìm ra giải pháp khẩn cấp để giảm thiểu tác động của những hoạt động tái chế chì tới môi trường và con người
Large-scale analysis of putative plasmids in clinical multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolates from Vietnamese patients
IntroductionIn the past decades, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing and carbapenem-resistant (CR) Escherichia coli isolates have been detected in Vietnamese hospitals. The transfer of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes carried on plasmids is mainly responsible for the emergence of multidrug-resistant E. coli strains and the spread of AMR genes through horizontal gene transfer. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly study the characteristics of AMR gene-harboring plasmids in clinical multidrug-resistant bacterial isolates.MethodsThe profiles of plasmid assemblies were determined by analyzing previously published whole-genome sequencing data of 751 multidrug-resistant E. coli isolates from Vietnamese hospitals in order to identify the risk of AMR gene horizontal transfer and dissemination.ResultsThe number of putative plasmids in isolates was independent of the sequencing coverage. These putative plasmids originated from various bacterial species, but mostly from the Escherichia genus, particularly E. coli species. Many different AMR genes were detected in plasmid contigs of the studied isolates, and their number was higher in CR isolates than in ESBL-producing isolates. Similarly, the blaKPC-2, blaNDM-5, blaOXA-1, blaOXA-48, and blaOXA-181 β-lactamase genes, associated with resistance to carbapenems, were more frequent in CR strains. Sequence similarity network and genome annotation analyses revealed high conservation of the β-lactamase gene clusters in plasmid contigs that carried the same AMR genes.DiscussionOur study provides evidence of horizontal gene transfer in multidrug-resistant E. coli isolates via conjugative plasmids, thus rapidly accelerating the emergence of resistant bacteria. Besides reducing antibiotic misuse, prevention of plasmid transmission also is essential to limit antibiotic resistance
Evaluation of awake prone positioning effectiveness in moderate to severe COVID-19
Evidence mainly from high income countries suggests that lying in the prone position may be beneficial in patients with COVID-19 even if they are not receiving invasive ventilation. Studies indicate that increased duration of prone position may be associated with improved outcomes, but achieving this requires additional staff time and resources. Our study aims to support prolonged (≥ 8hours/day) awake prone positioning in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 disease in Vietnam. We use a specialist team to support prone positioning of patients and wearable devices to assist monitoring vital signs and prone position and an electronic data registry to capture routine clinical data
Urinary catecholamine excretion, cardiovascular variability, and outcomes in tetanus
Severe tetanus is characterized by muscle spasm and cardiovascular system disturbance. The pathophysiology of muscle spasm is relatively well understood and involves inhibition of central inhibitory synapses by tetanus toxin. That of cardiovascular disturbance is less clear, but is believed to relate to disinhibition of the autonomic nervous system. The clinical syndrome of autonomic nervous system dysfunction (ANSD) seen in severe tetanus is characterized principally by changes in heart rate and blood pressure which have been linked to increased circulating catecholamines. Previous studies have described varying relationships between catecholamines and signs of ANSD in tetanus, but are limited by confounders and assays used. In this study, we aimed to perform detailed characterization of the relationship between catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline), cardiovascular parameters (heart rate and blood pressure) and clinical outcomes (ANSD, mechanical ventilation required, and length of intensive care unit stay) in adults with tetanus, as well as examine whether intrathecal antitoxin administration affected subsequent catecholamine excretion. Noradrenaline and adrenaline were measured by ELISA from 24-h urine collections taken on day 5 of hospitalization in 272 patients enrolled in a 2 × 2 factorial-blinded randomized controlled trial in a Vietnamese hospital. Catecholamine results measured from 263 patients were available for analysis. After adjustment for potential confounders (i.e., age, sex, intervention treatment, and medications), there were indications of non-linear relationships between urinary catecholamines and heart rate. Adrenaline and noradrenaline were associated with subsequent development of ANSD, and length of ICU stay
A novel diagnostic model for tuberculous meningitis using Bayesian latent class analysis
Background Diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is hampered by the lack of a gold standard. Current microbiological tests lack sensitivity and clinical diagnostic approaches are subjective. We therefore built a diagnostic model that can be used before microbiological test results are known.
Methods We included 659 individuals aged ≥ 16 years with suspected brain infections from a prospective observational study conducted in Vietnam. We fitted a logistic regression diagnostic model for TBM status, with unknown values estimated via a latent class model on three mycobacterial tests: Ziehl–Neelsen smear, Mycobacterial culture, and GeneXpert. We additionally re-evaluated mycobacterial test performance, estimated individual mycobacillary burden, and quantified the reduction in TBM risk after confirmatory tests were negative. We also fitted a simplified model and developed a scoring table for early screening. All models were compared and validated internally.
Results Participants with HIV, miliary TB, long symptom duration, and high cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lymphocyte count were more likely to have TBM. HIV and higher CSF protein were associated with higher mycobacillary burden. In the simplified model, HIV infection, clinical symptoms with long duration, and clinical or radiological evidence of extra-neural TB were associated with TBM At the cutpoints based on Youden’s Index, the sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing TBM for our full and simplified models were 86.0% and 79.0%, and 88.0% and 75.0% respectively.
Conclusion Our diagnostic model shows reliable performance and can be developed as a decision assistant for clinicians to detect patients at high risk of TBM.
Summary Diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis is hampered by the lack of gold standard. We developed a diagnostic model using latent class analysis, combining confirmatory test results and risk factors. Models were accurate, well-calibrated, and can support both clinical practice and research
A “BioEcoAgro” integrated research approach for new/renew valorizations of ancient traditional medicines and today/tomorrow’s uses of plant secondary metabolites
peer reviewedThe immense diversity of wild plants has been naturally selected over thousands/millions of generations within their changing biotic and abiotic environments. The pressure of natural selection led to necessary adaptations which conditioned the survival of true phylogenic groups. Beyond basic physiological needs, branches of the plant kingdom subjected to spontaneous mutations have developed an incredible capacity to synthesize biomolecules with useful properties to defend these non-mobile individual organisms. Called “secondary metabolites”, and more recently “specialized metabolites”, some of these molecules are biologically associated with the living environment. Thus, many biological activities became interesting for the plants and, later, for humankind when modern medicine did not yet exist
Wearable devices for remote monitoring of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Vietnam
Patients with severe COVID-19 disease require monitoring with pulse oximetry as a minimal requirement. In many low- and middle- income countries, this has been challenging due to lack of staff and equipment. Wearable pulse oximeters potentially offer an attractive means to address this need, due to their low cost, battery operability and capacity for remote monitoring. Between July and October 2021, Ho Chi Minh City experienced its first major wave of SARS-CoV-2 infection, leading to an unprecedented demand for monitoring in hospitalized patients. We assess the feasibility of a continuous remote monitoring system for patients with COVID-19 under these circumstances as we implemented 2 different systems using wearable pulse oximeter devices in a stepwise manner across 4 departments
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