151 research outputs found

    Soil erosion from hilltribe opium swiddens in the golden triangle, and the use of karren as an erosion yardstick

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    [cat] El tipus de cultiu itinerant realitzat per les tribus de les muntanyes així com la cremada regular dels boscos en les àrees productores d'opi del Triangle d'Or, són responsables de seriosos danys en els recursos del sol. L'estudi de les formes exhumades de lapiaz, que presumiblement s'han desenvolupades sota la superfície en lloc de fer-ho en condicions subaèries, es presenta com a prometedor mitja per documentar l’erosió del sol; no obstant això hi ha molts de problemes que romanen sense resoldre, el que fa que encara no es puguin aconseguir resultats segurs.[eng] Shifting cultivation by hilltribes and regular burning of the forests in opium-producing areas of the Golden Triangle is responsible for serious damage to the mil resources. The study of exposed karren forms that are assumed to have developed under subsurface rather than subaerial conditions has come promise as a means of documenting soil erosion, although serious problems remain to be resolved before reliable results can be achieved

    Challenges for environmentally sustainable development of natural resources in the Nam Ou karst, northern Laos

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    A very low level of social and economic development in the Nam Ou karst is in part the result of its remoteness and rugged terrain. The karst poses both opportunities and challenges for environmentally sustainable land use beneficial to the small communities scattered through the area. Negative legacies of past human activity include soil erosion and a reduction in primary forest cover due to a long history of swidden agriculture, and environmental damage generated during wartime. A variety of natural resource development projects are now planned or under way, but progress towards true sustainability is impeded by the very limited resources available to address environmental concerns, which poses particular hazard for karst conservation and management

    Timber harvesting on karst lands

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    [cat] En emprendre el desenvolupament de zones càrstiques, els tècnics en gestió forestal es troben amb la preocupació pel medi ambient i amb uns especials problemes pràctics. Durant la fase operacional cal fer uns acurats ajusts. S'ha de parar especial esment al drenatge i al disseny, localització i manteniment dels camins. És necessari prendre precaucions especials durant l’extracció de troncs i en la localització i ús de les instal·lacions de carrega de troncs. Aquí avançam unes propostes estudiades per reduir l’impacte ambiental associat amb el procés de tala als boscos de les zones càrstiques de Tasmània. Aquestes propostes poden tenir una aplicació més ampla o adaptar-se a medis càrstics onsevulla s'emprengui l’activitat fustaire.[eng] The forest Manager is confronted by special environmental concerns and practical problems in seeking to develop karst areas. Carefull adjustments need to be made at the operational stage. Particular attention must be given to drainage and road design, road location and road maintenance. Special precautions need to be taken during log extraction and in the location and utilisation of log loading facilities. Specific proposals are advanced that have been designed to minimise the adverse environmental effects associated with the process of timber harvesting in Tasmanian karst forests. These may have wider potential application or may be adaptable to karst environments elsewhere where logging activity is undertake

    Some planning requirements prior to forest industry development of carbonate landscapes

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    [cat] Per a qualsevol projecte d’aprofitament dels recursos naturals és fonamental un correcte inventari dels possibles perills per al medi ambient. L’aprofitament dels paratges calcaris es complica per la complexitat morfològica i de drenatge que resulta del substrat geològic. De l’abastiment d’un inventari correcte i de mesures per la protecció ambiental en surt una posició crítica envers el millorar l’ús d’aquestes zones per la producció de fusta al llarg termini. Critica igualment ho és envers la protecció i el manteniment de molts altres recursos naturals i d’altres oportunitats oferides pels paratges calcaris. Aquest treball proposa un conjunt de procediments adequats al desenvolupament de paratges calcaris semblants als de Tasmània, particularment al desenvolupament de zones abans remotes, on és probable que s’hi estenguin les activitats forestals en els anys vinents. Aquests procediments destaquen la protecció dels recursos del sòl i de l’aigua, cercant la protecció dels valors econòmics, ambientals, científics i d’esbargiment.[eng] An adequate resource and environmental hazard inventory is fundamental to any natural resource development project. Development of carbonate landscapes for forestry purposes is complicated by the landforms and drainage complexities that commonly arise due to the solubility of the geological substrate. The development of appropriate inventories and measures for environmental protection are both critical and optimising the long term use of such areas for wood production. They are also critical to optimising the long term use of such areas for wood production. They are also critical to protecting and maintaining the many other natural resources and other opportunities offered by carbonate landscapes. This paper proposes a set of procedures appropriate to the development of carbonate landscape similar to those in Tasmania, and in particular to the development of previously remote areas where forestry development is likely to extend in the next few years. These procedures emphasise the protection of soil and water resources in seeking to safeguard economic, environmental, scientific and recreational values

    IBX Image Based XML for Digital Projects in the Humanities

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    Sweden\u27s Guarantee Scheme (Sweden GFC)

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    Although Sweden was not as directly impacted by the Global Financial Crisis as some other economies, Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy on September 15, 2008, prompted Swedish authorities to take preemptive measures to protect domestic banks and financial institutions. One such program, announced on October 20, 2008, and implemented on October 29, 2008, was designed to preserve credit extension to businesses and households through what became known as the Swedish Guarantee Scheme. Per the terms of the Scheme, new short- and medium-term debt of maturities ranging from 90 days to five years issued by eligible banks would be guaranteed by the Swedish government in exchange for a fee based on the maturity of the guaranteed debt and the risk profile of the issuing institution. The Scheme would be funded by a more general stabilization fund and initially capped at a maximum of SEK 1500 billion ($195.1 billion). Peak utilization reached SEK 354 billion in 2009. None of the six participating institutions experienced defaults. The issuance window for the program expired on June 30, 2011, and all outstanding debt had matured by May 13, 2015

    A Principal-agent approach to locating the politically decisive coalitions on health in countries worldwide, pre-COVID 19 Pandemic: Who is primarily accountable for the financing and delivery of health care, and who do they answer to?

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    We examined decision making in health using the Decision Space approach, which is rooted in the principal-agent theory. Countries analyzed were Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Finland, Guatemala, Hungary, Israel, Nigeria, Spain, Thailand, and Turkey. Researchers sought to analyze who was the de facto decision maker of health related decisions in each state. We have accomplished this through looking at government structures and the financing of health, which gave significant insight into who the primary authority on health is. Furthermore, we examined who holds this de facto decision maker accountable. In some cases it was the executive that did so, while in others it was a political coalition. We find that poorer countries tend to have increased expenditure by NGOs, and have a high presence of private health providers, driving up out of pocket spending and making those countries more accountable to private or external interests than to any domestic political coalitions