60 research outputs found

    Updated observing scenarios and multi-messenger implications for the International Gravitational-wave Network's O4 and O5

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    Advanced LIGO and Virgo's third observing run brought another binary neutron star merger (BNS) and the first neutron-star black-hole (NSBH) mergers. While no confirmed kilonovae (KNe) was identified in conjunction with any of these events, continued improvements of analyses surrounding GW170817 allow us to project constraints on the Hubble Constant (H0H_0), the Galactic enrichment from rr-process nucleosynthesis, and ultra-dense matter possible from forthcoming events. Here, we describe the expected constraints based on the latest expected event rates from the international gravitational-wave network (IGWN) and analyses of GW170817. We show the expected detection rate of gravitational waves and their counterparts, as well as how sensitive potential constraints are to the observed numbers of counterparts. We intend this analysis as support for the community when creating scientifically-driven electromagnetic follow-up proposals. During the next observing run O4, we predict an annual detection rate of electromagnetic counterparts from BNS of 0.430.26+0.580.43^{+0.58}_{-0.26} (1.971.2+2.681.97^{+2.68}_{-1.2}) for the Zwicky Transient Facility (Rubin Observatory)

    NMMA: A nuclear-physics and multi-messenger astrophysics framework to analyze binary neutron star mergers

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    The multi-messenger detection of the gravitational-wave signal GW170817, the corresponding kilonova AT2017gfo and the short gamma-ray burst GRB170817A, as well as the observed afterglow has delivered a scientific breakthrough. For an accurate interpretation of all these different messengers, one requires robust theoretical models that describe the emitted gravitational-wave, the electromagnetic emission, and dense matter reliably. In addition, one needs efficient and accurate computational tools to ensure a correct cross-correlation between the models and the observational data. For this purpose, we have developed the NMMA (Nuclear-physics and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics) framework. The code allows incorporation of nuclear-physics constraints at low densities as well as X-ray and radio observations of isolated neutron stars. It also enables us to classify electromagnetic observations, e.g., to distinguish between supernovae and kilonovae. In previous works, the NMMA code has allowed us to constrain the equation of state of supranuclear dense matter, to measure the Hubble constant, and to compare dense-matter physics probed in neutron-star mergers and in heavy-ion collisions. The extension of the NMMA code presented here is the first attempt of analysing the gravitational-wave signal, the kilonovae, and the GRB afterglow simultaneously, which reduces the uncertainty of our constraints. Incorporating all available information, we estimate the radius of a 1.4 solar mass neutron star to be R=11.980.40+0.35R=11.98^{+0.35}_{-0.40} km

    GRANDMA and HXMT Observations of GRB 221009A -- the Standard-Luminosity Afterglow of a Hyper-Luminous Gamma-Ray Burst

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    GRB 221009A is the brightest Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) detected in more than 50 years of study. In this paper, we present observations in the X-ray and optical domains after the GRB obtained by the GRANDMA Collaboration (which includes observations from more than 30 professional and amateur telescopes) and the Insight-HXMT Collaboration. We study the optical afterglow with empirical fitting from GRANDMA+HXMT data, augmented with data from the literature up to 60 days. We then model numerically, using a Bayesian approach, the GRANDMA and HXMT-LE afterglow observations, that we augment with Swift-XRT and additional optical/NIR observations reported in the literature. We find that the GRB afterglow, extinguished by a large dust column, is most likely behind a combination of a large Milky-Way dust column combined with moderate low-metallicity dust in the host galaxy. Using the GRANDMA+HXMT-LE+XRT dataset, we find that the simplest model, where the observed afterglow is produced by synchrotron radiation at the forward external shock during the deceleration of a top-hat relativistic jet by a uniform medium, fits the multi-wavelength observations only moderately well, with a tension between the observed temporal and spectral evolution. This tension is confirmed when using the extended dataset. We find that the consideration of a jet structure (Gaussian or power-law), the inclusion of synchrotron self-Compton emission, or the presence of an underlying supernova do not improve the predictions, showing that the modelling of GRB22109A will require going beyond the most standard GRB afterglow model. Placed in the global context of GRB optical afterglows, we find the afterglow of GRB 221009A is luminous but not extraordinarily so, highlighting that some aspects of this GRB do not deviate from the global known sample despite its extreme energetics and the peculiar afterglow evolution.Comment: Accepted to ApJL for the special issue, 37 pages, 23 pages main text, 6 tables, 13 figure

    Ready for O4 II: GRANDMA Observations of Swift GRBs during eight-weeks of Spring 2022

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    We present a campaign designed to train the GRANDMA network and its infrastructure to follow up on transient alerts and detect their early afterglows. In preparation for O4 II campaign, we focused on GRB alerts as they are expected to be an electromagnetic counterpart of gravitational-wave events. Our goal was to improve our response to the alerts and start prompt observations as soon as possible to better prepare the GRANDMA network for the fourth observational run of LIGO-Virgo-Kagra (which started at the end of May 2023), and future missions such as SM. To receive, manage and send out observational plans to our partner telescopes we set up dedicated infrastructure and a rota of follow-up adcates were organized to guarantee round-the-clock assistance to our telescope teams. To ensure a great number of observations, we focused on Swift GRBs whose localization errors were generally smaller than the GRANDMA telescopes' field of view. This allowed us to bypass the transient identification process and focus on the reaction time and efficiency of the network. During 'Ready for O4 II', 11 Swift/INTEGRAL GRB triggers were selected, nine fields had been observed, and three afterglows were detected (GRB 220403B, GRB 220427A, GRB 220514A), with 17 GRANDMA telescopes and 17 amateur astronomers from the citizen science project Kilonova-Catcher. Here we highlight the GRB 220427A analysis where our long-term follow-up of the host galaxy allowed us to obtain a photometric redshift of z=0.82±0.09z=0.82\pm0.09, its lightcurve elution, fit the decay slope of the afterglows, and study the properties of the host galaxy

    The GRANDMA network in preparation for the fourth gravitational-wave observing run

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    GRANDMA is a world-wide collaboration with the primary scientific goal ofstudying gravitational-wave sources, discovering their electromagneticcounterparts and characterizing their emission. GRANDMA involves astronomers,astrophysicists, gravitational-wave physicists, and theorists. GRANDMA is now atruly global network of telescopes, with (so far) 30 telescopes in bothhemispheres. It incorporates a citizen science programme (Kilonova-Catcher)which constitutes an opportunity to spread the interest in time-domainastronomy. The telescope network is an heterogeneous set of already-existingobserving facilities that operate coordinated as a single observatory. Withinthe network there are wide-field imagers that can observe large areas of thesky to search for optical counterparts, narrow-field instruments that dotargeted searches within a predefined list of host-galaxy candidates, andlarger telescopes that are devoted to characterization and follow-up of theidentified counterparts. Here we present an overview of GRANDMA after the thirdobserving run of the LIGO/VIRGO gravitational-wave observatories in 201920202019-2020and its ongoing preparation for the forthcoming fourth observational campaign(O4). Additionally, we review the potential of GRANDMA for the discovery andfollow-up of other types of astronomical transients.<br

    Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5–4.5 M ⊙ compact object and a neutron star

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    We report the observation of a coalescing compact binary with component masses 2.5–4.5 M ⊙ and 1.2–2.0 M ⊙ (all measurements quoted at the 90% credible level). The gravitational-wave signal GW230529_181500 was observed during the fourth observing run of the LIGO–Virgo–KAGRA detector network on 2023 May 29 by the LIGO Livingston observatory. The primary component of the source has a mass less than 5 M ⊙ at 99% credibility. We cannot definitively determine from gravitational-wave data alone whether either component of the source is a neutron star or a black hole. However, given existing estimates of the maximum neutron star mass, we find the most probable interpretation of the source to be the coalescence of a neutron star with a black hole that has a mass between the most massive neutron stars and the least massive black holes observed in the Galaxy. We provisionally estimate a merger rate density of 55−47+127Gpc−3yr−1 for compact binary coalescences with properties similar to the source of GW230529_181500; assuming that the source is a neutron star–black hole merger, GW230529_181500-like sources may make up the majority of neutron star–black hole coalescences. The discovery of this system implies an increase in the expected rate of neutron star–black hole mergers with electromagnetic counterparts and provides further evidence for compact objects existing within the purported lower mass gap

    Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5−4.5 M⊙ compact object and a neutron star

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    Ultralight vector dark matter search using data from the KAGRA O3GK run

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    Among the various candidates for dark matter (DM), ultralight vector DM can be probed by laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors through the measurement of oscillating length changes in the arm cavities. In this context, KAGRA has a unique feature due to differing compositions of its mirrors, enhancing the signal of vector DM in the length change in the auxiliary channels. Here we present the result of a search for U(1)B−L gauge boson DM using the KAGRA data from auxiliary length channels during the first joint observation run together with GEO600. By applying our search pipeline, which takes into account the stochastic nature of ultralight DM, upper bounds on the coupling strength between the U(1)B−L gauge boson and ordinary matter are obtained for a range of DM masses. While our constraints are less stringent than those derived from previous experiments, this study demonstrates the applicability of our method to the lower-mass vector DM search, which is made difficult in this measurement by the short observation time compared to the auto-correlation time scale of DM

    Updated observing scenarios and multi-messenger implications for the International Gravitational-wave Network's O4 and O5

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    International audienceAdvanced LIGO and Virgo's third observing run brought another binary neutron star merger (BNS) and the first neutron-star black-hole (NSBH) mergers. While no confirmed kilonovae (KNe) was identified in conjunction with any of these events, continued improvements of analyses surrounding GW170817 allow us to project constraints on the Hubble Constant (H0H_0), the Galactic enrichment from rr-process nucleosynthesis, and ultra-dense matter possible from forthcoming events. Here, we describe the expected constraints based on the latest expected event rates from the international gravitational-wave network (IGWN) and analyses of GW170817. We show the expected detection rate of gravitational waves and their counterparts, as well as how sensitive potential constraints are to the observed numbers of counterparts. We intend this analysis as support for the community when creating scientifically-driven electromagnetic follow-up proposals. During the next observing run O4, we predict an annual detection rate of electromagnetic counterparts from BNS of 0.430.26+0.580.43^{+0.58}_{-0.26} (1.971.2+2.681.97^{+2.68}_{-1.2}) for the Zwicky Transient Facility (Rubin Observatory)