55 research outputs found

    Geoengineering climate Change: Treating the symptom over the cause?

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    Climate simulation of the latest Permian: Implications for mass extinction

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    This report presents the results of climate modeling research which indicates that elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at the end of the Permian period led to climatic conditions inhospitable to both marine and terrestrial life. The Permian-Triassic boundary (about 251 million years ago) was the time of the largest known mass extinction in Earth's history, when greater than ninety percent of all marine species, and approximately seventy percent of all terrestrial species, died out. The model, which used paleogeography and paleotopography correct for the time period, indicated that warm high-latitude surface air temperatures and elevated carbon dioxide levels may have resulted in slowed circulation and stagnant, anoxic conditions in Earth's oceans. The report also suggests that the excess carbon dioxide (and sulfur dioxide) may have originated from volcanic activity associated with eruption of the Siberian Trap flood basalts, which took place at the same time. Educational levels: Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division, Graduate or professional

    The Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3)

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society 2006. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Climate 19 (2006): 2122–2143, doi:10.1175/JCLI3761.1.The Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3) has recently been developed and released to the climate community. CCSM3 is a coupled climate model with components representing the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and land surface connected by a flux coupler. CCSM3 is designed to produce realistic simulations over a wide range of spatial resolutions, enabling inexpensive simulations lasting several millennia or detailed studies of continental-scale dynamics, variability, and climate change. This paper will show results from the configuration used for climate-change simulations with a T85 grid for the atmosphere and land and a grid with approximately 1° resolution for the ocean and sea ice. The new system incorporates several significant improvements in the physical parameterizations. The enhancements in the model physics are designed to reduce or eliminate several systematic biases in the mean climate produced by previous editions of CCSM. These include new treatments of cloud processes, aerosol radiative forcing, land–atmosphere fluxes, ocean mixed layer processes, and sea ice dynamics. There are significant improvements in the sea ice thickness, polar radiation budgets, tropical sea surface temperatures, and cloud radiative effects. CCSM3 can produce stable climate simulations of millennial duration without ad hoc adjustments to the fluxes exchanged among the component models. Nonetheless, there are still systematic biases in the ocean–atmosphere fluxes in coastal regions west of continents, the spectrum of ENSO variability, the spatial distribution of precipitation in the tropical oceans, and continental precipitation and surface air temperatures. Work is under way to extend CCSM to a more accurate and comprehensive model of the earth's climate system.We would like to acknowledge the substantial contributions to and support for the CCSM project from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Energy (DOE), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    The Psychological Depths of Climate Change

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    Our insatiable desire for energy in support of the dominant myth of unbounded growth has placed the planet in a precarious state. Our reliance on fossil fuels is causing the planet to warm at an unprecedented rate. It is imperative that we address this situation as soon as possible for the longer we wait, the more we commit future generations to unfathomable disruption. Current approaches to address this problem have relied solely on technological solutions. In essence, we have chosen to treat the symptom and not the deeply rooted causes of climate change. Depth psychology provides a unique perspective on the problem of climate change for it recognizes the importance of the unconscious in affecting our perception of and actions in the world. Listening to the unconscious opens us to new ways of understanding and addressing climate change. In this presentation, we explore how the structure and dynamics of unconscious processes relate to climate change and how these processes provide pathways to addressing the problem. We consider the archetypal presences that pervade our relationship with the natural world and how our conscious disconnection from these archetypes has led to the myth unbounded growth and exploitation of natural resources

    Geoengineering climate Change: Treating the symptom over the cause?

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