4,105 research outputs found

    Dielectric relaxation of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate: microwave and far-IR properties

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    Dielectric relaxation of the ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate (EMI+ETS–), is studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The collective dynamics of polarization arising from cations and anions are examined. Characteristics of the rovibrational and translational components of polarization dynamics are analyzed to understand their respective roles in the microwave and terahertz regions of dielectric relaxation. The MD results are compared with the experimental low-frequency spectrum of EMI+ETS–, obtained via ultrafast optical Kerr effect (OKE) measurements

    Interdisciplinary research on the application of ERTS-1 data to the regional land use planning process

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Although the degree to which ERTS-1 imagery can satisfy regional land use planning data needs is not yet known, it appears to offer means by which the data acquisition process can be immeasurably improved. The initial experiences of an interdisciplinary group attempting to formulate ways of analyzing the effectiveness of ERTS-1 imagery as a base for environmental monitoring and the resolution of regional land allocation problems are documented. Application of imagery to the regional planning process consists of utilizing representative geographical regions within the state of Wisconsin. Because of the need to describe and depict regional resource complexity in an interrelatable state, certain resources within the geographical regions have been inventoried and stored in a two-dimensional computer-based map form. Computer oriented processes were developed to provide for the economical storage, analysis, and spatial display of natural and cultural data for regional land use planning purposes. The authors are optimistic that the imagery will provide revelant data for land use decision making at regional levels

    The use of ERTS-1 data for the inventory of critical land resources for regional land use planning

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    Computer-generated spatial and statistical comparisons of critical land resource data derived from conventional sources, RB-57 photographs, and ERTS images, for an eastern Wisconsin test site, suggest that certain critical land resource data can be mapped from ERTS images on a statewide basis. This paper presents one of the biotic resources, wetlands, as an example of the use of ERTS imagery to inventory land resources

    Removal of Confined Ionic Liquid from a Metal Organic Framework by Extraction with Molecular Solvents

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    This work was supported in part by NSF Grant No. CHE-1223988 and by EPSRC Grant No. EP/K00090X/1.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Semiclassical approximation to supersymmetric quantum gravity

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    We develop a semiclassical approximation scheme for the constraint equations of supersymmetric canonical quantum gravity. This is achieved by a Born-Oppenheimer type of expansion, in analogy to the case of the usual Wheeler-DeWitt equation. The formalism is only consistent if the states at each order depend on the gravitino field. We recover at consecutive orders the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, the functional Schrodinger equation, and quantum gravitational correction terms to this Schrodinger equation. In particular, the following consequences are found: (i) the Hamilton-Jacobi equation and therefore the background spacetime must involve the gravitino, (ii) a (many fingered) local time parameter has to be present on SuperRiemÎŁSuperRiem \Sigma (the space of all possible tetrad and gravitino fields), (iii) quantum supersymmetric gravitational corrections affect the evolution of the very early universe. The physical meaning of these equations and results, in particular the similarities to and differences from the pure bosonic case, are discussed.Comment: 34 pages, clarifications added, typos correcte


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    ApProgXimate Audio: a distributed interactive experiment in sound art and live coding

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    ApProgXimate Audio is a browser-based sound art experiment, a distributed and participatory piece where code and livecoding are fundamental to the participants’ experience. The piece is based on a coding technique called Approximate Programming. It allows participants to explore complex sound synthesis algorithms through relatively simple techniques, by writing and editing code and through screen-based mouse interaction. It foregrounds code as the primary medium of engagement. This article explains the technical background behind the piece, and then explores the design philosophy through three themes that emerged during its creation: accessibility and paths to engagement in work based on live coding, the blurred boundaries between tools, instruments and artworks, and finally issues surround the web-browser as a venue for creative wor

    New Asymptotic Expanstion Method for the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation

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    A new asymptotic expansion method is developed to separate the Wheeler-DeWitt equation into the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation for a matter field and the Einstein-Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the gravitational field including the quantum back-reaction of the matter field. In particular, the nonadiabatic basis of the generalized invariant for the matter field Hamiltonian separates the Wheeler-DeWitt equation completely in the asymptotic limit of mp2m_p^2 approaching infinity. The higher order quantum corrections of the gravity to the matter field are found. The new asymptotic expansion method is valid throughout all regions of superspace compared with other expansion methods with a certain limited region of validity. We apply the new asymptotic expansion method to the minimal FRW universe.Comment: 24 pages of Latex file, revte

    Decoherence in the cosmic background radiation

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    In this paper we analyze the possibility of detecting nontrivial quantum phenomena in observations of the temperature anisotropy of the cosmic background radiation (CBR), for example, if the Universe could be found in a coherent superposition of two states corresponding to different CBR temperatures. Such observations are sensitive to scalar primordial fluctuations but insensitive to tensor fluctuations, which are therefore converted into an environment for the former. Even for a free inflaton field minimally coupled to gravity, scalar-tensor interactions induce enough decoherence among histories of the scalar fluctuations as to render them classical under any realistic probe of their amplitudes.Comment: 15 pages, accepted to be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Evaluation of the application of ERTS-1 data to the regional land use planning process

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Employing simple and economical extraction methods, ERTS can provide valuable data to the planners at the state or regional level with a frequency never before possible. Interactive computer methods of working directly with ERTS digital information show much promise for providing land use information at a more specific level, since the data format production rate of ERTS justifies improved methods of analysis
