151 research outputs found

    Administration of Nicotine Exacerbates the Quinine-induced Structural and Functional Alterations of Testicular Tissue in Adult Rats:An Experimental Study

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    Purpose: In this study the role of nicotine (NCT) administration on the intensity of rat testicular tissue alterations induced by quinine (QU) was evaluated. Materials and Methods: Forty adult Wistar rats were divided into four groups. Control (CON), NCT administrated (4 mg/kg) (NCT), QU treated (25 mg/kg for 7 days) (QU), and nicotine with quinine received (NCT+QU). After 28 days, serum testosterone and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured. Testes and epididymides samples were prepared for determining tissue MDA levels, histomorphometry, microscopic indices of spermatogenesis, immunohistochemistry of p53 and sperm analysis. Results: Testosterone levels were decreased significantly (P =.0004) in treated groups compared to CON group. Serum MDA levels were increased significantly (P =.0004) in NCT and QU groups compared to CON group. Tissue MDA levels were increased significantly (P =.0012) in NCT+QU group in comparison to CON group. These parameters were changed significantly in NCT+QU group compared to QU group. Seminiferous tubules diameter decreased significantly (P Conclusion: The administration of nicotine could be involved in the exacerbation of testicular tissue alterations related to quinine therapy

    The essential oil composition of Carthamus tinctorius L. flowers growing in Iran

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    The composition of the essential oil obtained from the dried flowers of Carthamus tinctorius L. growing in Iran was analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry (GC-MS). 29 compounds were identified in the oil. The major compounds of the oil were 1-hydroxy-3-propyl-5-(4-methyl-penten)-2-methylbenzene (25.2%), 2,5,5 trimethyl-3-propyl,tetra hydro 1- naphtol (19.8%) and benzaldehyde (8.0%).Key words: Carthamus tinctorius L., Asteraceae, essential oil composition, flower

    The Histological, Histomorphometrical and Histochemical Changes of Testicular Tissue in the Metformin Treated and Untreated Streptozotocin-Induced Adult Diabetic Rats

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    In this investigation, diabetes was induced in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats by single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ) at 45 mg kg-1 of body weight. A group comprised of 8 diabetic rats was treated with metformin at 100 mg kg-1 of body weight for reducing the elevated blood glucose level. The results revealed that, in the untreated diabetic rats, the body and testicular weight reduced in comparison with the control rats (P < 0.05) , the metformin treated diabetic rats showed body weight loss in comparison with the control group (P < 0.05). In the untreated diabetic rats, the blood glucose level significantly increased in comparison with control and metformin treated diabetic rats. Histomorphological examinations revealed a reduction in testicular capsule diameter, seminiferous tubules (STs) and germinal epithelium height, increase of amorphous material of interstitial tissue, germ cell depletion, decrease in cellular population and activity and disruption of spermatogenesis in the untreated diabetic rats in comparison with control group. In metformin treated diabetic rats, the histomorphological alterations were seen in lesser part in comparison with untreated diabetic group. The results from this study proved that, there was a direct relationship between increased levels of blood glucose as a result of STZ-induced diabetes and the histomorphological changes of testicular tissue

    Study of the Protective Effects of Quince (Cydonia Oblonga) Leaf Extract on the Histologic Structure and Microscopic Indices of Spermatogenesis Following Induction of Diabetes in Adult Rats

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    Various types of infertility are associated with uncontrolled hyperglycemia. Development of oxidative stress is one the most important factors in the alteration of spermatogenesis in diabetic conditions. Testicular tissue is one of the sensitive organs to environmental damages. Natural antioxidants are considered as preventive and therapeutic strategies in cases of diabetic side effects. Cydonia oblonga leaf extract contains natural antioxidant compounds. The flavonoid compounds of the quince have strong antioxidant and immune-regulatory effects. According to little data about the protective effects of cydonia oblonga leaf extract on the structural alterations of testicular tissue following induction of diabetes, in this study protective aspects of this extract on the diabetic reproductive alteration were evaluated. Cydonia oblonga leaf extract was gavaged in two doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg. The number of 56 adult rats were divided into seven groups consisted of control, extract treated control groups, diabetic, extract treated diabetic groups and metformin treated diabetic group. Eight weeks after induction of diabetes, the body and testicular weight were measured and microscopic and histomorphometric studies were done on tissue samples. In control groups, the administration of extract was not any effect on histomorphometric parameters. In extract treated diabetic groups, the mean of body weight, histologic parameters and spermatogenesis indices were improved in comparison to non-treated diabetic group. The results of this study showed that, natural antioxidant such as cydonia oblonga leaf extract in some degrees could be effective in reduction of hyperglycemic side effects on target organs

    The gross anatomy of the male reproductive system of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus Europaeus)

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    Hedgehogs are small spiny-coated insectivores. Due to their low body weight, calm character, and easy maintenance, they are kept as pets. It is therefore worthwhile to care about hedgehogs’ health problems and to provide pet owners with information about their reproduction. Moreover, it is necessary to be familiar with their anatomy so as to satisfy the need to improve nutrition and medical care, even surgery. This study was carried out on five adult male European hedgehogs euthanased in a chloroform chamber. The European hedgehog’s oval testes are invisible in inguinal region because they have no true scrotal sac. The testes are located in the craniocaudal direction with dorsolateral epididymal attachments. The vesicular glands, the European hedgehog’s largest accessory sex glands, are lobulated structures containing dorsomedial and ventrolateral parts on each side. The prostate is an oval gland with right and left lobes. The paired bulbourethral glands are laid on the ischiocavernosus muscle. Histologically the vesicular, prostate gland ducts and ductus deferens as well as urethra separately were discharged in a diverticlum at the level of the pelvic urethra end. A sigmoid flexure exists in the proximal part of shaft body of the penis. There are two retractor penile muscles. In dorsal end of the penile glans, there is a small urethral process with two nail- -like, needle-shaped structures. They are on both sides of the urethral process. Furthermore, there are two intromittent sacs (Sacculus urethralis) in the ventral part of the end of the penis. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 1: 36–43)

    Anatomy, histology and histochemistry of accessory sex glands in male Persian squirrel (Sciurus anomalus)

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    Persian squirrel (Sciurus anomalus) is a species of squirrels in the Middle East. There is little information about the anatomy and histology of various organs of this species. Moreover, there are no practical data about the accessory male sex glands of this species of squirrel. In this study the anatomical, histological and histochemical properties of the male reproductive system accessory glands of Persian Squirrel was evaluated. Eight adult male squirrels were anesthetized and euthanized. The pelvic area was dissected and the male reproductive system was separated. The accessory sex glands were investigated for gross anatomical aspect. Samples were fixed in formaldehyde for histological and histochemical studies. The coagulating glands, prostate and bulbourethral glands were observed at gross anatomical level. A single heart-shape and compact prostate gland was situated on the dorsal side of pelvic urethra. Two small coagulating glands were observed on the cranio-dorsal side of prostate. Two large spiral shape bulbourethral glands were situated out of the pelvic cavity near the root of penis on both sides of anal area. Histologic studies revealed that all accessory sex glands were alveolar glands with cuboidal to columnar epithelium. The most positive reaction for PAS stain was observed in the trabeculae of glands. There was no positive reaction for lipids in glands stained with Oil red O and Sudan Black. Some anatomical differences were observed in the accessory sex glands of Persian Squirrel in comparison to other rodents, however the histology of glands was almost similar to other rodents

    Effects of monosodium glutamate on testicular structural and functional alterations induced by quinine therapy in rat: An experimental study

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    Background: Quinine (QU) as an anti-malarial drug induces alterations in testicular tissue. Toxic effects of monosodium glutamate (MSG) on the male reproductive system have been recognized. Objective: To investigate the impact of MSG administration on the intensity of gonadotoxicity of QU. Materials and Methods: Sixty eight-wk old Wistar rats weighing 180-200 gr were divided into six groups (n = 10/each): the first group as a control; the second and third groups received low and high doses of MSG (2 &amp; 4 gr/kg i.p.), respectively, for 28 days; the fourth group received QU for seven days (25 mg/kg); and in the fifth and sixth groups, QU was gavaged following the MSG administration (MSG + QU) from day 22 to day 28. Serum testosterone and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured. Testes samples were prepared for tissue MDA levels, histomorphometry, and immunohistochemistry of p53. Sperm analysis was performed on cauda epididymis. Results: Serum and tissue MDA levels were increased in treated groups compared to the control group. This increment was higher in the MSG + QU groups. The testosterone levels were reduced significantly (p &lt; 0.0001) in all treated groups. In addition, histomorphometric indices and tubular epithelium population were reduced significantly (p &lt; 0.0001) in QU, MSG + QU, and consequently in high-dose MSG, QU, MSG + QU groups. All spermatogenic indices were reduced in the treated groups, particularly in the MSG + QU groups. Sperm motility and viability indices were reduced significantly (p = 0.003) in the MSG + QU groups. Finally, the overexpression of p53 was observed in the MSG + QU groups. Conclusion: The administration of MSG before and during QU therapy may intensify testicular tissue alterations. Key words: Male reproductive system, Monosodium glutamate, Quinine hydrochloride, Rat

    The OnyCOE-tâ„¢ questionnaire: responsiveness and clinical meaningfulness of a patient-reported outcomes questionnaire for toenail onychomycosis

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    BACKGROUND: This research was conducted to confirm the validity and reliability and to assess the responsiveness and clinical meaningfulness of the OnyCOE-t(™), a questionnaire specifically designed to measure patient-reported outcomes (PRO) associated with toenail onychomycosis. METHODS: 504 patients with toenail onychomycosis randomized to receive 12 weeks of terbinafine 250 mg/day with or without target toenail debridement in the IRON-CLAD(® )trial completed the OnyCOE-t™ at baseline, weeks 6, 12, 24, and 48. The OnyCOE-t™ is composed of 6 multi-item scales and 1 single-item scale. These include a 7-item Toenail Symptom assessment, which comprises both Symptom Frequency and Symptom Bothersomeness scales; an 8-item Appearance Problems scale; a 7-item Physical Activities Problems scale; a 1-item Overall Problem scale; a 7-item Stigma scale; and a 3-item Treatment Satisfaction scale. In total, 33 toenail onychomycosis-specific items are included in the OnyCOE-t™. Clinical data, in particular the percent clearing of mycotic involvement in the target toenail, and OnyCOE-t™ responses were used to evaluate the questionnaire's reliability, validity, responsiveness, and the minimally clinical important difference (MCID). RESULTS: The OnyCOE-t™ was shown to be reliable and valid. Construct validity and known groups validity were acceptable. Internal consistency reliability of multi-item scales was demonstrated by Cronbach's alpha > .84. Responsiveness was good, with the Treatment Satisfaction, Symptom Frequency, Overall Problem, and Appearance Problem scales demonstrating the most responsiveness (Guyatt's statistic of 1.72, 1.31, 1.13, and 1.11, respectively). MCID was evaluated for three different clinical measures, and indicated that approximately an 8.5-point change (on a 0 to 100 scale) was clinically meaningful based on a 25% improvement in target nail clearing. CONCLUSION: The OnyCOE-t™ questionnaire is a unique, toenail-specific PRO questionnaire that can be used with confidence in future studies of toenail onychomycosis. MCID was evaluated for three different clinical measures, and indicated that approximately a 7-point change (on a 0 to 100 scale) was clinically meaningful based on a 12.5% improvement in target nail clearing

    Effect of monosodium glutamate on testicular tissue of paclitaxel-treated mice: an experimental study

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    Background: Paclitaxel (PTX), a chemotherapeutic agent, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) have oxidative effects on testicular tissue. Objective: In this study, the effects of MSG administration on the exacerbation of testicular tissue alterations related to PTX treatment were evaluated. Materials and Methods: MSG (30 &amp; 60 mg/kg i.p.) was administrated to six groups (n = 8/each) of adult mice before or after PTX treatment: control, PTX-treated, MSG30 + PTX, MSG60 + PTX, PTX + MSG30, and PTX + MSG60. Following the euthanizing, the body weight measurement, pituitary–testicular axis hormonal analysis and serum lipid peroxidation index assessment was prepared, testicular histomorphometry (tubular diameter and germinal epithelium height), immunohistochemistry of p53 was completed. Microscopic indices of spermatogenesis (tubular differentiation, spermiogenesis and repopulation indices) were studied. Results: Body weight was not changed significantly. The levels of testosterone (p = 0.0001), follicle stimulating hormone (p = 0.019), and luteinizing hormone (p = 0.08) were decreased while the level of lipid peroxidation index was increased (p = 0.208) in the treated groups. The histomorphometry indices (p &lt; 0.0001 and p = 0.001, respectively), germ cells population (p &lt; 0.05) and microscopic indices of spermatogenesis (p = 0.001, p = 0.005, p &lt; 0.0001, respectively) were significantly reduced in all treated groups. The administration of MSG before PTX treatment induces more changes. The most positive reaction to p53 was observed in MSG30 or 60 + PTX groups compared to other groups. Conclusion: The administration of MSG could intensify testicular tissue alterations related to PTX chemotherapy. Key words: Mice, Monosodium glutamate, Morphometry, Paclitaxel, Testicular tissue
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