47 research outputs found

    Tibiofibular Cross-Peg Grafting for Infected Ununited Fracture of Tibia

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    Single-Stage Reconstruction of Extensive Defects after Fournier's Gangrene with an Exposed Iliac Crest and Testes

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    This report studies the effects of household tax credit (HTC). We use data from the Tax Authorities in Finland and Sweden. These data are firm-level monthly value added tax reports, annual income tax filings and individual-level reports on the usage of HTC. In addition, we use self-collected survey data focusing on the usage of HTC and the rules of the HTC system. The survey results show that approximately 20% of the working age population in Finland use services that are eligible for the HTC. These results also show that individuals are not very aware of the HTC rules, and our analysis using administrative data also supports this observation. Our descriptive analysis shows that the HTC system is highly regressive, i.e. highincome individuals claim a large share of the HTC. Our results using register data show that at best the HTC system has very limited effects on the consumption of services and employment in the service sector. We also do not find evidence that the HTC is efficient in reducing tax evasion. Therefore, our results suggest that expansion of the HTC system would be inefficient in spurring demand and employment and in reducing tax evasion. These results are also very well in line with previous studies that focus on estimating the effects of reduced VAT rates on prices, demand and employment.Tässä selvityksessä tarkastelemme kotitalousvähennyksen vaikutuksia. Aineistona käytämme Suomen ja Ruotsin verohallinnoilta saamaamme yritystason aineistoa kausiveroilmoituksista, yritystason vuosittaisista tuloverotiedoista sekä kotitalousvähennyksen käytöstä. Käytämme tutkimuksessa myös itsekeräämäämme kyselyaineistoa kotitalousvähennyksen käytöstä ja vähennykseen liittyvistä säännöistä. Kyselyyn perustuvat tuloksemme osoittavat, että noin 20 % työikäisistä ihmisistä käyttää kotitalousvähennykseen oikeuttavia palveluita, ja että ihmiset eivät ymmärrä tai tunne kotitalousvähennykseen liittyviä sääntöjä kovin hyvin. Tätä tukee myös rekisteriaineistoilla tehty analyysi. Kuvailevat tuloksemme osoittavat, että kotitalousvähennys on hyvin regressiivinen. Rekisteriaineistolla tekemämme analyysi paljastaa, että kotitalousvähennyksen vaikutukset palveluiden kysyntään ja työllisyyteen ovat hyvin pieniä. Emme myöskään havaitse kotitalousvähennyksellä olevan vaikutuksia veronkierron määrään. Tuloksemme tarkoittavat sitä, että kotitalousvähennysjärjestelmän laajennus olisi tehoton keino lisätä palveluiden kysyntää ja siten myös työllisyyttä sekä vähentää veronkiertoa. Tuloksemme ovat hyvin linjassa aiempaan tutkimuskirjallisuuteen, jossa havaitaan, että kysyntä näillä palvelualoilla on jäykkää, eivätkä hintamuutokset siten johda juurikaan kysyntämuutoksiin.I denna rapport granskar vi hushållsavdragets verkningar. Vårt material består av årliga uppgifter om inkomstskatt på företagsnivå, periodskattedeklarationer och uppgifter om användning av hushållsavdrag som vi fått från Finlands och Sveriges skatteförvaltningar. I vår undersökning använder vi även enkätmaterial som vi själva samlat in om användning av hushållsavdrag samt om föreskrifter kring avdraget. Våra enkätresultat visar att ca 20 % av personer i arbetsför ålder använder tjänster som berättigar till hushållsavdrag och att människor inte förstår eller känner till föreskrifterna om hushållsavdraget. Detta stöds även av vår analys av registermaterialen. Våra beskrivande resultat visar att hushållsavdraget är mycket regressivt. Vår analys av registermaterialen avslöjar att hushållsavdraget påverkar efterfrågan på tjänster och sysselsättningen i väldigt låg grad. Vi har heller inte sett att hushållsavdraget skulle påverka förekomsten av skatteflykt. Våra resultat innebär att en utvidgning av hushållsavdragssystemet vore ett ineffektivt sätt att öka efterfrågan på tjänster och därmed även sysselsättningen eller att minska skatteflykt. Våra resultat är i linje med tidigare forskningslitteratur, som observerat att dessa servicebranscher har en stel efterfrågan och att prisändringar därmed inte leder till nämnvärda ändringar i efterfrågan

    Helixor-M Suppresses Immunostimulatory Activity through TLR4-Dependent NF-κB Pathway in RAW 264.7 Cells

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    Inflammation causes a protective immune response, which can be observed by examining the inflammatory responses of macrophages. Macrophages release various immunostimulatory factors when destroying external pathogens. We induced lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in RAW 264.7 cells, a macrophage cell line, to determine whether Helixor-M can cause immuno-suppression. Helixor-M is known to have anticancer and immune effects. However, an indicator that regulates immunity has not been clearly confirmed. To this end, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay was conducted to confirm Helixor-M was not cytotoxic. Western blotting and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) confirmed the anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, immunofluorescence assay confirmed the translocation of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) p65, a representative inflammatory pathway. Helixor-M was found to be non-cytotoxic, induce the NF-κB pathway, and reduce the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). We found Helixor-M affected the PI3K/AKT/JNK pathway. Therefore, we confirmed Helixor-M acts as an anti-inflammatory agent through NF-κB, TLR4 and PI3K inhibition and that it could be an effective immunosuppressive drug

    Inhibition of HMGB1-induced angiogenesis by cilostazol via SIRT1 activation in synovial fibroblasts from rheumatoid arthritis.

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    High mobility group box chromosomal protein 1 (HMGB-1) released from injured cells plays an important role in the development of arthritis. This study investigated the anti-angiogenic effects of cilostazol in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) of mice, and the underlying mechanisms involved. The expressions of HIF-1α, VEGF, NF-κB p65 and SIRT1 in synovial fibroblasts obtained from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients were assessed by Western blotting, and in vitro and in vivo angiogenesis were analyzed. Tube formations by human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVECs) were significantly increased by direct exposure to HMGB1 or to conditioned medium derived from HMGB1-stimulated RA fibroblasts, and these increases were attenuated by cilostazol, the latter of which was blocked by sirtinol. HMGB1 increased the expression of HIF-1α and VEGF and concomitantly increased nuclear NF-κB p65 and DNA binding activity, but these effects of HMGB1 were inhibited by cilostazol. SIRT1 protein expression was time-dependently decreased (3-24 hr) by HMGB1, which was recovered by pretreatment with cilostazol (1-30 µM) or resveratrol, accompanying with increased SIRT1 deacetylase activity. In the tibiotarsal joint tissues of CIA mice treated with vehicle, HIF-1α- and VEGF-positive spots and CD31 staining were markedly exaggerated, whereas SIRT1 immunofluorescence was diminished. These variables were wholly reversed in cilostazol (30 mg/kg/day)-treated mice. Furthermore, number of blood vessels stained by von Willebrand factor antibody was significantly lower in cilostazol-treated CIA mice. Summarizing, cilostazol activated SIRT1 and inhibited NF-κB-mediated transcription, thereby suppressing the expression of HIF-1α and VEGF. In addition, cilostazol caused HIF-1α deacetylation by enhancing SIRT1 activity and reduced VEGF production, thereby had an anti-angiogenic effect in vitro studies and in CIA murine model