15 research outputs found

    La aplicación del AICLE para la enseñanza del idioma inglés en Tailandia: asuntos y retos

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    Most countries in the world have been influenced by the trends of globalization and interculturality; accordingly, the English language and related cultures have come to play more important roles in global communication. Educational research, a primary source for language teaching and learning development, has increasingly emphasized the importance of integrating language and culture in teaching and learning processes. However, it is not easy for students who use English as a foreign language (EFL) to speak English fluently in an environment where English is rarely used outside the classroom. Teachers nevertheless try to find out the most appropriate teaching approach to develop their students’ English skills in order to serve the demands for English in the labor markets. This article discusses the application of CLIL in an EFL context—a case study in Thailand—with an emphasis on explanation of CLIL framework and principles and how these are implemented in Thailand as guidelines for developing EFL courses or curriculum. Both advantages and disadvantages of applying CLIL are examined and the difficulties of applying CLIL in the classroom are clarified to help EFL teachers plan their courses more effectively.Key words: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), English communication, language teaching and learning, EFL contextLa mayoría de los países en el mundo han sido influenciados por las tendencias de la globalización y la interculturalidad; en consecuencia, el idioma inglés y culturas asociadas han llegado a desempeñar un papel más importante en la comunicación global. La investigación educativa, una fuente primaria para la enseñanza de idiomas y el desarrollo de aprendizaje, ha destacado cada vez más la importancia de integrar la lengua y la cultura en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Sin embargo, no es fácil para los estudiantes que utilizan el inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL) hablarlo con fluidez en un entorno en el cual se utiliza la lengua muy poco fuera del aula. Los profesores, sin embargo, buscan encontrar el método de enseñanza más adecuado para desarrollar habilidades en el inglés de sus estudiantes con el fin de atender las demandas para inglés en los mercados laborales. En este artículo se analiza la aplicación de AICLE en un contexto EFL—de un estudio de caso en Tailandia—con un énfasis en la explicación del marco y los principios del AICLE y cómo se implementan en Tailandia como directrices para el desarrollo de cursos de inglés como lengua extranjera o de los planes de estudios. Ambas ventajas y desventajas de la aplicación del AICLE se examinan y se aclaran las dificultades para aplicar el AICLE en el aula para ayudar a los profesores de EFL a planificar sus cursos de manera más efectiva

    La aplicación del AICLE para la enseñanza del idioma inglés en Tailandia: asuntos y retos

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    18 páginasMost countries in the world have been influenced by the trends of globalization and interculturality; accordingly, the English language and related cultures have come to play more important roles in global communication. Educational research, a primary source for language teaching and learning development, has increasingly emphasized the importance of integrating language and culture in teaching and learning processes. However, it is not easy for students who use English as a foreign language (EFL) to speak English fluently in an environment where English is rarely used outside the classroom. Teachers nevertheless try to find out the most appropriate teaching approach to develop their students’ English skills in order to serve the demands for English in the labor markets. This article discusses the application of CLIL in an EFL context—a case study in Thailand—with an emphasis on explanation of CLIL framework and principles and how these are implemented in Thailand as guidelines for developing EFL courses or curriculum. Both advantages and disadvantages of applying CLIL are examined and the difficulties of applying CLIL in the classroom are clarified to help EFL teachers plan their courses more effectivelyLa mayoría de los países en el mundo han sido influenciados por las tendencias de la globalización y la interculturalidad; en consecuencia, el idioma inglés y culturas asociadas han llegado a desempeñar un papel más importante en la comunicación global. La investigación educativa, una fuente primaria para la enseñanza de idiomas y el desarrollo de aprendizaje, ha destacado cada vez más la importancia de integrar la lengua y la cultura en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Sin embargo, no es fácil para los estudiantes que utilizan el inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL) hablarlo con fluidez en un entorno en el cual se utiliza la lengua muy poco fuera del aula. Los profesores, sin embargo, buscan encontrar el método de enseñanza más adecuado para desarrollar habilidades en el inglés de sus estudiantes con el fin de atender las demandas para inglés en los mercados laborales. En este artículo se analiza la aplicación de AICLE en un contexto EFL—de un estudio de caso en Tailandia—con un énfasis en la explicación del marco y los principios del AICLE y cómo se implementan en Tailandia como directrices para el desarrollo de cursos de inglés como lengua extranjera o de los planes de estudios. Ambas ventajas y desventajas de la aplicación del AICLE se examinan y se aclaran las dificultades para aplicar el AICLE en el aula para ayudar a los profesores de EFL a planificar sus cursos de manera más efectiva

    Preparation of platinum-free tubular dye-sensitized solar cells by electrophoretic deposition

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    Tubular dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) were developed by replacing expensive materials with lower cost materials as follows: (1) replacing conductive glass electrodes with titanium (Ti) wires and (2) replacing platinum (Pt) catalyst with the mixture of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, MWCNTs and Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate), PEDOT-PSS. Platinized counter electrodes were used as the standard counter electrodes for comparison. The effects of the chemical treatment of titanium wire substrate and electrophoretic deposition condition on the efficiency of DSSCs were also investigated. The chemical treatment of titanium wires was carried out by soaking the wires in HF-HNO3 solutions at three different concentrations of 0.8, 1.6 and 2.4 M and three different soaking durations of 5, 10 and 15 min. The optimum condition was found at HF-HNO3 concentration of 0.8 M and soaking duration of 10 min. Film coating on working electrodes was performed using electrophoretic technique at three different voltages of 5, 8 and 10 V and four different coating durations of 1, 3, 5 and 7 min. Then, the optimum condition at deposition voltage of 5 V and deposition duration of 5 min was applied for film deposition on counter electrodes. The efficiency of DSSC with CNTs/TiO2 counter electrode was 0.03%. The addition of PEDOT-PSS improved the efficiency of DSSC to 0.08%

    Preparation and characterization of porous silicate films by sol-gel method

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    Thermal evaluation of flow channels with perforated-baffles

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    The influences of perforated-baffles on the local Nusselt number (Nu) and thermo-hydraulic behaviors were comprehensively studied using thermochromic liquid crystal sheet. The perforated-baffles were designed in two forms: perforated-baffle (PB) and perforated-baffle with square wings (SW-PBs). Transverse solid baffles (TBs) were also tested for an assessment. All baffles had an identical height of 12 mm (e/H = 0.3). Experimental results showed that SW-PBs offered better Nu than PBs. It is also seen that PBs and SW-PBs caused lower pressure loss than TBs by around 20.49% and 13.98%, respectively. The reduction of friction loss was primarily due to the baffle perforation. In addition, the PBs yielded the thermal performance factors (TPF) up to 1.01 at the lowest Reynolds number of 6000

    Thermal Visualization and Performance Analysis in a Channel Installing Transverse Baffles with Square Wings

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    The experimental examination of local heat transfer, thermal intensification, friction factors, and thermal performance factors (TPF) in a rectangular channel with square-winged transverse baffles (SW-TB) are presented in this paper. The purpose of this study is to modify the typical transverse baffles (TB) into square-winged transverse baffles (SW-TB) in order to improve the thermal performance and heat transfer rate of the channel. The effects of SW-TBs with various wing attack angles and Reynolds numbers on the heat transfer performance characteristics were examined using a thermochromic liquid crystal sheet. In the experiments, the SW-TBs were attached to the bottom wall of the channel, which had an aspect ratio (W:H) of 3.75:1. The SW-TBs had a width (w) of 150 mm, a square perforated cross-sectional area (a × b) of 8 × 8 mm2, and attack angles (θ) of 0° (solid transverse-baffle), 22.5°, 45°, 67.5°, and 90°. The bottom wall of the channel was evenly heated, while the other walls were insulated. The temperature contours on the heated surface were plotted using temperatures obtained through using the thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) image-processing method. Experimental results revealed that the SW-TBs created multiple impinging jets, apart from the recirculation. At the proper attack angles (θ = 22.5° and 45°), the SW-TBs offered greater heat transfer rates and caused lower friction losses, resulting in higher TPFs than the solid transverse baffles. In the current work, channels where the SW-TBs display a θ = 45° presented the greatest TPF, as high as 1.26. The multiple impinging jets issuing by the SW-TBs suppressed the size of the recirculation flow and allowed better contact between the fluid flow and channel wall

    Thermal Visualization and Performance Analysis in a Channel Installing Transverse Baffles with Square Wings

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    The experimental examination of local heat transfer, thermal intensification, friction factors, and thermal performance factors (TPF) in a rectangular channel with square-winged transverse baffles (SW-TB) are presented in this paper. The purpose of this study is to modify the typical transverse baffles (TB) into square-winged transverse baffles (SW-TB) in order to improve the thermal performance and heat transfer rate of the channel. The effects of SW-TBs with various wing attack angles and Reynolds numbers on the heat transfer performance characteristics were examined using a thermochromic liquid crystal sheet. In the experiments, the SW-TBs were attached to the bottom wall of the channel, which had an aspect ratio (W:H) of 3.75:1. The SW-TBs had a width (w) of 150 mm, a square perforated cross-sectional area (a × b) of 8 × 8 mm2, and attack angles (θ) of 0° (solid transverse-baffle), 22.5°, 45°, 67.5°, and 90°. The bottom wall of the channel was evenly heated, while the other walls were insulated. The temperature contours on the heated surface were plotted using temperatures obtained through using the thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) image-processing method. Experimental results revealed that the SW-TBs created multiple impinging jets, apart from the recirculation. At the proper attack angles (θ = 22.5° and 45°), the SW-TBs offered greater heat transfer rates and caused lower friction losses, resulting in higher TPFs than the solid transverse baffles. In the current work, channels where the SW-TBs display a θ = 45° presented the greatest TPF, as high as 1.26. The multiple impinging jets issuing by the SW-TBs suppressed the size of the recirculation flow and allowed better contact between the fluid flow and channel wall

    Generation and characterization of cross neutralizing human monoclonal antibody against 4 serotypes of dengue virus without enhancing activity

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    Background Dengue disease is a leading cause of illness and death in the tropics and subtropics. Most severe cases occur among patients secondarily infected with a different dengue virus (DENV) serotype compared with that from the first infection, resulting in antibody-dependent enhancement activity (ADE). Our previous study generated the neutralizing human monoclonal antibody, D23-1B3B9 (B3B9), targeting the first domain II of E protein, which showed strong neutralizing activity (NT) against all four DENV serotypes. However, at sub-neutralizing concentrations, it showed ADE activity in vitro. Methods In this study, we constructed a new expression plasmid using the existing IgG heavy chain plasmid as a template for Fc modification at position N297Q by site-directed mutagenesis. The resulting plasmid was then co-transfected with a light chain plasmid to produce full recombinant IgG (rIgG) in mammalian cells (N297Q-B3B9). This rIgG was characterized for neutralizing and enhancing activity by using different FcγR bearing cells. To produce sufficient quantities of B3B9 rIgG for further characterization, CHO-K1 cells stably secreting N297Q-B3B9 rIgG were then established. Results The generated N297Q-B3B9 rIgG which targets the conserved N-terminal fusion loop of DENV envelope protein showed the same cross-neutralizing activity to all four DENV serotypes as those of wild type rIgG. In both FcγRI- and RII-bearing THP-1 cells and FcγRII-bearing K562 cells, N297Q-B3B9 rIgG lacked ADE activity against all DENV serotypes at sub-neutralizing concentrations. Fortunately, the N297Q-B3B9 rIgG secreted from stable cells showed the same patterns of NT and ADE activities as those of the N297Q-B3B9 rIgG obtained from transient expression against DENV2. Thus, the CHO-K1 stably expressing N297Q-B3B9 HuMAb can be developed as high producer stable cells and used to produce sufficient amounts of antibody for further characterization as a promising dengue therapeutic candidate. Discussion Human monoclonal antibody, targeted to fusion loop of envelope domainII (EDII), was generated and showed cross-neutralizing activity to 4 serotypes of DENV, but did not cause any viral enhancement activity in vitro. This HuMAb could be further developed as therapeutic candidates