7 research outputs found

    Multimodal Prussian blue analogs as contrast agents for X-ray computed tomography

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    Prussian blue analogs (PBAs) are versatile materials with a wide range of applications. Due to their tunability, intrinsic biocompatibility, as well as low toxicity, these nanoscale coordination polymers have been successfully studied as multimodal contrast agents for multiple imaging techniques. Herein, we report the expanded biomedical application of PBAs to X-ray computed tomography (CT). In our systematic study of the series A{Mn^(II)[Fe^(III)(CN)6]} (A = K^+, Rb^+, Cs^+), we showed that derivatives incorporating Rb+ and Cs+ ions in the tetrahedral sites of the parent face-centered cubic cyano-bridged networks exhibited substantially increased X-ray attenuation coefficients, thus yielding significant contrast compared to the clinically approved X-ray contrast agent iohexol at the same concentrations. Additionally, our Ό-CT studies revealed that these PBAs could be useful as dual-energy CT contrast agents for different biological specimens by using the lower varying scanning X-ray tube voltages. Finally, in vitro studies using U87-Luc cells treated with PBAs, including cellular CT imaging and bioluminescence cell viability assays, revealed that PBAs were taken up by the glioblastoma cells, with moderate biocompatibility at concentrations below the mM range

    Multimodal Prussian blue analogs as contrast agents for X-ray computed tomography

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    Prussian blue analogs (PBAs) are versatile materials with a wide range of applications. Due to their tunability, intrinsic biocompatibility, as well as low toxicity, these nanoscale coordination polymers have been successfully studied as multimodal contrast agents for multiple imaging techniques. Herein, we report the expanded biomedical application of PBAs to X-ray computed tomography (CT). In our systematic study of the series A{Mn^(II)[Fe^(III)(CN)6]} (A = K^+, Rb^+, Cs^+), we showed that derivatives incorporating Rb+ and Cs+ ions in the tetrahedral sites of the parent face-centered cubic cyano-bridged networks exhibited substantially increased X-ray attenuation coefficients, thus yielding significant contrast compared to the clinically approved X-ray contrast agent iohexol at the same concentrations. Additionally, our Ό-CT studies revealed that these PBAs could be useful as dual-energy CT contrast agents for different biological specimens by using the lower varying scanning X-ray tube voltages. Finally, in vitro studies using U87-Luc cells treated with PBAs, including cellular CT imaging and bioluminescence cell viability assays, revealed that PBAs were taken up by the glioblastoma cells, with moderate biocompatibility at concentrations below the mM range

    On the Hydrogen Oxalate Binding Motifs onto Dinuclear Cu and Ag Metal Phosphine Complexes

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    We report the binding geometries of the isomers that are formed when the hydrogen oxalate ((CO2_{2})2_{2}H=HOx_{x}) anion attaches to dinuclear coinage metal phosphine complexes of the form [M1_{1}M2_{2}dcpm2_{2}(HOx)]+^{+} with M=Cu, Ag and dcpm=bis(dicyclohexylphosphino)methane, abbreviated [MM]+^{+}. These structures are established by comparison of isomer-selective experimental vibrational band patterns displayed by the cryogenically cooled and N2_{2}-tagged cations with DFT calculations of the predicted spectra for various local minima. Two isomeric classes are identified that feature either attachment of the carboxylate oxygen atoms to the two metal centers (end-on docking) or attachment of oxygen atoms on different carbon atoms asymmetrically to the metal ions (side-on docking). Within each class, there are additional isomeric variations according to the orientation of the OH group. This behavior indicates that HOx undergoes strong and directional coordination to [CuCu]+^{+} but adopts a more flexible coordination to [AgAg]+^{+}. Infrared spectra of the bare ions, fragmentation thresholds and ion mobility measurements are reported to explore the behaviors of the complexes at ambient temperature

    Multimodal Prussian blue analogs as contrast agents for X-ray computed tomography

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    Prussian blue analogs (PBAs) are versatile materials with a wide range of applications. Due to their tunabil- ity, intrinsic biocompatibility, as well as low toxicity, these nanoscale coordination polymers have been successfully studied as multimodal contrast agents for multiple imaging techniques. Herein, we report the expanded biomedical application of PBAs to X-ray computed tomography (CT). In our systematic study of the series A{MnII[FeIII(CN)6]} (A = K+ , Rb+ , Cs+ ), we showed that derivatives incorporating Rb+ and Cs+ ions in the tetrahedral sites of the parent face-centered cubic cyano-bridged networks exhibited substan- tially increased X-ray attenuation coefficients, thus yielding significant contrast compared to the clinically approved X-ray contrast agent iohexol at the same concentrations. Additionally, our Ό-CT studies revealed that these PBAs could be useful as dual-energy CT contrast agents for different biological specimens by using the lower varying scanning X-ray tube voltages. Finally, in vitro studies using U87-Luc cells treated with PBAs, including cellular CT imaging and bioluminescence cell viability assays, revealed that PBAs were taken up by the glioblastoma cells, with moderate biocompatibility at concentrations below the mM range

    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on College Students: An Online Survey

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, since its beginning in December 2019, has altered every aspect of human life. In Vietnam, the pandemic is in its fourth peak and is the most serious so far, putting Vietnam in the list of top 30 countries with the highest daily cases. In this paper, we wish to identify the magnitude of its impact on college students in Vietnam. As far as we’re concerned, college students belong to the most affected groups in the population, especially in big cities that have been hitting hard by the virus. We conducted an online survey from 31 May 2021 to 9 June 2021, asking students from four representative regions in Vietnam to describe how the pandemic has changed their lifestyle and studying environment, as well as their awareness, compliance, and psychological state. The collected answers were processed to eliminate unreliable ones then prepared for sentiment analysis. To analyze the relationship among the variables, we performed a variety of statistical tests, including Shapiro–Wilk, Mc Nemar, Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon, Kruskal–Wallis, and Pearson’s Chi-square tests. Among 1875 students who participated, many did not embrace online education. A total of 64.53% of them refused to think that online education would be the upcoming trend. During the pandemic, nearly one quarter of students were in a negative mood. About the same number showed signs of depression. We also observed that there were increasing patterns in sleeping time, body weight, and sedentary lifestyle. However, they maintained a positive attitude toward health protection and compliance with government regulations (65.81%). As far as we know, this is the first project to conduct such a large-scale survey analysis on students in Vietnam. The findings of the paper help us take notice of financial and mental needs and perspective issues for indigent students, which contributes to reducing the pandemic’s negative effects and going forwards to a better and more sustainable life