16 research outputs found

    Early Geopolitical Teachings in Ancient China and India and Their Principles

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    This article focuses on the early geopolitical doctrines, the reasons for their emergence, and their role in the development of international relations. The views of thinkers who greatly contributed to the development of early geopolitical knowledge in ancient China and India are highlighted. The location of their country, form of government, natural-geographical, socio-economic, and logistical possibilities are highlighted in their views. In the analysis of processes in the region, the methods of analysis and synthesis, historicity and logic, comparative comparison, and generalization are appropriately used

    A review of the water quality indices of riverine ecosystem, Bangladesh

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    Rivers have been the most important freshwater resource, and our ancient civilizations have flourished along the banks of rivers. River water finds multiple uses like agriculture, industry, transportation, aquaculture, and public water supply. Natural waters are being contaminated as the quality of water is being affected by anthropogenic activities, in developing countries like Bangladesh. From the point of view, the physicochemical parameters (water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, DO, BOD, alkalinity, total hardness, nitrate) of seventeen rivers in Bangladesh were reviewed from January 2021 to June 2021. The water quality parameters of some rivers were found to be far above the suitable limits, which is dangerous for human health, agriculture, and fisheries. It is therefore necessary to check the water quality at regular interval of time to conserve the natural ecosystem of the rivers of Bangladesh. Furthermore, this study would help to create and develop awareness among the people to help maintain the quality of the river waters

    Regional, Religious Threats to Central Asia and Issues of Social Partnership in Combating Them

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    The article discusses the various threats to the political processes in Central Asia, the impact of information, the tasks that must be undertaken to protect young people from the effects of various destructive ideas, and to educate young people

    Two approaches for automating analysis of electromagnetic processes in non-linear circuits with valves

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    This article analyses and compares two approaches related to automating modeling of valve electric circuits with piecewise linear approximation of valve characteristics. The first approach is based on operator equivalent circuits’ analytical formulas and on analytical expressions programming which describe equivalent circuits on each conduction interval of valve elements. The second approach provides implementation of a system for modeling valve converters based on implicit numerical integration formulas

    Research energy and resource saving operating modes of the pump unit

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    The article presents the results of the study of operating modes of pumping stations as a set of all its elements. In this case, the water-lifting pumping station was considered as a class of turbomachines functioning in the systems of machine water-lifting. The development of new technical solutions for the creation of controlled systems of electric drives is proposed that most fully takes into account the specific features of the mutual influence of hydraulic and electromechanical modes and methods of influencing the technological process

    Critical frequency of autonomous current inverter when operating on active-inductive load

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    The article presents the results of a study of a circuit of an autonomous current inverter with shut-off valves when operating on an active-inductive load in terms of identifying its properties, energy characteristics and comparing the circuit with a traditional parallel current inverter with capacitive switching without additional valves