14 research outputs found


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    Pre menstrual syndrome (PMS) is distressing psychological, physical and/ or behavioural symptoms. It occurs during the luteal phase of menstrual cycle. The significant regression of symptoms comes with onset of or during the period. PMS can also be defined as a combination of emotional, physical and psychological disturbances. It occurs after a woman’s ovulation, which gets end with onset of her menstrual flow. Here, in this review a detailed explanation about its etiology, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and its treatment are being described. Ayurveda points of view regarding PMS are also being described. Premenstrual syndrome can be probably correlated with Rituvyatita Kalaja Pitta Vata Vriddhi. As Vata dosha plays important role in aggravating the other Doshas as well. Vata Dosha imbalance causes the imbalance state of other Doshas causing premenstrual syndrome. Vata in association with Pitta and Kapha simultaneously vitiates Manodosha and Rasadhatu. Mithyahar vihar is the Samanya nidana for this syndrome


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    Any uterine bleeding outside the normal volume, duration, regularity or frequency is considered as abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). Nearly thirty percent of all gynaecological outpatient attendants are for AUB. Abnormal menstrual bleeding pattern have been traditionally expressed by terms like menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, polymenorrhagia & oligomenorrhoea. Normal menstrual cycle interval is 28 days (21-35 days), menstrual flow duration 4-5 days and normal menstrual blood loss should be 35ml (20-80 ml). Any deviation in the above criteria comes under abnormal uterine bleeding, means excessive amount of bleeding or increased duration of bleeding during menstruation or both termed as AUB. In Ayurveda same is described as Pradara. A female patient aged 22 years visited OPD of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga department of NIA, with complaints of heavy menstrual bleeding and prolonged menstrual bleeding more than seven days since six months. Pictorial blood loss assessment chart was used to assess the amount of blood loss before and after treatment. SF-36 questionnaire was assessed to know the improvement in quality of life. Patient was given Kutajashtakaleha 10 gm BD with cows milk


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    Garbhasanskara means reforming, polishing and ultimate moulding and cultivating the unborn. Simply, we can say, it is a process of selecting and transmitting positive influence by means of Yoga, reading, thinking, praying including healthy eating and cheerful behaviour. There is special bond between mother and baby due to Garbha sanskara. It is a process of training the baby as well as mothers mind during pregnancy. Pre-planning for pregnancy (Supraja janan), preparing the body in advance before conceiving helps greatly in having a healthy progeny. Sanskara is Sanskaro hi Gunaantaradhanam means to substitute bad traits by superior ones. In this review, a complete description about the Garbhasanskara has been discussed, along with these essential factors for conception, Sodhana (purificatory process), Rasayan and Vajikarana, Ahara vihara, Garbhini paricharya, Mantra, meditation, stress and Pranayama


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    Menstruation is a normal physiological process in females starting at the age of twelve years and lasts till the age of fifty years. It is a cyclical phenomenon usually occurring every twenty-one to thirty five days and includes uterine bleeding for about three to seven days. Most well adjusted women experience minor psychological and somatic changes for a few days preceding menstruation. These menstrual molimina give way to a sensation of relief and well being once menstruation is established. Most women of reproductive age have some physical discomfort or dysphoria in the weeks before menstruation. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome is one such commonly reported and highly prevalent disorder characterized by constellation of physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral symptoms. An 18-year-old female patient reported to OPD with the complaints of pain during menses since six years, extreme mood swings, irritability, sudden tearfulness, anger outbursts, nervousness. These symptoms were also associated with vomiting and loose motions. On physical examination, no abnormalities were detected. Mental Status Examination revealed abnormality in mood and affect, attention, concentration and thought process Based on history, presenting symptoms and diagnostic criteria the case was established as Premenstrual Syndrome. So, the protocol for treatment planned was symptomatic. Internal administration of Gokhura churna plus Yastimadhu with Munnaka kshirapaak was given for 15 days. Rajaswalacharya was advised

    An Overview of Patients Visited at Department of Stri-Roga and Prasuti Tantra at District Ayurveda Health Center Kathmandu

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    District Ayurveda Health Center, located in Sinamangal, deals with different branches such as Stri Prasuti, Kayachikitsa, Panchakarma, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, and Acupressure. The majority of the patients who visited DAHC were females. In this retrospective analysis, Gynec patients who underwent treatment from Shrawan 2079 to Ashad 2080 were studied. Objective: The major objective of this study was to determine the treated disease pattern and the frequency of gynec patients who benefited from treatments and services provided in the OPD of DAHC. Material and methods: The study was analytically retrospective in nature, where an analysis of registered patient case records of Stri roga and Prasuti roga from the OPD of DAHC during the period 079-080 B.S. was conducted. Result: Despite a good number of patients visiting the OPD of DAHC and patients with different gynecological diseases being treated with Ayurvedic medications, Sthanika chikitsa (local in situ procedures), Beejasanskara (pre-conceptional care), Garbhasansakara (antenatal care), and Sutika (post-natal care), there is a lack of good publicity and awareness in the general population about the wide range of treatments available for various diseases at DAHC. The follow-up cases were also good. Conclusion: The study showed that DAHC provided services for various gynecological diseases, Sthanika chikitsa (local in situ procedures), Beejasanskara (pre-conceptional care), Garbhasansakara (antenatal care), and Sutika (post-natal care) facilities, benefiting females. Hence, improving the services and conducting awareness programs can provide better Ayurvedic health services to many needy people at the district level


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    Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is a state of Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) without any clinically detectable organic, systemic & iatrogenic cause (pelvic pathology like tumor, inflammations excluded). DUB represents a particular type of AUB and is defined as excessive, prolonged and irregular bleeding of endometrium with frequency less than 21 days, duration more than seven days that does not cause pain and does not involve any organic lesion. Based on the clinical features it can be compared with Asrigdara mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. Asrigdara is one of the commonly met problems in Gynae OPD among peri menopausal women. One half of women among the AUB will have DUB. 10 – 15% of women experience episodes of DUB at some time during their reproductive age. This study was conducted in a single patient. A lady of age 41 years, having problem of prolonged bleeding since one and half years came to OPD of Prasuti and Stri roga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur. She had taken hormonal preparations and haemostatics for five continuous months along with D& C done for same problem, after wards bleeding increased even more and then doctors have given hysterectomy advice as the last resort. Patient was posted for Virechan Karma as classical schedule owing to her Agni and Vyayamshakti. Snehapan was done by plain Go Ghrita and Virechan was done by Trivritalehyam. Followed by few oral medicines after Samsarjana Karma. The patient was followed up for three months. There is significant reduction in amount of blood flow along with increased inter – menstrual period. Thus, we can conclude from the study that Ayurveda regimen plays an effective role in management of Asrigdara

    Clinical Observations of Folklore Treatment Regimen in the Management of Female Infertility

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    Infertility is a global public health issue with an estimated prevalence of infertility ranging from 3.5% to 16.7% in more developed nations and from 6.9% to 9.3% in less developed nations. Female fertility is achieved by coordinated and synchronized functions of Garbha Sambhava Samagri. This synchronization may get disrupted due to various factors or dysfunction of reproductive tract like Artavadushti, Asrugdara, neuroendocrine system like Apanavayu vikruti, and immune system or by any severe systemic disease.  According to Ayurveda, essential factors to achieve fertility are described as Garbha Sambhava samagri, incorporating disease free Kshetra, Rutu, Ambu and Bija and normal psychology (mind) and regulated Vata function at the general as well as specific level are also essential. Many formulations are described in Ayurvedic texts for the management of Infertility. But in the present paper an attempt is being made to present clinical observations of one folklore regimen comprising Jatiphala churna (given three days during Rutukala) and Ashvattha Jata (given during secretary phase). Clinical observations of four infertility cases are presented in the present paper; among the four, three are primary infertility cases and one secondary infertility case. Among the four, two cases got conceived and in two cases regularization of menses, ovulation induction observed. On overall observation, this regimen is giving encouraging results


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    The term retained products of conception (RPOC) refers to intrauterine tissue that develops after conception and persists after medical and surgical pregnancy termination, miscarriage, and vaginal or cesarean delivery. Approximately half of the conceptions are not even recognized 10- 15% is lost during 1st trimester and additional 2-3% is lost in later pregnancy. The word abortion means expulsion from the uterus of the product of conception before the fetus is viable. This period of viability is different in different views. In modern medicine the period of viability is taken as 7 months. In Ayurveda this abortion is mentioned with the name of Garbhasrava or Garbhapata. A 30 yr old female patient came to NIA opd with a complaint of heavy bleed continously since 1 month. On examination it was found, she has taken MTP pill from local clinic. D and C was done though she was getting her bleed continously. Then, she came to NIA opd for futher management and was given Dashmool Kwatha, Ajmodadi Churna, Triphala Guggulu and Prataplankeshwar ras for 7 days. Then the patient was advised for USG which revealed no retained product of conception

    Ayurvedic Management of Hydrosalpinx: A Case Report

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    Infertility is caused by different factors like ovulatory, endometrial, tubal factors etc., and tubal factors are more responsible for infertility in patients of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Among the Garbha Sambhava Samagri, tubal factors come under Kshetra Vikriti. The present article a case report of female with primary infertility with the involvement of bilateral hydrosalpinx is presented. A female patient aged about 27 years approached the OPD of Prasutitanntra and Striroga department, Arogyashala of National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur. Her initial complaints were severe pain before the onset of menstruation, intermittent on and off pain in left inguinal region, scanty menstruation and primary infertility. She was found to have huge hydrosalpinx in her USG findings. So treatment was planned accordingly and she was treated with Ayurvedic regimen consisting of Shodhana and Shamana therapy. Yonivarti was planned as Sthanika chikitsa along with Triphala Guggulu and Godanti bhasma as oral medications. Her USG was repeated after treatment which revealed hydrosalpinx was resolved possessing normal fallopian tube diameter

    Epigenetic Regulation in Cancer and Cancer Therapies

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    It has been believed that identification of alterations in epigenetic profiles can be used to distinguish not only between various types of malignancies but also between different phases of cancer progression. As a result, epigenetic factors have a lot of potential to become more accurate diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for many malignancies. Although DNA methylation is the most researched aspect of epigenetics, only a few methylation markers are routinely used in clinical practice. DNA methylation biomarkers, on the other hand, are expected to play a significant role in the near future. To summarize, epigenetic regulation plays a critical role in cancer development, and epigenetic biomarker analysis has a lot of potential to become clinically useful. More research is needed to further develop and evaluate epigenetic biomarkers\u27 therapeutic use