2,665 research outputs found

    Variation of the Dependence of the Transient Process Duration on the Initial Conditions in Systems with Discrete Time

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    Dependence of the transient process duration on the initial conditions is considered in one- and two-dimensional systems with discrete time, representing a logistic map and the Eno map, respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Chronopotentiometry at platinum electrode in KF-NaF-AlF3-Al2O3 melt

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    Some features of the mechanism of the anode process on platinum in KF–NaF–AlF3–Al2O3 melt at 750–780 °C depending on the of anodic current density (0.5 mA/cm2 to 2.0 A/cm2) and anodic pulse duration have been studied using chronopotentiometry method. In curves of change in the platinum anode potential a small peak at current densities of 10–30 mA/cm2 and a clear peak at current densities of 0.5–2.0 A/cm2 are recorded when the current is cut on. Analysis of dependencies of the transition time on the current density indicates that the first peak in curve is associated with the formation of an oxide compound on the platinum surface, and the second one is related to hindering the diffusion for delivery of electroactive particles to its surface.The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 13–03–00829 A)

    Solving and estimating indeterminate DSGE models

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    We propose a method for solving and estimating linear rational expectations models that exhibit indeterminacy and we provide step-by-step guidelines for implementing this method in the Matlab-based packages Dynare and Gensys. Our method redefines a subset of expectational errors as new fundamentals. This redefinition allows us to treat indeterminate models as determinate and to apply standard solution algorithms. We prove that our method is equivalent to the solution method proposed by Lubik and Schorfheide (2003, 2004), and using the New-Keynesian model described in Lubik and Schorfheide (2004), we demonstrate how to apply our theoretical results with a practical exercise

    Обоснованность обязанностей и запретов, установленных для осужденных к лишению свободы

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    The subject of the research. The research focuses on the legal prohibitions and obligations for convicts to imprisonment fixed in the norms of legislation and in subordinate regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it.The purpose of the research is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that there is a current discrepancy between the content of the legal responsibilities of convicts and the goals of the penal enforcement such as rehabilitation and preventing of the commission of new crimes, their social essence and legal nature.Methods of the research. The research uses retrospective analysis of legislation in the field of execution of criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment, as well as analysis and synthesis of legal literature and empirical research data. To confirm the conclusions of the research authors use sociological survey of 364 citizens and 221 employees of penal institutions located in the Siberian Federal District (the cities of Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk) aged from 18 to 73 years.The main results of the research and the scope of their application. On the basis of retrospective analysis of the norms of penal enforcement (formerly correctional labor) law, which establish the penitentiary duties of convicts, the goals and objectives of penal enforcement legal regulation, the results of an empirical study, it is concluded that some of the responsibilities (including prohibitions) of convicts in criminal enforcement law do not have a strict scientific explanation. Their establishment is dictated not only by the need to achieve the purposes of convicts rehabilitation and preventing the commission of new crimes, but also to solve a number of other tasks that do not fit into the existing concept of the execution of punishment in the form of imprisonment and violate the balance between the "punitive" and "correctional-preventive" content of punishment. These include responsibilities that: are a relic of the Soviet socialist society; provide administrative, economic, managerial and other activities of penal institutions; unreasonably "seem" to be an effective way to rehabilitate convicts and prevent the commission of new crimes by both convicts and other persons.Conclusions. The solution of the mentioned problems in the light of the development of penal enforcement policy in general and of its legislative form in particular is possible in several ways. The first one is that the legal responsibilities of the convicts to imprisonment should be reviewed (excluded, or the content should be changed), taking into account their real impact on the achievement of the goals established by law (or change the latter) and the constantly changing rules and traditions of the human society. The second one is to change the goals of the penal enforcement legislation to its current (and possibly future) norms. The third "middle ground" way consists in simultaneous changing of the goals of the penal enforcement legislation and of the legal responsibilities of convicts in the direction of expanding the dispositive principles of criminal enforcement legal regulation, excluding certain of their responsibilities and prohibitions and expanding their rights.Анализируются установленные в уголовно-исполнительном праве обязанности и запреты для осужденных к лишению свободы на предмет их соответствия цели исправления и предупреждения совершения новых преступлений (ч. 1 ст. 1 Уголовно-исполнительного кодекса РФ). Делается вывод, что не все из них вписываются в существующую концепцию исполнения наказания в виде лишения свободы, нарушая тем самым баланс между «карательным» и «исправительно-предупредительным» содержанием наказания. Указанное обстоятельство диктует необходимость дальнейшего совершенствования обязанностей и запретов для осужденных к лишению свободы с учетом постоянно меняющихся в обществе норм, правил и традиций человеческого общежития

    Dynamics of Feshbach Molecules in an Ultracold Three-Component Mixture

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    We present investigations of the formation rate and collisional stability of lithium Feshbach molecules in an ultracold three-component mixture composed of two resonantly interacting fermionic 6-Li spin states and bosonic 174-Yb. We observe long molecule lifetimes (> 100 ms) even in the presence of a large ytterbium bath and extract reaction rate coefficients of the system. We find good collisional stability of the mixture in the unitary regime, opening new possibilities for studies and probes of strongly interacting quantum gases in contact with a bath species.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Investigation of the Sn2+-HCl-H2O system by Mössbauer spectroscopy

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    The parameters of Mössbauer spectra are considered for the aqueous solutions of tin(II) hydroxo complexes of variable composition. The dependence of the quadrupole splitting on the isomer shift is observed, which was earlier established for the crystalline compounds. It is demonstrated that the Mössbauer spectroscopy is noninformative as applied to the investigation of heteronuclear complexation in the Sn2+-Cu2+(Pb2+)-Na2H2Edta systems. © 1996 MAEe cyrillic signK Hayκa/Interperiodica Publishing

    On the analysis of data emerging in non-linear and complex systemscomparison of two X-Ray prony spectra

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    New arguments proving that successive (repeated) measurements have a memory and actually remember each other are presented. The recognition of this peculiarity can change essentially the existing paradigm associated with conventional observation in behavior of different complex systems and lead towards the application of an intermediate model (IM). This IM can provide a very accurate fit of the measured data in terms of the Prony's decomposition. This decomposition, in turn, contains a small set of the fitting parameters relatively to the number of initial data points and allows comparing the measured data in cases where the “best fit” model based on some specific physical principles is absent. As an example, we consider two X-ray diffractometers (defined in paper as A- (“cheap”) and B- (“expensive”) that are used after their proper calibration for the measuring of the same substance (corundum a-Al2O3). The amplitude-frequency response (AFR) obtained in the frame of the Prony's decomposition can be used for comparison of the spectra recorded from (A) and (B) - X-ray diffractometers (XRDs) for calibration and other practical purposes. We prove also that the Fourier decomposition can be adapted to “ideal” experiment without memory while the Prony's decomposition corresponds to real measurement and can be fitted in the frame of the IM in this case. New statistical parameters describing the properties of experimental equipment (irrespective to their internal “filling”) are found. The suggested approach is rather general and can be used for calibration and comparison of different complex dynamical systems in practical purposes

    A Method for Determining the Transient Process Duration in Dynamic Systems in the Regime of Chaotic Oscillations

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    We describe a method for determining the transient process duration in a standard two-dimensionaldynamic system with discrete time (Henon map), occurring in the regime of chaotic oscillationsComment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Analysis of Implementation of the Requirements for Provision of Biological Safety at a Potentially Hazardous Facility

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    Discussed are the problems of implementation of requirements for the provision of biological safety at a potentially hazardous biological facility by the example of Federal Budgetary Institution of Science “State Scientific Center of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology” of the Rospotrebnadzor. Identified are the necessary and sufficient organizational-andpreventive and control measures and procedures on management of works with microorganisms of the I-IV groups of pathogenicity (hazard) in isolated labs of the Center. Issues associated with exploitation of biological safety engineering systems and assessment of their protective efficiency, problems of medical support of the activities and response to the emergency situations of biological character with the involvement of doctors from a specialized medical wing of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, serving the facility on a constant basis, are analyzed. Determined have been approaches to and principles of establishing the requirements for the system of biological safety at a potentially hazardous biological facility taking into account all the range of biological risks when working with microorganisms. Complex approach and realization of appropriate necessary measures in the sphere of biological safety provision, creating an environment for the reduction of biological risks up to acceptable level while working with pathogenic microorganisms, can be an effective solution of the problem on the whole

    Baikal-GVD: status and prospects

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    Baikal-GVD is a next generation, kilometer-scale neutrino telescope under construction in Lake Baikal. It is designed to detect astrophysical neutrino fluxes at energies from a few TeV up to 100 PeV. GVD is formed by multi-megaton subarrays (clusters). The array construction started in 2015 by deployment of a reduced-size demonstration cluster named "Dubna". The first cluster in its baseline configuration was deployed in 2016, the second in 2017 and the third in 2018. The full scale GVD will be an array of ~10000 light sensors with an instrumented volume of about 2 cubic km. The first phase (GVD-1) is planned to be completed by 2020-2021. It will comprise 8 clusters with 2304 light sensors in total. We describe the design of Baikal-GVD and present selected results obtained in 2015-2017.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Conference proceedings for QUARKS201