18 research outputs found

    Духовні та оздоровчі ефекти загартовування юних спортсменів силами природи за системою Порфирія Іванова (із 25-річного досвіду автора)

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    Purpose: to fill and to substantiate expediency of using health system of Porfiry Ivanov on the principles of theoretical and empirical materials to resolve the questions of valeological attitude of young athletes to their health. Material and Methods: this paper presents matter staffs of many years of researches, which have been provided young athletes around 13–16 years old of Brovary high college of physical training. Results: research suggests that, we denote positive characters in dynamics of changes in physical staffs and psycho-emotional being of organism of the figure athletes, who are doing system of Porfiry Ivanov, and there were also registered the facts, that there were not any case of catarrhal diseases. General grounds of health system of P. K. Ivanov has been analyzed as from the side of valeological knowledge. Conclusions: it was proved, that health improving system of P. K. Ivanov, could be one of alternative programs on forming of healthy lifestyle of scholar’s youthЦель: на основе теоретического и эмпирического материалов обосновать целесообразность использования оздоровительной системы Порфирия Иванова для решения вопроса валеологического отношения юных спортсменов к своему здоровью. Материал и методы: в статье рассмотрены материалы многолетнего исследования, проведенного среди юных спортсменов 13–16 лет Броварского высшего училища физической культуры. Результаты: исследования показали, что у спортсменов, занимающихся по системе Порфирия Иванова, отмечаются положительные сдвиги в динамике изменений показателей физического и психоэмоционального состояний организма, а также не было зарегистрировано ни одного случая простудного заболевания. Проанализированы основные положения системы П. К. Иванова с позиции валеологических знаний. Выводы: доказано, что оздоровительная система П. К. Иванова может быть одной из альтернативных программ формирования здорового образа жизни учащейся молодежиМета: на засадах теоретичного та емпіричного матеріалів обґрунтувати доцільність використання оздоровчої системи Порфирія Іванова для вирішення питання валеологічного ставлення юних спортсменів до свого здоров’я. Матеріал і методи: у статті розглянуто матеріали багаторічного дослідження, що проводилось серед юних спортсменів 13–16 років Броварського вищого училища фізичної культури. Результати: дослідження показали, що у тих спортсменів, які займаються за системою Порфирія Іванова, відмічаються позитивні зрушення в динаміці змін показників фізичного та психоемоційного станів організму, а також не було зареєстровано жодного випадку застудного захворювання. Проаналізовано основні положення системи П. К. Іванова з позиції валеологічних знань. Висновки: доведено, що оздоровча система П. К. Іванова може бути однією із альтернативних програм з формування здорового способу життя учнівської молод

    Research of peculiarities of development of time perception function in 13-15 year-old athletes with different blood groups

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    The aim of the work is to investigate the influence of serological markers of blood groups on the development of the time perception function in adolescent athletes taking into account sexual dimorphism. The study involved girls (n=178) and boys (n=139) from a specialized sports institution, who according to the classification of sports by A.G. Dembo were divided into two groups: group A - speed and power sports, group B - endurance sports. The control group consisted of pupils [girls (n=117), boys (n=106)] aged 13–15 years and students [girls (n=115), boys (n=150)] aged 17–20 years, who did not play sports. The research of the time perception function was carried out according to the method of V.L. Maryshuk et al., the prototype of which is the method of D.Zakay, R.A. Block. The fact of possible use of blood groups in genetic prediction of development of time perception was established. Individuals of male and female sex with blood group B (III) have been found to have the best associative relation with the properties of this function, while the worst relation remains unclear. The properties of time perception are more expressively manifested in students in late adolescence than in pupils in early adolescence. It was found that sexual dimorphism does not make significant adjustments in the specifics of changes in the time perception function, but genetic markers of blood groups are more informative in predicting the development of the abovementioned mental quality in boys with B (III) blood group than in girls with the same blood group

    Health-improving action effects of the system of P. K. Ivanov and Breathing Technique on the method of K. P. Buteyko for people of different age (from the long-term experience of the author)

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    Purpose: estimate efficiency of using of the system of Porfiry Ivanov and Breathing Technique on the method of K. P. Buteyko in health promotion for people of different age and physical condition. Material & Methods: there were 160 adult persons (113 women and 47 men) on the age of 36–54 years with different physical condition under our supervision. All the researches were provided on the ground of Brovarskyi city club of natural health improvement of people using the system of P. K. Ivanov «Vodoliy» (Water Bearer) (Kyiv region). There were applicable theoretical methods (includes analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodical literature), empirical method (includes functional and psychophysiological analyses) and statistics methods. Results: there were also indicated positive matters in the dynamics changes in indicators of the physical health. Conclusions: there were proved that, health-improving system of P. K. Ivanov and Breathing Technique on the method of K. P. Buteyko reasonable for practical use on filling of take on the purpose of health-improving action effects for people of different age

    The influence of the training loads having different directions concerning the teenagers' state of health the ones being educated in sporting inclined boarding schools (according the author's timely observations)

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    A dynamics and structure of pathology of teenagers is considered. In a medical inspection 660 sportsmen took part in the age of 13-16 years. The retrospective analysis of somatopathies and traumatic damages is conducted for long time. Specificity of action of the trainings loadings of different orientation is exposed on the state of health of young sportsmen. The ost high growth of sporting traumatism s marked for the representatives of types of sport speed-power character. More high level of morbidity of overhead respiratory tracts and ear is marked for teenagers - in the types of sport on endurance

    Studying the interrelation between the aggressiveness and nervousness of the young sportsmen aged 13-16 undertaking the training process of different directions.

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    It is the influence of the training loads of the sportsmen's aggressiveness and nervousness. 279 aged 13-16 sportsmen took part in the experiment and 62 pupils of the comprehensive school of the same age, the latter ones never going in for sport. The anonymous tests were contracted at the beginning of the school year. The analyzed results of the longitudinal researches conducted by us in the 90s and 2000s. It should be stated that there exists the negative correlative connection between the sportsman's quality of aggressiveness and a high level of his personal nervousness

    The influence of the training loads of different on the nervousness level of the young sportsmen aged 13-16.

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    The dynamics, structure and the indexes of the level of the teenagers' personal nervousness are considered. The teenagers are specialized in the following sporting activities: light athletics, skiing, cycling, swimming, boxing and free style fighting. 123 young sportsmen and 30 secondary school pupils, who don't go in for sports, aged 13-16 took part in the experiment. The comparative analysis nervousness level of the two groups was conducted: the first group - the speedy and powerful sporting activities and the second - the sporting activities concerning endurance. The fact of the specific influence of the loads of different directions on displaying the nervousness by young sportsmen was established

    The question under consideration is the ways of determining the physical working capacity of juvenile sportsmen in the conditions of sport training (on the example of running test) on the basis of conducting single submaximal loading

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    The comparative analysis of physical capacity of young sportsmen is resulted 13-16 years. 30 teenagers took part in an inspection. Between two methods of determination of physical capacity of the trained and untrained teenagers by the specific loadings there are not statistically possible differences. Determination of PWC170(V) in at run with the use of only one submaximl loading not accompanied the possible origin of subzero reactions from the side of inspected. Such approach can be used in practice of sport, sporting medicine and health mass sport

    Spiritual and salutary effects of tempering of young athletes by the nature on the system of Porfiry Ivanov (as from the twenty-five years of experience of the author)

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    Purpose: to fill and to substantiate expediency of using health system of Porfiry Ivanov on the principles of theoretical and empirical materials to resolve the questions of valeological attitude of young athletes to their health. Material and Methods: this paper presents matter staffs of many years of researches, which have been provided young athletes around 13–16 years old of Brovary high college of physical training. Results: research suggests that, we denote positive characters in dynamics of changes in physical staffs and psycho-emotional being of organism of the figure athletes, who are doing system of Porfiry Ivanov, and there were also registered the facts, that there were not any case of catarrhal diseases. General grounds of health system of P. K. Ivanov has been analyzed as from the side of valeological knowledge. Conclusions: it was proved, that health improving system of P. K. Ivanov, could be one of alternative programs on forming of healthy lifestyle of scholar’s yout