26 research outputs found

    Unified description of quantum affine (super)algebras U_q(A_{1}^{(1)}) and U_q(C(2)^{(2)})

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    We show that the quantum affine algebra U_{q}(A_{1}^{(1)}) and the quantum affine superalgebra U_{q}(C(2)^{(2)}) admit unified description. The difference between them consists in the phase factor which is equal to 1 for U_{q}(A_{1}^{(1)}) and is equal to -1 for U_{q}(C(2)^{(2)}). We present such a description for the construction of Cartan-Weyl generators and their commutation relations, as well for the universal R-matrices.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX. Talk by V.N. Tolstoy at XIV-th Max Born Symposium "New Symmetries and Integrable Models", Karpacz, September 1999; in press in Proceedings, Ed. World Scientific, 200

    Quantum Affine (Super)Algebras Uq(A1(1))U_q(A_{1}^{(1)}) and Uq(C(2)(2))U_q(C(2)^{(2)})

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    We show that the quantum affine algebra Uq(A1(1))U_{q}(A_{1}^{(1)}) and the quantum affine superalgebra Uq(C(2)(2))U_{q}(C(2)^{(2)}) admit a unified description. The difference between them consists in the phase factor which is equal to 1 for Uq(A1(1))U_{q}(A_{1}^{(1)}) and it is equal to -1 for Uq(C(2)(2))U_{q}(C(2)^{(2)}). We present such a description for the actions of the braid group, for the construction of Cartan-Weyl generators and their commutation relations, as well for the extremal projector and the universal R-matrix. We give also a unified description for the 'new realizations' of these algebras together with explicit calculations of corresponding R-matrices.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe

    Q-power function over Q-commuting variables and deformed XXX, XXZ chains

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    We find certain functional identities for the Gauss q-power function of a sum of q-commuting variables. Then we use these identities to obtain two-parameter twists of the quantum affine algebra U_q (\hat{sl}_2) and of the Yangian Y(sl_2). We determine the corresponding deformed trigonometric and rational quantum R-matrices, which then are used in the computation of deformed XXX and XXZ Hamiltonians.Comment: LaTeX, 12 page

    On Some Lie Bialgebra Structures on Polynomial Algebras and their Quantization

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    We study classical twists of Lie bialgebra structures on the polynomial current algebra g[u]\mathfrak{g}[u], where g\mathfrak{g} is a simple complex finite-dimensional Lie algebra. We focus on the structures induced by the so-called quasi-trigonometric solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation. It turns out that quasi-trigonometric rr-matrices fall into classes labelled by the vertices of the extended Dynkin diagram of g\mathfrak{g}. We give complete classification of quasi-trigonometric rr-matrices belonging to multiplicity free simple roots (which have coefficient 1 in the decomposition of the maximal root). We quantize solutions corresponding to the first root of sl(n)\mathfrak{sl}(n).Comment: 41 pages, LATE

    Twisted Classical Poincar\'{e} Algebras

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    We consider the twisting of Hopf structure for classical enveloping algebra U(g^)U(\hat{g}), where g^\hat{g} is the inhomogenous rotations algebra, with explicite formulae given for D=4D=4 Poincar\'{e} algebra (g^=P4).(\hat{g}={\cal P}_4). The comultiplications of twisted UF(P4)U^F({\cal P}_4) are obtained by conjugating primitive classical coproducts by FU(c^)U(c^),F\in U(\hat{c})\otimes U(\hat{c}), where c^\hat{c} denotes any Abelian subalgebra of P4{\cal P}_4, and the universal RR-matrices for UF(P4)U^F({\cal P}_4) are triangular. As an example we show that the quantum deformation of Poincar\'{e} algebra recently proposed by Chaichian and Demiczev is a twisted classical Poincar\'{e} algebra. The interpretation of twisted Poincar\'{e} algebra as describing relativistic symmetries with clustered 2-particle states is proposed.Comment: \Large \bf 19 pages, Bonn University preprint, November 199

    Universal integrability objects

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    We discuss the main points of the quantum group approach in the theory of quantum integrable systems and illustrate them for the case of the quantum group Uq(L(sl2))U_q(\mathcal L(\mathfrak{sl}_2)). We give a complete set of the functional relations correcting inexactitudes of the previous considerations. A special attention is given to the connection of the representations used to construct the universal transfer operators and QQ-operators.Comment: 21 pages, submitted to the Proceedings of the International Workshop "CQIS-2012" (Dubna, January 23-27, 2012

    Finite Dimensional Representations of the Quantum Superalgebra Uq[gl(3/2)]U_q[gl(3/2)] in a Reduced Uq[gl(3/2)]Uq[gl(3/1)]Uq[gl(3)]U_q[gl(3/2)] \supset U_q[gl(3/1)] \supset U_q[gl(3)] Basis

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    For generic qq we give expressions for the transformations of all essentially typical finite-dimensional modules of the Hopf superalgebra Uq[gl(3/2)]U_q[gl(3/2)]. The latter is a deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of the Lie superalgebra gl(3/2)gl(3/2). The basis within each module is similar to the Gel'fand-Zetlin basis for gl(5)gl(5). We write down expressions for the transformations of the basis under the action of the Chevalley generators.Comment: 7 pages, emTeX, University of Ghent Int. Report TWI-93-2