135 research outputs found

    Student Recital

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    Hydrology Description of the Shatsk National Park

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    Простежено річну та багаторічну динаміку рівня ґрунтових вод у створах свердловин: оз. Пісочне – оз. Мошно; оз. Люцимер – оз. Плоске, а також озер Світязь, Пісочне, Велике Чорне. Доведено, що функціонування Малоритського комбінату з виробництва будівельних матеріалів становить небезпеку для водно-болотних комплексів Шацького національного природного парку. Prostejov annual and long-term changes in the level of ground water wells in alignments: Pesochne lake – lake Moschno; lake Lyutsimer – lake Ploske and Lake Svityaz, Pesochne, Big Black. Proved that the operation Malorita plant for the production of building materials is dangerous wetland Shatsky National Nature Park.Роботу виконано в ШНП

    Biotic interactions and biogeochemical processes in the soil environment

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    Soils play a key role in the terrestrial carbon (C) cycle by storing and emitting large quantities of C. The impact of abiotic conditions (mainly soil temperature and moisture) on soil C turnover is well documented, but unravelling the influence of these drivers across temporal and spatial scales remains an important challenge. Biotic factors, such as microbial abundance and diversity, macro-faunal food webs and below-ground plant (i.e. root) biomass and diversity, play an important role in controlling soil C storage and emission, but remain under-investigated. To better understand the soil processes underlying terrestrial C cycling, the interactions between plants (autotrophs) and soil organisms (heterotrophs) need to be addressed more explicitly and integrated with short- and long-term effects of abiotic drivers. This special issue presents recent advances in field, laboratory, and modelling studies on soil C dynamics, with a particular emphasis on those aiming to resolve abiotic and biotic influences. The manuscripts highlight three areas of investigation that we suggest are central to current and future progress in ecosystem C dynamic research: (1) novel interpretations of abiotic controls on soil CO2 efflux, (2) legacy effects of abiotic drivers of soil C dynamics, and (3) the interaction between plant C dynamics and soil biological processes

    Violin Recital

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    Carbon and greenhouse gas balances in an age sequence of temperate pine plantations

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    © Author(s) 2014. This study investigated differences in the magnitude and partitioning of the carbon (C) and greenhouse gas (GHG) balances in an age sequence of four white pine (Pinus strobus L.) afforestation stands (7, 20, 35 and 70 years old as of 2009) in southern Ontario, Canada. The 4-year (2004-2008) mean annual carbon dioxide (CO2) exchanges, based on biometric and eddy covariance data, were combined with the 2-year means of static chamber measurements of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes (2006-2007) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export below 1 m soil depth (2004-2005). The total ecosystem C pool increased with age from 46 to 197 t C ha-1 across the four stands. Rates of organic matter cycling (i.e. litterfall and decomposition) were similar among the three older stands. In contrast, considerable differences related to stand age and site quality were observed in the magnitude and partitioning of individual CO2 fluxes, showing a peak in production and respiration rates in the middle-age (20-year-old) stand growing on fertile post-agricultural soil. The DOC export accounted for 10% of net ecosystem production (NEP) at the 7-year-old stand but <2% at the three older stands. The GHG balance from the combined exchanges of CO2, CH4 and N2O was 2.6, 21.6, 13.5 and 4.8 t CO2 equivalent ha-1 yearg-1 for the 7-, 20-, 35- and 70-year-old stands, respectively. The maximum annual contribution from the combined exchanges of CH4 and N2O to the GHG balance was 13 and 8% in the 7- and 70-year-old stands, respectively, but <1% in the two highly productive middle-age (20- and 35-year-old) stands. Averaged over the entire age sequence, the CO2 exchange was the main driver of the GHG balance in these forests. The cumulative CO2 sequestration over the 70 years was estimated at 129 t C and 297 t C ha-1 yearg-1 for stands growing on low- and high-productivity sites, respectively. This study highlights the importance of accounting for age and site quality effects on forest C and GHG balances. It further demonstrates a large potential for net C sequestration and climate benefits gained through afforestation of marginal agricultural and fallow lands in temperate regions

    Організаційний механізм управління процесом гармонізації сталого господарювання в умовах зростання загроз і ризиків

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    Мета роботи: подальший розвиток змістовності понять у сфері управління сталим розвитком, виявлення найвагоміших різноспрямованих факторів впливу на забезпечення сталого господарювання в умовах зростання загроз і ризиків та на результативність управління процесом гармонізації діяльності суб’єктів господарювання відповідно до Європейських вимог. Дизайн/Метод/Підхід дослідження: теоретичні (аналіз, синтез, узагальнення, порівняння), форсайт-технології та методи опрацьовані в межах теорії струн. Результати дослідження: запропоновано бінарну структуру, визначено зміст і специфічні функції організаційного механізму управління процесом гармонізації сталого господарювання в умовах зростання загроз і ризиків, що виконано за урахування чотирьох видів струнних взаємодій та їхньої сили й спрямованості. До його складу входять дуальні системоутворюючі регулятори чотири підмеханізми (структурно-функціональний, алармово-безпековий, резонансний та гравітаційний), які забезпечують синхронність функціонування усієї системи управління гармонізацією інтересів усіх суб’єктів за тріадою ключових принципів (генерування властивостей до гармонізації інтересів; управління та коригування властивостями системи сталого господарювання; гармонізації діяльності та збалансування) за рахунок використання специфічного бінарного управлінського інструментарію (функціональних організаційно-економічних засобів та методів, організаційно-економічних засобів та методів забезпечення й підтримки). Тип статті: дослідницька

    Heat and drought impact on carbon exchange in an age-sequence of temperate pine forests

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    Background Most North American temperate forests are plantation or regrowth forests, which are actively managed. These forests are in different stages of their growth cycles and their ability to sequester atmospheric carbon is affected by extreme weather events. In this study, the impact of heat and drought events on carbon sequestration in an age-sequence (80, 45, and 17 years as of 2019) of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) forests in southern Ontario, Canada was examined using eddy covariance flux measurements from 2003 to 2019. Results Over the 17-year study period, the mean annual values of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) were 180 +/- 96, 538 +/- 177 and 64 +/- 165 g C m(-2) yr(-1) in the 80-, 45- and 17-year-old stands, respectively, with the highest annual carbon sequestration rate observed in the 45-year-old stand. We found that air temperature (Ta) was the dominant control on NEP in all three different-aged stands and drought, which was a limiting factor for both gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) and ecosystems respiration (RE), had a smaller impact on NEP. However, the simultaneous occurrence of heat and drought events during the early growing seasons or over the consecutive years had a significant negative impact on annual NEP in all three forests. We observed a similar trend of NEP decline in all three stands over three consecutive years that experienced extreme weather events, with 2016 being a hot and dry, 2017 being a dry, and 2018 being a hot year. The youngest stand became a net source of carbon for all three of these years and the oldest stand became a small source of carbon for the first time in 2018 since observations started in 2003. However, in 2019, all three stands reverted to annual net carbon sinks. Conclusions Our study results indicate that the timing, frequency and concurrent or consecutive occurrence of extreme weather events may have significant implications for carbon sequestration in temperate conifer forests in Eastern North America. This study is one of few globally available to provide long-term observational data on carbon exchanges in different-aged temperate plantation forests. It highlights interannual variability in carbon fluxes and enhances our understanding of the responses of these forest ecosystems to extreme weather events. Study results will help in developing climate resilient and sustainable forestry practices to offset atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions and improving simulation of carbon exchange processes in terrestrial ecosystem models