228 research outputs found

    The phonological heritage of the scientists of the XX century: a linguistic and historiographical review

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    A great attention is paid to the linguistic-historiographic analysis of the works of the Moscow, Prague and Saint Petersburg phonological schools’ representatives, which were dedicated to the problem of the language phonemic syste

    Climate Change and the Canadian Financial Services Sector

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    Canada is highly dependent on the emission intensive sectors and at the same time, sectors that are vulnerable to variations in weather and extreme events. This makes the Canadian economy especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and any efforts to address it. The financial services sector is responsible for the provision of capital to all economic sectors and, therefore, it must consider all climate change-related risks and opportunities in its capital allocation decisions. This study explores the perception of climate change by the financial services sector in Canada and the extent of the sector’s response to climate-related impacts to date. The study adopted an institutional view of isomorphism to explain the behaviours of the financial sector in relation to climate change. The research was conducted through qualitative analysis of interviews with representatives of the Canadian financial sector and a review of the latest available responses to the Climate Disclosure Project’s (CDP) climate change questionnaire. The research’s primary focus was on climate change consideration in the lending and investment portfolios of the financial institutions. The research involved investigation of the industry’s awareness of five climate-related risks – physical, reputational, regulatory, litigation, and transition risks – in the Canadian context and the level of substantive actions taken by participating institutions. The study found that the level of the sector’s preparedness is low because coercive, normative, and mimetic isomorphic pressures have only existed for a short time. The Canadian financial institutions are in early stages of exploring climate change-related risks and opportunities for their lending and investment businesses. The study concludes with recommendations for the industry and proposals for further research on climate-related risks and opportunities for the financial sector through quantitative methods

    Features of external therapy of allergic skin diseases in children

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    The development of inflammatory process in the skin has proven to be primarily associated with the immune system defects, in particular T-lymphocytes: the Th2 response predominates during the acute phase of the disease, when Th2 cells are stimulated with the subsequent hyperproduction of IgE; during the chronic phase, the Th2- shifts to Th1-immune response. At the same time, a significant amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, IL-31 and IFN-γ move into this process. In addition, it is known that skin reactions can be induced not only by food allergens, but also by other allergens (house dust mites, Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins, mold fungi). The prevalence of atopic dermatitis among the children’s population is up to 20%, while half of the children have skin lesions characterized by a severe long-term course, which violates their quality of life. The main goal of external therapy of dermatoses is to achieve control over subjective symptoms (especially skin itching), as well as regression of inflammatory manifestations with subsequent persistent remission of the allergic process. Local therapy of manifestations of atopic dermatitis is based on the adequate use of various external forms, as well as means in accordance with the inflammatory manifestations and localization of the inflammatory process. The article describes clinical cases of treatment of atopic dermatitis with various variants of its course using methylprednisolone aceponate cream with ceramides, emollient agents. It has been shown that the combined use of topical corticosteroids and emollients contributes to a rapid reduction of inflammation, dry skin and itching. The absence of toxic and side effects on this type of therapy in children with high treatment efficiency is emphasized


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    The process of improving the breeding and productive qualities of dairy cattle is impossible without the selection of servicing bulls with high genetic potential and breeding value. The paper investigates the breeding value and genetic potential of servicing bulls whose bio-products are used to inseminate dairy cattle in the Republic of Mari El. The author finds out that the population of bulls is of high quality and belongs to five genealogical lines: Vis Back Aydial 1013415, Montwick Chiftein 95679, Sawring Reflex 198998, Seling Trijun Rokita 252803, Pabst Governer 882933. Bulls, obtained from highly productive ancestors and have a high genetic potential in terms of milk yield (from 7513 to 13361 kg) and mass fraction of fat in milk (from 3.87 to 4.43%). The female offsprings of the investigated servicing bulls have rather high level of milk productivity (milk yield is 7017 kg on average, mass fraction of fat is 3,94, protein - 3,08%). The paper highlights that the highest level of dairy productivity was achieved by the descendants of the bull Yasa-M 462771. Their milk yield for the first lactation was 8185 kg, mass fraction of fat was 3.93%, protein concentration was 3.11%. The most part of investigated bulls have high breeding value according to all studied milk productivity parameters. According to the milk yield, it varied from 96.1 to145.5%, the mass fraction of fat – from 100 to 101.8, protein -from 98 to 101.6%. 10 servicing bulls as Artist, Butembo-M, Koldun, Leksaid, Morzhik, Norman-M, Auckland-M, Sayan, Spartak and Yasa-M have relative breeding value on all studied indicators which was above 100%. The most valuable servicing bulls were observed as Yas-M 462771 and Koldun 103.Процесс улучшения племенных и продуктивных качеств млочного скота невозможен без отбора производителей, обладающих высоким генетическим потенциалом и племенной ценностью. В связи с этим были изучены племенная ценность и генетический потенциал производителей, биопродукция которых используется для осеменения маточного поголовья молочного скота в Республике Марий Эл. Установлено, что исследуемое поголовье быков высококлассное, принадлежит к пяти генеалогическим линиям: Вис Бэк Айдиала 1013415, Монтвик Чифтейна 95679, Рефлекшн Соверинга 198998, Силинг Трайджун Рокита 252803, Пабст Говернера 882933. Быки, получены от высокопродуктивных предков и имеют высокий генетический потенциал по удою (от 7513 до13361 кг) и массовой доле жира в молоке (от 3,87 до 4,43%). Дочери исследуемых производителей обладают достаточно высоким уровнем молочной продуктивности (удой в среднем 7017 кг, массовая доля жира – 3,94, белка – 3,08%). Установлено, что наиболее высокий уровень молочной продуктивности имели потомки быка Яса-М 462771. Их удой за первую лактацию составил 8185 кг, массовая доля жира – 3,93%, белка – 3,11%. Большинство исследуемых быков отличаются высокой племенной ценностью по всем изучаемым показателям молочной продуктивности. По удою она находилась в пределах 96,1–145,5%, по массовой доле жира - 100–101,8, белка - 98–101,6%. У 10 производителей: Артиста, Бутембо-М, Колдуна, Лексайда, Моржика, Нормана-М, Окленда-М, Саяна, Спартака, Яса-М – относи тельная племенная ценность по всем изучаемым показателям была выше 100%. Выявлены наиболее ценные в племенном отношении быки – Яс-М 462771 и Колдун 10


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    The research purpose is to create a unified and comprehensive approach when conducting forensic commodity examinations to determine the value of goods in the past and to develop a methodology that will be used in forensic practice while conducting forensic commodity examinations in order to ensure systematization and methodological uniformity of forensic practice, reduce labor intensity and time spent during forensic examination, improve research effectiveness which has a significant impact on the quality of compiling a comprehensive and objective report while determining the value of machinery, equipment, raw materials and consumer goods, taking into account retrospective of evaluation. The algorithm of forensic commodity examination for defining the value of goods in the past consists of successively carried out steps that are recommended for use in forensic practice. Research objects during retrospective of evaluation can be food and non-food products, industrial equipment, machinery and mechanisms, mineral fertilizers and other industrial and technical products, as well as various types of raw materials, supporting materials, containers and packaging, technical and technological documentation, monitoring devices, accounting records, reports on technical condition and restoration. The article outlines peculiarities of goods value evaluation of previous years’ commodities, out-of-date, discontinued, manufactured goods (handicraft business), specialized commodities, etc., for the past years. Application of the algorithm is offered to aim for thoroughness in the study on cost of goods, taking into account the retrospective of evaluation, as well as to eliminate shortcomings reducing the probative value of forensic reports. Taking into account the provisions of legislative and regulatory acts, the authors of the article examined methodological approaches to solving problems that arise in forensic practice while appointment and conduct of forensic examination to determine the value of machinery, equipment, raw materials and consumer goods, taking into account the retrospective of evaluation.Зазначено можливість вироблення єдиного підходу до проведення товарознавчих експертиз з оцінки вартості товарів у минулому часі та розроблення методики, яка застосовуватиметься в експертній практиці до проведення товарознавчих експертиз, для забезпечення систематизації та методичної одноманітності експертної практики, скорочення трудомісткості й витрат часу проведення експертиз і підвищення результативності досліджень. Розглянуто методичні підходи до розв’язання проблем, які виникають в експертній практиці під час призначення й проведення судово-товарознавчих експертиз із визначення вартості машин, обладнання, сировини та споживчих товарів з урахуванням ретроспективності оцінки

    Reduced electroencephalographic coherence asymmetry in the Chernobyl accident survivors

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    Se llevó a cabo un estudio electroencefalográfico (EEG) desde 1990 a 2006, empleando los espectros de energía, la coherencia promediada y los coeficientes integrales de asimetría de coherencia de EEG para comparar 189 trabajadores que participaron en la limpieza después del accidente de Chernobyl con un grupo control de 63 individuos sanos de la misma edad. La mayoría de los trabajadores de Chernobyl mostraron tres patrones anormales de EEG, como indica el mapeo de energía del EEG. La energía más alta, más prominente en las bandas lentas alfa y theta (1) o en frecuencias rápidas alfa (2), se observó en personas estudiadas 3 a 5 años después de los trabajos de limpieza (la fase temprana). La energía en el EEG más baja, en la banda alfa (3), se encontró en los trabajadores de Chernobyl 10 años o más después del accidente (la fase tardía). El análisis de coherencia del EEG reveló la existencia de dos fases en las alteraciones del EEG después de la limpieza de Chernobyl. En la fase temprana, se observó un incremento de la coherencia del EEG en las áreas centrales del cerebro, mientras que en la fase tardía, se observó una reducción de la coherencia del EEG, más prominente en las áreas frontales del cerebro, y prevaleció la reducción de la asimetría del cerebro. Estos resultados nos permiten proponer que los signos EEG descritos pueden ser un reflejo de disfunción cerebral inducida por radiación en la fase tardía después de la limpieza de Chernobyl y que son similares a los marcadores EEG del envejecimiento del cerebro. Los resultados, en comparación con los datos de la literatura, proporcionan apoyo adicional a la hipótesis del envejecimiento cerebral prematuro del cerebro en los supervivientes de Chernobyl como resultado del efecto secundario de lesiones cerebrales por radiaciónAn electroencephalograph (EEG) study was carried out from 1990 to 2006, using power spectra, averaged coherence, and integral EEG coherence asymmetry coefficients to compare 189 clean-up workers of the Chernobyl accident with 63 age matched healthy controls. Most of the Chernobyl workers showed three abnormal EEG patterns, as indicated by EEG power mapping. The higher power, most prominent in slow alpha and theta bands, or in fast alpha frequencies, were observed in persons 3-5 years after the clean-up works (the early stage). The lower EEG power in alpha band was found in Chernobyl workers 10 or more years after the accident (the late stage). EEG coherence analysis revealed the existence of two stages in EEG alterations following the Chernobyl clean-up. In the early stage, an increase of EEG coherence in the central brain areas was observed, whereas at the later stage, a decrease of EEG coherence, most prominent in the frontal brain areas, and reduced brain asymmetry prevailed. These results allow us to propose that the described EEG signs may be a reflection of radiation-induced brain dysfunction at the late period after the Chernobyl clean-up and were similar to the EEG markers of brain ageing. The results, in comparison to data of the literature, provide additional support to the premature brain ageing hypothesis in Chernobyl survivors as a result of the radiation brain damage after-effect

    Связь воспроизводительной способности с продуктивным долголетием коров

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    One of the most critical tasks of modern dairy farming is to extend the time of productive use of cows. Studies have shown that the studied herd’s economic benefit ranged from 1005 to 3693 days and averaged 1864. The lifetime milk yield of the cows averaged 20746 kg and lifetime milk fat was 735.4 kg. On the first day of economic use, 10.2 kg of milk was obtained, and on the first day of lactation, the figure was significantly higher at 20.8 kg. The most extended use period for a cow was found to be 1903 days. The average open days were 91-120 days. The highest lifetime productivity was obtained from this group of animals, which was 21909 kg of milk. A further reduction or increase in the length of open days was accompanied by a decrease in economic use and a decrease in the productive life of the cows. When open days were too long (more than 120 days), the productive life of the cows was reduced to 1875 days, and milk productivity was also reduced to 20562 kg of milk. According to the research results, the abundant lifetime life of cows increases with the duration of inter calving period from 11 to 13 months from 14939 to 26582 kg. It was found that productive life milk yield and milk fat decreased with a more extended period between calvings. The age of the first calving had no significant effect on the duration of economic use of the cows. Individuals with first calving at 30 months of age and more excellent than 1993.2 days were best on this trait. However, the highest productive life was shown by animals whose age at first calving was 26-27, 9 months.Одной из важнейших задач современного молочного скотоводства является продление времени продуктивного использования коров. Исследования показали, что продолжительность хозяйственного использования исследуемого поголовья находилась в пределах от 1005 до 3693 дней и в среднем составила 1864 дня. Пожизненный удой коров в среднем равен 20746 кг, а пожизненное количество молочного жира – 735,4 кг. На 1 день хозяйственного использования было получено 10,2 кг молока, а на 1 день лактации этот показатель был значительно выше – 20,8 кг. Было установлено, что наиболее длительный период – 1903 дня использовались коровы со средней продолжительностью сервис-периода – 91-120 дней. От этой группы животных была получена наибольшая пожизненная продуктивность – 21909 кг молока. Дальнейшее сокращение или увеличение продолжительностисервиспериода сопровождалось уменьшением периода хозяйственного использования и снижением пожизненной продуктивности коров. При слишком удлиненном сервиспериоде (более 120 дней) происходило сокращение продуктивного долголетия коров до 1875 дней и снижение пожизненной молочной продуктивности до 20562 кг молока. Согласно результатам исследований, пожизненная продуктивность коров возрастает с увеличением продолжительности межотельного периода с 11 до 13 месяцев от 14939 до 26582 кг. Установлено, чтоприболеедлительномпериодемеждуотеламипожизненный удой и молочный жир снижаются. Возраст первого отёла не оказал существенного влияния на продолжительность хозяйственного использования коров. Лучшими по этому признаку были особи, чей первый отёл произошел в возрасте 30 месяцев и более – 1993,2 дня. Однако наибольшую пожизненную продуктивность показали животные, возраст первого отела которых составил 26–27, 9 месяца


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    Changes in the distribution of Eurasian moose (Alces alces) populations during the Pleistocene and Holocene eras were analyzed from historical and contemporary literature. We focused on how range boundaries varied, suitable habitat was fragmented, and how local and regional populations were isolated, especially during periods of population depression. We discuss how the occurrence and duration of isolation of local populations likely influenced the genetic structure of Eurasian moose. We question the geographic division of certain subspecies, and suggest that our analysis be used to reinterpret and revise genetic structure of Eurasian moose populations

    Colonizing the High Arctic : Mitochondrial DNA reveals common origin of Eurasian archipelagic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)

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    Funding: The study was supported by the ERC Advanced Grant “Arctic Domus” ERC AdG 295458 based at the University of Aberdeen (http://www.arcticdomus.org/). Funding was recieved by DGA. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD