47 research outputs found

    Willingness To Pay Fair Trade Coffee In Malang East Java Indonesia

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    Consumption of coffee in Indonesia has seen a significant rise in recent years. Malang is one city in Indonesia were produced coffee big volume. This research seeks to explore the determinants of coffee consumption in Malang with a specific focus on fair trade coffee. In a survey of 140 respondents in Malang City, consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for fair trade labeled coffee was measured. This research uses an interval regression to investigate individual demographic and consumption characteristic impacts on WTP. Results show that on average, consumers were willing to pay 22% more for a medium cup of fair trade coffee compared with traditional coffee. In addition, other variables that indicated a higher WTP included female consumers, consumers who made their own coffee, and consumers who planned to consume more coffee in the following year


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    ABSTRAK Teknologi berkembang dengan pesat disemua bidang termasuk bidang pertanian. Perkembangan teknologi tentunya berdampak pada kemampuan produksi komoditas pertanian seperti padi, jagung, kedelai, buah, komoditas perkebunan, bawang dan cabai. Produksi pada komoditas unggulan perlu dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan agar produksi cabai merah di Desa Bocek tidak mengalami penurunan dan mampu mendukung swasembada pangan. Peneliti menilai bahwa terdapat permasalahan penerapan teknologi usahatani cabai merah yang sesuai GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) belum diterapkan secara opsional dan skala usaha relatif masih kecil karena sempitnya kepemilikan lahan. Oleh karena itu penerapan teknologi yang dilakukan oleh petani perlu diukur agar diketahui sejauh mana nilai tingkat penerapan teknologi usahatani cabai merah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat penerapan teknologi usahatani cabai merah di Desa Bocek Kecamatan Karangploso Kabupaten Malang. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indeks penerapan teknologi rata-rata sebesar 84,05%, sehingga interpretasi nilainya tergolong sangat baik.(Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Terdiri atas satu paragraf, dan menggambarkan keseluruhan isi naskah yang terdiri dari pendahuluan, tujuan, metode, dan hasil. Ditulis menggunakan huruf Garamond 12 pt, 1 spasi. Kata kunci dicantumkan di bawah abstrak, tiga sampai lima kata,diurutkan berdasarkan abjad. Jumlah kata tidak melebihi 150-200 kata, tidak ada kutipan dan singkatan/akronim. 


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    This research aims to find out the attitude of farmers towards counseling media in Pendem Village, Junrejo District, Batu City. The data collection methods used are observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to measure farmers' attitudes towards the extension media used. The decryption is done using a simple tabulation analysis tool and average score, then converted to a range of likert scales. The results stated that the extension media used by extensionists is a simple medium that is a direct contact media with the help of whiteboards and handouts containing data related to technical cultivation, so that it can be easily understood by farmers. The attitude of farmers towards counseling media in the research area can accept, respond to and appreciate the extension media used by PPL to convey extension materials, but farmers still cannot be responsible for the extension media used in the delivery of extension materials.Keywords: Attitudes of farmers and the Media counselin

    Kegiatan Pemanfaatan Tanaman Herbal sebagai Penangkal Covid-19 pada Ibu-ibu PKK Kelurahan Dinoyo

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    Dunia saat ini sedang dilanda suatu wabah  berbahaya yang baru ditemukan berjenis Covid 19 atau yang biasa dikenal virus corona. Virus ini pertama kali ditemukan di Wuhan, Tiongkok, pada bulan Desember 2019. Hingga saat ini Covid 19   telah menjadi  sebuah pandemi yang mewabah diseluruh belahan dunia, termasuk di Negara Indonesia.Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah Sosialisasi ke warga mengenai jenis tanaman herbal (jeruk) dan manfaat yang dapat digunakan untuk menangkal virus dengan metode pendekatan kelompok Sosialisasi cara budidaya dan perawatan tanaman herbal (jeruk) yang tepat, Memberikan bibit tanaman jeruk kepada warga.  Metode kegiatan pengabdian  masyarakat  adalah  dengan  melakukan  penyuluhan pertanian. Metode penyuluhan pertanian dibedakan berdasar 3 jenis, yaitu pendekatan perorangan, pendekatan kelompok, dan pendetan massal.Target yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah 75% dimana Ibu-ibu PKK sudah dapat melakukan budidaya tanaman jeruk sebagai tanaman herbal penangkal Covid-19. selanjutnya target 25% adalah kegiatan pendampingan secara kontiny

    Pendampingan Kelompok Petani Muda dalam Upaya Menggali Potensi dan Kreativitas Desa Pada Masa Pandemi di Desa Sumberejo Kota Batu

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    WHO (World Health Organization) has declared the coronavirus a global pandemic. As one of the countries exposed and the pandemic, Indonesia has changed the lives of all people from various walks of life. It is hoped that the younger generation, as young, dynamic, full of energy, full of optimism, can bring changes that move and try to help the government in breaking the spread of COVID-19. One of them is the role of youth in the agricultural sector. The implementation method used to explore the potential and creativity of young farmers in Sumberejo Village is by providing counseling. The activities carried out are by introducing IT technology, training, and marketing counseling, and more modern business bookkeeping to youth. This activity is very suitable for the conditions of community social restrictions that are currently being carried out. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge to young farmers in Sumberejo Village so that the knowledge and skills of young farmers can increase in internet-based business bookkeeping, increase creativity in online marketing so that they are more motivated and good at reading opportunities, and increase the creativity of village youth during the pandemic. Covid-19 and the existence of social restrictions will not dampen their efforts in the organic vegetable business.ABSTRAKWHO (World Health Organization) menetapkan virus corona sebagai pandemi global. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang terpapar dan adanya pandemi tersebut telah merubah kehidupan seluruh kalangan masyarakat dari berbagai lapisan. Diharapkan generasi muda sebagai sosok yang muda, dinamis, penuh energi, penuh optimis dapat membawa perubahan yang bergerak dan berusaha untuk membantu pemerintah dalam memutus penyebaran covid-19. Salah satunya yaitu peran pemuda di sektor pertanian. Metode pelaksanaan yang dipakai untuk menggali potensi dan kreativitas petani muda di Desa Sumberejo yaitu dengan memberikan penyuluhan. Kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan memberikan pengenalan teknologi IT, pelatihan dan penyuluhan pemasaran dan pembukuan usaha yang lebih modern kepada pemuda. Adanya kegiatan tersebut sangat cocok untuk kondisi pembatasan sosial masyarakat saat ini sedang dijalankan.Tujuan kegiatan ini yaitu dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada petani muda di Desa Sumberejo sehingga pengetahuan dan keterampilan petani muda dapat meningkat dalam pembukuan usaha berbasis internet, meningkatkan kreativitas dalam pemasaran online sehingga mereka lebih termotivasi dan  pandai membaca peluang dan meningkatkan kreativitas pemuda desa di masa pandemi. covid-19 dan adanya pembatasan sosial tidak akan menyurutkan usaha mereka di bidang usaha sayuran organik


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    This research purposes to determine potato farmers' perceptions in empowering in the Gemah Ripah II Farmer Group in Ngantru Village, Ngantang District, Malang Regency. Perception is the process concerned about the entry of messages or information into the human brain, through human perceptions that are constantly in a relationship with their environment. This perception process occurs by looking at the analysis of the primary data obtained by taking data directly with potato farmers who are members of a group of 30 Gemah Ripah farmers. Each farmer respondent got 15 questions and was immediately answerable then the results of the answers were processed and analisys using the SPSS software, the data processing purposes to prove potato farmers' perceptions in empowering potato farmers in Gemah Ripah II Farmer Groups in Ngantru Village, Ngantang District, Malang Regency. Looking at the results of data processing, it can be concluded that the highest percentage of potato farmers' perceptions of the efforts of extension agents in empowering potato farmers is 48.67%. This shows that potato farmers' perceptions of the empowering farmers in the Gemah Ripah II Farmer Group are good


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    Marketing strategy is a plan that is done to be able to capture the market, using the 7 P Marketing Mix strategy. This study aims to 1) analyze internal and external factors in the development of the Kampung Ekologi Batu (KEB). 2) Analyzing the development strategy that must be implemented by the Kampung Ekologi Batu (KEB) in increasing tourist visits. 3) Analyzing the development strategy is the most effective way to increase tourist visits of the Kampung Ekologi Batu (KEB). The sample used in this study is divided into 2, namely: Purposive Sampling and Accidental Sampling. Pursposive Sampling consists of: Tourism Marketing Department at the Tourism Office, Head of Community Empowerment and Development of Temas Village, General Chair of Kampung Ekologi Batu (KEB), Chair of KEB Development, and Chair of Rw 06. Accidental Sampling taken by 30 visitors. The analysis used in this study used SWOT Analysis, IFE Matrix and EFE Matrix to produce IE Matrix strategies. The results of this study indicate that the Kampung Ekologi Batu (KEB) has used 7 P Marketing Mix (Product, price, place, promotion, People, Process and Physical Evidence) on the Internal KEB. The results of the IE Matrix obtained based on the weight and rating obtained from IFE and EFE indicate the position of the IE KEB Matrix in the Growing and Building area, which means that the business KEB is developing and has excellent potential to be able to increase tourism, and Analysis Results The most effective SWOT in the research is on the S-O strategy, namely: Improving service quality, package quality or products offered and maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of the Ecology Village and the beautiful environment


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor strategis dalam pemberdayaan petani padi  serta menyusun strategi Pemberdayaan Petani Padi Pada Kelompok Tani Sekar Abadi di Desa Pendem Kecamatan Junrejo Kota Batu. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis SWOT, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  faktor Intenal meliputi  Kekuatan yaitu Adanya Iuran,Komunikasi yang lancar anatar anggota dan pengurus, struktur organisasi dan keaktifan anggota kelompok tani yang baik.Kelemahan dari faktor Internal yaitu tingkat pendidikan yang tidak merata,penguasaan teknologi, pupuk yang tidak tersedia dan kecemasan hasil produksi padi. Sedangkan untuk faktor eksternal yang dimana peluangnya adalah adanya pelatihan untuk penyuluh, kinerja penyuluh daerah, terdapat daerah pariwisata dan Alat-alat pertanian tersedia ditoko pertanian. Untuk ancaman dari faktor eksternal yaitu bantuan saprodi, dukungan untuk penyuluh pertanian, tingkat kekhawatiran petani akan penurunan hasil produksi dan Pemikiran bahwa pertanian padi membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga yang lebih. Dari hasil pembobotan, rating dan skor IFAS dan EFAS diperoleh jumlah skor pada kekuatan 2,43, faktor kelemahan 0,5, faktor peluang 2,3 dan faktor ancaman 0,5. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah faktor internal dan faktor eksternal mempengaruhi pemberdayaan petani di Desa Pendem Kecamatan Junrejo Kota Batu  dengan terus meningkatkan iuran dari petani dan pelatihan terhadap penyuluh pertanian. strategi yang digunakan yaitu strategi growth dimana petani memanfaatkan kekuatan dan peluang yang ada untuk pemberdayaan petani


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    The development of horticultural commodities is quite beneficial because it is supported by the potential of natural resources, human resources, availability of technology, and market absorption, one of which is red chili. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the production of red chili farming in the Sumberejo village and the efficiency of the use of production factors (land area, seeds, manure, TSP, NPK, urea, labor, and pesticides). The data analysis method used is the Cobb-Douglas production function using multiple regression analysis, validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, model suitability (goodness of fit model), and efficiency analysis. The results showed that the simultaneous use of production factors of land area, seeds, manure, TSP, NPK, urea, labor, and pesticides had a significant effect on the production of red chili. Partially, the land area and seed production factors have a significant effect on the production of red chilies, while manure, TSP, NPK, urea, labor, and pesticides have no significant effect on the production of red chili. The results of the efficiency analysis show that the production factors of land area, seeds, manure, urea fertilizer, and labor are technically efficient because they are located in a rational area and technically, TSP, NPK, and pesticides are not efficient. In terms of price efficiency, the use of production factors is not efficient for land area, seeds, TSP fertilizers, NPK fertilizers, and pesticides have not reached economic efficiency. Other production factors such as manure, urea fertilizer, and labor are not economically efficient, so the use of inputs must be added to obtain maximum production


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    ABSTRACT Batu City is one of the cities that has great potential in the development of agro-tourism. One of the famous tourist attractions in Batu City is PT. Kusuma Agrotourism, is a type of tourism that utilizes agricultural business (agro) as a tourist attraction and combines agricultural activities and tourism activities. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis, which is obtained simplified in the form of tabulations, then processed computerized using SPSS (Statistical Program For Social Science). Then analyzed by CSI and described by Cartesian diagrams. The results of the analysis show that as many as 52.0% of visitors consider very satisfied with tourist attractions that are very easy to reach, as many as 58.0% who rate the price of tourism as satisfied, as many as 42.0% of visitors rate tourism products as quite good, as many as 38 ,0% gave an assessment of the promotion carried out by the manager quite satisfied at PT.Kusuma Agrowisata quite satisfied. From these results obtained an average value of 3.88 which indicates that most visitors choose to be quite satisfied with the services provided by the manager. Keywords: agrotourism, service, satisfactio