21 research outputs found

    Sunnah dalam Perspektif Orientalis

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    The purpose of this article is to know movements and thoughts of Orientalist towards Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Orientalisme is a term for movements in which its focus is to do research and study about language, social, religion, culture, civilization, etc, of the East (oriental). According to some writer, at least there are three purposes of orientalisme in Islamic world. First is for spreading of Christianity. Second is for colonialisme. Third is for sciences (knowledge) only. Beside that purpose, no doubt that orientalist's studies also have many beneficial and contribution to knowledge in contemporary world. Sunnah as a second sourse of Islamic Law is not quiet from orientalist's studies. Their studies (in some case) is to put Islam in doubt and always try in search of weakness of Sunnah. They talk and critic personal of hadits's transmitter (rawi hadits) with dislike and tendentious in order to make sanction towards Sunnah Nabawiyyah. In this article, writer want to describe views of orientalist and some of Islamic thinkers towards hadits's figures like Abu Hurairah and Imam Az-Zuhri, also give some critic to their thoughts. In reality, the effort for destroying of sunnah's holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) starts from their figures. In spite of that, this article is not comprehensive cover of all their thought and movements

    Keanekaragama Morfologis Tanaman Sagu (Metroxylon SP.) Di Kabupaten Lingga Propinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    A research of morphological diversity of sago palm (Metroxylon sp) has been implemented in three District in the Riau Island Province, District of Lingga that District North Lingga and the District of East Lingga. The research was conducted from February to May 2015 with the aim of knowing the morphological diversity, distribution and sago population in Lingga regency of Riau Islands Province. The research used survey methods with an intentional sampling technique (purposive sampling) accordance with the criteria in 11 villages. Observations or data collected was primary data form and secondary data form. Primary data were obtained through interviews with sago farmers and measure directly to plant morphology in field. Secondary data were obtained from BAPPEDA (Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Daerah), BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) and the Department of Agriculture, Plantation, Forestry and Veterinary Office of Lingga Riau Islands Province. The research indacated that there are two types of sago discovered in the Lingga District of Riau Islands Province that Tuni / Runggamanu (Metroxylon Rumphii Martius) and Molat / Roe (Metroxylon Sagus Rottbol)

    Takwil Fuqoha Lin-Nushush Asy-Syariyyah Wa Atsaruhu Fil Mu'amalah Al-Maliyyah Dirosah Tahliliyyah Naqdiyyah 'Ala Kitab Nailul Authar Qism al-Muamalat

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    The purpose of this research is to observe the influence of ta’wil on the argumens of shari’i in deciding certain law wich was taken from al-Qur’an and Hadith. In this study, the researcher analyzed and studied the forms of scholar’s ta’wil in the topic of muamalat of the book entitled Nailul Authar. This research is based on analysis and criticism methods, in wich the authors collected the problems that have been agreed by the scholars by using ta’wil. Than the researcher collected the forms of the ta’wil, and analyze and study in the accordance with the method of Ushul Fiqh. The author would then examine and measure the form of the ta’wil by returning it to the terms of the provision that has been agreed by the scholars, and detirmining wich ta’wil is based on strong proposition and wich ta’wil relies on a weak proposition, or even is not based on a strong proposition. This study concludes that not all scholar’s ta’wil towards certain proposition is true, because there is also the weak and rejected ta’wil. Therefore the reader can take the righ attitude toward the different’ scholars’ arguments


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    ABSTRAKDesa Mangkung memiliki lahan pekarangan yang cukup luas, namun belum dikelola dengan baik oleh masyarakat. Padahal, lahan pekarangan bisa dijadikan sebagai Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari yang dapat menunjang kebutuhan pangan dan meingkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan, pemahaman, serta informasi kepada masyarakat Desa Mangkung tentang pengelolaan lahan pekarangan melalui budidaya tanaman hortikultura dengan sistem hidroponik. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahapan yaitu observasi, sosialisasi, dan pelaksanaan kegiatan. Jenis tanaman yang dibudidaya yaitu selada (Lactuca sativa), pakcoy (Brassica rapa), dan kangkung (Ipomea aquatic Forsk) dengan media tanam berupa rockwool dan pupuk kompos organik yang dibuat dengan memanfaatkan limbah kotoran ternak sapi masyarakat setempat. Kegiatan ini mendapatkan respon yang baik serta dukungan dari masyarakat setempat. Kegiatan ini diharapkan menjadi alternatif yang baik bagi masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan yang tidak dimaksimalkan dengan optimal. Selain itu, kedepannya masyarakat dapat secara mandiri memenuhi kebutuhan pangan berupa sayur-sayuran serta mampu meningkatkan pendapatan rumah tangga menuju masyarakat yang sehat, mandiri, dan sejahtera. Kata kunci: hortikultura; rumah pangan lestari; sistem hidroponik ABSTRACTMangkung Village has a very large parkland but has not been optimized very well by the local community. Instead, the land can be used as a home for food, which can support food needs and increase the community’s income. This activity aimed to give the community knowledge and understanding about how to utilize parkland land by cultivating horticultural plants with hydroponic sistems. This activity was done in three steps: observation, socialization, and implementation. The hydroponic sistem used uses three types of crops cultivated namely selada (Lactuca sativa), pakcoy (Brassica rapa), and kangkung (Ipomea aquatic Forsk) with the medium of rockwool and organic composite fertilizer made using local cattle livestock waste. This activity has received a good response and support from the local community. It would be a good alternative for the community in exploiting the land that is not maximized optimally. In addition, the community can supply food (vegetables) independently and can increase household income toward a self-sufficient, healthy, and prosperous society. Keywords: horticulture; sustainable food house; hydroponic siste

    Genetic characterization of H5N1 influenza viruses isolated from chickens in Indonesia in 2010

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    Since 2003, highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses have caused outbreaks among poultry in Indonesia every year, producing the highest number of human victims worldwide. However, little is known about the H5N1 influenza viruses that have been circulating there in recent years. We therefore conducted surveillance studies and isolated eight H5N1 viruses from chickens. Phylogenic analysis of their hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes revealed that all eight viruses belonged to clade 2.1.3. However, on the basis of nucleotide differences, these viruses could be divided into two groups. Other viruses genetically closely related to these two groups of viruses were all Indonesian isolates, suggesting that these new isolates have been evolving within Indonesia. Among these viruses, two distinct viruses circulated in the Kalimantan islands during the same season in 2010. Our data reveal the continued evolution of H5N1 viruses in Indonesia

    Penguatan Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Website

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    Salah satu permasalahan dalam pengajaran Aqidah Akhlak di MTs Al- Anwar adalah kurangnya motivasi dan semangat siswa saat belajar. Untuk itu, di samping memberi motivasi lebih pada siswa, menerapkan inovasi pembelajaran bisa jadi pilihan alternatif untuk menuntaskan permasalahan yang tadi disebutkan. Penelitian ini sendiri memecahkan masalah dengan media pengajaran berbasis website. Metode pembelajaran website sendiri merupakan metode terbaru dan  sedang trend sejak beberapa tahun terakhir. Dibanding dengan metode lain, pengajaran berbasis website sendiri lebih disukai pelajar karena dinilai sesuai dengan zaman dan trend saat ini. Penelitian ini sendiri memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi pengajaran menggunakan website terhadap motivasi dan minat belajar siswa. Populasi yang digunakan di penelitian ini ialah peserta didik MTS Al-Anwar dengan sampel sebesar 30 siswa. Metode yang diterapkan di sini adalah metode korelasional. Metode ini sendiri merupakan metode yang fokus pada tingkat hubungan kedua variable tanpa ada kesan mempengaruhi pada keduanya. Penelitian ini sendiri membuahkan kesimpulan yang mengungkapkan bahwasanya korelasi antara pengajaran berbasis website dengan motivasi dan minat belajar Aqidah Akhlak siswa di MTs Al-Anwar sebesar 0.892 dan besarnya sumbangan sebesar 79,57%.   Kata Kunci:  Motivasi Belajar, Aqidah Akhla

    Variasi Struktur Anatomi Berdasarkan Tingkat Ketinggian Dan Arah Radial Dari Kayu Meranti Merah (Shorea Parvistipulata)

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    Kelengkapan data dari Shorea parvistipulata akan membuka peluang yang lebih baik bagi prospek pemanfaatan kayu ini Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variasi sifat anatomi kayu S. parvistipulata. Kayu ini diambil dari areal HPH PT. Balikpapan Forest Industri di Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis random acak dengan dua faktor yaitu arah aksial dan radial pada batang. Pengukuran struktur anatomi kayu menggunakan standar International Assosiation 0f Wood Anatomist (IAWA), yang melipuli pori (diameter, tinggi, jumlah), jari-jari (tinggi, lebar, jumlah), persentase (pori, jari-jari, parenkim aksial, serat) dan dimensi serat (diameter serat, diameter lumen, tebal dinding serat). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pori kayu soliter pola tata baur dengan tylosis dalam jumlah sedikit. Jari-jari heterogen, sel parenkim aksial bertipe paratrakeal sepihak dan pita tangensial panjang. Panjang serat termasuk sedang, diameter serat besar, diameter lumen sangat besar dan tebal dinding serat tergolong sangat tipis. Lagipula, faktor aksial dan arah radial batang menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan terhadap sifat anatomi kayu S parvistipulata. Kualitas serat pada tingkat ketinggian dan arah radial batang adalah seragam, termasuk kelas kualita II. Kayu dengan kelas kualita serat ini bila digunakan untuk bahan baku kertas menghasiLkan lembaran kertas yang halus dan kekuatan tarik sedang


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    Dalam transaksi jual-beli terkadang terjadi ketidak seimbangan dalam keuntungan maupun kerugian antara kedua Aqid. Dalam hal ini batalnya akad jual-beli bawang merah berpanjar yang dilakukan oleh Masyarakat Desa Putren Kecamatan Sukomoro Kabupaten Nganjuk pembeli bawang merah berpanjar ketika harga bawang merah naik, harganya tidak di naikan oleh sipembeli kemudian ketika bawang merah harganya turun sipembeli berhak menurunkan harganyanya sesuka hati. Secara metodologi, penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan normatif. Penyusun menggunakan analisis kualitatif yang berlangsung selama dan setelah pengumpulan data dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dandokumentasi. Analisis data digunakan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti, bahwa Praktek pembatalan akad jual beli bawang merah berpanjar di Desa Putren menurut tinjauan perspektif hukum Islam adalah tidak diperbolehkan dan diperbolehkan, tidak diperbolehkan dikarenakan salah satu pihak masih dirugikan dan itu dikatakan fasid, kurangnya informasi ketika  melakukan akad mengenai materi. Hal ini mengacu pada penjualan dimana obyek penjualan atau harga atau waktu pembayarannya belum di ketahui dan ditentukan. Di perbolehkan karena jual beli telah sesuai dengan rukun dan syarat akad, yaitu terdapat penjual dan pembeli yang bertujuan untuk menjual dan membeli, barang yang diperjual belikan adalah bawang merah. Selain itu jual beli bawang merah dengan sitem berpanjar ini dapat mendatangkan kemashlahatan bagi masyarakat setempat. Kata Kunci: Pembatalan, Akad, Berpanjar Abstract:In buying and selling transactions sometimes there is an imbalance in the profits and losses between the two Aqid. In this case the cancellation of the onions sale and purchase agreement carried out by the Putren Village Community in Nganjuk Regency Sukomoro Subdistrict, the buyer of the onion rises when the price of onion rises, the price is not raised by the buyer then when the onion drops. Methodologically, this research is a field research (field research) with a normative approach. The researcher uses qualitative analysis that takes place during and after data collection using observation, interview, and documented methods. Data analysis was used using qualitative descriptive methods. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, that the practice of canceling onions buying and selling contracts in Putren Village according to a perspective of Islamic law is not permissible and permissible, it is not permitted because one party is harmed and it is said to be a fascist, lack of information when making contracts regarding material . This refers to sales where the object of sale or price or time of payment has not been known and determined specifically. It is permitted because buying and selling is in accordance with the pillars and the terms of the contract, namely there are sellers and buyers who aim to sell and buy, the items that are traded are shallots. In addition, the sale and purchase of shallots with this floating system can bring benefits to the local community

    Anatomical Structure and Fiber Quality of Shorea Hopeifolia (Heim) Symington Grown From East Kalimantan

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    The objectives of this research were focused on description of anatomical structure and fiber quality of Shorea hopeifolia. Wood samples were obtained from Labanan, Berau, East Kalimantan. Anatomical structure and fiber quality of S. hopeifolia were observed according to IAWA List and Indonesian fiber quality criteria. The results showed that S. hopeifolia has brown yellowish heartwood and clearly distinguished with its light yellow sapwood; straight to interlocked grain; somewhat rough texture, slippery touchiness, lustered; and soft to somewhat hard. While the main microscopic are growth rings indistinct; vessel diffuse, simple perforation plate, mostly solitary; alternate and vestured intervessel pit; vessel-ray pits with much reduced borders to apparently simple and rounded shape; tyloses and vacicentric tracheid present; fibres with simple to minutely bordered pits, septate fiber present, thin to thick cell-wall fiber; fiber length 1733 ÎŒm; axial parenchyma unilateral paratracheal, vacicentric, aliform, confluent, narrow bands; uniseriate and multiseriate rays (3-8), rays height >1 mm; axial intercellular canal in long tangential lines and radial canal present; prismatic crystals in procumbent and upright rays cells. Based on its fiber dimensions and derived values, S. hopeifolia wood was classified into quality class I and very favourable as raw material for pulp and paper