36 research outputs found

    Increasing the Students\u27 Writing Skill Through Mind Mapping Technique

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    This study is classroom action research implementing the use of mind mapping technique to improve the students\u27writing skill. The aim of this study is to identify whether mind mapping technique can improve students\u27 writing skill and describe the classroom situation when mind mapping is used in teaching and learning process of writing skill.The data were collected from 44 students of the first year students of English department at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University. The data compiled from the observation sheets on the lecturer\u27s and students\u27 performance done by the collaborator, field note made by the lecturer,questionnaire on the students and mainly the students\u27 achievement at the cycle test proved the mind mapping technique to be effective in improving the students\u27 writing skill. This study has been done into two cycles. The result of the study shows that the students\u27 mean score improved from the first cycle (70.95) to the second cycle (76.68). And out of 65.91% of the subjects got the target scores 75 in cycle I and it had been reached by 84.08% of the students in cycle II. In short, it can be concluded that in the last cycle, students had really made significant progress. The analyses resulted in the findings that mind mapping technique could improve the students\u27writing skil

    Efektifitas Ekstrak Rebung Bambu Apus terhadap Penurunan Kadar Mda pada Kelinci New Zaeland White Hiperkholesterolemia

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    Peran penting radikal bebas dalam proses aterosklerosis adalah keterlibatannya dalam proses oksidasi LDL, serta menginduksi terjadinya inflamasi. LDL teroksidasi memicu timbulnya disfungsi endotel dan proses inflamasi sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya aterosklerosisPeroksida lipid bersifat tidak stabil dan akan terurai menghasilkan sejumlah senyawa, antara lain malondialdehid yang bersifat toksik terhadap sel, di produksi secara konstan sesuai dengan proporsi peroksidasi lipid yang terjadi serta banyak ditemukan dalam sirkulasi, konsentrasi yang tinggi menunjukkan adanya proses oksidasi dalam membran sel dan kemungkinan akan mempersempit pembuluh darah. MDA sering dipakai sebagai petanda biologis peroksidasi lipid dan stres oksidatif. Bahan pangan fungsional diperkirakan mampu menghambat progresivitas peroksidasi lipid dan stres oksidatif karena kandungan antioksidannya. Salah satunya adalah rebung bambu (bamboo shoots) yang banyak mengandung antioksidan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan apakah pemberian ekstrak rebung bambu apus mampu menurunkan kadar malondialdehid (MDA)selama proses perlakuan pada Kelinci New Zaeland White.Penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dengan desain pretest-posttest control group . Sampel yang digunakan adalah Kelinci New Zaeland White sebanyak 30 ekor, dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok secara acak, K1 : kelompok kontrol negatif yang diberi pakan standart, K2: kelompok kontrol positif yang diberi pakan aterogenik, K3: kelompok perlakuan yang diberi pakan aterogenik dan ekstrak rebung bambu apus sebanyak 130 mg/kgBB/hari, K4: kelompok perlakuan yang diberi pakan aterogenik dan ekstrak rebung bambu apus sebanyak 260 mg/kgBB/hari, K5: kelompok perlakuan yang diberi pakan aterogenik dan ekstrak rebung bambu apus sebanyak 520 mg/kgBB/hari, masing masing secara individual dipelihara selama 30 (tiga puluh) hari.Pemberian ekstrak rebung bambu apus dengan berbagai variasi dosis dapat menekan peningkatan kadar MDA Kelinci New Zaeland White

    Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Hipertensi Berbasis Terapi Pijat Refleksi Kaki

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    Hypertension or high blood pressure is a vascular disorder that results in the supply of oxygen and nutrients carried by the blood to the tissues of the body is inhibited. Hypertension is a major cause of heart failure, stroke, kidney failure. About 20% of the adult population has hypertension, over 90% of them suffer from primary hypertension. Several factors can cause hypertension are lifestyle with the wrong diet, gender, physical exercise, food, stimulants (substances that speed up the body's functions) as well as stress. A wide variety of relaxation techniques already developed one of which is to provide therapeutic foot reflexology.The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of foot reflexology massage therapy on blood pressure in hypertensive patients in Semarang. The design used in this research is the "Quasi-experimental design in two groups using a foot reflexology massage therapy in intervention group. The number of samples in this study is adult patients with primary hypertension were male sex as many as 11 patients each group.Based on the test results of pair t-test showed that there were significant differences in systolic blood pressure, diastolic and MAP on the treatment before and after administration of therapeutic foot reflexology for 30 minutes (p value = 0:00). The hipothesis test betwen two groups using independent t-test showed that there was significant differences in systolik, diastolic and MAP blood pressure betwen intervention and control group (p value = 0:00). This study recommended to patients and families, especially in the treatment of hypertensive patients in the home to prevent the complications of hypertension. Keywords ; hypertension, foot reflexology massage, blood pressur

    Kepentingan Indonesia Kerjasama dengan Argentina dalam Kerangka Fealac (Forum For East Asia-latin America Cooperations)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and explain the development of bilateral relations with Argentina Indonesia's political economy and the interests of Indonesia in cooperation with Argentina in the framework of FEALAC. This research uses descriptive method, the data obtained from library research by collecting data in the form of secondary data from the literature and then analyze the data using quantitative analysis. By using this liberalism perspective assumes that an interdependent world economy based on free trade. Results from the study show that with the cooperation between Indonesia and Argentina within the framework of FEALAC a positive impact on the improvement of bilateral relations between the two countries are influential Indonesia to increase trade volume, particularly in improving Indonesia's exports to Argentina which will also increase the value of GDP

    The Effect of Popular English Song and English Movie on Students\u27 Pronunciation at MTsN 3 Jakarta

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    This research aims to discover whether the English popular songs and movies are an effective media in enhancing and improving students\u27 pronunciation. The subjects in the study were involving 62 students from grade 8 in MTsN 3 Jakarta and were divided into 2 groups. 31 students from class 8-2 involved in movie class while 31 students in class 8-3 have English songs popular class.The data are taken from the study of the accuracy of the student in pronouncing the words in a simple text at the beginning and end of the test in each experimental class. During the students read the text, the researcher recorded their voice to be analyzed for the pronunciation.In this research, it was found that students who have popular English songs and English movie in their class show progress in pronunciation. It was proved by the scores that they got when the post test after training, higher than pre tests before training. This suggests that both media are "effective" in improving students\u27 pronunciation. But, students in Popular English songs show better results than students in English movie

    Pengaruh Ekuitas Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Rumah Tangga Merek Tupperware Di Pekanbaru

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of variables of brand equity (brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality of the brand, and brand loyalty) that influence purchasing decisions Tupperware brand household products in Pekanbaru and to know which is the most dominant factor affecting the purchase decision. As for the population in this study are all consumers who ever bought Tupperware brand household products, and samples used in this study amounted to 119 people, and the sampling technique used in this study is the technique Sampling Area. methods of analysis used in this study using multiple linear regression models with SPSS version 17. Based on the results of the research that has been done so that the value of R2 by 57%. This means that 57% of household purchasing decisions brand Tupperware products in Pekanbaru influenced by brand equity (brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality of the brand, and brand loyalty) while the remaining 43% are influenced by other factors that are not explained and are not included in the study Here you are. and subsequently through a simultaneous regression coefficient test independent variables jointly significant effect on the independent variable .. Partially, of the four variables studied only variable perception of the quality of the brand (X3) are the most significant influence on purchasingKeywords: brand awareness, brand associations, perceived brand quality, brand loyalty and purchasing decision

    Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggota terhadap Keberhasilan Koperasi

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    This research is to know how influence member participation to success of cooperative. Variable in this research is independent variable (X) that is with aspect of member participation in decision making, capital contribution, utilization and member participation in cooperative supervision. The method used in this research is quantitative method. The population in this research is all employees of Cooperative Tirta Dharma Khatulistiwa PDAM Pontianak city. Data collection techniques are indirect communication techniques and documenter study techniques. While the data collection tool is questionnaire data (questionnaire).Data analysis technique in this research use statistic version 16.0. The results of the findings based on questionnaire data (questionnaire), to analyze the data of researchers using SPSS. This results in an effective contribution data analysis to the success of the Cooperative by 70%.

    Dukungan Keluarga, Dukungan Petugas Kesehatan, dan Perilaku Ibu HIV dalam Pencegahan Penularan Hiv/aids ke Bayi

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    The number of women who infected with HIV has increased year by year. Through perinatal transmission contributed 5.1%. This study aims to learn associated of family support and health provider support with the behavior of HIV positive mothers in preventing mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS. This study was conducted in Central Java Province at 2014. This study was a cross sectional approach. The sample was collected 32 HIV positive mothers with total sampling technique. Univariat analysis result showed that 65,6% receiving family support, 75% receiving health provider support, and 56,3% has good behavior in preventing mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS. Bivariat analysis used fisher exact showed that there was a relationship between health provider support and HIV positive mothers behavior (p=0,010, OR=17), there was no relationship between family support and HIV positive mothers behavior in preventing mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS (p=0,142)

    The Role of Wijaya Kusuma\u27s Youth Information and Counseling Center (PIK-R) on Adolescent Health Problems

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    The issue of adolescent health is important for national development. Adolescents need a place that can provide facilities in the form of correct information and life skills improvement programs. So as to deal with various health problems of adolescent. Government efforts to overcome these problems through the establishment of the Youth Information and Counseling Center (PIK-R) that can be done in schools. PIK-R in schools that have been formed can be assessed its role to adolescent health problems. The purpose of this research is to know the role of PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma in overcoming the health problem of adolescent among non-members of PIK-R. The research used qualitative design with case study approach. The data were collected by focus group discussion (FGD) technique on 10 non PIK-R member students. The results of the study reported that PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma has an important role as health information source for non PIK-R member students in facing adolescent health problems. Besides, teachers and NGOs. Awareness of non-members of PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma related to adolescent\u27s vulnerability to high adolescent health problems, peers and family plays an important role in adolescent health behavior