38 research outputs found

    PONDOK PESANTREN DAN PERADABAN MODERN (Eksistensi Pondok Pesantren di Provinsi Bengkulu dalam Menghadapi Nilai-Nilai Peradaban Modern)

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    ABSTRAK Disertasi yang berjudul Pondok Pesantren dan Peradaban Modern; (Eksistensi Pondok Pesantren di Provinsi Bengkulu dalam Menghadapi Nilai-Nilai Peradaban Modern) ini dilatar belakangi oleh fakta dan fenomena peradaban modern yang mereduksi nilai-nilai luhur budaya bangsa dan juga nilai-nilai dasar Islam yang menjadi barometer bagi kemajuan suatu bangsa khususnya Indonesia. Keberadaan pondok pesantren diharapkan dapat menjadi benteng pertahanan ummat dalam rangka menjaga moralitas dan mentalitas anak bangsa melalui pendidikan dan pengajaran Islam, kenyataannya banyak pesantren yang kehilangan identitas asli dari tradisi pesantren yang selama ini sudah mengakar dalam kehidupan umat Islam Indonesia. Berangkat dari latar belakang tersebut, yang hendak dicari jawabannya adalah bagaimana pandangan pondok pesantren terhadap peradaban modern?, kemudian bagaimana eksistensi pondok pesantren dalam arus peradaban modern?, lalu apa potensi yang dimiliki Pondok pesantren dalam menghadapi nilai-nilai peradaban Modern?. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif análisis, sumber data penelitian ini adalah pimpinan dan pengasuh pondok pesantren yang ada di Provinsi Bengkulu. Menurut pendekatannya penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan Sosiologis dan Fenomenologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pondok pesantren di Provinsi Bengkulu sudah ada sejak masuknya Islam di Bengkulu. Namun secara teknis, Pondok Pesantren yang berasal dari kebutuhan masyarakat Bengkulu dimulai pada tahun 1974 dengan didirikannya Pondok Pesantren Pancasila, kemudian diikuti oleh lembaga pendidikan sejenis yang tersebar diberbagai kabupaten di Provinsi Bengkulu. Pandangan pondok pesantren terhadap peradaban Modern tergambar dari pandangan dan sikap pengasuhnya, yaitu seorang kyai. Nilai-nilai peradaban modern dalam perspektif pesantren di provinsi Bengkulu meliputi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, kemandirian ekonomi, dan pergeseran moralitas serta mentalitas generasi muda. Jika tidak disikapi sejak dini, dapat mengancam generasi penerus bangsa dan terjebak dalam budaya westernisasi. Melihat fenomena ini, maka pesantren memberikan respons dengan menyusun strategi melalui peningkatan manajemen mutu dan pemanfaatan potensi yang dimiliki baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Dengan demikiain dapat di simpulkan bahwa Pondok Pesantren di Provinsi Bengkulu telah menjadi cyrcle bagi pembangunan peradaban Islam Indonesia, meskipun tidak sama dengan iklim pesantren ‘ala’ Jawa. Hal ini tampak dalam aspek pembentukan nilai-nilai modernitas seperti pengembangan Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, kemandirian ekonomi dan penanaman moralitas serta mentalitas, pondok pesantren ini telah tersebar di berbagai Kabupaten

    Kebijakan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam Pada Satuan Pendidikan Dasar, Menengah dan Tinggi

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine Islamic education curriculum policies in elementary, secondary and tertiary units using library research methods. The results of the study in this writing show that the Islamic education curriculum policy, especially in Indonesia, has undergone several changes. Changes that occur adapt to the circumstances and the needs of the times. The development of the Islamic curriculum from the beginning of the history of education in Indonesia in 1945 after Indonesian independence was discussed in three periods; first, during the old order there were three changes, namely the 1947, 1952 and 1964 curricula; Second, during the New Order era, four changes were made, namely the 1968, 1975, 1984 and 1994 curricula; Third, there were four changes during the reformation period and those that are still used today are the 2004 Curriculum (KBK), the 2006 Curriculum (KTSP), the 2013 Curriculum and the independent learning curriculum. The Islamic religious education curriculum in each education unit is discussed from: First, the arrangement of the madrasah curriculum which consists of (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Madrasah Aliyah) which follows National Education System Law 20 of 2003; Second, the rules for the pesantren curriculum follow Law no. 18 of 201

    Inovasi Dan Perubahan Dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    This paper discusses Innovation and Change in Islamic Education. This research method uses literature research or library research to be analyzed and concluded. In collecting data, the author uses literature study, namely research conducted by using data related to Innovation and Change in Islamic Education from books, journals, the internet and other relevant sources. The results of this study are that innovation in Islamic religious education is an act that should not be carried out, the causative factors can be observed very complex, both from policy changes, developments in science and technology and the condition of an increasingly mature society in following various information media about Islamic education religious materials

    Kebijakan Pendidikan Islam Sebagai Kebijakan Publik

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    Abstract The concept of Islamic Religious School was widely used in Indonesian education even before Indonesia gained independence. Since Indonesia acquired independence, Islamic Education has not yet achieved a standing in the idea of national education that is similar to that of general Education. As soon as Law No. 20 of 2003, which governs the National Education System, was established, Islamic Religious Education in Indonesia began to take shape. The following are the study's limitations: 1) What was the motivation behind Law No. 20 of the National Education System's 2003 passage? 2) How successful is the law no. 20 of 2003 on the national education system's policy on Islamic religious education? What impact will this have on Indonesia's attempts to advance Islamic religious education? Key words: Implications, National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003, Islamic Religious Education, Policy


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    The pattern of implementation Islamic Religious Education for Children in the Middle Village Bengkulu city of Padang is in the form of religious education teaching and guiding the implementation of religious orders, supervise the child's behavior and reprimand them when doing that are not good. In addition, the family attempt provide all the needs of the children like to send them to a religious school and meet the needs of the child. Significantly shows that Islamic religious education in the family was instrumental in shaping the behavior of children, but not fully be seen in reality. The result of this discussion also shows that there are still many parents who do not understand the urgency of religious education in the family, because the majority of the parents surrender completely moral education of children in educational institutions

    Kebijakan Pemerintah terhadap Pendidikan Inklusif

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    Inclusive education is the education given to students who have the disorder, has the potential intelligence and special talents. Also children are not able to learn for one thing: disability, autism, mental retardation, homeless children, the other had the talent and potential. Inclusive education is a system of educational services for children with special needs in the regular school education and this should be done as early as possible. This is in accordance with the policy internationally and nationally as stipulated in Law No. 20 of 2003 on article 32 and Permendiknas number 70 of 2009, by providing opportunities and opportunities for children with special needs to acquire education in schools regular ranging from elementary school, School junior High and High School / Vocational. The success of inclusive education will depend on the cooperation of the government, teachers and parents together

    Masa Depan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, Eksistensi, Proyeksi dan Kontribusi

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    The concept of Islamic Religious School was widely used in Indonesian education even before Indonesia gained independence. Since Indonesia acquired independence, Islamic Education has not yet achieved a standing in the idea of national education that is similar to that of general Education. As soon as Law No. 20 of 2003, which governs the National Education System, was established, Islamic Religious Education in Indonesia began to take shape. The following are the study's limitations: 1) What was the motivation behind Law No. 20 of the National Education System's 2003 passage? 2) How successful is the law no. 20 of 2003 on the national education system's policy on Islamic religious education? What impact will this have on Indonesia's attempts to advance Islamic religious education

    Relasi Pendidikan Islam, Politik dan Kekuasaan

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    Discovering the connections between Islamic education, politics, and electricity is the goal of this essay. For analysis and conclusion, this research approach uses library or literature studies. The author employs literature observation to gather information, specifically research done using information related to the family members of Islamic education, politics and energy, the internet, books, and other pertinent resources. The results of this observation are: There is a strong connection between electricity politics and the realm of Islamic education. The seriousness with which the ulama and umara have listened to educational issues in order to support groups and their supporters' sociopolitical positions has left its mark on Islamic culture. It is undeniable that the rulers actively promote the advancement of Islamic education, and the rulers depend on the support of educational institutions to maintain their hold on power. Why is that? Because Islamic government's goal is to defend truth and justice, which cannot be accomplished without applying Shari'a

    Problem dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

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    Quality, relevance, elitism, and management are the four main crises that are at the heart of the problem of education in Indonesia. On these four issues, various quantitative indicators have been proposed, including a comparison of the educational situation in Asian countries. In the laws and regulations governing the state education system, Islamic education is a component of national education. This discussion discusses the problems and development of Islamic education as a formulation of the existing problems. A component of the overall state policy is education policy. so that national education in the end must return to its goal, namely to empower the community by returning the community's autonomy to develop themselves. The following are the basic principles of the Islamic education system: 1) Based on the Islamic creed, Islam establishes curriculum principles, methods and educational goals. 2) Faith development should be the focus of education. 3) The aim of education is to bring out the best in everyone and minimize the worst in them while maintaining harmony with human nature. Islamic education is urged to develop new operational strategies and tactics in addition to curriculum and management tools. In pedagogical, sociological, and cultural terms, these strategies and tactics demonstrate their role to the point that they require an overhaul of models and institutions to make them more effective