27 research outputs found

    New crustose Teloschistaceae in Central Europe

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    Central Europe in general is poor in Teloschistaceae lichen crusts (Caloplaca s. lat.). Diversity of these lichens is increased by the occurrence of some Arctic, Mediterranean and continental species, which are here close to the limits of their range. Examples include: 1) Caloplaca interfulgens, previously known from arid territories of northern Africa and western Asia, is recorded, surprisingly, from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia and southern Russia. In Central Europe, it is restricted to scattered xerothermic limestone outcrops. 2) Caloplaca scabrosa, previously known only from Svalbard, is recorded from the Sudetes in the Czech Republic. It is similar to, but not conspecific with, C. furfuracea. Its diagnostic characters include a blastidiate thallus and the presence of atranorin. Our results show that atranorin is absent in the majority of taxa related to C. furfuracea with only two exceptions: the sample from Eastern Carpathians, here called C. aff. scabrosa, and in one Sudetan sample identified as C. crenularia. 3) Caloplaca emilii, newly described below, is closely related to the Mediterranean C. areolata. We consider C. emilii a Mediterranean species rarely occurring in higher latitudes in Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany. It is distinguished from C. areolata mainly by the presence of vegetative diaspores (blastidia); a possible role of blastidia in the distribution pattern of C. emilii is discussed below. Status of the names Caloplaca areolata, C. isidiigera and C. spalatensisis, formerly used for the new taxon, is clarified. 4) Caloplaca molariformis, newly described below, belongs to the Pyrenodesmia group (a lineage of Caloplaca without anthraquinones). It is a continental species, frequently collected on limestone or lime-rich tuffs in steppes or deserts in Turkey, Iran, western Kazakhstan and southern Russia, and is also known from eastern Ukraine and southern Slovakia. Caloplaca molariformis is characterized by its thick thallus with fungal and algal tissues arranged in high stacks. 5) Caloplaca substerilis, newly described below, is distinguished from the closely related C. ulcerosa by its endophloeodal or minutely squamulose thallus with soralia formed in bark crevices or on margins of squamules. While C. ulcerosa has a maritime distribution in Europe, C. substerilis is typically a continental species. North American continental lichens called C. ulcerosa are phylogenetically closer and more similar to C. substerilis. The positions within Teloschistaceae of the taxa considered are demonstrated by ITS phylogenies. The distributions of C. areolata, C. emilii and C. interfulgens are mapped. The new species are fully described using more than a hundred phenotype characters, and diagnostic characters are indicated separately. Copyright © British Lichen Society 2013

    Lichenicolous fungi of Ukraine: an annotated checklist

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    Darmostuk V. V., Khodosovtsev A.Ye. 2017 – Lichenicolous fungi of Ukraine: an annotated checklist. Studies in Fungi 2(1), 138–156, Doi 10.5943/sif/2/1/16The checklist is based on 137 references and it includes data on the distribution of 220 taxa of lichenicolous fungi in Ukraine. Four species are based on dubious records. The Crimea (80 species) and Carpathians Mts (64 species) have highest observed species diversity of the lichenicolous fungi. Among plain territories, most species-rich regions are Kherson (64 species) and Mykolaiv (37 species), and both regions were intensively surveyed for lichenicolous fungi. Most frequent host genera recorded are Lecanora s. lat. (23 species), Cladonia (17 species), Xanthoria s. lat. (15 species), Aspicilia s. lat. (14 species) and Caloplaca s. lat. (13 species). Most diverse taxonomical groups of lichenicolous fungi recorded are Capnodiales (21 species), Arthoniales (18 species) and Hypocreales (13 species). Katherinomyces cetrariae, Lichenochora hypanica, Lichenostigma svandae, Norrlinia medoborensis, Phoma pisutii, Pronectria diplococca, P. caloplacae, Rosellinula frustulosae, Sphaerellothecium aculeatae, Pleospora xanthoriae, Trichoconis hafellneri and Zwackhiomyces polischukii were described from type localities in Ukraine

    Endocarpo-Xanthocarpion tominii all. nov. and Caloplacetum albolutescentis ass. nov., a new syntaxa of lichen communities from loess outcrops in southern Ukraine.

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    ХОДОСОВЦЕВ, О. Є. Endocarpo-Xanthocarpion tominii all. nov. та Caloplacetum albolutescentis ass. nov. – нові синтаксони лишайникових угруповань з лесових відслонень півдня України / О. Є. Ходосовцев // Чорноморськ. бот. ж., - 2015. - 11 (3):. - С. 317-326.Вперше для науки з лесових відслонень півдня України описано один союз Endocarpo- Xanthocarpion tominii all. nov. та ассоціацію Caloplacetum albolutescentis ass. nov., які відносяться до класу Psoretea decipientis Mattick. Показано екологічні особливості лишайникових угруповань. В роботі представлено синтаксономічну таблицю та наведено повний список лишайників та ліхенофільних грибів (42 види) лесових відслонень півдня України. Впервые для науки на лёссових обнажениях юга Украины описаны один союз Endocarpo-Xanthocarpion tominii all. nov. и ассоциация Caloplacetum albolutescentis ass. nov., которые относятся к классу Psoretea decipientis Mattick. Показаны экологические особенности лишайниковых сообществ. В работе представлена синтаксономическая таблица и приведен список лишайников и лихенофильных грибов (42 вида) лёссовых обнажений юга Украины. The new alliance Endocarpo-Xanthocarpion tominii all. nov. and association Caloplacetum albolutescentis ass. nov. (class Psoretea decipientis Mattik). in loess outcrops of southern Ukraine are described as new for science. The ecological peculiarities of the new lichen association are showed. The syntaxonomic table is given in this paper. The list of the lichens and lichenicolous fungi (42 species) of loess outcrops is provided

    Noteworthy lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi from the Bükk Mts, Hungary

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    Twenty-four of treated species are reported as new to Hungary; Agonimia allobata, A. repleta, Amphisphaeria fallax, Anema tumidulum, Bacidia fuscoviridis, Biatoridium monasteriense, Caloplaca oasis, C. conversa, C. raesaenenii, C. soralifera, Candelariella plumbea, Chromatochlamys muscorum, Diplotomma murorum, Lecanora leuckertiana, L. rouxii, Lepraria lesdainii, Lichinella cribellifera , cf. Mycobilimbia epixanthoides, Opegrapha suecica, Scoliciosporum curvatum, Stigmidium rouxianum, Verrucaria helvetica, V. sorbinea and Xanthoria sorediata . Eleven species, Agonimia opuntiella, Caloplaca crenulatella, C. xerica, Dirina stenhammari, Evernia divaricata, Immersaria cupreoatra, Lecanora bolcana, Leptogium magnussonii, Lichinella nigritella, Strangospora ochrophora and Verrucaria bryoctona , are new to the Bükk Mts. New records of Agonimia tristicula and Caloplaca chrysodeta , already known from the Bükk Mts, are mentioned. The known distribution of C. raesaenenii (= C. thuringiaca ) is described

    Taxonomy and phylogeny of the <em>Caloplaca cerina</em> group in Europe

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    Using ITS nrDNA sequence data, the Caloplaca cerina group (Teloschistaceae) is defined here as a monophyletic, but internally richly branched lineage. The group is also characterized by a combination of morphological and anatomical characters. Its internal lineages are supported by phenotypic characters in addition to ecology and distribution. Within the large C. cerina group, we have found at least 20 phylospecies in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Two species complexes do not produce any vegetative diaspores: the polyphyletic, corticolous Caloplaca cerina s. lat. (six separated cryptic or semi-cryptic species) and the monophyletic C. stillicidiorum s. lat. that grows mainly on plant debris, small shrubs and bryophytes and consists of at least four internal lineages. All lineages producing vegetative diaspores (soredia, blastidia, isidia or lobules) are phenotypically characteristic and represent fairly easily distinguishable species: C. chlorina, C. isidiigera, C. monacensis, C. subalpina, C. thracopontica, C. turkuensis and C. ulmorum. Only the North American sorediate C. pinicola possibly represents an aggregate of species. Caloplaca sterilis is described as a new species. A key to the phenotypically distinguishable species is provided. Lectotypes are designated for C. albolutea, Caloplaca cerina f. coronulata and for C. monacensis. The Australian C. hanneshertelii belongs to this group, but this and other possible species from the Southern Hemisphere are not treated here in detail. Some species traditionally placed in the C. cerina group due to their similar morphology are excluded here on the basis of our phenotype examinations and molecular data. Caloplaca albolutea, C. mydalaea and C. virescens are uncertain taxa and their identities still remain unclear

    The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of National Nature Park “Oleshkivs`ki pisky” (Kherson region, Ukraine).

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    ХОДОСОВЦЕВ О.Є. Лишайники та ліхенофільні гриби національного природного парку «Олешківські піски» (Херсонська область, Україна) / О. Є. ХОДОСОВЦЕВ, Ю. А. ХОДОСОВЦЕВА // Чорноморськ. бот. ж. - 2015. - 11 (1). - С. 51-56.Наведено дані про зростання 52 видів лишайників та 9 видів ліхенофільних грибів національного природного парку «Олешківські піски». З них 51 вид виявилися новим для цієї території. Ліхенофільний гриб Homostegia piggotii Berk. et Broome – вперше наводиться для ліхенобіоти України. Для кожного виду вказані відділення заповідника, де його було знайдено, а саме «Буркути» (54 види) та «Раденське» (36 видів), а також еколого-субстратна характеристика. Приведены данные о произрастании на территории национального природного парка 52 лишайников и 9 видов лихенофильных грибов. Среди них 51 вид оказался новым для национального парка. Лихенофильный гриб Homostegia piggotii Berk. et Broome – впервые приводится для равнинной части Украины. Для каждого вида указаны отделения заповедника, где вид был обнаружен, а именно «Буркуты (54 вида) и «Раденское» (36 видов), а также субстратные характеристики. The data about 52 species of lichens and 9 species of lichenicolous fungi of National Nature Park “Oleschkivs`ki pisky” are given. 51 from them are new for this territory. Lichenicolous fungus Homostegia piggotii Berk. et Broome – is a new species for plain part of Ukraine. The species are arranged on the reserve areas “Burkuty” (54 species) and “Radenske” (36 species), as well as ecology with substrate characters

    Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of granite outcrops of the Bobrynets raivne

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    ХОДОСОВЦЕВ О. Є., ДАРМОСТУК В. В. (2017). Лишайники та ліхенофільні гриби гранітних відслонень Бобринецької балки. Чорноморськ. бот. ж., 13 (2): 195–203. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.132/6.На території Бобринецької балки (місто Бобринець, Кіровоградська область) було знайдено 69 видів лишайників та 14 видів ліхенофільних грибів. Серед них Didymocyrtis ramalinae (Roberge ex Desm.) Ertz, Diederich & Hafellner, Pyrenopsis subareolata Nyl., Thallinocarpon nigritellum (Lettau) P.M. Jørg. є новими для рівнинної частини України. 54 види вперше наведено для Кіровоградської області. Складені анотовані списки з нотатками для кожного виду. Наявність природоохоронної, естетичної та рекреаційної цінності дозволяє оцінити територію як перспективну для створення об’єкту природно-заповідного фонду місцевого значення – ландшафтний заказник місцевого значення «Бобринецька балка». На территории Бобринецкой балки (город Бобринец, Кировоградская область) было найдено 69 видов лишайников и 14 видов лихенофильных грибов. Среди них Didymocyrtis ramalinae (Roberge ex Desm.) Ertz, Diederich & Hafellner, Pyrenopsis subareolata Nyl., Thallinocarpon nigritellum (Lettau) P.M. Jørg. являются новыми для равнинной части Украины. 54 вида впервые приводятся для Кировогорадской области. Составлены аннотированные списки с заметками к каждому виду. Наличие природоохранной, эстетической и рекреационной ценностей позволяют рассматривать территорию как перспективную для создания объекта природно-заповедного фонда – ландшафтный заказник местного значения «Бобринецкая балка». 69 species of the lichens and 14 species of the lichenicolous fungi on the granite outcrops of Bobrynets ravine (town Bobrynets, Kirovograd region) in northern steppe of Ukraine were found. Among them Didymocyrtis ramalinae (Roberge ex Desm.) Ertz, Diederich & Hafellner, Pyrenopsis subareolata Nyl., Thallinocarpon nigritellum (Lettau) P.M. Jørg. are new species for plain part of Ukraine. 54 species are new for Kirovograd region. The annotated lists of the species are provided. This territory is proposed as protected area with status of the regional landscape reserve «Bobrynetska balka»