844 research outputs found

    Tagless indoor positioning and object tracking using a wireless sensor network

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    This project seeks to implement a passive indoor positioning and tracking platform using Wi-Fi signals. It is well known that RF wave can be blocked by an object which results in signal attenuation [1 - 2]. The principle of this proposal is based on this phenomenon when the line-of-sight (LOS) link is blocked by an object. Hence, when a grid of such LOS links is tresspassed, it can be detected and tracked within the region

    Tagless indoor positioning and object tracking using a wireless sensor network

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    This project seeks to implement a passive indoor positioning and tracking platform using Wi-Fi signals. It is well known that RF wave can be blocked by an object which results in signal attenuation [1 - 2]. The principle of this proposal is based on this phenomenon when the line-of-sight (LOS) link is blocked by an object. Hence, when a grid of such LOS links is tresspassed, it can be detected and tracked within the region

    The Human Gut Microbiome – A Potential Controller of Wellness and Disease

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    Interest toward the human microbiome, particularly gut microbiome has flourished in recent decades owing to the rapidly advancing sequence-based screening and humanized gnotobiotic model in interrogating the dynamic operations of commensal microbiota. Although this field is still at a very preliminary stage, whereby the functional properties of the complex gut microbiome remain less understood, several promising findings have been documented and exhibit great potential toward revolutionizing disease etiology and medical treatments. In this review, the interactions between gut microbiota and the host have been focused on, to provide an overview of the role of gut microbiota and their unique metabolites in conferring host protection against invading pathogen, regulation of diverse host physiological functions including metabolism, development and homeostasis of immunity and the nervous system. We elaborate on how gut microbial imbalance (dysbiosis) may lead to dysfunction of host machineries, thereby contributing to pathogenesis and/or progression toward a broad spectrum of diseases. Some of the most notable diseases namely Clostridium difficile infection (infectious disease), inflammatory bowel disease (intestinal immune-mediated disease), celiac disease (multisystemic autoimmune disorder), obesity (metabolic disease), colorectal cancer, and autism spectrum disorder (neuropsychiatric disorder) have been discussed and delineated along with recent findings. Novel therapies derived from microbiome studies such as fecal microbiota transplantation, probiotic and prebiotics to target associated diseases have been reviewed to introduce the idea of how certain disease symptoms can be ameliorated through dysbiosis correction, thus revealing a new scientific approach toward disease treatment. Toward the end of this review, several research gaps and limitations have been described along with suggested future studies to overcome the current research lacunae. Despite the ongoing debate on whether gut microbiome plays a role in the above-mentioned diseases, we have in this review, gathered evidence showing a potentially far more complex link beyond the unidirectional cause-and-effect relationship between them

    Consenting to health record linkage: evidence from a multi-purpose longitudinal survey of a general population

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    Background: The British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) is the first long-running UK longitudinal survey with a non-medical focus and a sample covering the whole age range to have asked for permission to link to a range of administrative health records. This study determines whether informed consent led to selection bias and reflects on the value of the BHPS linked with health records for epidemiological research. Methods. Multivariate logistical regression is used, with whether the respondent gave consent to data linkage or not as the dependent variable. Independent variables were entered as four blocks; (i) a set of standard demographics likely to be found in most health registration data, (ii) a broader set of socio-economic characteristics, (iii) a set of indicators of health conditions and (iv) information about the use of health services. Results: Participants aged 16-24, males and those living in England were more likely to consent. Consent is not biased with respect to socio-economic characteristics or health. Recent users of GP services are underrepresented among consenters. Conclusions: Whilst data could only be linked for a minority of BHPS participants, the BHPS offers a great range of information on people's life histories, their attitudes and behaviours making it an invaluable source for epidemiological research. © 2012 Knies et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Developing an asset management framework for water resource management in Kazakhstan

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    The project's main objective is the development and application of an asset management framework that institutionalizes and operationalizes infrastructure management and decision making (investment, operation, maintenance) in the context of achieving Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) objectives [1,2]


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    Salt is essential for both life and diet, but excess consumption of salt is an established risk factor of hypertension. Historically, salt intake has increased along with civilization, and the traditional Korean diet, although generally considered to be healthier than westernized one, has been reported to contain high level of salt on average about 13.5g/day which is 2.7-fold higher than the recommended values of WHO. Whether there is a genetic predisposition toward sodium intake level is a basic but interesting question to ponder in the Korean population.A half-day urine (HU) samples were collected for all participants of the Healthy Twin Study. HU collection starts around 7 pm of the day before visit, after completely voiding when time record starts. All the urine after then was collected in a bag until the next day visit for health examination. On site, in the morning, remaining urine was further voided and the time was recorded as final. We selected samples collected more than 8 hours. Urine samples with less than 8 hours collection were not included as these samples require a special formula to estimate 24 hour levels using sodium, potassium and creatinine concentrations. Among 3079 participants of the Healthy Twin Study, urine samples from 1312 individuals (143 pairs of MZ twins, 31 pairs of DZ twins and 961 singletons) sufficed both accurate information on volume and more than 8 hours collection, which were included in the analyses after projecting 24 hour sodium excretion level from simple volume-time calculation.Heritability of 24 hour sodium intake was estimated using a variance components model (SOLAR). The crude heritability of 24 hour sodium intake was 0.34±0.05. After further adjustment for household income which is one of the main factors of socio-economic status (SES) the heritability was not materially changed (0.28±0.1 p=0.007). Various types of shared environments, such as overall household effects, sibling effects, and generation effects, were included in ACE model, but did not account significant contribution to the variation of salt intake. We concluded that although salt intake is mediated through diet and meals are shared among families, genetic predisposition will play an important role in controlling salt intake. Analysis on the preference for salty food and on total amount of food intake is ongoing which will further dissect the genetics and shared environments related to salt intake.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2012-01/102/0000040632/8SEQ:8PERF_CD:SNU2012-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000040632ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A077602DEPT_CD:902CITE_RATE:1.635FILENAME:abstract_heritablity of salt intake using half-day urine samples the healthy twin study.pdfDEPT_NM:보건학과EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YCONFIRM:

    Ethnomathematics: Exploration of Geometric Concepts in Traditional Paintings and Carvings of Teluk Ampimoi Kepulauan Yapen, Papua, Indonesia, as a Source of School Mathematics Learning

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    This research explored the mathematical concepts contained in the traditional paintings and carvings of Teluk Ampimoi Kepulauan Yapen, an indigenous district in the Kepulauan Yapen Regency, Papua, Indonesia, that can be used in school mathematics instruction and learning. Ethnographic research with an ethnomathematical research model was used. Data was collected using participant observation and in-depth interview techniques and was analysed using taxonomic, domain, and ethnographic methods. The results showed that the various forms of traditional paintings and carvings of Teluk Ampimoi, Kepulauan Yapen exhibit mathematical concepts in the form of geometry, namely plane geometry and transformation geometry and approximation, namely, measurement. Based on the taxonomic analysis, it was found that the geometric concepts can be integrated with mathematics learning in schools in the field of geometry concerned with the properties, perimeter, and area of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles. In addition, the geometric transformation contained in the items related to reflection

    Pelatihan Pembelajaran Daring Menggunakan Google Classroom Pada Guru-Guru di Provinsi Papua

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    During the Covid-19 outbreak, the use of online learning presented a challenge for educators in the province of Papua. In Papua Province, 99 participants from 12 districts and cities participated in the training session utilizing Google Classroom. Training activities were carried out online using the zoom meeting application. The purpose of this training is to help and equip teachers to carry out online learning using the google classroom application. Participants were taught how to build classes, make announcements, create discussion forums, upload subject matter, assignments, and exam questions, construct quizzes and exam questions using google forms, and were given a simulation of how to utilize google classroom capabilities. The service's results suggest that users truly require training to advance their knowledge and abilities utilizing online learning tools like google classroom. After attending the training, participants have improved their knowledge and abilities in utilizing google classroom, have improved levels of creativity and expertise to create online courses, and have a high degree of satisfaction. Given that the Covid-19 pandemic is not known to have an end date and that the industrial revolution 4.0 and the industrial revolution 5.0 are both upon us, it is imperative that online learning training for teachers be conducted continually

    Fluvial organic carbon fluxes from oil palm plantations on tropical peatland

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    Intact tropical peatlands are dense long-term stores of carbon. However, the future security of these ecosystems is at risk from land conversion and extensive peatland drainage. This can enhance peat oxidation and convert long-term carbon sinks into significant carbon sources. In Southeast Asia, the largest land use on peatland is for oil palm plantation agriculture. Here, we present the first annual estimate of exported fluvial organic carbon in the drainage waters of four peatland oil palm plantation areas in Sarawak, Malaysia. Total organic carbon (TOC) fluxes from the plantation second- and third-order drains were dominated (91 %) by dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ranged from 34.4 ± 9.7 C m−2 yr−1 to 57.7 %, 16.3 g C m−2 yr−1 (± 95 % confidence interval). These fluxes represent a single-year survey which was strongly influenced by an El Ninõ event and therefore lower discharge than usual was observed. The magnitude of the flux was found to be influenced by water table depth, with higher TOC fluxes observed from more deeply drained sites. Radiocarbon dating on the DOC component indicated the presence of old (pre-1950s) carbon in all samples collected, with DOC at the most deeply drained site having a mean age of 735 years. Overall, our estimates suggest fluvial TOC contributes ∼ 5 % of total carbon losses from oil palm plantations on peat. Maintenance of high and stable water tables in oil palm plantations appears to be key to minimising TOC losses. This reinforces the importance of considering all carbon loss pathways, rather than just CO2 emissions from the peat surface, in studies of tropical peatland land conversion

    A unified approach for the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation

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    This paper explores the use of a discrete singular convolution algorithm as a unified approach for numerical integration of the Fokker-Planck equation. The unified features of the discrete singular convolution algorithm are discussed. It is demonstrated that different implementations of the present algorithm, such as global, local, Galerkin, collocation, and finite difference, can be deduced from a single starting point. Three benchmark stochastic systems, the repulsive Wong process, the Black-Scholes equation and a genuine nonlinear model, are employed to illustrate the robustness and to test accuracy of the present approach for the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation via a time-dependent method. An additional example, the incompressible Euler equation, is used to further validate the present approach for more difficult problems. Numerical results indicate that the present unified approach is robust and accurate for solving the Fokker-Planck equation.Comment: 19 page