99 research outputs found

    Multiscale Comparison of Nonparametric Trend Curves

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    We develop new econometric methods for the comparison of nonparametric time trends. In many applications, practitioners are interested in whether the observed time series all have the same time trend. Moreover, they would often like to know which trends are different and in which time intervals they differ. We design a multiscale test to formally approach these questions. Specifically, we develop a test which allows to make rigorous confidence statements about which time trends are different and where (that is, in which time intervals) they differ. Based on our multiscale test, we further develop a clustering algorithm which allows to cluster the observed time series into groups with the same trend. We derive asymptotic theory for our test and clustering methods. The theory is complemented by a simulation study and two applications to GDP growth data and house pricing data

    Significados conotativos do grupo lexico-semantica «eye» nas línguas de inglês e tatar

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    The paper is aimed at theoretical treatment and practical description of the relationship between language and culture represented by national and cultural connotations. Studying national and cultural connotations leads to the indication of culturally significant information which is one of the criteria for defining the language acquisition level and a desirable advantage in cross-cultural communication. This paper is the first attempt to carry out an in-depth research into the lexical-semantic groups of the English "eye" and the Tatar "kuz", defining the connotative meanings of the lexical units and revealing the counterparts in the given groups. The method of comparative analysis allowed us to determine proximity and distance in anthropological, cognitive, associative, emotional and evaluative backgrounds of these languages. The paper’s findings may be useful for researchers who deal with contrastive and cognitive linguistics, typology of non-related languages, lexicography and may help those who study English as a foreign language.El trabajo tiene como objetivo el tratamiento teórico y la descripción práctica de la relación del lenguaje y la cultura representada por connotaciones nacionales y culturales. Estudiar las connotaciones nacionales y culturales lleva a la indicación de información culturalmente significativa que es uno de los criterios para definir el nivel de adquisición del idioma y una ventaja deseable en la comunicación intercultural. El documento es el primer intento de llevar a cabo una investigación en profundidad sobre los grupos lexico-semánticos del "ojo" inglés y el "kuz" tártaro, definir los significados connotativos de las unidades léxicas, revelar las contrapartidas en los grupos dados. El método de análisis comparativo nos permitió determinar la proximidad y la distancia en los antecedentes antropológicos, cognitivos, asociativos, emocionales y evaluativos de estos lenguajes. Los hallazgos en el documento pueden ser útiles para los investigadores que se ocupan de la lingüística cognitiva y contrastante, la tipología de lenguajes no relacionados, la lexicografía y pueden ayudar a quienes estudian inglés como lengua extranjera.O artigo visa o tratamento teórico e a descrição prática da relação entre língua e cultura representada por conotações nacionais e culturais. Estudar conotações nacionais e culturais leva à indicação de informações culturalmente significativas, que é um dos critérios para definir o nível de aquisição de linguagem e uma vantagem desejável na comunicação intercultural. O artigo é a primeira tentativa de realizar uma pesquisa aprofundada sobre os grupos léxico-semânticos do "olho" inglês e o "kuz" tártaro, que definem os significados conotativos das unidades lexicais, revelando as contrapartes nos grupos dados. O método de análise comparativa permitiu determinar a proximidade e a distância em contextos antropológicos, cognitivos, associativos, emocionais e avaliativos dessas línguas. As descobertas do artigo podem ser úteis para pesquisadores que lidam com linguística contrastiva e cognitiva, tipologia de línguas não-relacionadas, lexicografia e podem ajudar aqueles que estudam inglês como língua estrangeira

    Применение эпигаллокатехин-3-галлата при микродермабразии

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    Rationale of the study As previously demonstrated, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) accelerates the formation of the collagenous matrix and at the same time prevents any extraordinary collagen synthesis in the course of wound healing. In addition, EGCG is one of the most potent antioxidants and can inhibit cyclooxygenase-2, which in general lays the basis for studying the possibility to use it as an anti-inflammatory drug after dermabrasion procedures as well as to prevent pathologic cicatrization. Materials and methods. Forty women were divided into two groups (21 patients in the group treated with Egallohit, 10% EGCG, and 19 patients treated with Pantoderm Cream, 5% dexpanthenol). The drugs were applied twice a day for 50 days. Dermabrasion was performed on Days 1, 12 and 24. The patients were examined at Days 3, 15, 27, 36 and 60 of the treatment. Each of them filled in a questionnaire about the facial skin pain and itching. The facial skin humidity, fatness and pigmentation as well as number and depth of wrinkles were also measured. The total skin photodegradation index (by a blinded appraiser) was also assessed at the first and last visit. Results. No statistically significant differences in the number and depth of wrinkles, intensity and duration of facial skin pain and itching as well as skin photodegradation index between the groups both prior to and after the treatment were revealed. Conclusions. EGCG (10% Egallohit Gel) is as efficient for skin protection after microdermabrasion procedures as conventional drugs (5% cream with dexpanthenol).Обоснование исследования. Эпигаллокатехин-3-галлат (ЭГКГ), как было ранее продемонстрировано, обладает способностью ускорять формирование коллагенового матрикса и в то же время препятствовать чрезмерному синтезу коллагена при заживлении ран. Кроме того, ЭГКГ является одним из сильнейших антиоксидантов и способен ингибировать ци-клооксигеназу-2, что в целом является основанием для изучения возможности его применения после процедур дерма-бразии в качестве противовоспалительного средства, а также для профилактики патологического рубцевания. Материал и методы. В исследование были включены 40 женщин, которые составили 2 группы (21 пациентка в группе, получавшей лечение гелем «эгаллохит», содержащим 10% ЭГКГ, и 19 пациенток в группе, получавшей лечение кремом «пантодерм», содержащим 5% декспантенола). Препараты наносились 2 раза в день в течение 50 дней. Дермабразия выполнялась в 1, 12 и 24-й дни. Пациентки проходили обследование на 3, 15, 27, 36 и 60-й дни лечения. Каждая из них заполняла вопросник об интенсивности боли и зуда кожи лица. Производилось измерение влажности, жирности и пигментации кожи лица, а также количества и глубины морщин. На первом и последнем визите независимым экспертом проводилась оценка общего индекса фотостарения кожи. Результаты. Как до, так и после лечения между группами не обнаружено статистически значимых различий по числу и глубине морщин, интенсивности и длительности боли и зуда кожи лица, а также величине индекса фотостарения кожи. Выводы. ЭГКГ (10% гель «эгаллохит») обладает такой же эффективностью в качестве средства защиты кожи после процедур микродермабразии, как и традиционно применяемые препараты (5% крем с декспантенолом)

    Comparative analysis of semantic distinctions between synonymous adjectives in Tatar and English

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    Many linguistic researches are devoted to the issues of defining the valid criteria of emergence and preservation of semantically synonymous relations between words, the conditions of their system-based organization in a synonymic row. The aim of the paper is to indicate and analyze the types of semantic distinctions between synonymous adjectives in Tatar and English, thus determine features common for the two non-related languages. Based on the broad review of the theoretical data it is stated in the paper that a synonymic row represents a specific type of word relations based on the sameness/ similarity of meaning and distinction. The distinctions which bear semantic, expressive and stylistic nuances, that serve to preserve gradation inside a synonymic row, are called shades of meaning. The comparative analysis of the examined data let us identify types of semantic distinctions in gradation, motivating circumstances, duration and frequency, nature of outward expression of the quality, range of described objects, semantic associations, evaluative attitude, logical emphasis, emotional coloring. We believe the paper findings may be useful for researchers who deal with contrastive linguistics, typology of non-related languages, lexicographic practice and may help those who study the English language to solve the difficulty of choosing the appropriate word in the communication discourse.peer-reviewe

    Liquid vorticity computation in non-spherical bubble dynamics

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    The purpose of this work is to compare efficiency of a number of numerical techniques of computation of liquid vorticity from non-spherical bubble oscillations. The techniques based on the finite-difference method (FDM), the collocation method (one with differentiating (CMd) the integral boundary condition and another without it (CM)) and the Galerkin method (GM) have been considered. The central-difference approximations are used in FDM. Sinus functions are chosen as the basis in GM. Problems of decaying a small distortion of the spherical shape of a bubble and dynamics of a bubble under harmonic liquid pressure variation with various parameters are used for comparison. The FDM technique has been found to be most efficient in all the cases. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Composition of the resin acids of the oleoresins of pinus pithyusa and pinus insignis

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    1. The composition of the resin acids of the oleoresin of Pinus pithyusa was studied. The compositions of the resin acids that crystallized out and the resin acids that remained in solution were identical. The resin acids included: levopimaric acid 8%, abietic acid 35%, neoabietic acid 31%, dextropimaric acid 8%. isodextropimaric and other acids 15%. 2. The composition of the resin acids of the oleoresin of Pinus insignis was studied. The resin acids included: levopimaric acid 35%, abietic acid 6.5%, neoabietic acid 14%. and dextropimaric acid 24%. © 1958 Consultants Bureau, Inc

    Diene synthesis with levo-pimaric acid

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    The diene condensations of levo-pimaric acid with acrolein, acrylonitrile, vinyl acetate, and methyl acrylate were carried out and the corresponding adducts were isolated. © 1960 Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc

    The monooxide and dioxide of abietic acid

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    1. The monooxide and dioxide of abletic acid were obtained in pure form; the monooxide of methyl abietate was also obtained. 2. By reduction of the monooxide of abietic acid with lithium aluminum hydride the corresponding glycol was obtained. This same glycol was obtained by reduction of the monooxide of methyl abietate. 3. By elimination of acetic acid from the diacetate of the glycol there were obtained the acetates of the dienic alcohols: these consisted of acetates of alcohols with conjugated and with isolated systems of double bonds. 4. The presence of considerable quantities of alcohols with isolated double bonds showed that the original monooxide of abietic acid was the 7,8-oxide. © 1962 Consultants Bureau