172 research outputs found

    Long range dependence in network traffic and the closed loop behaviour of buffers under adaptive window control

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    We consider an Internet link carrying http-like traffic, i.e., transfers of finite volume files arriving at random time instants. These file transfers are controlled by an adaptive window protocol (AWP); an example of such a protocol is TCP. We provide analysis for the auto-covariance function of the AWP-controlled traffic into the link's buffer; this traffic, in general, cannot be represented by an on-off process. The analysis establishes that, for TCP-controlled transfer of Pareto-distributed file sizes with infinite second moment, the traffic into the link buffer is long range-dependent (LRD). We also develop an analysis for obtaining the stationary distribution of the link buffer occupancy under an AWP-controlled transfer of files sampled from some distribution. For any AWP, the analysis provides us with the Laplace-Stieltjes transform (LST) of the distribution of the link buffer occupancy process in terms of the functions defining the AWP and the file size distribution. The analysis also provides a necessary and a sufficient condition for the finiteness of the mean link buffer content; these conditions again have explicit dependence on the AWP used and the file size distribution. This establishes the sensitivity of the buffer occupancy process to the file size distribution. Combining the results from the above analyses, we provide various examples in which the closed loop control of an AWP results in finite mean link buffer occupancy even though the file sizes are Pareto-distributed (with infinite second moment), and the traffic into the link buffer is long range-dependent (with Hurst parameters which would suggest an infinite mean queue occupancy under open loop analysis). We also study the effect of window reductions due to active queue management and find that window reductions lead to further lightening of the tail of buffer occupancy distribution. The significance of this work is three-fold: (i) by looking at the window evolution as a function of the amount of data served and not as a function of time, this work provides a new framework for analysing various processes related to the link buffer under AWP-controlled transfer of files with a general file size distribution; (ii) it indicates that the buffer behaviour in the Internet may not be as poor as predicted from an open loop analysis of a queue fed with LRD traffic; and (iii) it shows that the buffer behaviour (and hence the throughput performance for finite buffers) is sensitive to the distribution of file sizes

    Control of Buffer and Energy of a Wireless Device: Closed and Open Loop Approaches

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    We consider a decision problem faced by an energy limited wireless device that operates in discrete time. There is some external arrival to the device's transmit buffer. The possible decisions are a) to serve some of the buffer content, b) to reorder a new battery after serving the maximum possible amount that it can, and c) to remain idle so that the battery charge can increase owing to diffusion process (possible in some commercially available battery). We look at both open-loop and closed-loop control of the system. For the closed-loop control, we view the problem in the framework of Markov Decision Processes and address finite and infinite horizon discounted costs as well as average cost minimization problems. Without using any second order characteristics, we obtain results that include i) optimality of bang-bang control, ii) the optimality of threshold based policies, iii) parameteric monotonicity of the threshold, and iv) uniqueness of the threshold. For the open-loop control setting we use recent advances in application of multimodular functions to establish optimality of bracket sequence based control

    Modelling of the Total Electronic Content and magnetic ïŹeld anomalies generated by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami and associated acoustic-gravity waves,

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    International audienceIn this work, numerical simulations of the atmospheric and ionospheric anomalies are performed for the Tohoku-Oki tsunami (2011 March 11). The Tsunami-Atmosphere-Ionosphere (TAI) coupling mechanism via acoustic gravity waves (AGWs) is explored theoretically using the TAI-coupled model. For the modelled tsunami wave as an input, the coupled model simulates the wind, density and temperature disturbances or anomalies in the atmosphere and electron density/magnetic anomalies in the F region of the ionosphere. Also presented are the GPS-total electron content (TEC) and ground-based magnetometer measurements during the first hour of tsunami and good agreements are found between modelled and observed anomalies. At first, within 6 min from the tsunami origin, the simulated wind anomaly at 250 km altitude and TEC anomaly appear as the dipole-shaped disturbances around the epicentre, then as the concentric circular wave fronts radially moving away from the epicentre with the horizontal velocity ∌800 m s−1 after 12 min followed by the slow moving (horizontal velocity ∌250 m s−1) wave disturbance after 30 min. The detailed vertical-horizontal propagation characteristics suggest that the anomalies appear before and after 30 min are associated with the acoustic and gravity waves, respectively. Similar propagation characteristics are found from the GPS-TEC and magnetic measurements presented here and also reported from recent studies. The modelled magnetic anomaly in the F region ionosphere is found to have similar temporal variations with respect to the epicentre distance as that of the magnetic anomaly registered from the ground-based magnetometers. The high-frequency component ∌10 min of the simulated wind, TEC and magnetic anomalies in the F region develops within 6-7 min after the initiation of the tsunami, suggesting the importance of monitoring the high-frequency atmospheric/ionospheric anomalies for the early warning. These anomalies are found to maximize across the epicentre in the direction opposite to the tsunami propagation suggesting that the large atmospheric/ionospheric disturbances are excited in the region where tsunami does not travel

    Construction of New Active Sites: Cu Substitution Enabled Surface Frustrated Lewis Pairs over Calcium Hydroxyapatite for CO2_{2} Hydrogenation

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    Calcium hydroxyphosphate, Ca10_{10}(PO4_{4})6_{6}(OH)2_{2}, is commonly known as hydroxyapatite (HAP). The acidic calcium and basic phosphate/hydroxide sites in HAP can be modified via isomorphous substitution of calcium and/or hydroxide ions to enable a cornucopia of catalyzed reactions. Herein, isomorphic substitution of Ca2+^{2+} ions by Cu2+^{2+} ions especially at very low levels of exchange created new analogs of molecular surface frustrated Lewis pairs (SFLPs) in Cux_{x}Ca10−x_{10-x}(PO4_{4})6_{6}(OH)2_{2}, thereby boosting its performance metrics in heterogeneous CO2_{2} photocatalytic hydrogenation. In situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy characterization and density functional theory calculations provided fundamental insights into the catalytically active SFLPs defined as proximal Lewis acidic Cu2+^{2+} and Lewis basic OH−^{-}. The photocatalytic pathway proceeds through a formate reaction intermediate, which is generated by the reaction of CO2_{2} with heterolytically dissociated H2_{2} on the SFLPs. Given the wealth of information thus uncovered, it is highly likely that this work will spur the further development of similar classes of materials, leading to the advancement and, ultimately, large-scale application of photocatalytic CO2_{2} reduction technologies

    Heterostructure Engineering of a Reverse Water Gas Shift Photocatalyst

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    To achieve substantial reductions in CO2 emissions, catalysts for the photoreduction of CO2 into value‐added chemicals and fuels will most likely be at the heart of key renewable‐energy technologies. Despite tremendous efforts, developing highly active and selective CO2 reduction photocatalysts remains a great challenge. Herein, a metal oxide heterostructure engineering strategy that enables the gas‐phase, photocatalytic, heterogeneous hydrogenation of CO2 to CO with high performance metrics (i.e., the conversion rate of CO2 to CO reached as high as 1400 ”mol g cat−1 h−1) is reported. The catalyst is comprised of indium oxide nanocrystals, In2O3−x(OH)y, nucleated and grown on the surface of niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) nanorods. The heterostructure between In2O3−x(OH)y nanocrystals and the Nb2O5 nanorod support increases the concentration of oxygen vacancies and prolongs excited state (electron and hole) lifetimes. Together, these effects result in a dramatically improved photocatalytic performance compared to the isolated In2O3−x(OH)y material. The defect optimized heterostructure exhibits a 44‐fold higher conversion rate than pristine In2O3−x(OH)y. It also exhibits selective conversion of CO2 to CO as well as long‐term operational stability
