7 research outputs found

    Hybrid discretization of the Signorini problem with Coulomb friction. Theoretical aspects and comparison of some numerical solvers

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    International audienceThe purpose of this work is to present in a general framework the hybrid discretization of unilateral contact and friction conditions in elastostatics. A projection formulation is developed and used. An existence and uniqueness results for the solutions to the discretized problem is given in the general framework. Several numerical methods to solve the discretized problem are presented (Newton, SOR, fixed points, Uzawa) and compared in terms of the number of iterations and the robustness with respect to the value of the friction coefficient

    Comparison of two approaches for the discretization of elastodynamic contact problems

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    International audienceThe purpose of this Note is to compare two approaches for the discretization of elastodynamic contact problems. First, we introduce an energy conserving method based on a standard midpoint scheme and a contact condition expressed in terms of velocity. The second approach consists in considering an equivalent distribution of the body mass so that the nodes on the contact boundary have no inertia. We prove that this method leads to an energy conservation for the space semi-discretized elastodynamic contact problem. Finally, some numerical results are presented in the two dimensional case

    Problèmes de contact unilatéral avec frottement de Coulomb en élastostatique et élastodynamique. Etude mathématique et résolution numérique.

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    The modelling of problems of contact leads to serious difficulties: conceptual, mathematical and data processing difficulties much more complex than those coming from the linear structural mechanics. Motivated by the fundamental role that the contact plays in applications of computational mechanics, we are interested in problems of unilateral contact and friction (static and dynamic) in small deformations. This thesis is devoted to the study of certain formulations and methods to solve this problem and breaks up into two great parts. The first one is devoted to the presentation of the hybrid discretization of unilateral contact problem with Coulomb friction. A formulation with a projection is developed and an existence and uniqueness result is given for the discrete problem. Different methods of solution are presented (Newton, iterative method, fixed points, Uzawa) and are compared in terms of number of iteration and robustness with respect to the coefficient of friction. The second part relates to the elastodynamic contact problem. Several algorithms (θ-method, Newmark, midpoint) are presented. New strategies are considered (Paoli and Schatzman scheme, scheme with an equivalent contact condition, scheme with equivalent mass matrix) to overcome the difficulties met with the previous schemes. The last method allows us to have energy conserving problem and to prove an existence result of a Lipschitz continuous solution for the discrete elastodynamic contact problem. These results are validated by numerical results.La modélisation des problèmes de contact pose de sérieuses difficultés : conceptuelles, mathématiques et informatiques bien plus complexes que celles qui proviennent de la mécanique des structures linéaire classique. Motivés par le rôle fondamental que joue le contact dans les applications en calcul de structures, nous nous intéressons aux problèmes de contact unilatéral et frottement (statique et dynamique) en petites déformations. Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de certaines formulations et méthodes pour résoudre ce problème et se décompose en deux grandes parties. La première partie est consacrée à la présentation de la discrétisation hybride du problème de contact unilatéral avec frottement de Coulomb. Une formulation avec projection est étudiée et un résultat d'existence et d'unicité est donné pour le problème discret. Différentes méthodes de résolution sont présentées (Newton, méthode itérative, points fixes, Uzawa) et comparées en termes de nombre d'itérations et en termes de robustesse par rapport au coefficient de frottement. La deuxième partie concerne le problème de contact élastodynamique. Plusieurs schémas classiques d'intégration en temps (la θ-méthode, schéma de Newmark, point milieu) sont présentés dans cette partie. On donne aussi de nouvelles stratégies (schéma de Paoli et Schatzman, schéma avec la loi de contact équivalente, schéma avec la matrice de masse équivalente) pour venir à bout des difficultés rencontrées avec les schémas précédents. Cette dernière méthode nous permet de conserver l'énergie du problème et de montrer un résultat d'existence d'une solution lipschitzienne pour le problème de contact élastodynamique discret. Ces résultats sont validés par des simulations numériques

    On the discretization of contact problems in elastodynamics

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    International audienceIn this work, we will presente a comparison of two formulation for the discretization of elastodynamic contact problems. The first approach consists on a midpoint scheme and a contact condition expressed in terms of velocity. This approach gives an energy conserving scheme. The second one we propose is a new distribution of the solid mass. The problem expressed with the new mass matrix is well posed, energy conserving and has a lipschitz solution. Finally, some numerical results are presented

    Mass redistribution method for finite element contact problems in elastodynamics

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    International audienceThis paper is devoted to a new method dealing with the semi-discretized finite element unilateral contact problem in elastodynamics. This problem is ill-posed mainly because the nodes on the contact surface have their own inertia. We introduce a method based on an equivalent redistribution of the mass matrix such that there is no inertia on the contact boundary. This leads to a mathematically well-posed and energy conserving problem. Finally, some numerical tests are presented