180 research outputs found

    An analysis of first-time blood donors return behaviour using regression models

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    Background andObjectives: Blood products have a vital role in saving many patients' lives. The aim of this study was to analyse blood donor return behaviour. Materials and Methods: Using a cross-sectional follow-up design of 5-year duration, 864 first-time donors who had donated blood were selected using a systematic sampling. The behaviours of donors via three response variables, return to donation, frequency of return to donation and the time interval between donations, were analysed based on logistic regression, negative binomial regression and Cox's shared frailty model for recurrent events respectively. Results: Successful return to donation rated at 49.1% and the deferral rate was 13.3%. There was a significant reverse relationship between the frequency of return to donation and the time interval between donations. Sex, body weight and job had an effect on return to donation; weight and frequency of donation during the first year had a direct effect on the total frequency of donations. Age, weight and job had a significant effect on the time intervals between donations. Conclusion: Aging decreases the chances of return to donation and increases the time interval between donations. Body weight affects the three response variables, i.e. the higher the weight, the more the chances of return to donation and the shorter the time interval between donations. There is a positive correlation between the frequency of donations in the first year and the total number of return to donations. Also, the shorter the time interval between donations is, the higher the frequency of donations

    COVID-19 and Statistical Challenges

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    Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in December 2019, there has been an explosion of statistics and information about the disease, the number of cases, the number of deaths, and the number of recoveries. During this period several statistical and mathematical models have been developed and used to predict the disease. Much of this information has been helpful and paved the way for disease control; however, inaccurate or ambiguous information has been published in some cases, which can briefly be divided into three main categories. The first category is related to the publication of official statistics by governmental centers in countries, which has faced many errors. Although some of these errors are unintentional due to the definition of the disease based on definitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, death within 28 days of infection, or due to the similarity of the disease outcomes with other diseases, in many cases, the statistics regarding the disease and its consequences have been presented by governments with a manipulation, mainly on the small number of patients with COVID-19. The second category contributes to incorrect or incomplete use of statistical indexes. During this period, some information has occasionally been published by some public media in which statistical indexes have not been used correctly and appropriately. The third category belongs to the challenges of epidemiological modeling in COVID-19. With the advent of COVID-19, many models emerged to predict its incidence and consequences. Although many of the predictions were true, some of them were incorrect or inaccurate. The main reasons for the inaccuracy of these predictions were the consideration of incorrect or weak assumptions, the existence of incomplete data, the short-term view, the use of point estimates instead of interval estimates, and the lack of a multidimensional view of the problem. Accordingly, considering the above-mentioned points and findings from the observed problems in predicting the course of the disease and the resulting mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic, one can hope for the ability to model the prediction of similar diseases in the future

    Coadministration of calcium chloride with lead acetate can improve motility of cauda epididymal spermatozoa in Swiss white mice

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    Background: Lead is an industrial heavy metal that can decrease sperm motility. Objective: The aim was to investigate the protective effects of calcium against lead on motility of spermatozoa. Materials and Methods: In total 40 adult male Swiss white mice were randomly divided into 5 groups (control, lead of 1st wk, lead of 2nd wk, lead/calcium of 1stwk and lead/calcium of 2nd wk). The lead groups of mice were injected by a single dose of lead acetate (200 mg/kg) intraperitoneally. Lead/calcium groups of mice were injected by a single same dose of lead acetate along with three doses of 80 mg/kg calcium chloride. The control group of mice was injected only with same volume of distilled water through the same route. Mice of 1st and 2nd wk groups were sacrificed through cervical dislocation one and two weeks after injections respectively. Results: Mean of the progressive motile spermatozoa of cauda epididymis in lead/calcium group of the first week was higher than the lead group of the first week and this difference was significant. There was not any significant difference among weight of testes and epididymides of all groups. Conclusion: It can be concluded that calcium can decrease the effects of lead on sperm motility. © 2016, Research and Clinical Center for Infertitlity. All rights reserved

    Seroprevalence of mumps before inclusion of mumps vaccination in the Iranian expanded programme on immunization

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    The current target groups for measles, mumps and rubella vaccination in the Islamic Republic of Iran are children at 12 months and 4-6 years. A study of the age-specific seroprevalence of antibodies against mumps in children aged 3-18 years in Shahrekord aimed to establish the need for booster vaccinations to cover non-immune children. Of 338 children, 19.8 were seronegative. Age-specific seronegativity was 33.3, 20.5 and 4.6 in age groups 7-11, 12-14 and 15-18 years respectively. To obtain herd immunity, we suggest that for the next 5 years children aged 7-11 years entering guidance school are selected as the main group for vaccination

    Preferences of Iranian patients about style of labelling and calling of their physicians

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    Objective: To document the performance of patients regarding label styles of their doctors and modes of addressing them. Methods: In this descriptive survey, 400 patients, at two teaching hospitals - Hajar and Kashani - with a mean age of 40.5 +/- 19.5 years were enrolled. Their demographic data, disorder type and duration were recorded. Photos demonstrating different label and attire styles based on Iranian culture were shown to the patients and they were asked to mark their performances about the necessity of wearing name badge. They were also requested to nominate the way they preferred to be addressed by the doctors. Results: Of the participants, 180 (45%) were men; 307 (76.8%) were married; and the mean duration of hospitalisation was 2.5 +/- 2.1 days. Most of the patients, (n = 320; 80%) stated that the doctor should always wear a name badge; 301 (75.3%) preferred to call their physicians by title; and 227 (56.8%) preferred to be called by their surnames. Patients preferred to have female physicians wearing white coat, shirt and trousers as the preferred dress code. Conclusion: Patients in the study preferred to have the physicians professionally attired, with the only difference being the dark veil for female physicians. Name badge and white coat were also preferred by the patients

    Analysis of the factors affecting the interval between blood donations using log-normal hazard model with gamma correlated frailty

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    Background: Time to donating blood plays a major role in a regular donor to becoming continues one. The aim of this study was to determine the effective factors on the interval between the blood donations. Methods: In a longitudinal study in 2008, 864 samples of first-time donors in Shahrekord Blood Transfusion Center, capital city of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran were selected by a systematic sampling and were followed up for five years. Among these samples, a subset of 424 donors who had at least two successful blood donations were chosen for this study and the time intervals between their donations were measured as response variable. Sex, body weight, age, marital status, education, stay and job were recorded as independent variables. Data analysis was performed based on log-normal hazard model with gamma correlated frailty. In this model, the frailties are sum of two independent components assumed a gamma distribution. The analysis was done via Bayesian approach using Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm by OpenBUGS. Convergence was checked via Gelman-Rubin criteria using BOA program in R. Results: Age, job and education were significant on chance to donate blood (P<0.05). The chances of blood donation for the higher-aged donors, clericals, workers, free job, students and educated donors were higher and in return, time intervals between their blood donations were shorter. Conclusions: Due to the significance effect of some variables in the log-normal correlated frailty model, it is necessary to plan educational and cultural program to encourage the people with longer inter-donation intervals to donate more frequently. © 2016, Health Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Comparison of bacterial contamination of raw and pasteurized milk used in Shahrekord in 2006

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: شیر نقش عمده ای در تغذیه انسان دارد. لذا کنترل و نظارت بر موازین بهداشتی آن در طول تهیه، حمل و نقل، نگهداری و عرضه بسیار حیاتی است. با توجه به اینکه مصرف شیرخام (غیر پاستوریزه) در استان چهارمحال و بختیاری بالا است این پژوهش با هدف تعیین میزان آلودگی باکتریولوژیکی در شیر خام و پاستوریزه در شهرکرد انجام شد. روش بررسی: این پژوهش از نوع توصیفی – تحلیلی است که در سال 1385 در مراکز جمع آوری و کارخانجات تولید شیر شهرستان شهرکرد انجام شد. تعداد 300 نمونه شیر خام از پنج مرکز جمع آوری شهرکرد در ظروف استریل 200 میلی لیتری و تعداد 120 نمونه شیر پاستوریزه از کارخانجات تولید شیر و مراکز تهیه و توزیع مواد غذایی به روش سهمیه ای در دو فصل تابستان و زمستان جمع آوری گردید. کلیفرم ها به روش محتمل ترین تعداد (MPN) بر روی محیط کشت لاکتوز برات، جهت شمارش کلی باکتری ها (TC) از محیط کشت ویولت رد بایل آگار و جهت جدا سازی اشرشیا کلی از محیط کشت ائوزین متیلن بلو (EMB) و جهت تشخیص افتراقی ازآزمایش ایم ویک (IMVIC) استفاده شد. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های مجذور کای، من ویتنی و کروسکال والیس تجزیه و تحلیل گردید. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد که 70 (208 مورد) نمونه های شیر خام به اشرشیا کلی آلوده بودند و 5/80 (242 مورد) نمونه ها آلودگی کلیفرمی داشتند. بیشترین میزان آلودگی در منطقه جنوب غربی با 88 و کمترین میزان در منطقه شمال شرقی 3/58 بود (05/0

    Evaluation results of the non-surgical treatment of Scheuermann’s kyphosis in patients that came to Alzahra(Isfahan) and Kashani(shahrekord)Clinics from 1994 to2001

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    بیماری گوژپشتی جوانان یاکیفوز شوئرمن (Scheuermann) به افزایش انحنای ستون فقرات توراسیک گفته می شود و در صورت عدم تشخیص و درمان به موقع منجر به تغییرات ساختمانی غیرقابل برگشت ستون فقرات ، ظاهر زشت و آرتروز (Arthrosis) زود هنگام و کاهش کارایی فرد می شود. این بیماری در مراحل اولیه با روش های غیر جراحی قابل درمان است. از این رو این مطالعه برای بررسی نتایج درمان غیرجراحی و اثربخشی استفاده از بریس در این بیماری به هنگام تشخیص زودرس طراحی شد. پژوهش فوق یک کارآزمایی بالینی با روش نمونه گیری آسان بود که بر روی 267 بیمار طی سال های 1373 تا 1380 انجام شد. افراد مبتلا به بیماری شوئرمن برحسب گروه درمانی تحت درمان غیرجراحی با بریس میلواکی(Milwaukee brace) قرار گرفتند. بیماران با متوسط کیفوز(Kyphosis) 64درجه و بیماری شوئرمن نوع I , II , III و IV وارد مطالعه شدند. 29 بیمار به علت عدم استفاده صحیح و عدم پذیرش بریس از مطالعه خارج شدند ، 238 بیماردیگر از نظر بهبود علائم رادیوگرافیک و بالینی تحت نظر قرار گرفتند. داده ها پس از گردآوری با روش مشاهده و ابزار چک لیست جمع آوری و با مدل اندازه های مکرر چند متغیره (Multivariate repeated measures) تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته ها نشان داد 168نفر از بیماران (70) با بریس بهبود یافتند به گونه ای که انحناء ستون فقرات به کمتراز 40 درجه رسید. براساس مدل ا ندازه های مکرر چند متغیر روند معنی داری بر حسب زمان در درمان کیفوز و لوردوز درهمه گروههای درمانی دیده شد ومیزان این روند در گروههای مختلف با یکدیگر تفاوت معنی دار داشت( 001/0< pبه نظر می رسد تشخیص زود هنگام و استفاده از بریس در بیماران مبتلا به بیماری شوئرمن روش قابل اعتمادی دردرمان زود هنگام بیماری می باشد

    Honey versus diphenhydramine for post-tonsillectomy pain relief in pediatric cases: a randomized clinical trial.

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    INTRODUCTION Tonsillectomy is one of the most common surgeries done worldwide and often the first one a child sustains. Pain relief after tonsillectomy is helpful for oral feeding after surgery. Acetaminophen and diphenhydramine have been conventionally used for reducing pain. This study was conducted to compare the effect of honey and diphehydramine on pain relief after tonsillectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS For this randomized clinical trial study, 120 patients of 5 to 12 years undergoing tonsillectomy were recruited. The patients were divided into four groups randomly. After tonsillectomy and beginning of eating, Group A took 5cc honey alone every hour, Group B was given 5 cc 50% honey (mixed with water) every hour, group C was treated with 1mg/kg diphenhydramine every 6 hours and group D was observed without any intervention. In all patients, severity of the pain was evaluated by ocher questionnaire at recovery, and 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours after surgery. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and the repeated measures ANOVA (SPSS version 17). RESULTS The repeated ANOVA showed a significant decreasing trend of pain scores during the study for both pain scales (p 0.05). No statistically significant difference in pain was detected among the groups. CONCLUSION Although honey can help the pain decrease, more research is supported for confirmation of this effect

    Estudo sero-epidemiológico de helicobacter pylori em vacas da província de Shahrekord

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a common infection in developing countries, causing chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric malignancies. Its main transmission methods include human-human transmission, especially in early childhood, environmental (water supply and hygiene) and zoonotic factors. Some researchers have suggested that pigs, cats, and dogs are infected with Helicobacter and sheep is suggested as an important animal reservoir of H. pylori, causing infection in shepherds. Accordingly, cowherds might also be prone to H. pylori infection, while studies have scarcely addressed this issue. Thus, we aimed to investigate the prevalence of H. pylori infection in cowherds of Shahrekord province. In this cross-sectional study, conducted from June to October 2016, 80 cowherds with at least three days a week involvement with cows were compared with a matched control group from their neighbors with no direct contact with cows. Demographic information, including age, sex, job experience, educational level, number of family members, history of cancer or peptic ulcer, gastric symptoms, including epigastric pain, nausea/vomiting, and heartburn were collected. One blood sample was taken from all participants for ELISA measurement of H. pylori. Mean±SD age of participants was 35.8±14.3 (P&gt;0.05). Serum examination of H. pylori showed positive&nbsp;IgG in 89 participants (55.6%), which was 57.5% in the case group and 53.8% in the control group (P&gt;0.05). The prevalence of gastric symptoms was not statistically significant different between the groups and there was also no association between presence of H. pylori and gastric symptoms or demographic variables, including age, sex, job, educational level, marital status, and number of family members (P&gt;0.05). Cowherds have the same prevalence of H. pylori infection than the control group that suggests that cows are not a potential zoonotic factor for H. pylori infection in cowherds.Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) es una infección común en los países en vías de desarrollo, que causa gastritis crónica, enfermedad de úlcera péptica y neoplasias gástricas. Sus principales métodos de transmisión incluyen la transmisión humano-humano, especialmente en la primera infancia, los factores ambientales (suministro de agua e higiene) y zoonóticos. Algunos investigadores han sugerido que los cerdos, gatos y perros están infectados con Helicobacter y se sugiere la presencia de ovejas como un importante reservorio animal de H. pylori, que causa infección en los pastores. En consecuencia, los pastos de ganado también podrían ser propensos a la infección por H. pylori, mientras que los estudios apenas han abordado este problema. Por lo tanto, el objetivo fue investigar la prevalencia de la infección por H. pylori en los pastos de vacas de la provincia de Shahrekord. En este estudio transversal, realizado de junio a octubre de 2016, se compararon 80 rebaños de ganado con al menos tres días a la semana de participación con vacas con un grupo de control pareado de sus vecinos sin contacto directo con las vacas. Se recopiló información demográfica, incluyendo edad, sexo, experiencia laboral, nivel educativo, número de miembros de la familia, antecedentes de cáncer o úlcera péptica, síntomas gástricos, incluido dolor epigástrico, náuseas / vómitos y acidez estomacal. Se tomó&nbsp;una muestra de sangre de todos los participantes para la medición ELISA de H. pylori. La edad media ± desviación estándar de los participantes fue de 35.8 ± 14.3 (P&gt; 0.05). El examen sérico de H. pylori mostró IgG positiva en 89 participantes (55,6%), que fue del 57,5% en el grupo de casos y del 53,8% en el grupo control (P&gt; 0,05). La prevalencia de síntomas gástricos no fue estadísticamente significativa diferente entre los grupos y tampoco hubo asociación entre la presencia de H. pylori y los síntomas gástricos o variables demográficas, incluyendo edad, sexo, empleo, nivel educativo, estado civil y número de miembros de la familia. (P&gt; 0.05). Los pastos de vacas tienen la misma prevalencia de infección por H. pylori que el grupo de control que sugiere que las vacas no son un factor zoonótico potencial para la infección por H. pylori en los pastos de vacuno.Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) é uma infecção comum em países em desenvolvimento, causando gastrite crônica, úlcera péptica, neoplasias gástricas. Seus principais métodos de transmissão incluem a transmissão humano-humana, especialmente na infância, fatores ambientais (abastecimento de água e higiene) e zoonóticos. Alguns pesquisadores sugeriram que porcos, gatos e cães são infectados com Helicobacter e que ovinos são sugeridos como um importante reservatório animal de H. pylori, causando infecção em pastores. Conseqüentemente, os pastores de vacas também podem ser propensos à infecção por H. pylori, enquanto os estudos mal abordaram essa questão. Assim, nosso objetivo foi investigar a prevalência da infecção por H. pylori em vacas da província de Shahrekord. Neste estudo transversal, conduzido de junho a outubro de 2016, 80 vacas com pelo menos três dias por semana de envolvimento com vacas foram comparados com um grupo controle pareado de seus vizinhos sem contato direto com vacas. Informações demográficas, incluindo idade, sexo, experiência de trabalho, nível educacional, número de membros da família, história de câncer ou úlcera péptica, sintomas gástricos, incluindo dor epigástrica, náusea / vômito e azia foram coletados. Uma amostra de sangue foi coletada de todos os participantes para a medição de ELISA do H. pylori. A idade média ± DP dos participantes foi de 35,8 ± 14,3 anos (P&gt; 0,05). O exame sérico de H. pylori mostrou IgG positiva em 89 participantes (55,6%), que foi de 57,5% no grupo caso e 53,8% no grupo controle (P&gt; 0,05). A prevalência de sintomas gástricos não foi estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos e também não houve associação entre a presença de H. pylori e sintomas gástricos ou variáveis demográficas, incluindo idade, sexo, emprego, nível educacional, estado civil e número de membros da família. (P&gt; 0,05). Cowherds têm a mesma prevalência de infecção por H. pylori do que o grupo controle, o que sugere que as vacas não são um potencial fator zoonótico para infecção por H. pylori em vacas