346 research outputs found

    Role of two-electron processes in the excitation-ionization of lithium atoms by fast ion impact

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    We study excitation and ionization in the 1.5 MeV/amu O8+^{8+}-Li collision system, which was the subject of a recent reaction-microscope-type experiment [Fischer \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{109}, 113202 (2012)]. Starting from an independent-electron model based on determinantal wave functions and using single-electron basis generator method and continuum distorted-wave with eikonal initial-state calculations we show that pure single ionization of a lithium KK-shell electron is too weak a process to explain the measured single differential cross section. Rather, our analysis suggests that two-electron excitation-ionization processes occur and have to be taken into account when comparing with the data. Good agreement is obtained only if we replace the independent-electron calculation by an independent-event model for one of the excitation-ionization processes and also take a shake-off process into account

    Regulation of Cyclin G2 Degradation in Human Ovarian Cancer Cells

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate among gynecological malignancies. Uncontrolled cell growth lies at the core of EOC. Normal cell cycle progression is governed by temporal expression of canonical cyclin molecules, which then bind to and activate CDKs. Cyclin G2, an unconventional cyclin, negatively regulates cell cycle and its levels are lowered in various types of cancer. Our lab has previously reported that cyclin G2 is an unstable protein, which is degraded by the UPP. Through a series of in vitro assays, we showed that cyclin G2 is a target of calpains proteolytic activity in a number of human ovarian cancer cells. Furthermore, we found that inhibition of EGFR in those cells led to protection of cyclin G2 from degradation. Finally, we demonstrated that EGF stimulation also resulted in degradation of cyclin G2. Considered together, these findings suggest that activation of EGFR and calpain promote cyclin G2 degradation

    Decision-analytic frameworks for multi-hazard mitigation and adaptation

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    Developing effective decision-support for multiple hazards needs to build on a foundation of existing research into best practices for the management of single hazards analysis. This comes from the hazards literature, recent and ongoing EU research projects, and from the climate vulnerability literature, in which the theoretical focus on multiple drivers of vulnerability is already well established. The first part of this task will rely on a desk study of established management practices and decision-analytic methods. The latter include several standard methods for conducting sound formal decision-analysis, including cost-benefit analysis, risk- benefit analysis, and multi-criteria analysis. Each of these has its strengths, weaknesses, and set to best practices in particular contexts. The second part of this task will identify these in the case of multiple hazards, and appraise how they may differ in their application and appropriateness from the single-hazard case. It will rely on an application of these modeling methods to the simulated city case study

    Uncovering the 2010 Haiti earthquake death toll

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    A Journey Through the Zoroastrian Experience

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    Šutnja i samoizražavanje u romanu Charlotte Brontë Shirley: Primjena teorije govornih činova Johna Searlea

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    Despite the “comedic” happy ending of Brontë’s Shirley (1849), its heroine’s taciturn incommunicativeness towards the end of the novel in contrast to her lively former derring-do, has naturally given rise to various speculations about the nature of her transformation. The fact that many of the final exchanges between her and Louis Moore are reported with a temporary shift of point of view in Louis’s personal journal, with an obvious artistic distance between the narrator’s voice and his, merely serves to cast darker shadows over the veracity of his conclusions. The present application of Searle’s speech acts theory to some dialogue samples from Shirley, focuses on the differences of communicational styles in its heroine at three stages of the narrative and concludes that feeling the weight of the “new world” she has entered after her betrothal, Shirley finds that there is a consequent need for her to employ more expressive speech acts to elucidate, fewer assertives for greater self-effacement, and more frequent hedges to give a softer edge to her directives. Shirley’s linguistic technique now relies for its success on her silence and tolerant manner rather than persuasive arguments, and her speech mannerisms might in fact be presumed a “performance.” She thus shifts her style of expression intentionally, and in such a fashion as to empower Louis further and hand the conversational reins over to him.Unatoč sretnom završetku romana Charlotte Brontë Shirley (1849.), vidna suzdržanost i nekomunikativnost junakinje pri kraju romana, suprotna njezinoj ranijoj naglašenoj smjelosti, potaknula je razna nagađanja o prirodi njezine transformacije. Činjenica da su mnogi od posljednjih razgovora između nje i Louisa Moorea priopćeni kroz privremeni pomak narativne perspektive u Louisov osobni dnevnik, s očitom umjetničkom distancom između glasa pripovjedača i Louisova glasa, baca još veću sumnju u vjerodostojnost Louisovih zaključaka. Primjenjujući Searleove teorije govornih činova na nekoliko uzoraka dijaloga iz romana Shirley, ovaj se rad usredotočuje na razlike u komunikacijskim stilovima junakinje u tri faze fabule te ustanovljuje da kroz osjećaj tereta „novog svijeta“, u koji je ušla nakon zaruka, Shirley uviđa nužnost upotrebe izražajnijih govornih činova da bi bila shvaćena, neizricanja vlastitih stavova da bi se što manje isticala te češće uporabe oznaka ograđivanja da bi ublažila oštrinu svojih naredbi. Uspjeh junakinjine lingvističke tehnike sada proizlazi iz njezine nečujnosti i tolerantnog stava, a ne uvjerljive argumentacije, a njezini bi se govorni manirizmi zapravo mogli smatrati „predstavom“. Ona, dakle, namjerno mijenja svoj stil izražavanja, i to na takav način da dodatno osnažuje Louisa, omogućivši mu da preuzme glavnu riječ

    Open space suitability analysis for emergency shelter after an earthquake

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    In an emergency situation shelter space is crucial for people affected by natural hazards. Emergency planners in disaster relief and mass care can greatly benefit from a sound methodology that identifies suitable shelter areas and sites where shelter services need to be improved. A methodology to rank suitability of open spaces for contingency planning and placement of shelter in the immediate aftermath of a disaster is introduced. The Open Space Suitability Index uses the combination of two different measures: a qualitative evaluation criterion for the suitability and manageability of open spaces to be used as shelter sites and another quantitative criterion using a capacitated accessibility analysis based on network analysis. For the qualitative assessment implementation issues, environmental considerations and basic utility supply are the main categories to rank candidate shelter sites. A geographic information system is used to reveal spatial patterns of shelter demand. Advantages and limitations of this method are discussed on the basis of an earthquake hazard case study in the Kathmandu Metropolitan City. According to the results, out of 410 open spaces under investigation, 12.2% have to be considered not suitable (Category D and E) while 10.7% are Category A and 17.6% are Category B. Almost two-thirds (59.55%) are fairly suitable (Category C)

    Overview of the Cohort Consortium Vitamin D Pooling Project of Rarer Cancers

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    The Cohort Consortium Vitamin D Pooling Project of Rarer Cancers (VDPP) brought together 10 cohorts to conduct a prospective study of the association between vitamin D status, measured as serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), and the development of 7 rarer cancer sites: endometrial, esophageal, gastric, kidney, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, ovarian, and pancreatic cancers. The cohorts come from 3 continents, with participants from a wide range of latitude who are racially diverse. Across each cancer site, there was no evidence of a protective association between higher concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (>75 nmol/L) and cancer outcome. An increased risk at very high levels (≥100 nmol/L) was noted for pancreatic cancer, confirming previous reports. The articles included in this issue detail the overall design and governance of the project, correlates of vitamin D status, and results from the cancer site-specific investigations. The Vitamin D Pooling Project realizes a major goal of consortium efforts, namely, to rigorously test hypotheses for rarer cancer outcomes that may not be adequately addressed in any one prospective cohort study. The results of this study have application for the planning and conduct of intervention trials, especially in determining potential risks