200 research outputs found

    Managing Innovations in Higher Education

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    Discussed in the article is the concept of «technopark» ideology in regional development. The article describes how this ideology is implemented in consumer co-operatives institutions of higher education, dwells on their innovative strategies, best practices and challenges they face. «Technopark» innovative concept is a system of social development ideas which rests on «the economy of competence» values. In Novosibirsk region (Russian Federation) this concept has been adopted as s landmark for its strategic development. This strategy is ensured by great scientific potential of regional universities and Academgorodok – a recognized and worldwide known scientific center. Its rich traditions should now be re-invented taking into account best international practices. The article describes best educational and project work practices of Siberian University ?f Consumers´ Co-operatives and its experience in creating innovative infrastructure. Outlined in the article are vital problems, which need to be solved to encourage competitiveness and provide dynamic development of consumer cooperatives universities.technopark innovative concept, innovation, innovative activities, business incubator, innovative competence, project, professional school.

    Volgos regiono ir Uralo tiurkų tautų muzikos instrumentai

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    National musical instruments are part of the culture and history of the people. They reflect the characteristics, temperament and mentality of the people, the conditions for their formation as an ethnos. Variety, rich sound, unusual melody pattern – national musical instruments create all this. Every ancient musical culture has its origins in ancient rites. Folk music of the Turkic peoples of the Volga region and the Urals was no exception. Singing was accompanied by pagan and mystical sacraments, holidays, household and daily rituals such as hunting, harvesting and much more, including military campaigns. The sound of folk instruments has a specific musical pattern and voice that distinguishes the musical instruments of the Turkic peoples from other ethnic groups that have settled since ancient times in the Urals and the Volga region. This is due to the fact that the Tatars and Bashkirs have always preferred melodic musical instruments that allow performing a branched, rich melody in a wide range. Although the list of musical instruments has about fifty varieties, this article analyses the most characteristic and ancient ones.Nacionaliniai muzikos instrumentai yra tautos kultūros ir istorijos dalis. Jie atspindi žmonių charakterius, temperamentą ir mentalitetą, jų, kaip etnoso, formavimosi sąlygas. Įvairovė, sodrus skambesys, neįprasta melodijos linija – visa tai sukuria liaudies muzikos instrumentai. Kiekvienos senovinės muzikos kultūros šaknys glūdi senovinėse apeigose. Volgos regiono ir Uralo tiurkų tautų liaudies muzika nebuvo išimtis. Dainavimas lydėjo pagoniškus ir mistinius sakramentus, šventes, buities ir kasdienius ritualus, tokius kaip medžioklė, derliaus nuėmimas ir daug kitų, įskaitant ir karo žygius. Liaudies instrumentų garsas yra ypatingas. Tiurkų tautų muzikos instrumentai išsiskiria savita muzikine melodija ir skambesiu iš kitų etninių grupių, nuo seno apsigyvenusių Urale ir Volgos regione, muzikos instrumentų. Taip yra dėl to, kad totoriai ir baškirai visada pirmenybę teikė melodingiems muzikos instrumentams, leidžiantiems atlikti šakotą, sodrią melodiją plačiu diapazonu. Nors muzikos instrumentų sąrašą galėtų sudaryti net apie penkiasdešimt įvairių vienetų, šiame straipsnyje analizuojami būdingiausi ir seniausi iš jų

    From Ancient Traditions to Modern Design: Interpretation of Some Ornaments on Leathercraft Items

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    Information about the art and design of Tatar footwear, revealed in different historical records, travel diaries, and descriptions of museum collec- tions, is of great importance. It allows us to assume a strong traditionalism of leather mosaic in the Tatar folk decorative and applied arts. This assumption is also supported by the stylistic uniformity of a large number of decorative mo- tifs, the similarity of principles in composition and colour solutions identified with the comparative analysis of leather mosaic and other traditional types of national applied art. The development of style and technical methods of leath- er mosaic can be assessed by retrospective comparison with later monuments. Wise selection of innovations has always been a wizard of classical folk art. Folk craftsmen had an amazing intuition and only features suitable for adaptation and standardisation were included in the traditional art set. Due to the histor- ical succession, the art of leather mosaic stepped over the centuries, perfecting and improving its distinctive features.Kazanės raštuota oda užima ypatingą vietą tarp nuostabių įvairių tautų taikomosios dailės kūrinių ir objektų. Raštuota avalynė yra viena iš seniausių tradicinio Kazanės totorių, Volgos bulgarų įpėdinių, amato rūšių. Dėl savo meninių savybių, polichromijos ir kompozicinių ypatumų Kazanės odiniai batai išgarsėjo visame pasaulyje. Rytų tautų menui būdingas augalinis ornamentas, Saulės, dangaus dievo Tanrės (Tangrės) ir Žemės atvaizdai atsispindi odiniuose batuose, pagalvėse, dekoratyvinėse plokštėse, pagamintose iš įvairiaspalvių odos gabalėlių, susiūtų šilko, aukso ir sidabro siūlais. Totorių ičigo, šlepečių ir kitų gaminių ornamentikos technika, susidedanti iš raštuotų įvairiaspalvės odos gabalėlių siuvinėjimo ir susiuvimo tuo pačiu metu, yra unikali, neturinti analogų pasaulinėje meno praktikoje. Tolimoje praeityje visose tautose ornamentas atliko ne tik dekoratyvinę funkciją. Naudodami tam tikrus motyvus ir įvairias jų ritmines kompozicijas, senovės meistrai puošė rankdarbius, išreiškė savo pasaulėžiūrą. Deja, atskleisti ornamento semantiką yra sunkesnė užduotis nei iššifruoti senovinius raštus. Daug kas lieka neatskleista, nes bėgant amžiams, nors ir pamažu, bet keitėsi raštų modelis, buvo permąstomas motyvų turinys, o svarbiausia, užmiršus pagoniškus tikėjimus, tarp žmonių pamažu ėmė vyrauti ornamento kaip dekoratyvinės priemonės suvokimas. Suprasti primirštą ornamento kalbą, suvokti originalų vaizdinį raštų turinį kai kuriais atvejais padeda kitos folkloro rūšys (poetinė, muzikinė), liaudies papročiai, ritualai, taip pat terminologinė medžiaga. Kai kuriuose liaudiškuose raštų pavadinimuose dar galima aptikti senovinių maginių jų reikšmių, simbolinės reikšmės pėdsakų

    Innovative Territorial Clusters as Instruments of Russian Regions Development in Global Economy

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    AbstractInnovative cluster initiatives are considered to be worldwide as one of the key instruments of economic growth and the index of global competitiveness. In the early 2000s, clusters started to evolve in Russia, but they haven’t been institutionally adopted, consequently that has the worst impact on the country's development and reduces their effect on the economic growth. The need in summarizing and systemizing of national and international experience has obviously arisen in order to build up innovative economics in Russian regions and to increase the economic-makers activity rate. The basic factors of the efficient economic development of innovative territorial clusters in Russian regions (for e.g., Novosibirsk Oblast) are dealt with in the article

    The role of spirituality in depression recovery : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Psychology at Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand

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    Depression is one of the fastest growing causes of disability worldwide, with an estimated 17.5% of New Zealanders living with the condition. Current biomedically based approaches dominant in New Zealand have shown limited success in achieving long-term recovery, with relapse rates at over 50%. In contrast to the disease model of depression, humanistic, Eastern, and Indigenous frameworks take a holistic approach to mental distress and consider spirituality essential for wellbeing. Prior research has consistently shown that spirituality serves a therapeutic and protective function in depression. However, the causal mechanisms by which spirituality confers such benefits remain unclear. In this study, nine individuals were interviewed about their experiences of recovering from depression using spirituality. The therapeutic effects of spirituality were clustered into three major themes: Inner Transformation, Connection and Belonging, and Resilience. Inner Transformation subsumed themes of existential authenticity and self- compassion. Connection and Belonging included feeling supported and wanting to support others. Resilience subsumed themes of acceptance, meaning, expanded perspective, and emotional intelligence. For participants, spirituality was found to be an important part of depression recovery and a field of study that the discipline of psychology would greatly benefit from engaging with. Further studies could focus on developing a more comprehensive understanding of spiritual beliefs and practices in New Zealand, exploring mental health professionals’ attitudes towards spirituality, and investigating any negative effects spirituality may have on recovery from mental distress

    About correlation analysis of chemical compound of atmospheric precipitation in the North of the Russian plain

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    ©, 2014, SGEM2014. The paper deals with estimation of spatial and temporal variability of magnitude and number of statistically significant coefficients of correlation between components of chemical compound of atmospheric precipitation in the North of the Russian plain. There is direct relationship between magnitude of correlation coefficients and chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation. For example, in space aspect the greatest number of significant correlation coefficients meets on coastal and city continental weather stations. Finally, in temporal (seasonal) aspect this regularity is observed in May, i.e. ion concentration increases in the air during the season of photochemical activity

    Content analysis of the risks specific to the refining industry enterprises in the russian federation

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    The adverse events of global proportions do not cease to have an impact on the state of Russian economy. The economic model of modern Russia based on resource dependence, requires a careful attention of enterprise management to the identification and risk reduction in primary industry. This article discusses the main risks of Russian companies within refining industry. The identification of refining company risks was performed using the method of content analysis. The information basis of the study is presented by the annual accounts of RF oil refining industry enterprises. Thus, the list of "Top 10 risks" among oil refining enterprises was drawn up as the result of content analysis. They also studied the differences in risk exposures among public and private oil companies. Thus, it was revealed that public refineries are subject to the risks of fixed assets obsolescence by 85%, to the risks of litigation by 79%, to the risks of more stringent requirements for quality characteristics concerning a finished product by 72%. A different picture is observed for non-state refineries, 82% of which are subject to inflationary risks, 76% of which are subject to the risks of industrial accidents and emergencies, 72% are subject to the risk of public participation increase in the industry. The results of risk exposure study among public and private refineries also reflect in some degree the objective circumstances prevailing in the industry at present