30 research outputs found

    Multifractality meets entanglement: relation for non-ergodic extended states

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    In this work we establish a relation between entanglement entropy and fractal dimension DD of generic many-body wave functions, by generalizing the result of Don N. Page [Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 1291] to the case of {\it sparse} random pure states (S-RPS). These S-RPS living in a Hilbert space of size NN are defined as normalized vectors with only NDN^D (0D10 \le D \le 1) random non-zero elements. For D=1D=1 these states used by Page represent ergodic states at infinite temperature. However, for 0<D<10<D<1 the S-RPS are non-ergodic and fractal as they are confined in a vanishing ratio ND/NN^D/N of the full Hilbert space. Both analytically and numerically, we show that the mean entanglement entropy S1(A){\mathcal{S}_1}(A) of a subsystem AA, with Hilbert space dimension NAN_A, scales as S1(A)DlnN\overline{\mathcal{S}_1}(A)\sim D\ln N for small fractal dimensions DD, ND<NAN^D< N_A. Remarkably, S1(A)\overline{\mathcal{S}_1}(A) saturates at its thermal (Page) value at infinite temperature, S1(A)lnNA\overline{\mathcal{S}_1}(A)\sim \ln N_A at larger DD. Consequently, we provide an example when the entanglement entropy takes an ergodic value even though the wave function is highly non-ergodic. Finally, we generalize our results to Renyi entropies Sq(A)\mathcal{S}_q(A) with q>1q>1 and to genuine multifractal states and also show that their fluctuations have ergodic behavior in narrower vicinity of the ergodic state, D=1D=1.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 92 references + 9 pages, 9 figures in appendice

    Multifractality and its role in anomalous transport in the disordered XXZ spin-chain

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    The disordered XXZ model is a prototype model of the many-body localization transition (MBL). Despite numerous studies of this model, the available numerical evidence of multifractality of its eigenstates is not very conclusive due severe finite size effects. Moreover it is not clear if similarly to the case of single-particle physics, multifractal properties of the many-body eigenstates are related to anomalous transport, which is observed in this model. In this work, using a state-of-the-art, massively parallel, numerically exact method, we study systems of up to 24 spins and show that a large fraction of the delocalized phase flows towards ergodicity in the thermodynamic limit, while a region immediately preceding the MBL transition appears to be multifractal in this limit. We discuss the implication of our finding on the mechanism of subdiffusive transport.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Multifractality without fine-tuning in a Floquet quasiperiodic chain

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    Periodically driven, or Floquet, disordered quantum systems have generated many unexpected discoveries of late, such as the anomalous Floquet Anderson insulator and the discrete time crystal. Here, we report the emergence of an entire band of multifractal wavefunctions in a periodically driven chain of non-interacting particles subject to spatially quasiperiodic disorder. Remarkably, this multifractality is robust in that it does not require any fine-tuning of the model parameters, which sets it apart from the known multifractality of criticalcritical wavefunctions. The multifractality arises as the periodic drive hybridises the localised and delocalised sectors of the undriven spectrum. We account for this phenomenon in a simple random matrix based theory. Finally, we discuss dynamical signatures of the multifractal states, which should betray their presence in cold atom experiments. Such a simple yet robust realisation of multifractality could advance this so far elusive phenomenon towards applications, such as the proposed disorder-induced enhancement of a superfluid transition.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, SciPost submissio

    Anatomy of the eigenstates distribution: a quest for a genuine multifractality

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    Motivated by a series of recent works, an interest in multifractal phases has risen as they are believed to be present in the Many-Body Localized (MBL) phase and are of high demand in quantum annealing and machine learning. Inspired by the success of the RosenzweigPorter (RP) model with Gaussian-distributed hopping elements, several RP-like ensembles with the fat-tailed distributed hopping terms have been proposed, with claims that they host the desired multifractal phase. In the present work, we develop a general (graphical) approach allowing a self-consistent analytical calculation of fractal dimensions for a generic RP model and investigate what features of the RP Hamiltonians can be responsible for the multifractal phase emergence. We conclude that the only feature contributing to a genuine multifractality is the on-site energies' distribution, meaning that no random matrix model with a statistically homogeneous distribution of diagonal disorder and uncorrelated off-diagonal terms can host a multifractal phase

    Tuning the phase diagram of a Rosenzweig-Porter model with fractal disorder

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    The Rosenzweig-Porter (RP) model has garnered much attention in the last decade, as it is a simple analytically tractable model showing both ergodic-nonergodic extended and Anderson localization transitions. Thus, it is a good toy model to understand the Hilbert-space structure of many-body localization phenomenon. In our Letter, we present analytical evidence, supported by exact numerics, that demonstrates the controllable tuning of the phase diagram in the RP model by employing on-site potentials with a nontrivial fractal dimension instead of the conventional random disorder. We demonstrate that such disorder extends the fractal phase and creates an unusual dependence of fractal dimensions of the eigenfunctions. Furthermore, we study the fate of level statistics in such a system to understand how these changes are reflected in the eigenvalue statistics

    Non-Hermitian Rosenzweig-Porter random-matrix ensemble: Obstruction to the fractal phase

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    We study the stability of non-ergodic but extended (NEE) phases in non-Hermitian systems. For this purpose, we generalize a so-called Rosenzweig-Porter random-matrix ensemble (RP), known to carry a NEE phase along with the Anderson localized and ergodic ones, to the non-Hermitian case. We analyze, both analytically and numerically, the spectral and multifractal properties of the non-Hermitian case. We show that the ergodic and the localized phases are stable against the non-Hermitian nature of matrix entries. However, the stability of the fractal phase depends on the choice of the diagonal elements. For purely real or imaginary diagonal potential the fractal phases is intact, while for a generic complex diagonal potential the fractal phase disappears, giving the way to a localized one.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 66 reference

    Non-Hermiticity induces localization: good and bad resonances in power-law random banded matrices

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    The power-law random banded matrix (PLRBM) is a paradigmatic ensemble to study the Anderson localization transition (AT). In dd-dimension the PLRBM are random matrices with algebraic decaying off-diagonal elements Hnm1/nmαH_{\vec{n}\vec{m}}\sim 1/|\vec{n}-\vec{m}|^\alpha, having AT at α=d\alpha=d. In this work, we investigate the fate of the PLRBM to non-Hermiticity. We consider the case where the random on-site diagonal potential takes complex values, mimicking an open system, subject to random gain-loss terms. We provide an analytical understanding of the model by generalizing the Anderson-Levitov resonance counting technique to the non-Hermitian case. This generalization identifies two competing mechanisms due to non-Hermiticity: one favoring localization and the other delocalization. The competition between the two gives rise to AT at d/2αdd/2\le \alpha\le d. The value of the critical α\alpha depends on the strength of the on-site potential, reminiscent of Hermitian disordered short-range models in d>2d>2. Within the localized phase, the wave functions are algebraically localized with an exponent α\alpha even for α<d\alpha<d. This result provides an example of non-Hermiticity-induced localization.Comment: 4.5 pages, 4 figures, 57 references + 5 pages, 4 figures in Appendice

    Ergodicity-breaking phase diagram and fractal dimensions in long-range models with generically correlated disorder

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    Models with correlated disorders are rather common in physics. In some of them, like the Aubry-Andr\'e (AA) model, the localization phase diagram can be found from the (self)duality with respect to the Fourier transform. In the others, like the all-to-all translation-invariant Rosenzweig-Porter (TI RP) ensemble or the Hilbert-space structure of the many-body localization, one needs to develop more sophisticated and usually phenomenological methods to find the localization transition. In addition, such models contain not only localization but also the ergodicity-breaking transition, giving way to the non-ergodic extended phase of states with non-trivial fractal dimensions DqD_q. In this work, we suggest a method to calculate both the above transitions and a lower bound to the fractal dimensions D2D_2 and DD_\infty, relevant for physical observables. In order to verify this method, we apply it to the class of long-range (self-)dual models, interpolating between AA and TI RP ones via both power-law dependences of on-site disorder correlations and hopping terms, and, thus, being out of the validity range of the previously developed methods. We show that the interplay of the correlated disorder and the power-law decaying hopping terms leads to the emergence of the two types of fractal phases in an entire range of parameters, even without having any quasiperiodicity of the AA potential. The analytical results of the above method are in full agreement with the extensive numerical calculations

    Quasiperiodicity hinders ergodic Floquet eigenstates

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    Quasiperiodic systems in one dimension can host non-ergodic states, e.g. localized in position or momentum. Periodic quenches within localized phases yield Floquet eigenstates of the same nature, i.e. spatially localized or ballistic. However, periodic quenches across these two non-ergodic phases were thought to produce ergodic diffusive-like states even for non-interacting particles. We show that this expectation is not met at the thermodynamic limit where the system always attains a non-ergodic state. We find that ergodicity may be recovered by scaling the Floquet quenching period with system size and determine the corresponding scaling function. Our results suggest that while the fraction of spatially localized or ballistic states depends on the model's details, all Floquet eigenstates belong to one of these non-ergodic categories. Our findings demonstrate that quasiperiodicity hinders ergodicity and thermalization, even in driven systems where these phenomena are commonly expected

    Eigenstate Thermalization, Random Matrix Theory and Behemoths

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    The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) is one of the cornerstones in our understanding of quantum statistical mechanics. The extent to which ETH holds for nonlocal operators is an open question that we partially address in this paper. We report on the construction of highly nonlocal operators, Behemoths, that are building blocks for various kinds of local and non-local operators. The Behemoths have a singular distribution and width w∼D−1 (D being the Hilbert space dimension). From them, one may construct local operators with the ordinary Gaussian distribution and w∼D−1/2 in agreement with ETH. Extrapolation to even larger widths predicts sub-ETH behavior of typical nonlocal operators with w∼D−δ, 0<δ<1/2. This operator construction is based on a deep analogy with random matrix theory and shows striking agreement with numerical simulations of non-integrable many-body systems