250 research outputs found
Pengaruh Etika, Perilaku, dan Kepribadian terhadap Integritas Guru
Pendidik yang berintegritas menjadi persyaratan bagi guru sebagai tenaga pendidik yang profesional. Guru yang berintegritas menjadi teladan dan contoh yang baik bagi siswa. Perlunya penguatan integritas guru menjadi bagian penting dari kebijakan pemerintah untuk pengembangan kualitas guru di masa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh etika guru terhadap kepribadian guru, pengaruh perilaku guru terhadap kepribadian guru, dan pengaruh kepribadian guru terhadap integritas guru. Data didapatkan dari 154 guru SMA negeri di Kabupaten Bekasi. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang mengembangkan metode explanatory survey. Uji analisis data statistik menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan program Lisrel 8.8 serta menggunakan SPSS 22. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa etika dan perilaku guru memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kepribadian dan berdampak terhadap integritas guru. Etika dan perilaku guru memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan integritas melalui pengembangan kepribadian guru. Kontribusi guru dalam meningkatkan nilai integritas sangat diperlukan melalui upaya memperbaiki etika, mengembangkan perilaku, dan mengedepankan kepribadian yang lebih baik
Breastmilk Production of Mother with Post Caesarean Section Given Oketani and Oxitocyn Massage
Introduction: Oketani massage and oxytocin is one of the breast care methods that do not cause pain. Massage can stimulate oketani pectoralis muscle strength to increase milk production and make the breasts become more soft and elastic so meumudahkan baby to suck milk. Massage oketani will also provide a sense of relief and an overall comfortable on respondents, improving the quality of breast milk, to prevent mastitis and nipple blisters and can fi x / reduce lactation problems caused by putting a fl at (fl at nipples), nipples that enter into (inverted). Method: This research was a quasi experimental with post test only design. Result: The results showed that there are different breastfeeding frequency, frequency of bowel, bladder frequency of respondents who do massage and oxytocin oketani. Discussion: one milk production assessment is to assess the frequency and volume of urine bladder baby. Normal babies will urinate 6-8 times a day, with a clear yellow color of urine is urine volume between 30-50 mg daily. This result is consistent with research conducted by Budiarti (2009) and Mardianingsih (2010) which states that the milk production can be judged from the frequency of micturition babies as many as 6-8 times a da
Kepuasan Pasien Pengguna Bpjs Kesehatan Di Rumah Sakit X
Latar Belakang Kepuasan pasien merupakan nilai subjektif terhadap kualitas pelayanan keperawatan yang diberikan, walaupun subyektif tetap ada obyektifnya, artinya walaupun penilaian itu dilandasi oleh pengalaman masa lalu, pendidikan, situasi psikis waktu itu dan pengaruh lingkungan. Kepuasan pasien selalu didasari oleh kebenaran dan Kenyataan obyektif yang ada. Pasien tidak semata-mata menilai buruk kalau memang tidak ada pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan, dan tidak semata-mata menilai baik bila memang tidak ada suasana yang tidak menyenangkan yang dialami. Jika kualitas pelayanannya baik maka pasien akan puas namun juga sebaliknya jika kualitas pelayanannnya kurang baik maka pasien akan merasa kurang puas. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui kepuasan pasien pengguna BPJS kesehatan di ruang Anggrek dan Bougenville RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali Metode Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Pendekatan waktu yang digunakan adalah Cross Sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah Consecutive sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 96 orang. Hasil Penelitian Sebagian besar (63,5%) responden puas terhadap pelayanan keperawatan di Ruang Anggrek dan Bougenvile RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali. Kata Kunci : Kualitas, Pelayanan Keperawata
Effect of Sub-energy Windows’ Parameters on the Triple Energy Window Scatter Correction Method Accuracy in 99mTc SPECT Imaging
Scatter correction in SPECT quantification is of major importance to compensation for the scatter contribution under the photopeak. The triple energy windows method (TEW) is one of the suggested ways for scatter correction that are widely used in clinical routine. However, it can be a source of additional noise if the width or the number of sub-energy windows is not accurately chosen. To determine the precise scatter estimation windows settings under the 99mTc photopeak, scatter fraction was calculated for different sub-energy widths and numbers through GATE Monte Carlo simulation, for a main energy window of 15 %, centered at 140 keV. Four different acquisitions, with cold or hot inserts in a warm or a cold background, were studied. The estimation was done by two methods. The first method was the extraction of the number of detected Compton photons under the photopeak, therefore considered as the true scattered photons. The second method was the application of TEW method to the simulated energy spectra. The comparison of results corresponding to both methods shows a good agreement in two cases: simultaneous 7 % and 5 % sub-energy windows, respectively, positioned on the left and the right of the main energy window, and the second case is a 3 % left sub-energy window without a right sub-energy window. These sub-energy windows were then applied to experimental tomographic acquisitions to assess their impact on contrast, relative noise of the background (RNB), signal‑to‑noise ratio (SNR), integral uniformity (IU), and tomographic spatial resolution. Good results for these quantitative parameters were acquired with simultaneous 7 % and 5 % sub-energy windows. However, there was very little enhancement for tomographic spatial resolution
Enhancement of 2,3-butanediol production by Klebsiella pneumoniae PTCC 1290: Application of Taguchi methodology for process optimization
2,3-Butanediol production parameter optimization using Klebsiella pneumoniae PTCC 1290 was performed using the design of experiments available in the form of an orthogonal array and a software for automatic design and analysis of the experiments, both based on Taguchi protocol. Optimal levels of physical parameters and key media components namely temperature, pH, inoculum size, agitation, acetic acid and succinic acid were determined. 2,3-Butanediol production obtained from the 18 sets offermentation experiments performed with the selected factors and levels were further processed with Qualitek-4 software at bigger is better as quality character. The optimized conditions showed an enhanced 2,3-butanediol production of 35.8% (from 11.856 to 18.459 g l-1). The optimal combinations of factors obtained from the proposed design of experiments methodology was further validated by conducting fermentation experiments and the obtained results revealed an enhanced 2,3-butanediol production of 25.8%. Taguchi approach of design of experiments resulted in evaluating the main and interaction effects of the factors individually and in combinatio
Multilevel Analysis on the Factors Associated with Low Birth Weight in Temanggung, Central Java
Background: Infants with low birth weight or LBW is one of the risk factors for infant mortality. Complications LBW actually can be prevented and dealt with, but is constrained by access to health care, socio-economic circumstances, a referral system that has not gone well, delays in early detection and awareness of parents to seek medical help. By looking at the number of deaths caused by LBW remains high, and research on the causes of LBW widely used partial analysis, and have not been analyzed in stages, the researchers conducted this research with multilevel analysis.Subjects and Method: This was an observational studt with case control design. A total sample of 120 infants were selected by fixed disease sampling with a ratio of 1: 2 between cases and controls. Data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression.Results: There are three variables at the individual level were significantly associated with LBW and was statistically significant can among others, mother's education (OR= 0.19; 95% CI= 0:07 to 0.53; p= 0.001), history of ANC t (OR= 7.76; 95% CI= 2.18 to 27.62; p= 0.002) and the nutritional mother status (OR= 5.61; 95% CI= 0.21 to 0.79; p= 0.008) and the variables that are not statistically significant is the mother's age and family income, and there are no contextual role within house with wellness facilities with LBW expressed by ICC < 0.001.Conclusion: The influence of maternal education, a history of the ANC examination and nutritional status of mothers with LBW and there is no contextual role of distance between home and health care facilities with LBW. This study suggests to health professional to improve the coverage of the ANC.Keywords: multilevel analysis, factor low birth weightCorrespondence: Yulia Nur Khayati. School of Health and sciences, STIKes Ngudi Waluyo, Ungaran, Indonesia. Email: [email protected] of Maternal and Child Health (2016), 1(1): 7-12https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2016.01.01.0
Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Aqueous Two-phase Systems Containing Polyethylene Glycol 4000 and Two Different Salts of Ammonium
Abstract: The aim of this study was to survey on phase diagrams and Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) data of the aqueous PEG 4000 -(NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4 and PEG 4000 -(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 systems experimentally at 298.15 K. The salting-out effect was also discussed on the basis of the Gibbs free energy of hydration of ions. The experimental binodal data were satisfactorily correlated with the Merchuk equation. Tie line compositions were correlated using the Othmer-Tobias and Bancroft equations, and the parameters have also reported. Good agreement was obtained with the experimental data with the model equations
Is IT a Relational Marketing Strategy? Cluster Analysis @Universitasmercubuanajakarta Facebook Post and Comment
The objective of the research is to analyze the relational marketing strategy from the application of new media facebook in the private university Facebook account @universitasmercubuanajakarta. 5575 post and comment within the year 2013 collected, 51 irrelevant data excluded from the analysis, and finally there are 1412 post and 4112 comment analyzed. There are 756 accounts generated the post, @universitasmercubuanajakarta post 872 times and there are 84% (633) accounts post 1 time, furthermore there are 97% (735) personal account and 3% (21) organization account. The gender of the 735 personal account are 40% (297) woman and 60% (438) man. There are 2015 account generated the comment, @universitasmercubuanajakarta comments 456 times and there are 90% (1805) accounts comment 1-2 times, furthermore there are 99,99% (2011) personal account and less than 0,01% (4) organization account. The gender of the 2011 personal account are 37% (748) woman and 63% (1267) man. These post and comment interaction confirmed the relational marketing activities @universitasmercubuanajakarta, further cluster analysis conducted and confirmed the application of relational marketing strategy within four main themes which are The Student Achievement, The University External Cooperation, The Employee Class Program & Facilities, and The Information for Prospective & New Students
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