69 research outputs found

    Interspecific potato hybrids as donors of durable resistance to pathogens

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    Interspecific hybridization is the primary method of potato breeding for resistance to pathogens. By introgressing genetic material from various species of the genus Solanum L. and selecting the best combinations, it is possible to merge, in a single genotype, both high productivity and resistance to diseases and pests. Among the most impressing outcomes of potato breeding, we find varieties resistant to late blight, potato virus Y and nematodes. In the pedigrees of many recent varieties (breeding lines) that are resistant to pathogens of different nature (fungi, oomycetes, bacteria or viruses), we find genetic material of Solanum andigenum, S. demissum, S. stoloniferum, S. acaule, S. vernei and other wild and cultivated potato species. The breeding value of tuber-bearing Solanum species depends on their compatibility with the cultivated potato and the mechanism of target trait inheritance. To overcome incompatibility in crosses, breeders employ ploidy manipulation in the parental forms, bridge crosses, the mediator method and various in vitro technologies. Potato genotypic variation is significantly expanded by interspecific hybridization of wild and cultivated potato relatives. The main components of breeding technology based on interspecific potato hybrids are the identification of promising initial genotypes, the control over the introgression of the target traits through the crosses, the selection of hybrid clones prospective for practical breeding and the assessment of their donor properties. All of these processes are greatly accelerated and promoted by the methods of marker-assisted selection. Advanced lines and clones developed by interspecific hybridization manifest a high diversity of genotypes and particular genes and are unique donors for breeding new varieties maintaining high and durable resistance to diseases and pests

    South American species <i>Solanum alandiae</i> Card. and <i>S. okadae</i> Hawkes et Hjerting as potential sources of genes for potato late blight resistance

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    For several decades, wild species of Solanum L. section Petota Dumort. have been involved in potato cultivar breeding for robust resistance to pests and diseases. Potato late blight (LB) is caused by oomycete Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, and the genes for race-specific resistance to P. infestans (Rpi genes) have been introgressed into cultivated potatoes by remote crosses and trans- or cisgenesis, first from S. demissum Buk. and, more recently, from other wild species, such as S. bulbocastanum Dun., S. stoloniferum Schlechtd. et Bché, and S. venturii Hawkes et Hjerting (according to the nomenclature by Hawkes, 1990). Most wild species already involved in breeding for LB resistance came from North and Central Americas: series Bulbocastana (Rydb.) Hawkes, Demissa Buk. and Longipedicellata Buk., and some Rpi genes of these species have been already characterized in much detail. Rpi genes of South American species, including the series Tuberosa (Rydb.) Hawkes, have not been sufficiently investigated. Among the latter, this study focuses on the Rpi genes of S. alandiae Card. and S. okadae Hawkes et Hjerting. Four accessions of S. alandiae, one accession of S. okadae and 11 clones of interspecific potato hybrids comprising S. alandiae germplasm from the VIR collection were PCR-screened using specific SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) markers for eight Rpi genes. SCAR amplicons of five Rpi genes registered in this study were validated by comparing their sequences with those of prototype genes deposited in the NCBI Genbank. Among the structural homologues of Rpi genes found in S. alandiae and S. okadae, of special interest are homologues of CC-NB-LRR resistance genes with broad specificity towards P. infestans races, in particular R2=Rpi-blb3, R8, R9a, Rpi-vnt1 and Rpi-blb2 (94–99, 94–99, 86–89, 92–98 and 91% identity with the prototype genes, respectively). Our data may help to better understand the process of Rpi gene divergence along with the evolution of tuberbearing Solanum species, particularly in the series Tuberosa

    Combination Breeding and Marker-Assisted Selection to Develop Late Blight Resistant Potato Cultivars

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    (1) Background: Although resistance to pathogens and pests has been researched in many potato cultivars and breeding lines with DNA markers, there is scarce evidence as to the efficiency of the marker-assisted selection (MAS) for these traits when applied at the early stages of breeding. A goal of this study was to estimate the potential of affordable DNA markers to track resistance genes that are effective against the pathogen Phytophthora infestans (Rpi genes), as a practical breeding tool on a progeny of 68 clones derived from a cross between the cultivar Sudarynya and the hybrid 13/11-09. (2) Methods: this population was studied for four years to elucidate the distribution of late blight (LB) resistance and other agronomical desirable or simple to phenotype traits such as tuber and flower pigmentation, yield capacity and structure. LB resistance was phenotypically evaluated following natural and artificial infection and the presence/absence of nine Rpi genes was assessed with 11 sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. To validate this analysis, the profile of Rpi genes in the 13/11-09 parent was established using diagnostic resistance gene enrichment sequencing (dRenSeq) as a gold standard. (3) Results: at the early stages of a breeding program, when screening the segregation of F1 offspring, MAS can halve the workload and selected SCAR markers for Rpi genes provide useful tools

    A Model-Based Methodology for Spray-Drying Process Development

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    Solid amorphous dispersions are frequently used to improve the solubility and, thus, the bioavailability of poorly soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Spray-drying, a well-characterized pharmaceutical unit operation, is ideally suited to producing solid amorphous dispersions due to its rapid drying kinetics. This paper describes a novel flowchart methodology based on fundamental engineering models and state-of-the-art process characterization techniques that ensure that spray-drying process development and scale-up are efficient and require minimal time and API. This methodology offers substantive advantages over traditional process-development methods, which are often empirical and require large quantities of API and long development times. This approach is also in alignment with the current guidance on Pharmaceutical Development Q8(R1). The methodology is used from early formulation-screening activities (involving milligrams of API) through process development and scale-up for early clinical supplies (involving kilograms of API) to commercial manufacturing (involving metric tons of API). It has been used to progress numerous spray-dried dispersion formulations, increasing bioavailability of formulations at preclinical through commercial scales


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    The main goal of reconstructive surgery is to improve the quality of life of patients who have undergone surgery. However, recurrences and postoperative complications after such surgeries pose a serious challenge.The purpose of the study was to evaluate immediate surgical outcomes in head and neck cancer patients who underwent reconstructive surgery following tumor resection, as well as to analyze the causes of postoperative complications.Material and Methods. Immediate treatment outcomes were analyzed in 272 head and neck cancer patients, who were treated from 2008 to 2018. All patients were divided into 2 groups. Group I consisted of 172 patients, who underwent radical surgery and reconstruction. Group II comprised 100 patients, who underwent radical surgery alone. The groups were matched by stage, gender, age, previous treatment, and tumor location.Results. The incidence of recurrence was lower in Group I than in Group II (19 % versus 32 %, p&gt;0,05). Postoperative complications occurred in 14 % of patients who underwent reconstruction of postoperative defects with rotation flaps and in 35 % of patients who underwent reconstruction with free revascularized flaps (p&lt;0,05). The rate of complications was higher in patients undergoing maxillary and mandibular reconstructions (39,6 %) than in patients undergoing reconstructions of the other parts of the head and neck (23,7 %) (p&lt;0,05). Patients who received chemoradiotherapy had higher rate of postoperative complications than those who had no neoadjuvant treatment (37 % versus 22 %, p&gt;0,05).Conclusion. Knowledge of the factors that have a significant impact on the likelihood of developing postoperative complications after reconstructive surgeries makes it possible to take measures to prevent  them. Основной целью реконструктивно-пластических операций является улучшение качества жизни прооперированных больных. Однако возникающие рецидивы и  послеоперационные осложнения при подобных операциях являются значимой проблемой и требуют дальнейшего изучения. Целью исследования явились оценка непосредственных результатов хирургического лечения больных злокачественными новообразованиями головы и шеи с реконструктивно-пластическим компонентом и анализ причин возникновения  послеоперационных осложнений. Материал и методы. Проведен анализ непосредственных результатов лечения 272 больных злокачественными опухолями головы и шеи за период с 2008 по 2018 г., которые были разделены на 2 группы. В первую группу (n=172) вошли больные,  которым вместе с радикальным удалением опухоли был выполнен реконструктивно- пластический этап; во вторую группу (n=100) – пациенты, которым проведена радикальная операция без пластического этапа. Группы были сопоставимы по стадии, полу, возрасту, предшествующему лечению и локализации опухолевого процесса. Результаты. По данным исследования отмечена меньшая частота продолженного роста опухоли в группе с реконструктивно-пластическим этапом – 19 % больных, по  сравнению с контрольной группой – 32 % (p&gt;0,05). Установлено, что при использовании ротированных лоскутов послеоперационные осложнения возникли в 14  %, а свободных реваскуляризированных лоскутов – в 35 % случаев (p&lt;0,05). Реконструкция верхней и нижней челюсти сопровождается более частым развитием осложнений (39,6 %), чем устранение дефектов в других областях головы и шеи (23,7 %) (p&lt;0,05). У больных, получивших химиолучевое лечение, послеоперационные  осложнения наблюдались чаще, чем у пациентов без неоадъювантного лечения, – в 37 % и 22 % случаев соответственно (p&gt;0,05). Заключение. Знание факторов, оказывающих значимое влияние на вероятность развития послеоперационных осложнений при реконструктивно-пластических операциях, дает возможность проводить эффективные мероприятия по их профилактике

    Brazilian Consensus on Photoprotection

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    Brazil is a country of continental dimensions with a large heterogeneity of climates and massive mixing of the population. Almost the entire national territory is located between the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, and the Earth axial tilt to the south certainly makes Brazil one of the countries of the world with greater extent of land in proximity to the sun. The Brazilian coastline, where most of its population lives, is more than 8,500 km long. Due to geographic characteristics and cultural trends, Brazilians are among the peoples with the highest annual exposure to the sun. Epidemiological data show a continuing increase in the incidence of nonmelanoma and melanoma skin cancers. Photoprotection can be understood as a set of measures aimed at reducing sun exposure and at preventing the development of acute and chronic actinic damage. Due to the peculiarities of Brazilian territory and culture, it would not be advisable to replicate the concepts of photoprotection from other developed countries, places with completely different climates and populations. Thus the Brazilian Society of Dermatology has developed the Brazilian Consensus on Photoprotection, the first official document on photoprotection developed in Brazil for Brazilians, with recommendations on matters involving photoprotection

    Modeling of the melt flow in continuous casting facilities

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    Stacking Resistance Genes in Multiparental Interspecific Potato Hybrids to Anticipate Late Blight Outbreaks

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    Stacking (pyramiding) several resistance genes of diverse race specificity in one and the same plant by hybridization provides for high and durable resistance to major diseases, such as potato late blight (LB), especially when breeders combine highly efficient genes for broad-spectrum resistance that are novel to the intruding pathogens. Our collection of potato hybrids manifesting long-lasting LB resistance comprises, as a whole, the germplasm of 26 or 22 Solanum species (as treated by Bukasov and Hawkes, respectively), with up to 8&ndash;9 species listed in the pedigree of an individual hybrid. This collection was screened with the markers of ten genes for race-specific resistance to Phytophthora infestans (Rpi genes) initially identified in S. demissum (R1, R2, R3a, R3b, and R8), S. bulbocastanum/S. stoloniferum (Rpi-blb1/ Rpi-sto1, Rpi-blb2, Rpi-blb3) and S. venturii (Rpi-vnt1). The hybrids comprised the markers for up to four-six Rpi genes per plant, and the number of markers was significantly related to LB resistance. Nevertheless, a considerable portion of resistance apparently depended on presently insufficiently characterized resistance genes. Bred from these multiparental hybrids, the advanced lines with the stacks of broad-specificity Rpi genes will help anticipate LB outbreaks caused by rapid pathogen evolution and the arrival of new pathogen strains