8 research outputs found

    Chinese Unprecedented Move Towards Its One-Belt –One- Road Initiative (OBOR): Unfolding the Mythic Realities of Chinese Sphere of Legal Influence in the International Legal Order

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    This article explores that while the ever registered vibrant economic development in China radiates from the legal system, the legal system has not been well cherished and praised. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to unleash and enlighten the sphere of Chinese legal influence to the global legal order by taking OBOR as one particular example. It touches main conceptual frameworks to do with road jurisprudence and steps down to a conclusion by suggesting further deep investigation to be made. Keywords: One –Belt- One- Road Initiative, international legal order, China and Road jurisprudence DOI: 10.7176/IAGS/70-03 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Excessive Use of Death Penalty as Stoppage Tool for Terrorism: Wrongful Death Executions in Pakistan

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    Wrongful death executions regardless of how infrequent, are a reminder of the fallibility of the justice system and a stain on its well-deserved reputation. The purpose of present study is to highlight the black evil of wrongful death executions in Pakistan while encountering terrorism. The data has been collected from World Justice Project, Pakistan Justice Project, newspapers and human rights reports. After an in-depth analysis of the literature and statistical data, our main findings reveals that incompetent investigation, judicial system, inadequate resources, outdated laws, institutional corruption and unclearly defined Anti-Terrorism Act 1997 lead to high level of wrongful executions under the cover of terrorism in Pakistan.  In addition, it transformational reforms are highly recommended in investigation agencies and judiciary at all level for the delivery of justice. Keywords: wrongful convictions; death executions; terrorism; criminal justice system DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/81-0

    Honor Killing Phenomena in Pakistan

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    Honor killing is a persistent phenomenon not only in Pakistan but many other parts of the world. The paper addresses the case of Pakistan including the concept of honor killing, reasons, latest cases as well as the efforts to reduce the honor killing. The article also talks about the deficiencies left in the previous amendment that directly relevant to the problem but still not tackled by the legislature. The article analyzes the latest amendments, its improvements and the deficiencies that further need to be addressed to eradicate the problem forever. The paper in the last section also provide evidence of the compliance of international obligation regarding protection of women’s right. The article identifies the element that is keeping the practice of honor killing and recommend to amend the law to tackle that element as well. Keywords: honor killing, Pakistan, women’s right, CEDAW, amendmen

    Innovation of the Social Security, Legal Risks, Sustainable Management Practices and Employee Environmental Awareness in The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor

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    This research is about the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which is an important and first project of the “Belt and Road” initiative (BRI). BRI is the framework and manifesto for the wide-ranging, fundamental collaboration signed by China and Pakistan in 2013. The CPEC vision and mission were initiated to develop economic growth and facilitate free trade, the people’s living standards of Pakistan and China through bilateral investments, trade, cultural exchanges, and economic activities between both countries. The initial investment for the project was $46 billion, with a tentative duration of fifteen years. This research aimed to inquire into the effects of legal risks (LR), social security (SS), and employee environmental awareness (EEA) on the project performance (PP) of the CPEC. It further investigates the significance of gender empowerment perspectives (GEP). A research framework consisting of this quantitative analysis and the bilateral impacts of the study were explored through several policies scenarios into 2025. The results of the risk analysis were rated on a Likert scale. A questionnaire survey was used in order to collect data and test the research framework and hypotheses. An empirical test was conducted using a dataset with partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to validate the study

    Digital technology application and enterprise competitiveness: the mediating role of ESG performance and green technology innovation.

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    With the continuous advancement of the digital economy development strategy and the concept of green transformation, the impact of digital technology application (DTA) on enterprise competitiveness (EC) has attracted widespread academic attention. Based on the dynamic capabilities theory and stakeholder theory, this study proposes a theoretical framework that elucidates how enterprise DTA contributes to EC through potential mediating variables such as environmental, social, and governance performance (ESGP) and green technology innovation (GTI), as well as potential moderating variables such as enterprise scale (ES) and cash holdings (CH). The study collects data from 1,089 listed companies in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) and Pearl River Delta (PRD) in China between 2018 and 2020, both of which are crucial growth poles of the Chinese economy. The study examines the impact of DTA on EC and finds that DTA enhances EC. The study also finds that there is the suppressing effect of ESGP and GTI in DTA on EC, with ESGP serving as a mediator between DTA and GTI. Furthermore, the study explores the effects of DTA on EC and GTI on EC, using ES and CH as moderating variables. The results show that ES negatively moderates the relationship between DTA and EC, while CH does not have a moderating effect. The study also conducts comparative analyses of companies in the YRD and PRD, revealing some differences between the two regions' enterprises, but these differences are not significant. This study not only contributes to the expansion of EC-related theories but also enhances the understanding of the interaction between DTA and EC, and helps analyze the practical impact of DTA on EC in different regions' enterprises. On the one hand, DTA can enhance ESGP, GTI, and EC to achieve sustainable development for enterprises in the context of twin transitions. On the other hand, the government can effectively encourage small-scale enterprises to enhance the actual effects of DTA, thereby enhancing EC

    Legal Technologies in Action: The Future of the Legal Market in Light of Disruptive Innovations

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    Legal technologies (digital solutions to providing legal services) have turned into the essential element of competition among legal-market stakeholders. This study highlights the competitive superiority of legal services based on the concept of innovative disruptive technologies in comparison to traditional firms. For this purpose, the present study identified several trends in the evolution of the legal tech market (i.e., changing landscapes of legal business, delivery models, legal-market segments, and disruptive technologies); moreover, qualitative content analysis has been conducted to provide sound grounds for cost-benefit analysis. Furthermore, cost-benefit analysis makes a comparison of the monetary, social and psychological costs, benefits of legal technologies and traditional firms from clients’ and lawyers’ viewpoints. This has been, in fact, neglected by extant research. Based on these analyses, a new model for legal business has developed to highlight how potential advancements can take place in legal practices. Our findings reveal that legal technologies make legal services more affordable and easily accessible, while helping lawyers to develop innovative solutions and a relaxed working environment. In addition, this study contributes to the literature on service innovation with a focus on how new services and business models have been developed in the legal market as a result of digital technologies. Eventually, this study adds theoretical and practical implications to the research discussing the advent of legal technologies

    TOW еко-мігранти в контексті міжнародного права біженців та прав людини: оцінка проблем правового захисту мігрантів

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    The concept and the rights of environmental refugee have attracted national, international governance and scholars’ attention. I have tried to analyses through descriptive and explanatory approach the current trend of environmental refugees’ legal protection and its limitation and achievement. Thus, the objective of this research work is first to review legal scholars’ work, relating to environmental refugees to show the current trend, relating to environmental refugees protection. Second, to analyse the existing legal framework to show, whether it adequately has governed the issue of environmental refugees’ rights and identify the gap. Third, it explains the ways forward. The international refugee law (the 1951 refugee convention and the 1969 OAU refugee convention), the international environmental law, international law on Stateless persons, the international human right law and the system of temporary protected status. Environmental refugees could be referred otherwise as environmental migrants, environmentally displaced persons, climate refugees, climate change refugees, environmental refugees and ecological refugees, thus it implies the same thing in this context. The legal concepts are making that definition, such as well-founded fear, persecution, crossing international border, exclusion from refugee status (undeserving cases), and cessation of refugee status. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees state that 36 million people were displaced by natural disasters in 2009, and about 20 million of those were forced to move for climate change-related issues. According to other estimates, there could be as many as 150 million by 2050. In accordance with the estimates of UN Environment Programme, by 2060 there could be 50 million environmental refugees in Africa alone.Понятие эко-беженцы и их права привлекали внимание национальных и международных правительств, а также учёных. Я попытался проанализироать, используя описательный и объяснительный подход, актуальность правовой защиты эко-беженцев, её достижения и недостатки. Таким образом, цель данной работы, прежде всего, рассмотреть работы учёных в области права, касающиеся эко-беженцев, и показать настоящее положение дел в сфере эащиты эко-беженцев. Во-вторых, проанализировать существующие правовые рамки, показать, насколько адекватно они отражают права эко-беженцев, а также найти пробелы. В-третьих, выяснить пути дальнейшего разрешения проблемы: Международное право беженцев (конвенция о беженцах 1951 года и ОАЕ конвенция о беженцах 1969 года), международное экологическое право, международное право граждан, лищённых государства, международное право человека и система временного статуса защиты. Эко-беженцы могут быть также обозначены как эко-мигранты, экологически перемещённые лица, климатические беженцы, жертвы смены климата, таким образом, эти обозначения равноценны в данном контексте. Даный правовой концепт предусматривает обоснованный страх, преследование, пересечение границы между государствами, исключение из статуса беженца (несоответствующие случаи) и отмена статуса беженца. Верховный комиссар ООН по правам беженцев утверждает, что 36 миллионов человек были перемещены по причине природных катастроф в 2009, и около 20 миллионов были вынуждены мигрировать по причине климатических изменений. Согласно другим оценкам, к 2050 году их может быть 150 миллионов. Согласно оценкам Экологической программы ООН, к 2060 в одной только Африке может быть 50 миллионов эко-беженцевПоняття еко-біженці та їхні права привертали увагу націонаних та міжнародних урядів, а також вчених. Я намагався проаналізувати за допомогою описового та пояснювального підходів актуальність правового захисту еко-біженців, її досягнення та недоліки. Таким чином, мета цієї роботи по-перше, розглянути роботи вчених в сфері права, що стосуються еко-біженців, показати справжній стан справ в сфері захисту еко-біженців. По-друге, проаналізувати існуючі правові рамки, показати наскільки адекватно вони відображають права еко-біженців, а також знайти пробіли. По-третє, прояснити шляхи подальшого розв”язання проблеми: Міжнародне право біженців (конвенція про біженців 1951 року та конвенція ОАЄ про біженців 1969 року), міжнародне екологічне право, міжнародне право громадян, позбавлених держави, міжнародне право людини та система тимчасового статуса захисту. Еко-біженці можуть також бути позначені як еко-мігранти, екологічно переміщені особи, кліматичні біженці, жертви зміни клімату, таким чином, ці позначення рівноцінні в данному контексті. Цей правовий концепт передбачає обґрунтований страх, переслідування, перетин державного кордону, виключення зі статусу біженця (невідповідні кейси) та відміна статуса біженця. Верховний комісар ООН по правам біженців стверджує, що 36 мільйонів людей були переміщені через природні катастрофи в 2009 році та майже 20 мільйонів були вимушені мігрувати через кліматичні зміни. Згідно інших оцінок, до 2050 року їх може бути 150 мільйонів. Згідно оцінок Екологічної Програми ООН, до 2060 року в одній лише Африці може бути мільйонів еко-біженці

    Eco-Efficiency, Environmental and Sustainable Innovation in Recycling Energy and Their Effect on Business Performance: Evidence from European SMEs

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    This paper examines the influence of adopting resource efficiency actions, saving water, saving energy, using renewable energy, saving materials, minimizing waste, selling scrap, recycling, using durable products, promoting environmental responsibility, and offering green marketing products and services on the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). More specifically, we investigate specific resource efficiency actions and their impact on production costs, investment, the available support for product expansion, and the effect of encountered barriers on SME performance. We develop a theoretical framework based on stakeholder- and resource-based theories to serve as the foundation for this analysis. We use these theories to explain the link between eco-efficiency actions, firm performance, and ecological behavior, along with public policy and innovation. This study uses Flash Eurobarometer survey datasets FL342, FL381, FL426, and FL456, which cover SMEs across time and sectors in 28 EU countries. The data are analyzed through descriptive and ordered logit regression analysis, using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to test the relationship between the above variables and the parameters. In terms of practical implications, these findings are crucial in helping SMEs pursue sustainable development. According to the findings, SMEs lack information on how implementing eco-efficiency action affects their financial health and sustainable innovation. This study can provide valuable insights into how implementing eco-efficiency practices can positively impact a company’s bottom line, good health, and employees’ well-being and how SMEs can use this information to make more informed decisions. Additionally, the findings can help inform policy makers about how to better support SMEs in pursuing sustainable development