151 research outputs found

    Implementasi Pembagian Waris Adat Masyarakat Desa Puspo Bruno Purworejo

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    Pembagian harta warisan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Puspo, Kec. Bruno, Kab. Purworejo dengan sistem khas penduduk desa setempat seperti harta warisan dibagikan sebelum Pewaris meninggal dunia, Pewaris memiliki peran besar dalam jumlah besaran harta warisan yang bakal diterima oleh setiap ahli, dan penamaan warisan di desa Puspo disebut dengan istilah Mawaras, merupakan tanda bahwa warisan yang berlaku di Desa Puspo adalah waris adat. Tujuan skripsi ini untuk menganalisis tentang implementasi pembagian waris adat yang terjadi di Desa Puspo, Kec. Bruno, Kab. Purworejo serta hambatan-hambatan mengenai pembagian waris adat yang dialami oleh masyarakat Desa Puspo Bruno Purworejo. Skripsi ini termasuk dalam penelitian hukum dengan metode Sosiologis (socio-legal research) atau empiris yaitu penelitian terhadap suatau identifikasi hukum dan efektifitas hukum dalam dinamika sosial kemasyarakatan. Untuk mengetahui fenomena hukum yang terjadi pada masyarakat, peneliti menggunakan metode pengumupulan data, yaitu berupa data primer dan sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan sistem warisan yang berlaku di Desa Puspo, Kec. Bruno, Kab. Purworejo yaitu menganut ketentuan hukum waris adat dengan istilah penamaan Mawaras. Hambatan yang dialami oleh masyarakat Desa Puspo, Kec. Bruno, Kab. Purworejo dalam menerpankan waris khas desa setempat yaitu: terjadi perbedaan pendapat sesama warga desa mengenai keabsahan waris, mekanisme pembagian waris yang berbelit, sistem waris yang berbeda dengan ajaran agama, dan keabsahan mengenai legalitas kepemilikan tanah hasil warisan

    Freeway accident analysis using second order statistics

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    This research focuses on the use of historical freeway traffic data for comparison of the precursory traffic conditions to that accident occurrence by using 15-minute traffic speed contour maps. The second order statistics measures, namely angular second moment (ASM), contrast and entropy were used as the traffic performance measures in order to compare the two situations. The data used is from I-4 freeway traffic condition database, stored in a SQL server and 1999 year accident database for the same I-4 freeway. The study section is located in Orlando, Florida. The approach shows an approach to understand the performance of the freeways in an efficient and easy way

    Biochemical Signposts: Navigating the Landscape of Early Cancer Diagnosis and Prognostic Insights

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    This exploration investigates the complicated scene of malignant growth from the perspective of "Biochemical Signs," expecting to upset early analysis and prognostic experiences. Utilizing an exhaustive methodology, biomarkers have distinguished across bosom, lung, and prostate tumors, with values going from 0.45 to 3.10. The coordination of cutting-edge imaging procedures, including PET and X-ray, brought about indicative precision paces of 89% and 85%, separately. Prognostic investigations divulged biomarkers' shifting effects on understanding endurance, with risk proportions going from 0.70 to 1.80 and p-values featuring factual importance. The coordination of genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic information created all-encompassing sub-atomic profiles, associated with unmistakable clinical results. For example, the luminal A subtype showed an incorporated score of 0.85, related to a 75% endurance rate. This study approves the proposed methodology as well as lays out its prevalence in exactness, awareness, and clinical pertinence when contrasted with existing methodologies. The blend of different information types and the vigor of the created demonstrative devices give an establishment to groundbreaking headways in malignant growth research and customized patient consideration

    Does a Preoperative Carbohydrate Drink Reduce Postoperative Inflammation? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Since 1995, it has been known that carbohydrate drinks (CHDs) can be safely consumed two to three hours (2–3 h) preoperatively. Furthermore, preoperative CHDs significantly benefit many outcomes, such as thirst, hunger, and insulin resistance. Patients, however, still fast excessively. This study aimed to determine if a CHD, consumed 2–3 h preoperatively, impacts postoperative inflammation compared to a placebo drink or fasting. This was achieved through analysing the levels of interleukin-6, C-reactive peptide, and serum albumin 10–24 h postoperatively. We conducted a systematic review of randomised control trials. We comprehensively searched the Embase, MEDLINE and Web of Science databases, identified 473 studies, and, after screening, were left with 10 randomised control trials. Our meta-analyses found a significantly lower mean interleukin-6 level of −21.26 pg/mL ((95% CI −33.37, −9.15); p = 0.0006) postoperatively in patients given a preoperative CHD compared to fasting and a significantly higher mean serum albumin level of 2.56 g/L ((95% CI 1.41, 3.71); p < 0.0001) postoperatively in patients given a preoperative CHD compared to a placebo. Our results therefore show that a CHD, consumed 2–3 h preoperatively, lowers proinflammatory cytokine levels and increases serum albumin levels. Thus, our study reinforces guideline recommendations to give patients a CHD 2–3 h preoperatively for improved outcomes

    A case study of paddy brown spot disease occurrence in different granary area at Tanjong Karang, Selangor / Iyzian Khasim

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    Paddy or Oryza sativa is an important crop in Malaysia after oil palm and rubber. In Malaysia, paddy has two types such as paddy field and upland rice. According to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), people around the world need 300 million tonnes of rice for 2020 to fulfill the need of a fast-growing human population because the paddy or rice is a staple food for more than half population in the world. To fulfill the demand of rice it has many obstacle bases on the disease that will attack the paddy crop that will reduce the yield and quantity of rice. Brown spot is one of the diseases that affect the quality and quantity of paddy yield. The fungus attacked brown spot disease was Bipolaris oryzae. The objectives are to determine the incident and severity of brown spot as well as the factor integrated the disease. This case study about disease incidence and severity was done at Tanjong Karang, Selangor. In this case, incidence and severity of brown spot disease was observed at three difference fields at Tanjong Karang, Selangor. The method is a pipe 1m x 1m was used to measure and places it randomly on the quadrant at three difference field at Tanjong Karang, Selangor. All data were observed and recorded. The results show that the field A is the highest percentage of disease incidence and severity (69.61 %, 56.00%) and then followed by field B (65.95%, 44.89%) and field C (31.96%, 35.11%). The several factors that possibility infected to incidence and severity brown spot such as soil pH, amount of fertilizer, amount of fungicide, temperature and rainfall. As conclusion, the objective in this case study will achieve base on the result in plot A is high in incidence and severity base on several factors such as soil pH, amount of fertilizer, amount of fungicide, temperature and rainfall

    Comparative efficiency of different surfaces for drying fish

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    The efficiency of four different drying surfaces, namely, cement platform, palmyrah leaf mat, aluminum tray and stretched net for drying fish were studied using sciaenids, mullet and perch. All the drying surfaces were found to be equally efficient. The cheaper and locally available palmyrah leaf mat or stretched net can replace costly cement platform and aluminium tray for efficient drying of fish

    Development of Human-Biometric Sensor Interaction Model for Distinctive Assert Framework

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    These days Biometric technologies have acquired a distinguished element of solving digital identity and crucial security tasks. These technologies enhance identification and authentication depending on the physiological and behavioral characteristics of an individual. This made the governmental agencies to choose the technology of Biometrics as an additive for distinctive scenarios in which identification through ID cards and passports play a prominent role. Recent researches have proclaimed that Biometric Systems depends on how individuals collaborate and agree with it the responsibility of hoaxer in an Distinctive Assert Framework and has amalgamated to develop the HSBI model to a full genre which can grade likely False Asserts and Attack Presentations. This paper, reviews the work related to Human-Biometric Sensor Interaction model with respect to the initiation of tokens into the Biometric System that perform tasks relating to the security enhancement

    Proximate composition, calcium and phosphorus contents of five varieties of deep sea fishes of Andhra coast

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    Five varieties of deep sea fishes Psenes Indicus, Decapterus day/, Priacanthus sp. Centrolophus niger and deep sea pink prawn (Solenocera hextii) were collected from the deep-sea fishing vessels of Fishery Survey of India from VIsakhapatnam base. These were analysed for their proximate composition, calcium and phosphorus contents in the edible muscle portions. Sensory evaluation of the edible muscle of these fishes was carried out and found to be tasty and acceptable. The fat content is very high in these deep-sea fishes and they deserve consideration while developing suitable processing techniques

    Quality of dry fish from markets in Andhra Pradesh

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    Dry fish samples were procured from different fish markets and subjected to biochemical and bacteriological evaluation for assessing quality. The quality of market samples was compared with the samples dried in laboratory and in the mechanical drier [sic]. Most of the market samples had high moisture and sand contents. TVN values of market samples were high showing poor quality of the finished product

    Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties of Essential Oil Isolated from Coleus zeylanicus under Normal and Salinity Stress Conditions

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    Essential oils can be used as antibacterial additives and are generally recognized as safe. Coleus zeylanicus is one of the medicinal aromatic plant serves as a source of essential oils. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oils obtained from the control and salinity stressed Coleus zeylanicus plant was investigated in the present study. Essential oils from the control and salinity stressed Coleus zeylanicus plant was extracted using Clevenger apparatus. The composition of essential oils was identified using gas chromatography mass spectrometry, which showed a few compounds expressed differentially. The antibacterial activity of the isolated essential oils was studied by using the agar well diffusion method, showing potent inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The antioxidant and antimicrobial constituents of the essential oils were spotted using the bioautography method, revealing that the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties in the essential oils of Coleus zeylanicus were increased upon exposure to salinity stress