4 research outputs found

    Methods and Means to Order the Organizations’ Workload by Prioritizing Time Management

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    Every person wishes to have a high-quality life and every business wishes to achieve its business goals. At the same time, all these are in causeeffect relations: we achieve what we are concentrated on and we gain the results, what we create the reasons for. An important role in our existence and achievement of success in modern world is played by the rational distribution and right management of time. This important skill is to be developed from an early age, surely if we wish to be as much efficient and useful as possible. Time is limited and a human, who is able to manage time correctly, manages and controls all his life. Therefore, we must use the limited time of our lives rationally and not waste it in vein. The rhythm of life is fast and we permanently experience time deficit. This is why we are unable to do all the things we plan in our minds. In this case we must use time management. Successful people are productive. They work much and achieve much. Productivity, first of all, means the outcome, not the process. People waste time, as they have not decided whether or not to increase their productivity. The major secret of time management lies in the concentration and purposefulness. Start with solving the first objective on the list and continue with other objectives in the given order


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    The article titled "Personal Time Management in the Private and Public Sectors of Georgia" discusses the research conducted by the author in these areas regarding the management of personal time for employees and employers. The survey included 2,089 respondents, of whom 1,569 were employed and 520 were employers. Among the employed participants, 55.3% worked in the private sector, while 44.7% worked in the public sector. Employers were also distributed between the private and public sectors, with 50.2% and 49.8% respectively. Both focus groups involved in the research were interviewed with different questionnaires. Employees were interviewed with a 4-question questionnaire and a Likert-scale rating of variables related to personal time. Through the analysis of the responses, it was discovered that improper planning of the working day emerged as the second or third most common factor hindering employees from accomplishing their set goals and completing tasks on time. The article further elaborates on how the top contributing factor, receiving accurate information from the manager, is directly influenced by the manager's inadequate or non-existent planning of their own working time. As a result, 23.5% of employees often, and 3.5% constantly have to stay at work and continue working after the end of the working day. Regarding the scoring of the four variables related to the use of working time by employees (I don't sleep 7-8 hours, I don't spend enough time for others, I don't spend enough time developing a strategy and I don't spend enough time doing things I enjoy), the study showed that the majority of employees do not agree with these statements and give them low scores (1 and 2). The exception is the first variable, where the frequency of agreement scores exceeded the frequency of disagreement (43.8% > 42.2%). In parallel with the employees, research has also been conducted on the employers. The study of the employers' personal time was carried out with a 5-question questionnaire and a score evaluation of four time-related variables. On average, 49% of employers indicated that improper planning of the working day prevents them from achieving their goals, and at the same time, an average of 20% admitted that they do not have time to plan their activities. As for the point evaluation of the variables related to working day management, they rated all four variables with low scores, indicating disagreement with the established regulations. The article concludes that simply recognizing the importance of working time planning is not enough. Its practical implementation is necessary

    The Role of Ethical Leadership in Organizations

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    The prosperity and success of any company greatly depends on the leadership qualities and skills of the management. Leadership is essential for successful management. It is a process where one person has a certain influence on other members and leads them to achieve the set goal by a process. A leader is the person with the leverage of influence. The head of the organization should be an effective manager and a leader. When it comes to a leadership, the issue of ethics is also worth noting. A leader, who works alongside with and makes an impact on people with different characteristics, must behave ethically. Every single decision made by a leader should be based on ethical standards. A leader must be able to control himself and others, to manage emotions, take responsibility and make fair decisions. Consequently, issues related to ethical leadership are an important research subject and the given article deals with those aspects of ethics that are directly concerned to a leadership


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    In the article - "Understanding the theoretical and practical aspects of self-management" - this phenomenon is discussed in terms of its role in the self-improvement of a person. The article lists the limiting factors of self-management and ways to overcome them, sequentially names the functions (actions) of self-management and characterizes each of them, talks about human goals and the steps to be taken to achieve them, explains the issues of self-organization and self-control, etc. The article primarily focuses on research conducted in Georgia, analyzing the perceptions of employees working in various public and private sectors regarding the role and significance of self-management. It identifies factors that, according to respondents' opinions, are necessary for timely and effective task completion. Additionally, besides the aforementioned points, it emphasizes the possibility of obtaining correct and timely feedback from competent individuals, which assists individuals in achieving full potential and excellence in their self-management practices. The article pays attention to respondents' management of their own emotions and adaptation to changes, considering the issue of adaptation in connection with learning how to orient oneself and achieve self-fulfillment