7 research outputs found

    The Existence of The Reading Community and Its Effect in Improving Human Resources Quality

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    The Reading Community (in Indonesian: Taman Bacaan Masyarakat/TBM) has a role as one of the driving forces in supporting literacy culture in society. The Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation Number 23, 2015 concerns the Cultivation of Character Building and strengthens efforts to establish the culture of literacy. This study took samples of TBM in Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture 2018, there are currently 56 reading communities in the Bantul Regency. This is around 15% of the total TBM in DIY Province. As a form of out-of-school education, TBM also has a role in improving the quality of human resources. This study considers the relationship between the existence of the community and their role in improving the quality of human resources in the society. This study used descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection is done through observations and interviews. Based on the collected data, it was concluded that the presence of TBM managed by members of the local community had a positive influence, especially for children and adolescents. The existence of TBM increases reading interest among children and boosts the number of teenagers who continue their education to a higher level. Thus, the TBM supports one of the national goals, namely improving the quality of human resources through lifelong learning. Keywords: Reading Community, Human Resources Quality, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakart


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    Penguasaan kosakata menjadi kunci untuk dapat lulus dalam Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) yang penting bagi seorang lulusan bahasa Jepang dalam memperoleh pekerjaan. Masa pandemi Covid-19 yang mengharuskan pembelajaran daring menuntut inovasi dalam strategi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini memaparkan hasil Focus Group Interview (FGI) mengenai pembelajaran kosakata bahasa Jepang di masa Pandemi dengan peserta 9 orang siswa D3 Bahasa Jepang Sekolah Vokasi UGM Angkatan 2018. Peserta yang merupakan generasi Z, walaupun akrab dengan teknologi, ternyata masih mencatat secara manual kosakata yang ingin dipelajari sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Selanjutnya sebagai solusi bagi permasalahan pembelajaran kosakata, ditawarkan aplikasi smartphone berbasis android bernama “Memora” yang digunakan untuk menambah perbendaharaan kosakata secara mandiri. Peserta FGI berpendapat bahwa “Memora” dapat menjadi salah satu strategi belajar kosakata di masa pandemi. Dengan “Memora”, siswa dapat memasukkan kosakata dan gambar yang dapat membantu pemahaman terhadap kata tersebut kapan saja dan di mana saja. Masih terdapat kekurangan seperti bugs pada permainan, dan belum adanya fitur audio sehingga aplikasi ini masih terus dikembangkan


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    (Title: The Effect of Anime and Manga Consumption on Japanese Language and Culture Learning) This research was conducted to look at how far anime and manga effect Japanese language learning among the students of the Japanese Program in the Vocational College of Universitas Gadjah Mada. The data were collected via a question form. The question form was distributed to 2nd year and 3rd year Japanese students in May 2017. The questions in the questionnaire include the Japanese language learning motivation, the level of interest in Japanese anime and manga, frequency of consuming anime/manga, as well as the effect on the Japanese language learning by consuming the products. From the data obtained, things can be concluded as follows: 1) most of the students stated that the first time they knew Japanese was through anime/manga; 2) watching anime can support students’ Japanese learning, especially for vocabulary enrichment, listening exercises, and understanding the context of the use of Japanese words or expressions; and 3) most of the students experienced a change of perceptions about Japanese language and culture after learning Japanese in the university. However, the language used in the anime contains stereotypical elements (known as role language or yakuwarigo) and therefore yakuwarigo and sociological context in Japanese should be introduced to the students

    Metode Pembelajaran Kosakata bagi Pembelajar Bahasa Jepang: Dari Grammar-Translation ke Contextual Vocabulary Acquisition

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    Penguasaan kosa kata merupakan hal yang penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Berdasarkan observasi dan wawancara, metode pembelajaran kosakata siswa angkatan 2018 di program studi D3 Bahasa Jepang, Sekolah Vokasi, Unversitas Gadjah Mada, menggunakan metode grammar-translation. Siswa juga diperkenalkan pada pemerolehan kosa kata dalam konteks (Contextual Vocabulary Acquisition/CVA). Untuk membandingkan efektivitas metode-metode tersebut, dilakukan eksperimen yang melibatkan 18 siswa. Siswa dibagi dalam 2 kelompok. Kelompok 1 menggunakan metode grammar-translation konvensional, dan kelompok 2 menggunakan metode yang sama, namun diberi intervensi berupa pembelajaran kosa kata visual menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!. Siswa diminta menebak kosa kata target dalam bentuk soal kata-per kata di tahap 1, dan menerjemahkan kalimat yang mengandung kosa kata target.  Hasil analisis menunjukkan kelompok pengguna Kahoot! menunjukkan hasil lebih baik. Uniknya, pada kedua kelompok, terdapat siswa yang menunjukkan penerapan CVA. Siswa berhasil menebak kosa kata target dalam tes tahap 2, setelah memahami hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kosa kata tersebut berdasarkan prior knowledge mereka. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pembelajaran kosa-kata sebaiknya mengkombinasikan metode-metode yang sudah ada, agar siswa mendapat petunjuk lengkap mulai dari tataran morfologis hingga visual sehingga mereka dapat menginternalisasi suatu kosa kata dengan sempurna


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    (Title: Batik Clothes As Omiyage: Case Study On Japanese University Students Who Had Studied At UGM In 2009-2017) Batik has long been known as a typical culture of Yogyakarta, and therefore it is most likely chosen by the tourists to take home as souvenir. Until 2017 UGM which is located in Yogyakarta is often visited by students from Japan. As well as studying, they also become tourists who will buy omiyage before returning to Japan. The culture of giving omiyage has existed in Japan since ancient times and until now the term omiyage is still being used for something given to others after traveling. This study aims to determine the relevance of batik clothing as omiyage according to the view of Japanese students who have studied at UGM from 2009-2017. Data were obtained through questionnaire distributed during July 2017 to 60 Japanese students who had studied at UGM. The results of this study indicate that food is still preferred to be omiyage, and batik clothes is not a suitable item to be brought home as omiyage, because of some perceptions about batik clothes as somehing not quite universal to wear in Japan

    Poster Presentation: A Project-Based Integrated Language Learning to Enhance Soft Skills of Japanese Language Learners

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    This study investigates how Japanese language students view group poster presentations as a project-based integrated language learning process. Japanese language students in higher education must possess both the hard and soft skills necessary for the workplace in the twenty-first century. Therefore, developing Japanese language learning methods is necessary to enhance both learners' soft skills and Japanese proficiency. The project-based learning (PjBL) approach was carried out through a project assigned in the Speaking course, namely in group poster presentations. This research investigated students' perceptions after implementing poster presentation activities to develop their soft skills. The research data were collected using questionnaires, interviews with selected students, and observations during the 8-week project. The results of this study show that the Japanese language students respond favourably to the implementation of the group poster presentation project. Poster presentation activities encourage the students to practice their four Japanese language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in realistic communication. At the same time, these group project activities help the students understand the value of interpersonal skills, project management, critical thinking and problem-solving, teamwork, and communication skills in completing a project. Keywords : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Japanese Education Journal Japanese Language Learning Japanese Poster Presentation Japanese Vocational Educatio

    Keigo dan Mudha Krama : Ragam Hormat pada Masyarakat Jepang dan Jawa

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitiatif mengenai perbandingan budaya. Dalam hal ini, bentuk budaya yang dibandingkan adalah ragam bahasa hormat dalam Bahasa Jawa dan Jepang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membandingkan dan mengetahui peranan ragam hormat dalam generasi muda di Jawa dan Jepang. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa ragam hormat dalam bahasa Jawa dan Jepang terdiri dari beberapa tingkatan bahasa. Tingkatan ragam hormat dalam bahasa Jepang adalah Sonkeigo, Kenjoogo dan Teineigo sedangkan dalam tingkatan ragam hormat dalam bahasa Jawa adalah Mudha Krama yang terbentuk dari Krama Inggil, Krama Andhap dan Krama. Dalam bahasa Jepang ragam hormat direalisasikan menggunakan leksem serta bentuk sintaktis, sedangkan dalam bahasa Jawa direalisasikan dengan leksem dan afiks. Pada perkembangannya bahasa Jawa semakin jarang digunakan di masyarakat Jawa karena fungsi basa krama telah digantikan oleh bahasa nasional, yaitu bahasa Indonesia, sehingga tidak ada kepentingan bagi generasi muda untuk menguasainya. Hal ini berbeda dengan keigo, yang hingga saat ini masih aktif digunakan dan dipelajari generasi muda Jepang yang ingin sukses dalam berkarir dan berkehidupan sosial