86 research outputs found

    Water Challenges for Geologic Carbon Capture and Sequestration

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    Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) has been proposed as a means to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the continued use of fossil fuels. For geologic sequestration, the carbon dioxide is captured from large point sources (e.g., power plants or other industrial sources), transported to the injection site and injected into deep geological formations for storage. This will produce new water challenges, such as the amount of water used in energy resource development and utilization and the “capture penalty” for water use. At depth, brine displacement within formations, storage reservoir pressure increases resulting from injection, and leakage are potential concerns. Potential impacts range from increasing water demand for capture to contamination of groundwater through leakage or brine displacement. Understanding these potential impacts and the conditions under which they arise informs the design and implementation of appropriate monitoring and controls, important both for assurance of environmental safety and for accounting purposes. Potential benefits also exist, such as co-production and treatment of water to both offset reservoir pressure increase and to provide local water for beneficial use

    Transport of Pb and Zn by carboxylate complexes in basinal ore fluids and related petroleum-field brines at 100°C: the influence of pH and oxygen fugacity

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    It is well established through field observations, experiments, and chemical models that oxidation (redox) state and pH exert a strong influence on the speciation of dissolved components and the solubility of minerals in hydrothermal fluids. log [Image: see text] –pH diagrams were used to depict the influence of oxygen fugacity and pH on monocarboxylate- and dicarboxylate-transport of Pb and Zn in low-temperature (100°C) hydrothermal ore fluids that are related to diagenetic processes in deep sedimentary basins, and allow a first-order comparison of Pb and Zn transport among proposed model fluids for Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) and red-bed related base metal (RBRBM) deposits in terms of their approximate pH and [Image: see text] conditions. To construct these diagrams, total Pb and Zn concentrations and Pb and Zn speciation were calculated as a function of log [Image: see text] and pH for a composite ore-brine with concentrations of major elements, total sulfur, and total carbonate that approximate the composition of MVT and RBRBM model ore fluids and modern basinal brines. In addition to acetate and malonate complexation, complexes involving the ligands Cl(-), HS(-), H(2)S, and OH(- )were included in the model of calculated total metal concentration and metal speciation. Also, in the model, Zn and Pb are competing with the common-rock forming metals Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, and Al for the same ligands. Calculated total Pb concentration and calculated total Zn concentration are constrained by galena and sphalerite solubility, respectively. Isopleths, in log [Image: see text] –pH space, of the concentration of Pb and concentration of Zn in carboxylate (acetate + malonate) complexes illustrate that the oxidized model fluids of T. H. Giordano (in Organic Acids in Geological Processes, ed. E. D. Pittman and M. D. Lewan, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994, pp. 319–354) and G. M. Anderson (Econ. Geol., 1975, 70, 937–942) are capable of transporting sufficient amounts of Pb (up to 10 ppm) and Zn (up to 100 ppm) in the form of carboxylate complexes to form economic deposits of these metals. On the other hand, the reduced ore fluid models of D. A. Sverjensky (Econ. Geol., 1984, 79, 23–37) and T. H. Giordano and H. L. Barnes (Econ. Geol., 1981, 76, 2200–2211) can at best transport amounts of Pb and Zn, as carboxylate complexes, that are many orders of magnitude below the 1 to 10 ppm minimum required to form economic deposits. Lead and zinc speciation (mol% of total Pb or Zn) in the model ore fluid was calculated at specific log [Image: see text] –pH conditions along the 100, 0.01, and 0.001 ppm total Pb and total Zn isopleths. Along the 100 ppm isopleth conditions are oxidized (∑SO(4 )>> ∑H(2)S) with Pb and Zn predominantly in the form of chloride complexes under acid to mildly alkaline conditions (pH from 3 to approximately 7.5), while hydroxide complexes dominate Pb and Zn speciation under more alkaline conditions. Sulfide complexes are insignificant under these oxidized conditions. For more reduced conditions along the 0.01 and 0.001 ppm isopleths chloride complexes dominate Pb and Zn speciation in the SO(4)(2- )field and near the SO(4)(2-)-reduced sulfur boundary from pH = 4 to approximately 7.5, while hydroxide complexes dominate Pb and Zn speciation under alkaline conditions above pH = 7.5 in the SO(4)(2- )field. In the most reduced fluids (∑H(2)S >> ∑SO(4)) along the 0.01 and 0.001 isopleths, sulfide complexes account for almost 100% of the Pb and Zn in the model fluid. Acetate (monocarboxylate) complexation is significant only under conditions of chloride and hydroxide complex dominance and its effect is maximized in the pH range 5 to 7, where it complexes 2 to 2.6% of the total Pb and 1 to 1.25% of the total Zn. Malonate (dicarboxylate) complexes are insignificant along all isopleths. The speciation results from this study show that deep formation waters characterized by temperatures near 100°C, high oxidation states and ∑H(2)S < 0.03 mg L(-1 )([Image: see text] < 10(-6)), high chlorinities (~ 100000 mg L(-1)), and high but reasonable concentrations of carboxylate anions can mobilize up to 3% of the total Pb and up to 1.3% of the total Zn as carboxylate complexes. Furthermore, these percentages, under the most favorable conditions, correspond to approximately 1 to 100 ppm of these metals in solution; concentrations that are adequate to form economic deposits of these metals. However, the field evidence suggests that all of these optimum conditions for carboxylate complexation are rarely met at the same time. A comparison of the composite ore fluid compositions from this study and modern brine data shows that the ore brines, corresponding to log [Image: see text] –pH conditions based on the Anderson (1975) and Giordano (1994) model fluids, are similar in many respects to modern, high trace-metal petroleum-field brines. The principal differences between modern high trace-metal brines and the composite ore fluids of Anderson (1975) and Giordano (1994) relate to their carboxylate anion content. The reported concentrations of monocarboxylate anions (∑monocbx) and dicarboxylate anions (Edicbx) in high trace-metal petroleum-field brines (< 1 to 300 mg L(-1 )and < 1 mg L(-1), respectively) are significantly lower than the concentrations assumed in the modelled brines of this study (∑monocbx = 7 700 mg L(-1 )and ∑dicbx = 300 mg L(-1)). There are also major differences in the corresponding total chloride to carboxylate ratio (∑m(Cl)/∑m(cbx)) and monocarboxylate to dicarboxylate ratio (∑m(monocbx)/∑m(dicbx)). Modern high trace-metal brines have much higher ∑m(Cl)/∑m(cbx )values and, therefore, the contribution of carboxylate complexes to the total Pb and Zn content in these modern brines is likely to be significantly less than the 1 to 3 percent for the composite ore fluids of Anderson (1975) and Giordano (1994). The composite ore-brine based on the Giordano and Barnes (1981) MVT ore fluid is comparable to the high salinity (> 170 000 mg L(-1 )TDS) subset of modern brines characterized by low trace-metal content and high total reduced sulfur (∑H(2)S). A comparison of the Sverjensky (1984) composite ore-brine with modern petroleum-field brines in terms of ∑H(2)S and Zn content, reveals that this ore fluid corresponds to a "border-type" brine, between modern high trace-metal brines and those with low trace-metal content and high ∑H(2)S. A brine of this type is characterized by values of ∑H(2)S, ∑Zn, and/or ∑Pb within or near the 1 to 10 mg L(-1 )range. Based on brine-composition data from numerous references cited in this paper, border-type brines do exist but are rare. The model results and field evidence presented in this study are consistent with other chemical simulation studies of carboxylate complexation in modern petroleum-field brines. Thus, it appears that carboxylate complexation plays a minor, if not insignificant, role as a transport mechanism for Pb and Zn in high salinity Na–Cl and Na–Ca–Cl basinal brines and related ore fluids

    Geochemical detection of carbon dioxide in dilute aquifers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Carbon storage in deep saline reservoirs has the potential to lower the amount of CO<sub>2 </sub>emitted to the atmosphere and to mitigate global warming. Leakage back to the atmosphere through abandoned wells and along faults would reduce the efficiency of carbon storage, possibly leading to health and ecological hazards at the ground surface, and possibly impacting water quality of near-surface dilute aquifers. We use static equilibrium and reactive transport simulations to test the hypothesis that perturbations in water chemistry associated with a CO<sub>2 </sub>gas leak into dilute groundwater are important measures for the potential release of CO<sub>2 </sub>to the atmosphere. Simulation parameters are constrained by groundwater chemistry, flow, and lithology from the High Plains aquifer. The High Plains aquifer is used to represent a typical sedimentary aquifer overlying a deep CO<sub>2 </sub>storage reservoir. Specifically, we address the relationships between CO<sub>2 </sub>flux, groundwater flow, detection time and distance. The CO<sub>2 </sub>flux ranges from 10<sup>3 </sup>to 2 × 10<sup>6 </sup>t/yr (0.63 to 1250 t/m<sup>2</sup>/yr) to assess chemical perturbations resulting from relatively small leaks that may compromise long-term storage, water quality, and surface ecology, and larger leaks characteristic of short-term well failure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For the scenarios we studied, our simulations show pH and carbonate chemistry are good indicators for leakage of stored CO<sub>2 </sub>into an overlying aquifer because elevated CO<sub>2 </sub>yields a more acid pH than the ambient groundwater. CO<sub>2 </sub>leakage into a dilute groundwater creates a slightly acid plume that can be detected at some distance from the leak source due to groundwater flow and CO<sub>2 </sub>buoyancy. pH breakthrough curves demonstrate that CO<sub>2 </sub>leaks can be easily detected for CO<sub>2 </sub>flux ≄ 10<sup>4 </sup>t/yr within a 15-month time period at a monitoring well screened within a permeable layer 500 m downstream from the vertical gas trace. At lower flux rates, the CO<sub>2 </sub>dissolves in the aqueous phase in the lower most permeable unit and does not reach the monitoring well. Sustained pumping in a developed aquifer mixes the CO<sub>2</sub>-affected water with the ambient water and enhances pH signal for small leaks (10<sup>3 </sup>t/yr) and reduces pH signal for larger leaks (≄ 10<sup>4</sup>t/yr).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ability to detect CO<sub>2 </sub>leakage from a storage reservoir to overlying dilute groundwater is dependent on CO<sub>2 </sub>solubility, leak flux, CO<sub>2 </sub>buoyancy, and groundwater flow. Our simulations show that the most likely places to detect CO<sub>2 </sub>are at the base of the confining layer near the water table where CO<sub>2 </sub>gas accumulates and is transported laterally in all directions, and downstream of the vertical gas trace where groundwater flow is great enough to transport dissolved CO<sub>2 </sub>laterally. Our simulations show that CO<sub>2 </sub>may not rise high enough in the aquifer to be detected because aqueous solubility and lateral groundwater transport within the lower aquifer unit exceeds gas pressure build-up and buoyancy needed to drive the CO<sub>2 </sub>gas upwards.</p

    Optimal Management of Marine Inspection with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    t New technologies and system communications are being applied in the industry, improving the efficiency and effectiveness. This paper is focused on novel technologies, software and materials that allow to explore deep ocean floor. Autonomous underwater vehicles require planning navigation models and algorithms. Sensors equipped in underwater vehicles allow to inspect and analyse inaccessible areas. Monitor and control measurement process is required to ensure suitable underwater operations. This paper presents a model using the main inspection process variables. The model calculates the field of view of the autonomous underwater vehicle to be determined according to the type of sensor, the orientation and the distance from the floor. This study aims at stabilising the fundaments to develop an autonomous route for the autonomous underwater vehicles and optimize its operation performance
