223 research outputs found

    Towards lightweight convolutional neural networks for object detection

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    We propose model with larger spatial size of feature maps and evaluate it on object detection task. With the goal to choose the best feature extraction network for our model we compare several popular lightweight networks. After that we conduct a set of experiments with channels reduction algorithms in order to accelerate execution. Our vehicle detection models are accurate, fast and therefore suit for embedded visual applications. With only 1.5 GFLOPs our best model gives 93.39 AP on validation subset of challenging DETRAC dataset. The smallest of our models is the first to achieve real-time inference speed on CPU with reasonable accuracy drop to 91.43 AP.Comment: Submitted to the International Workshop on Traffic and Street Surveillance for Safety and Security (IWT4S) in conjunction with the 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance (AVSS 2017

    The Method of Construction of Ukrainian Business-system Profile

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    Under conditions of crisis transformations at the national level, the absence of constant trends of development of economy and business-system as a whole there was carried out the analysis of Ukrainian business-system functioning in the context of 8 world ratings (business doing easiness; rating of national brands; rating of global competitiveness; rating of budget transparence; rating of investment attractiveness; rating of autosorcing attractiveness; index of economic freedoms; index of trade facilitation) that gives a possibility to assess the place of Ukraine in the global conditions of development comparing with the state of business-system development in other countries of the world


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    Under conditions of crisis transformations at the national level, the absence of constant trends of development of economy and business-system as a whole there was carried out the analysis of Ukrainian business-system functioning in the context of 8 world ratings (business doing easiness; rating of national brands; rating of global competitiveness; rating of budget transparence; rating of investment attractiveness; rating of autosorcing attractiveness; index of economic freedoms; index of trade facilitation) that gives a possibility to assess the place of Ukraine in the global conditions of development comparing with the state of business-system development in other countries of the world


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    Under conditions of crisis transformations at the national level, the absence of constant trends of development of economy and business-system as a whole there was carried out the analysis of Ukrainian business-system functioning in the context of 8 world ratings (business doing easiness; rating of national brands; rating of global competitiveness; rating of budget transparence; rating of investment attractiveness; rating of autosorcing attractiveness; index of economic freedoms; index of trade facilitation) that gives a possibility to assess the place of Ukraine in the global conditions of development comparing with the state of business-system development in other countries of the world

    Evaluation of a Teaching Assistant Program for Third-Year Pharmacy Students

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    Objectives. To determine if a teaching assistant (TA) program for third-year pharmacy students (PY3s) improves confidence in teaching abilities. Additionally, 3 assessment methods (faculty, student, and TA self-evaluations) were compared for similarities and correlations

    Induced Immunosuppression in Critical Care

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    The maladaptive nature of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, which may be caused by sepsis, trauma, or ischemia-reperfusion injury, is characterized by a shift towards the distant effects of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators. Shock, blood loss, and metabolic disorders may cause the onset of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. The final phase of critical illness is generally associated with induced immunosuppression and dysfunctions of neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages, dendritic cells, release of myeloid-derived suppressor cells, damage to glycocalyx and endothelium, and impaired metabolic conjugation. This review is aimed at providing novel evidences on the roles of various immune components, either innate or acquired, in the induction of immunosuppression from the standpoint of the rapid diagnosis of immune disorders in the intensive care unit using flow cytometry as a commonly accepted option

    Role of online teaching experience in pedagogical innovation in LIS education: An activity-theoretical analysis

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    The study explored the role of online teaching experience in pedagogical innovation in the area of Library and Information Science (LIS) education. Based on the data from interviews with 25 LIS faculty who have relevant experience and from the syllabi for their courses, the study provides evidence that transitioning courses to online modality leads faculty to incorporate new teaching methods, technology tools and resources into their overall pedagogical repertoire. The study applied Activity Theory framework in a novel way to conduct multi-level analysis of the teaching activity with attention to both activity structure and its context. Both individual and institutional cases are described in detail, using unified Activity Theory-based vocabulary. This analytical approach allowed the discussion of individual and institutional factors that drive pedagogical innovation. The study links innovation to changes in actions that comprise the teaching activity and suggests that innovative pedagogies are more likely to develop in the context of asynchronous online teaching. The study findings paint a rich picture of teaching activity continuously evolving through instructional mode changes. Common paths as well as variations are described, including discussion of pros and cons of online and face-to-face teaching and the ways they can be combined in various hybrid (blended) instruction models for optimal teaching and learning experience. The analytical separation of individual and contextual factors provided foundation for recommendations for practice aimed at both individual instructors and academic institutions.Doctor of Philosoph

    Real-time model of synchronous reluctance motor drive for laboratory based investigations

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    The Synchronous Reluctance Motor has received much attention in recent years as a very promising solution for electric drives in the near future. This paper presents a real-time model of the motor to be implemented into a software environment used for DSP control system development including debugging. The model is used in laboratory based investigations in academia in order to analyse the performance of electric drives based on a synchronous reluctance motor

    Growth of Tilia cordata Mill. in Urban Forests

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    Tilia cordata Mill. is considered to be the main tree species resistant to urban conditions and it is widely used in the greening of cities. The aim of the study is to assess the patterns of growth and development of small-leaved linden plantations in the urban environment. The research is based on the method of sample areas where continuous enumeration survey has been carried out. The study of urban greening objects was conducted using the methods of landscape assessment and complete enumeration of trees in alley plantings. It was found that Tilia cordata Mill. grows in all districts and zones of the city of Ufa, occupying 34.4% of green areas. During this research it was found that artificially created alley plantings of Tilia cordata Mill. are more well-kept and have well-developed crowns which create a tree shade sometimes 8-10 meters wide (the average crown projection being 7 m). Since alley plantings have repeatedly been pruned, trees in this area are characterized by a large increase in diameter and strong height growth stagnation. Thus, when studying linden plantings of the same age, a sharp difference in the size and shape of trees was observed

    Аналіз факторів впливу на розвиток туристичного простору європейського союзу

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    The object of research is the tourist space of the European Union (EU). One of the most problematic places is the significant territorial diversity of the European tourist space, manifested by a different level of development of the tourism industry.The segmentation of the European space is done according to the level of development of the tourism industry with the help of the cluster model and the allocation of 7 clusters of EU countries by the level of development of the tourism industry. It is concluded that with regard to the hierarchy of sub-indices, the resource component and, accordingly, the natural and cultural resources sub-index has the greatest value in the segmentation process of the EU countries by the level of development of the tourism industry. The “Public policy and the creation of favorable conditions in the field of travel and tourism” and “Infrastructure” sub-indices have about the same significance for the segmentation of the EU countries by the level of development of the tourism industry. The smallest value in the segmentation process is occupied by the “Favorable environment” sub-index.In the course of the study, a factor analysis is conducted to determine significant factors in the development of the tourism industry for each segment (cluster) to further develop the main aspects of tourism policy. The conclusion is made about the significant weight of the favorable environment for such countries as Austria, Greece, Denmark, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The development of public policy and the creation of favorable conditions in the field of travel and tourism are especially important for countries such as Austria, Greece, Denmark, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and France. Infrastructure development is a significant factor in the development of all countries of the European tourist space, however, it has the greatest influence for such countries as: Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Malta. The resource component of the development of the tourism industry most influences the development of the tourism industry in such countries as Spain, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg, Ireland.This provides the opportunity to segment the European tourist competitive space with the subsequent improvement of the tourist policy of the European Union.Объектом исследования является туристическое пространство стран Европейского Союза (ЕС). Одним из самых проблемных мест является значительное территориальное разнообразие европейского туристического пространства, которое проявляется в разном уровне развития туристической индустрии.Проведена сегментация европейского пространства по уровню развития туристической индустрии с помощью кластерной модели и выделены 7 кластеров стран ЕС по уровню развития туристической индустрии. Сделан вывод, что в отношении иерархии субиндексов, наибольшее значение в процессе сегментации стран ЕС по уровню развития туристической индустрии имеет ресурсная составляющая и соответственно субиндекс «Природные и культурные ресурсы». Субиндекса «Государственная политика и создание благоприятных условий в сфере путешествий и туризма» и «Инфраструктура» имеют примерно одинаковое значение для сегментации стран ЕС по уровню развития туристической индустрии. Наименьшее значение в процессе сегментации занимает субиндекс благоприятности среды.В ходе исследования проведен факторный анализ для определения весомых факторов развития туристической индустрии для каждого сегмента (кластера) для дальнейшего формирования основных аспектов туристической политики. Сделан вывод о значительной весомости благоприятности среды для таких стран, как: Австрия, Греция, Дания, Португалия, Финляндия, Швеция, Эстония, Латвия, Литва. Развитие государственной политики и создания благоприятных условиях в сфере путешествий и туризма особенно важно для таких стран, как: Австрия, Греция, Дания, Португалия, Финляндия, Швеция, Великобритания, Нидерланды, Франция. Развитие инфраструктуры является весомым фактором развития всех стран европейского туристического пространства, однако, наибольшее влияние имеет для таких стран, как: Великобритания, Нидерланды, Франция, Испания, Италия, Германия, Испания, Италия, Кипр, Мальта. Ресурсная составляющая развития туристической индустрии наиболее влияет на развитие туристической индустрии таких стран, как: Испания, Италия, Германия, Ирландия, Люксембург.Благодаря этому обеспечивается возможность сегментировать европейское туристическое конкурентное пространство с последующим совершенствованием туристической политики Европейского Союза.Об’єктом дослідження є туристичний простір країн Європейського Союзу (ЄС). Одним з найбільш проблемних місць є значна територіальна різноманітність європейського туристичного простору, що проявляється різним рівнем розвитку туристичної індустрії.Проведено сегментацію європейського простору за рівнем розвитку туристичної індустрії за допомогою кластерної моделі та виокремлено 7 кластерів країн ЄС за рівнем розвитку туристичної індустрії. Зроблено висновок, що стосовно ієрархії субіндексов, найбільше значення в процесі сегментації країн ЄС за рівнем розвитку туристичної індустрії має ресурсна складова та відповідно субіндекс «Природні та культурні ресурси». Субіндекси «Державна політика та створення сприятливих умов у сфері подорожей та туризму» та «Інфраструктура» мають приблизно однакове значення для сегментації країн ЄС за рівнем розвитку туристичної індустрії. Найменше значення в процесі сегментації займає субіндекс сприятливості середовища.У ході дослідження проведено факторний аналіз для визначення вагомих факторів розвитку туристичної індустрії для кожного сегменту (кластеру) для подальшого формування основних аспектів туристичної політики. Зроблено висновок щодо значної вагомості сприятливості середовища для таких країн, як: Австрія, Греція, Данія, Португалія, Фінляндія, Швеція, Естонія, Латвія, Литва. Розвиток державної політики та створення сприятливих умовах у сфері подорожей та туризму особливо важливо для таких країн, як: Австрія, Греція, Данія, Португалія, Фінляндія, Швеція, Велика Британія, Нідерланди, Франція. Розвиток інфраструктури є вагомим фактором розвитку всіх країн європейського туристичного простору, однак, найбільший вплив має для таких країн, як: Велика Британія, Нідерланди, Франція, Іспанія, Італія, Німеччина, Іспанія, Італія, Кіпр, Мальта. Ресурсна складова розвитку туристичної індустрії найбільш впливає на розвиток туристичної індустрії таких країн, як: Іспанія, Італія, Німеччина, Ірландія, Люксембург.Завдяки цьому забезпечується можливість сегментувати європейський туристичний конкурентний простір з подальшим удосконаленням туристичної політики Європейського Союзу