3,682 research outputs found

    Relationship between Principal Leadership style, School Climate and Teacher Stress

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    In this study the relationships between transformational leadership style school climate and teacher stress were investigated Data were collected from 15 schools principals and teachers with grade configuration of six through ten in district Karak KP Pearson product-moment correlation was used to analyze the relationship between leadership style and school climate school climate and teacher stress and leadership style and teacher stress Result showed that transformational leadership style positively influenced the school climate In positive school climate the stress level in teachers remained normal The correlation between leadership style and teacher stress was also not significant meaning that transformational leadership style minimized teacher stress leve

    Common Medicinal Folk Recipes of District Buner, NWFP, Pakistan

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    An ethnobotanical project was carried out in the remote mountainous region of District Buner. Locals rely on medicinal plants for curing different ailments since time immemorial. However, recent and ever increasing dependency of locals on allopathic drugs along with industrialization, urbanization and globalization trends slowly but surely are modifying indigenous values and culture. The existing ethnobotanical knowledge of the area will not remain intact for long. In present study an effort was made to document common folk recipes of the area. Thus folk recipes used for curing 30 common diseases in the area were documented

    Common Medicinal Folk Recipes of District Buner, NWFP, Pakistan

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    An ethnobotanical project was carried out in the remote mountainous region of District Buner. Locals rely on medicinal plants for curing different ailments since time immemorial. However, recent and ever increasing dependency of locals on allopathic drugs along with industrialization, urbanization and globalization trends slowly but surely are modifying indigenous values and culture. The existing ethnobotanical knowledge of the area will not remain intact for long. In present study an effort was made to document common folk recipes of the area. Thus folk recipes used for curing 30 common diseases in the area were documented

    Natural Disasters, Relief Aid, and Household Vulnerability in Pakistan: Evidence from a Pilot Survey in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

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    Based on a pilot survey, we analyze the damages caused by floods in Pakistan, 2010, the istribution of aid, and the extent of recovery at he household level. With regard to the nature of damages, we show that flood damages had both between-village and within-village variation, and damages to houses, land (crops), livestock, and other business assets were not highly correlated. In the distribution of aid from outside, we again find substantial between-village and within-village variation - the aid distribution across villages appeared well-targeted toward the severely affected villages, while aid within villages was targeted toward households with larger house damages, but not toward households with larger damages to land, crop, or other assets. The positive aid response to house damages and the negative aid response to the initial wealth level were found but the marginal response of aid to these characteristics was not large. With regard to the recovery from flood damages, we find that aid recipients did not show higher or lower recovery than non-recipients, especially for house damages, which could be due to mixing of a recovery-promoting effect of aid and a selection effect of aid toward households that have more difficulty in recovery. We also show that households who had initially fewer assets and hit by larger flood damages had more difficulty in recovery.natural disaster, relief distribution, resilience, Pakistan

    Studies on Collection and Marketing of Morchella (Morels) of Utror-Gabral Valleys, District Swat, Pakistan

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    This paper is based on a research project carried out to study the collection and marketing status of morels in the remote HinduKush-Himalayan regions of Utror and Gabral, Pakistan. Eight species of morels were found to be collected in the project area during the months of March to July. Morchella conica and Morchella esculenta were the major species collected in the area. These morels are sold in the local markets of Madyan and Mingora, from where they are exported to France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. Morels thus provide a vital source of income to the poor population of Utror and Gabral. Morel collectors include 38.0% women, 37.0% men and 25.0% children. Huge quantities of morels are lost each year due to improper storage and collection techniques

    Effects of Macronutrients on Seed Quality and Profitability Analysis of Sunflower Production in Northwest Pakistan

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    Potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) application to sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) reduced cost of production, increased seed oil and protein concentration, yield and net returns on the K and P deficient soils in Northwest Pakistan. Field experiment was conducted at the New Developmental Research Farm of NWFP (North West Frontier Province) Agricultural University Peshawar, Pakistan during summer 2006. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with split plot arrangements using three replications. Six levels of K (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 kg ha-1) were kept in main plots while four levels of P (0, 45, 90 and 135 kg ha-1) were kept in sub-plots. Increase in K and P levels enhanced seed oil concentration, on the other hand, increase in P level increased seed protein concentration but increase in K level decreased seed protein concentration. Both oil and protein yields per unit area increased significantly with increase in K and P levels. The increase in oil and protein yields of sunflower was mainly attributed to the improvement in yield components and significant increase in seed yield. The highest net returns of Rs. 25268 (grain yield basis) and Rs. 31274 (oil yield basis) was obtained from those plots that received a combination of 100 kg K + 45 kg P ha-1. Application of 100 kg K ha-1 + 45 kg P ha-1 was therefore, recommended for profitable sunflower production in the agro-climatic conditions in Northwest Pakistan.sunflower, potassium, phosphorus, oil, protein, economic analysis, Northwest Pakistan, Farm Management, International Development, International Relations/Trade, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis,

    Spasmogenic, Spasmolytic and Chemical Screening of Cigarettes

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    The aqueous and ethanolic extracts derived from cigarettes (Morven Gold) were screened for chemicals, spasmogenic and spasmolytic activities. Aqueous extract showed strong relaxant activity that is, 92% against KCl induced contractions while ethanolic extract was found to be moderately spasmolytic (70%). Ethanolic extract was also found to have a strong spasmogenic activity, while aqueous extract depress the spasmogenic activity of pilocarpine induced contractions. Thus, the ethanoilc extract was found to be more efficient for spasmogenic activity while aqueous extract was noted to be more efficient for spasmolytic activity. The chemicals found in sufficient quantity in both the extracts were saponin and glycosides. It was also noted that tannins were present only in ethanolic extract in excess quantity. The research indicated clearly that cigarette is a good spasmolytic agent while the ethanolic extract has spasmogenic activity. Further studies are necessary to elucidate its exact mechanism of action.Keywords:Sapsmogenic, spasmolytic, chemical screening, cigaretteAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(39), pp. 5799-580

    Studies on Collection and Marketing of \u3cem\u3eMorchella\u3c/em\u3e (Morels) of Utror-Gabral Valleys, District Swat, Pakistan

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    This paper is based on a research project carried out to study the collection and marketing status of morels in the remote HinduKush-Himalayan regions of Utror and Gabral, Pakistan. Eight species of morels were found to be collected in the project area during the months of March to July. Morchella conica and Morchella esculenta were the major species collected in the area. These morels are sold in the local markets of Madyan and Mingora, from where they are exported to France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. Morels thus provide a vital source of income to the poor population of Utror and Gabral. Morel collectors include 38.0% women, 37.0% men and 25.0% children. Huge quantities of morels are lost each year due to improper storage and collection techniques

    Checklist of Medicinal Plants of Siran Valley, Mansehra, Pakistan

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    This study was carried in Siran Valley district Mansehra. (Pakistan). The method adopted for documentation of indigenous knowledge was based on questionnaire consisting of semi-structured interviews employing a checklist of questions and direct observations. The aim of the study was to collect indigenous knowledge of local inhabitants about the use of native plants, which were being utilized by the people for the treatment of different diseases. The ethnomedicinal uses of 80 plant species belonging to 49 families were recorded during field trips from the research area. The cultivated medicinal plants consists of 21 species. The checklist and ethnomedicinal inventory was developed alphabetically by botanical name, followed by local name, family, part used and ethnomedicinal uses. Plant specimens were collected, identified, preserved, mounted and voucher was deposited in the Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, for future references
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