8 research outputs found

    A strong construction of S-box using Mandelbrot set an image encryption scheme

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    The substitution box (S-box) plays a vital role in creating confusion during the encryption process of digital data. The quality of encryption schemes depends upon the S-box. There have been several attempts to enhance the quality of the S-box by using fractal chaotic mechanisms. However, there is still weakness in the robustness against cryptanalysis of fractal-based S-boxes. Due to their chaotic behavior, fractals are frequently employed to achieve randomness by confusion and diffusion process. A complex number-based S-box and a chaotic map diffusion are proposed to achieve high nonlinearity and low correlation. This study proposed a Mandelbrot set S-box construction based on the complex number and Chen chaotic map for resisting cryptanalytic attacks by creating diffusion in our proposed algorithm. The cryptosystem was built on the idea of substitution permutation networks (SPN). The complex nature of the proposed S-box makes it more random than other chaotic maps. The robustness of the proposed system was analyzed by different analysis properties of the S-box, such as nonlinearity, strict avalanche criterion, Bit independent criterion, and differential and linear probability. Moreover, to check the strength of the proposed S-box against differential and brute force attacks, we performed image encryption with the proposed S-box. The security analysis was performed, including statistical attack analysis and NIST analysis. The analysis results show that the proposed system achieves high-security standards than existing schemes

    Long short term memory deep net performance on fused Planet-Scope and Sentinel-2 imagery for detection of agricultural crop

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    In view of the challenges faced by organizations and departments concerned with agricultural capacity observations, we collected In-Situ data consisting of diverse crops (More than 11 consumable vegetation types) in our pilot region of Harichand Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. Our proposed Long Short-Term Memory based Deep Neural network model was trained for land cover land use statistics generation using the acquired ground truth data, for a synergy between Planet-Scope Dove and European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2. Total of 4 bands from both sentinel-2 and planet scope including Red, Green, Near-Infrared (NIR) and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were used for classification purpose. Using short temporal frame of Sentinel-2 comprising 5 date images, we propose an realistic and implementable procedure for generating accurate crop statistics using remote sensing. Our self collected data-set consists of a total number of 107,899 pixels which was further split into 70% and 30% for training and testing purpose of the model respectively. The collected data is in the shape of field parcels, which has been further split for training, validation and test sets, to avoid spatial auto-correlation. To ensure the quality and accuracy 15% of the training data was left out for validation purpose, and 15% for testing. Prediction was also performed on our trained model and visual analysis of the area from the image showed significant results. Further more a comparison between Sentinel-2 time series is performed separately from the fused Planet-Scope and Sentinel-2 time-series data sets. The results achieved shows a weighted average of 93% for Sentinel-2 time series and 97% for fused Planet-Scope and Sentinel-2 time series.Web of Science182art. no. e027189

    Security Challenges of Location Privacy in VANETs and State-of-the-Art Solutions: A Survey

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    A Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) comprises a group of moving or stationary vehicles connected by a wireless network. VANETs play a vital role in providing safety and comfort to drivers in vehicular environments. They provide smart traffic control and real-time information, event allocation. VANETs have received attention in support of safe driving, intelligent navigation, emergency and entertainment applications in vehicles. Nevertheless, these increasingly linked vehicles pose a range of new safety and security risks to both the host and its associated properties and may even have fatal consequences. Violations of national privacy and vehicle identities are a major obstacle to introducing forced contact protocols in vehicles. Location privacy refers to the privacy of the vehicle (driver) and the location of the vehicle. Whenever a vehicle sends a message, no one but authorized entities should know their real identity and location of the vehicle. All the messages sent by the vehicle must be authenticated before processing, hence location privacy is an important design aspect to be considered in VANETs operations. The novelty of this paper is that it specifically reviews location privacy in VANETs in terms of operational and safety concerns. Furthermore, it presents a critical analysis of various attacks, identity thefts, manipulation and other techniques in vogue for location privacy protection available in state-of-the-art solutions for VANETs. The efforts in this paper will help researchers to develop a great breadth of understanding pertaining to location privacy issues and various security threats encountered by VANETs and present the critical analysis of the available state-of-the- art solutions to maintain location privacy in VANETs

    Tragedi kebocoran gas ammonia di Melaka - satu tinjauan

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    Berita kejadian kebocoran gas ammonia telah gamat dipaparkan dalam media massa tempatan pada tahun 1989. Tragedi tersebut dikatakan kejadian yang keempat berlaku di kilang yang sama dan mungkin yang paling serius sekali pernah berlaku setakat ini. Kali ini kita bernasib baik kerana tidak ada kemalangan jiwa yang berlaku. Tetapi bagaimana pula pada masa akan datang? Ini adalah satu tanda tanya yang kritikal yang memerlukan jawapan yang teliti dan tepat

    ABKS-PBM: Attribute-based keyword search with partial bilinear map

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    The way services offered by cloud computing gets its unprecedented and undisputed popularity, so its security concerns. Among them the storage as service model (SaaS) is of the forefront of these concerns. SaaS liberates individuals and enterprises from management of IT infrastructure and data centers to concentrate on their core business. Because of untrusted and out-of-premise architecture users are reluctant to outsource their personal and important data. Encryption before outsourcing addresses some of these issues but at the same time strips the data of its useful operation such as sharing and searching. Now to address this issue, the combination of keyword based searchable encryption (KSE) and attribute-based encryption (ABE) leads to an attribute-based keyword searching (ABKS). The resultant combined concept is capable of fine-grained search operation in the multi-owner/multi-user (M/M) setting. However, the underlying costly pairing operation and complex secret sharing mechanism of ABE makes it unsuitable in practical application for resource-limited devices. On top of it, in most of the existing ABKS schemes the size of the secret key and its associated pairing operation linearly expands to the number of attributes. This paper aims at presenting a novel ABKS scheme with pairing-free access verification and constant size secret key based on AND gate access structure and ciphertext-policy (CP) framework. The security of the proposed work is reduced to the standard Decisional Diffie-Hellmen (DDH) assumption, and also collision free and error tolerant. Finally, the performance evaluation and experimental results shows that the proposed scheme improved the overall efficiency and communication overhead

    A Versatile Resilience Packet Ring Protocol Model for Homogeneous Networks

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    Optimizing routes and paths improves network performance. Due to the encapsulation and tunneling of the packets, mobile IP-based communication contributes to packet drops or significant delays between the sender and receiver. Packet loss during handoff reduces TCP throughput as well. One solution is to use the IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol and TCP or UDP models to increase routing protocol performance. In the linkage of homogeneous networks, it is challenging to determine route failure. In addition, the 802.11 MAC also uses a link connection. As a result, re-covering the entire route path takes a longer time. Thus, improving wired and wireless mobile node communication and handover is both challenging and critical. To overcome this challenge, we propose to use the Versatile Resilience Packet Ring protocol (VRPR)-based model. In this paper, we propose a novel VRPR-based network model that allows uninterrupted communication in both wired and wireless media. VRPR is used in the network layer to avoid buffer overflow and client mobility. Our new model also identifies the cause of the route failure, whether it is due to client mobility (handover), due to link breakage (channel degradation), or due to buffer overflow. We evaluate our network model based on three performance factors, namely, the delay, packet, and packet loss, and compared it between wired and wireless media. Our Enhanced-VRPR-based network model outperforms the current VRPR wired and wireless network models. We validate our model through OMNet++ simulations

    Acceptance rate, hesitancy and comorbidities in pregnant women: A COVID-19 vaccination status

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    We analyzed the electronic data (e-data) of n=5231 vaccinated candidates including n=3671 males and n=1560 females. We studied the COVID-19 vaccine brands such as Sino pharm, CanSino, SinoVac, Moderna and Pfizer. We noted adverse effects in post-vaccinated candidates were Instability in blood pressure 29.5%, Swelling 3.5%, Redness 14.2%, Itching 7.13%, and Rashes 2.4%. Comorbidities in the vaccinated candidates such as Hypertension 33%, Diabetes mellitus 17%, Kidney disease 42%, and Chronic respiratory disease 9%. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy 1153, 22% and Non-Hesitant 4078, 77%. We analyzed the e-data of COVID-19 vaccinated candidates, the acknowledgement of COVID-19 immunization in pregnant women. Worrying about vaccine safety was the significant justification for hesitancy. Recognizing mentalities among study groups will be valuable for coming up with vaccine strategies that increment the ongoing pandemic