1,421 research outputs found

    A study to evaluate the demographic profile of voluntary and replacement blood donors at tertiary care hospital in Mumbai, India: a 5-year retrospective comparative analysis

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    Background: Blood donor base is the foundation of any blood transfusion system. Donor screening plays an important role in ensuring the safety of the blood supply.1 This study was undertaken with the aim to screen the blood donor’s demographic profile as male, female voluntary and replacement blood donors and to estimate seroprevalence of HIV, HBV, HCV and VDRL transmissible by blood transfusion in voluntary and replacement male and female blood donors during the last 5 year period.Methods: The present study was conducted over a period of 5 years (2001-2005) and involved 1,53,020 blood donors including both (voluntary, replacement males and females) who were thoroughly screened and selected for blood donation in blood bank at Departments of Pathology, Seth GS Medical College and KEM hospital, Mumbai. We determine among blood donors by their donor type (voluntary and replacement type) and gender wise.Results: The total number of blood donors in five years period was 1,53,020 (100%). Maximum number of voluntary  blood donors 1,00,316 (65.55%), followed by replacement blood donors 52,704 (34.33%).The overwhelming majority of donors in entire 5 years period was of male, comprising 1,36,195 (89.0%), while the female donors comprised of 16825 (10.99%).Conclusions: The maximum number of donors are voluntary males (55.69%) followed by replacement males (33.30%). Our results indicate that the number of female blood donors were less in comparison to male blood donors, so proper health education is required for female blood donors

    Efficacy and tolerability of eperisone versus tizanidine in patients suffering from low back pain with muscle spasm

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    Background: Low back pain (LBP), a high prevalent condition, is usually associated with 'muscle spasm' that is responsible for giving rise to pain. Eperisone hydrochloride is widely used for treatment associated muscle stiffness and pain. The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy and safety of eperisone tablets 50 mg three times daily versus tizanidine 2 mg tablets thrice daily for the treatment of low back pain with muscle spasm.Methods: The study was carried in 50 patients from a private hospital at Mumbai. Only patients satisfying the inclusion criteria were enrolled into the study. Subjects suffering from low back pain with spasm were divided in two groups. The patients were then followed up on Day-14.Results: Patients receiving eperisone showed a mean value of 16.48±1.15 in the Roland Morris low back pain and disability questionnaire both groups on day 1 and was reduced to 7.92±1.15 (51.94%) on day 7 and 2.56±1.53 (84.46%) on day 14. Similarly, the patients in tizanidine group had mean value of 15.96±1.62 on day 1, which was reduced to 6.76±1.66 (57.64%) on day 7, and 2.88±1.92 (81.95%) on day 14, as similar to eperisone group. There was no statistical significant difference between the two groups, (p>0.05) for pain at rest, pain at night, restriction of movement, changes in stiffness, changes in numbness and changes in tenderness. There was statistical significant difference between the two groups, (p<0.05) for pain on movement and kinesalgia.Conclusions: Eperisone was found to be comparable to Tizanidine in improving the signs and symptoms of changes in pain Self-assessment by the patient on different applied parameters

    using management information system to evaluate quality of care at tertiary care hospital’s stroke centre

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    To find out the average length of stay, the rate of I/V catheter cellulites, the rate of bed sores among patients in stroke centre and determine the mortality rates. Methodology: This is a descriptive study, carried out at a tertiary care hospital over the period of six months. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 15.0. Result: Total numbers of patients were 36 from January 1 to June 30, 2007 at Stroke Center Liaquat National Hospital. The mean length of stay was 8.17 ±5.81 days. Patients had cellulitis (intravenous) 97.2%, only 2.8% of patients did not develop. The rate of bed sore was 41.7%. Conclusion: By effective implementation of the Management Information System (MIS) in health care delivery system we can find patients clinical issues and can reduce their length of stay

    A novel track-drive mobile robotic framework for conducting projects on robotics and control systems

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    This paper presents a novel robotic framework to help students to practically grasp the concepts of Robotics and Control Systems in a laboratory environment. The framework is centered on a robotic rover having two tank-like tracks which permit locomotion on uneven terrains. The sensory system consists of encoders for position feedback while the actuation system comprises of six precise DC motors. To enhance the learning outcomes of students and to permit readily realizaion of applications, developed software library supports three different command levels. The efficacy of the framework has been demonstrated by presenting a list of projects conducted on the framework. In particular, as a case-study, a project titled tether tracking and control of robotic rover has been detailed in the paper with presentation of experimental results. The pilot study indicated that incorporating the framework in robotics laboratory resulted in an efficient methodology of imparting interdisciplinary knowledge to engineering students. Additionally, the framework finds its potential in research of advanced robotic and control algorithms

    ‘Spoon-Fed’ Versus Self-Directed Learning in an Arab Context

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    Letter to the Edito

    Optical and Hybrid Imaging and Processing for Big Data Problems

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    (First paragraph) The scientific community has been dealing with big data for a long time. Due to advancement in sensing, networking, and storage technology, other domains such as business, health, and social media followed. Data are considered the gold of the 21st century and are being collected, stored, and analyzed at a rapid pace. The amount of data being collected creates a compelling case for investing in hardware and software research to support generating even more data from new sensors and with better quality. It also creates a compelling case for investing in research and development of new hardware and software for data analytics. This special section of Optical Engineering explores the optical and hybrid imaging and processing technology that will enable capturing and analyzing large amounts of data or help stream the data for further exploration and analysis

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Optical Information Processing: Introduction to the Feature Issue

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    This special feature issue covers the intersection of topical areas in artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) and optics. The papers broadly span the current state-of-the-art advances in areas including image recognition, signal and image processing, machine inspection/vision and automotive as well as areas of traditional optical sensing, interferometry and imaging

    The Impact of Microfinance Institution on Development of Small and Medium Enterprises: a Case Study of Lagos State

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    The major target of this study is to evaluate the effect of Microfinance Institution (MFIs) on the development of SMEs (Small and medium enterprises) in Lagos state Nigeria. Simple random techniques of sampling were employed in this study in selecting 70 SMEs which constituted the size of the sample of the research. To facilitate the obtaining of relevant data that was used for analysis in this study, a structured questionnaire was designed. Descriptive statistics involving simple graphical charts and tables were strategically applied in presentation and analysis of data. The outcome of the findings indicates that a large number of SMEs are benefiting from the loans granted by the MFIs, despite the fact that few of them have sufficient ability to secure the needed amount. Interestingly, most of the SMEs admit positive MFIs loans contribution towards advancing their market share, the economic competitive advantage of the company and achieving market excellence through product innovation
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