8 research outputs found

    Life quality of sick people affected by endometriosis in the conditions of medicamental ovariectomy by applying a new method of add-back therapy

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    During the last decades a gold standard of the treatment of endometriosis is considered to be the application of agonist gonadotrophin-releasing hormones (a-GnRH), but in connection with a great number of side effects, its application is reduced. To solve the problem it’s necessary to search new methods of add-back therapy. The aim of the research was to carry out the analysis of life quality of sick women affected by endometriosis in the conditions of medical ovariectomy by applying a new method of add-back therapy. To treat 25 patients affected by peritoneal endometriosis - the third degree (classification AFS of 1985) - a-GnRH, containing 3,6 mg Acetate Gozerelin was applied. The course of treatment included 6 injections of zoladex. After 2-3 injections, because -of evidence of Zoladex side effects, the patients were prescribed the combined oral contraceptive containing 0,02 mg Ethinyl Estradiol and 0,15 mg Dezogestrel - a medicine Novynett in a continuous regimen. Earlier Novynett wasn’t applied with the similar purpose, but the drugs of replaceable hormonal therapy were applied for add-back therapy. 52 % of patients were prescribed the treatment during first 10 days after the operative intervention. We estimated the efficiency of a-GnRH therapy in case of peritoneal endometriosis on the ground of questioning, gynaecologic examination, echoscopy researches. In 4 weeks after beginning of treatment such symptoms, as dysmenorrhea, "smearing" discharges before menses, hypermenorrhea, hyperpolymenorrhea were cut off. The total absence of a painful syndrome is noted after 20 weeks from the beginning of a-GnRH treatment. During the treatment of a-GnRH all patients suffered various side effects. Such symptoms, as hot flushes, hyperhidrosis, depression, peripheric edemas, insomnia, giddiness, weight- increase, complaints of headache were increasing. In 4-8 weeks from the beginning of treatment appeared the complaints of heart pains, enlargement or diminution of mammary glands, seborrhea, hirsutism, nausea, myalgia, nervousness, and cases of increasing of a systolic BP on the average to 160 mmHg, diastolic - to 100 mmHg. Most patients had the combination of several symptoms (hot flushes and hyperhidrosis etc.). To correct the side effects we used Novynett which was prescribed to 15 patients to be taken continiously after 2 Zoladexinjections. During Novynett intake more than 50 % of patients noted the reduction of such symptoms, as libido decrease, headaches, emotional lability, hot flushes, hyperhidrosis, and insomnia. By the end of the treatment course the patients did not complain to depression, acneea, mialgia, diminution of mammary glands. 10 patients did not receive side back therapy. 8 patients had contraindications for its application, 2 patients refused to applicate it in connection with satisfactory state of health. The patients who didn’t take Novynett, complained to headaches, heart pains, hot flushes, hyperhidrosis, emotional lability, liftings of arterial pressure during the whole period of a-GnRH treatment. The side effects of various characters and the degree of the evidence in response of application of Zoladex affected all patients and led to necessity of side back therapy by 88% of patients. The application of microdosed COOK Novynett stopped effectively side effects that suffered sick people affected by peritoneal endometriosis during a-GnRH treatment


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    The evolution of the concept of education for sustainable development is the response of UNESCO to the changes that are taking place in the modern world. Education has a major role in creating the changes needed to achieve sustainable development. In the interests of sustainable development, education is in many ways the process of upbringing a literate person with an active social stand who is able to think critically, assess the situation and predict the consequences of his or her activities in terms of negative impact on social development and the environment. The main goal that education sets in terms of sustainable development is to provide individuals of any age with the opportunity to influence the quality of life by acquiring relevant competencies and be responsible for building a stable future. In the proposed article, the authors set a goal - to determine the stages of formation and development of the information personality in modern conditions. The study describes in detail the pedagogical conditions for the development of information competence of teachers and students in order to introduce pedagogical web engineering to the system of general secondary education. The authors also propose to consider the necessary conditions that affect the development of information competence among participants in the educational process in general secondary education institutions. With a view to creating the necessary infrastructure for organizing pedagogical web engineering, the authors share their experience in developing an Internet portal, which will provide an opportunity for participants in the educational process to use various sets of web tools, web services, syndication, and another series of tools for embedding extraneous content. The Internet portal in question is a "cloud" service, based on web 2.0 technology. The article describes in detail the functional blocks of our Internet portal and the advantages of its introduction to the educational process