457 research outputs found

    Self-correction of 3D reconstruction from multi-view stereo images

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    We present a self-correction approach to improving the 3D reconstruction of a multi-view 3D photogrammetry system. The self-correction approach has been able to repair the reconstructed 3D surface damaged by depth discontinuities. Due to self-occlusion, multi-view range images have to be acquired and integrated into a watertight nonredundant mesh model in order to cover the extended surface of an imaged object. The integrated surface often suffers from “dent” artifacts produced by depth discontinuities in the multi-view range images. In this paper we propose a novel approach to correcting the 3D integrated surface such that the dent artifacts can be repaired automatically. We show examples of 3D reconstruction to demonstrate the improvement that can be achieved by the self-correction approach. This self-correction approach can be extended to integrate range images obtained from alternative range capture devices

    Comparison of the accuracy of voxel based registration and surface based registration for 3D assessment of surgical change following orthognathic surgery

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    Purpose: Superimposition of two dimensional preoperative and postoperative facial images, including radiographs and photographs, are used to evaluate the surgical changes after orthognathic surgery. Recently, three dimensional (3D) imaging has been introduced allowing more accurate analysis of surgical changes. Surface based registration and voxel based registration are commonly used methods for 3D superimposition. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the accuracy of the two methods.<p></p> Materials and methods: Pre-operative and 6 months post-operative cone beam CT scan (CBCT) images of 31 patients were randomly selected from the orthognathic patient database at the Dental Hospital and School, University of Glasgow, UK. Voxel based registration was performed on the DICOM images (Digital Imaging Communication in Medicine) using Maxilim software (Medicim-Medical Image Computing, Belgium). Surface based registration was performed on the soft and hard tissue 3D models using VRMesh (VirtualGrid, Bellevue City, WA). The accuracy of the superimposition was evaluated by measuring the mean value of the absolute distance between the two 3D image surfaces. The results were statistically analysed using a paired Student t-test, ANOVA with post-hoc Duncan test, a one sample t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient test.<p></p> Results: The results showed no significant statistical difference between the two superimposition methods (p<0.05). However surface based registration showed a high variability in the mean distances between the corresponding surfaces compared to voxel based registration, especially for soft tissue. Within each method there was a significant difference between superimposition of the soft and hard tissue models.<p></p> Conclusions: There were no significant statistical differences between the two registration methods and it was unlikely to have any clinical significance. Voxel based registration was associated with less variability. Registering on the soft tissue in isolation from the hard tissue may not be a true reflection of the surgical change

    Assessing the outcome of orthognathic surgery by three-dimensional soft tissue analysis

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    Studies of orthognathic surgery often focus on pre-surgical versus post-surgical changes in facial shape. In contrast, this study provides an innovative comparison between post-surgical and control shape. Forty orthognathic surgery patients were included, who underwent three different types of surgical correction: Le Fort I maxillary advancement, bilateral sagittal split mandibular advancement, and bimaxillary advancement surgery. Control facial images were captured from volunteers from local communities in Glasgow, with patterns of age, sex, and ethnic background that matched those of the surgical patients. Facial models were fitted and Procrustes registration and principal components analysis used to allow quantitative analysis, including the comparison of group mean shape and mean asymmetry. The primary characteristic of the difference in shape was found to be residual mandibular prognathism in the group of female patients who underwent Le Fort I maxillary advancement. Individual cases were assessed against this type of shape difference, using a quantitative scale to aid clinical audit. Analysis of the combined surgical groups provided strong evidence that surgery reduces asymmetry in some parts of the face such as the upper lip region. No evidence was found that mean asymmetry in post-surgical patients is greater than that in controls

    Accuracy of generic mesh conformation: the future of facial morphological analysis

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    Three-dimensional (3D) analysis of the face is required for the assessment of changes following surgery, to monitor the progress of pathological conditions and for the evaluation of facial growth. Sophisticated methods have been applied for the evaluation of facial morphology, the most common being dense surface correspondence. The method depends on the application of a mathematical facial mask known as the generic facial mesh for the evaluation of the characteristics of facial morphology. This study evaluated the accuracy of the conformation of generic mesh to the underlying facial morphology. The study was conducted on 10 non-patient volunteers. Thirty-four 2-mm-diameter self-adhesive, non-reflective markers were placed on each face. These were readily identifiable on the captured 3D facial image, which was captured by Di3D stereophotogrammetry. The markers helped in minimising digitisation errors during the conformation process. For each case, the face was captured six times: at rest and at the maximum movements of four facial expressions. The 3D facial image of each facial expression was analysed. Euclidean distances between the 19 corresponding landmarks on the conformed mesh and on the original 3D facial model provided a measure of the accuracy of the conformation process. For all facial expressions and all corresponding landmarks, these distances were between 0.7 and 1.7 mm. The absolute mean distances ranged from 0.73 to 1.74 mm. The mean absolute error of the conformation process was 1.13 ± 0.26 mm. The conformation of the generic facial mesh is accurate enough for clinical trial proved to be accurate enough for the analysis of the captured 3D facial images

    The virtual human face – superimposing the simultaneously captured 3D photorealistic skin surface of the face on the untextured skin image of the CBCT Scan

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of simultaneous capture of the three-dimensional (3D) surface of the face and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan of the skull on the accuracy of their registration and superimposition. 3D facial images were acquired in 14 patients using the Di3d (Dimensional Imaging, UK) imaging system and i-CAT CBCT scanner. One stereophotogrammetry image was captured at the same time as the CBCT and another one hour later. The two stereophotographs were then individually superimposed over the CBCT using VRmesh. Seven patches were isolated on the final merged surfaces. For the whole face and each individual patch; maximum and minimum range of deviation between surfaces, absolute average distance between surfaces, and standard deviation for the 90th percentile of the distance errors were calculated. The superimposition errors of the whole face for both captures revealed statistically significant differences (P=0.00081). The absolute average distances in both separate and simultaneous captures were 0.47mm and 0.27mm, respectively. The level of superimposition accuracy in patches from separate captures ranged between 0.3 and 0.9mm, while that of simultaneous captures was 0.4mm. Simultaneous capture of Di3d and CBCT images significantly improved the accuracy of superimposition of these image modalities

    'Direct DICOM slice landmarking' a novel research technique to quantify skeletal changes in orthognathic surgery

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    The limitations of the current methods of quantifying the surgical movements of facial bones inspired this study. The aim of this study was the assessment of the accuracy and reproducibility of directly landmarking of 3D DICOM images (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) to quantify the changes in the jaw bones following surgery. The study was carried out on plastic skull to simulate the surgical movements of the jaw bones. Cone beam CT scans were taken at 3mm, 6mm, and 9mm maxillary advancement; together with a 2mm, 4mm, 6mm and 8mm “down graft” which in total generated 12 different positions of the maxilla for the analysis. The movements of the maxilla were calculated using two methods, the standard approach where distances between surface landmarks on the jaw bones were measured and the novel approach where measurements were taken directly from the internal structures of the corresponding 3D DICOME slices. A one sample t-test showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the two methods of measurements for the y and z directions, however, the x direction showed a significant difference. The mean difference between the two absolute measurements were 0.34±0.20mm, 0.22±0.16mm, 0.18±0.13mm in the y, z and x directions respectively. In conclusion, the direct landmarking of 3D DICOM image slices is a reliable, reproducible and informative method for assessment of the 3D skeletal changes. The method has a clear clinical application which includes the analysis of the jaw movements “orthognathic surgery” for the correction of facial deformities

    The validity of using surface meshes for evaluation of three-dimensional maxillary and mandibular surgical changes

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    The three-dimensional (3D) changes in hard tissue position following orthognathic surgery have been reported using 3D cephalometry, changes in volume, principal component analysis, and changes based on the surface model of the hard tissue. The aim of this study was to determine the validity of using surface models as a method of assessing positional changes of the maxilla and mandible. The actual unidirectional movement of the maxilla (advancement or downgraft) and the mandible (advancement), together with bidirectional movement of the maxilla (simultaneous advancement and downgraft) were simulated on a plastic skull. Following cone beam computed tomography scanning of each surgical simulation, the actual surgical movement was compared to the analysis based on surface model movement using the mean absolute distance of all points, the 90th percentile, and the root mean square (RMS) distance. All three methods of assessment of analysis consistently underestimated the actual amount of surgical movement. The movement was approximately one-third to one-half of the actual surgical movement. The use of surface meshes and point-to-point measurements grossly underestimates the 3D changes in the maxilla and mandible in simulated surgical procedures. Currently there are limitations in fully describing the true positional changes of the maxilla or the mandible in three dimensions

    Validation of a new method for building a three-dimensional physical model of the skull and dentition

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    We present a new method for replicating the skull and occlusal surface with an accurate physical model that could be used for planning orthognathic surgery. The investigation was made on 6 human skulls, and a polyvinyl splint was fabricated on the dental cast of the maxillary dentition in each case. A cone beam computed tomogram (CBCT) was taken of each skull and a three-dimensional replica produced. The distorted dentition (as a result of magnification errors and streak artefacts) was removed from the three-dimensional model and replaced by new plaster dentition that was fabricated using the polyvinyl splint and a transfer jig replication technique. To verify the accuracy of the method the human skulls and the three dimensional replica model, with the new plaster dentition in situ, were scanned using a laser scanner. The three-dimensional images produced were superimposed to identify the errors associated with the replacement of the distorted occlusal surface with the new plaster dentition. The overall mean error was 0.72 and SD was (0.26) mm. The accuracy of the method encouraged us to use it clinically in a case of pronounced facial asymmetry